The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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  • Crazy

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  • Christian

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You don't want to understand, is that it, how the others think? They believe in the one God, creator of ALL ALL ALL ALL.

The scriptures that say that one god is the creator of ALL ALL ALL were written at a time when ALL ALL ALL meant the lands around the Mediterranean Sea. The idea of endless stars and planets was not known and understood at the time. People didn't even realize that the Earth was round and that there were two unknown continents on the other side, let alone that there were countless other worlds.

Your comment is myopic to the question. Folks today know the endlessness of creation yet more than a billion believe in the one God Who created all. When you talk about many gods, they feel as if you are spitting on Jesus. I am not exaggerating; that is how mainline Christians feel about the issue of many or endless gods. To them you slight scriptures and insult God, and that is why they sometimes get very emotional about the issue. You don't have to agree but you should truly try to understand.
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You don't want to understand, is that it, how the others think? They believe in the one God, creator of ALL ALL ALL ALL.

The scriptures that say that one god is the creator of ALL ALL ALL were written at a time when ALL ALL ALL meant the lands around the Mediterranean Sea. The idea of endless stars and planets was not known and understood at the time. People didn't even realize that the Earth was round and that there were two unknown continents on the other side, let alone that there were countless other worlds.

Your comment is myopic to the question. Folks today know the endlessness of creation yet more than a billion believe in the one God Who created all. When you talk about many gods, they feel as if you are spitting on Jesus. I am not exaggerating; that is how mainline Christians feel about the issue of many or endless gods. To them you slight scriptures and insult God, and that is why they sometimes get very emotional about the issue. You don't have to agree but you should truly try to understand.

Folks today who know of endless creation, and yet believe that only one god created it all are basing their opinions on scripture written long before anyone understood that there could even be other worlds. That's why modern revelation is important: God could not reveal everything to people of limited understanding, and still can't There are no doubt many things to be revealed, as we become ready.

It's not "spitting on Jesus" to say that he is not alone. Why would he want to be alone? Is he some kind of hermit or something?
The scriptures that say that one god is the creator of ALL ALL ALL were written at a time when ALL ALL ALL meant the lands around the Mediterranean Sea. The idea of endless stars and planets was not known and understood at the time. People didn't even realize that the Earth was round and that there were two unknown continents on the other side, let alone that there were countless other worlds.

Your comment is myopic to the question. Folks today know the endlessness of creation yet more than a billion believe in the one God Who created all. When you talk about many gods, they feel as if you are spitting on Jesus. I am not exaggerating; that is how mainline Christians feel about the issue of many or endless gods. To them you slight scriptures and insult God, and that is why they sometimes get very emotional about the issue. You don't have to agree but you should truly try to understand.

Folks today who know of endless creation, and yet believe that only one god created it all are basing their opinions on scripture written long before anyone understood that there could even be other worlds. That's why modern revelation is important: God could not reveal everything to people of limited understanding, and still can't There are no doubt many things to be revealed, as we become ready.

It's not "spitting on Jesus" to say that he is not alone. Why would he want to be alone? Is he some kind of hermit or something?

Not to you it isn't. But if you talk down to them, you will not get the result you desire. Certainly not if you equate Him with a "hermit."

That's my point. You are not getting it.
So your emphatic "No he isn't!" changed to a "Maybe, in time, but probably not yet?"?
You must brush up on your reading comprehension skills. my emphatic "no he isn't" referred to the comment claiming we believe Joseph Smith is "God", not "a god". please read all the lettering in my sentencing.

If Joe can't cut it as a god of another planet then what Mormon can make it? He's your founder/prophet................If you have your quibbles whether J. Smith will become a god, then you don't have much to stand on in your belief system.
We never said anything about Joseph "not being able to cut it". It's just completely irrelevant to speculate about Joseph's plight in the afterlife. His purpose that has much to do with our salvation are the teachings he received from Jesus during his mortal life on earth. Beyond that is not necessary for us to know.

Also, "We have our reasons for believing....." is about as deflective or vague as one can be in response.

On the contrary. The reasons i've said are the same reasons I've said since november of 2008. There's nothing in that statement that doesn't blanket all the doctrines i've already laid out in this thread. There is no hint of deflection.

Biblical believing Christians know exactly why they believe and can articulate it clearly, and it isn't vague.
"Biblical Christians" is a vague term.:lol:

But what is it that you don't understand about our doctrines that seems so vague? Really? I haven't been as clear as noon day on this? Gimme a break.

For 2,000 years the words withing the bible have transforming lives, bringing peace, strength, and major change from pride to humility to souls, but it isn't enough for the Mormon.

That's right, the Book of Mormon isn't enough either, because man shall not live by bread or books alone, but by every word which proceedeth from the mouth of God, whose words never cease.

The Mormon wants to jump the Creator/created canyon and ururpt the "One God" Yahweh who said through His Son that there will and isn't any other Gods before me.

No we don't. We don't have any gods before Him. He is "The Most High". So if he is the "Most High" then logic would dictate that there are other gods who are "high" but not the "Most High". Genesis tried to make it clear by saying "let us" create man in "our" image. But the plural uses have some how escaped you. Disagree if you like but forgive us for interpreting that literally instead of wresting the scriptures as you have done.

Intelligent design didn't come from a fallible human being who became a god.

Were you there? so then how can you prove otherwise? You believe one thing. We believe another. God knows.

Also the reference that Mormons love to quote from Jesus about the reminder to the Jews that they were referred to as gods, is totally used with a complete lack of scriptural/cultural understanding of the use of the word, "gods" in reference to the Jews. Any good bible theologian knows that.

Do they?

It is a poor attempt to hold-together their blasphemous doctrine of ascending to godhood through works or any means.

"What manner of men ought ye to be? Verily verily I say unto you? Even as I AM."

That's a commandment for us to be like Him. Not a suggestion. So how can we be like Him if we don't receive all He has? How can we keep a commandment that is impossible? Simply, it is possible only through Jesus.

The clay can never become the Potter. The Potter knows whats best for the clay and will do with it as He pleases as He is without sin, is Holy, and omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.
Again your logic and analogy is fatally flawed. The potter is a live person. Clay is an object to be acted upon. We are not clay. We are the Potters children.

Mormons want to become potters, or God. This is blasphemous teaching, would be considered apostatesy in the Christian church of the Apostles day as well as now.

Yes we do want to become potters. But more importantly, God wants us to have all He has. It wasn't our idea. God knows.
Your comment is myopic to the question. Folks today know the endlessness of creation yet more than a billion believe in the one God Who created all. When you talk about many gods, they feel as if you are spitting on Jesus. I am not exaggerating; that is how mainline Christians feel about the issue of many or endless gods. To them you slight scriptures and insult God, and that is why they sometimes get very emotional about the issue. You don't have to agree but you should truly try to understand.

Folks today who know of endless creation, and yet believe that only one god created it all are basing their opinions on scripture written long before anyone understood that there could even be other worlds. That's why modern revelation is important: God could not reveal everything to people of limited understanding, and still can't There are no doubt many things to be revealed, as we become ready.

It's not "spitting on Jesus" to say that he is not alone. Why would he want to be alone? Is he some kind of hermit or something?

Not to you it isn't. But if you talk down to them, you will not get the result you desire. Certainly not if you equate Him with a "hermit."

That's my point. You are not getting it.

People who get incensed because someone believes differently than they do have a problem they will have to answer to God for.

People who are in the business of condemning others who believe differently to an endless Hell, have a problem they will have to answer for to God.

One of the greatest dangers of all mankind is to judge others when they are the ones who will be judged. That's how people "miss the mark" so to speak. Focusing on others beliefs when they should be focusing on their own. God is not the god of one group of people. He is everyone's god, even if they don't worship Him. He will judge with respect to all the factors we never consider. That is why we better not judge others.

It is a common mistake made everyday by people who gain a little knowledge, to immediately suppose that they have more than they really have. Then pride sets in and they assume the judgment seat of God and commit great sin.

This is truth!!!! Who will hear it! I am happy to stand judgment at the last day for this last statement!
No, the issue is not with more than a billion folks who think you are mocking Jesus, truthspeaker. The issue is with those who believe they can present a discussion without keeping in mind the issue in the first statement. That is the only issue in play.

Your missionaries would be moe successful if they understood this about their subject audience.
No, the issue is not with more than a billion folks who think you are mocking Jesus, truthspeaker. The issue is with those who believe they can present a discussion without keeping in mind the issue in the first statement. That is the only issue in play.

Your missionaries would be moe successful if they understood this about their subject audience.

They've done a good job as is. And I would venture to say that they do understand said issue.
No, the issue is not with more than a billion folks who think you are mocking Jesus, truthspeaker. The issue is with those who believe they can present a discussion without keeping in mind the issue in the first statement. That is the only issue in play.

Your missionaries would be moe successful if they understood this about their subject audience.

We mock Jesus by teaching about his Atonement? By teaching His life, death, and resurrection? By serving Him? And by teaching others to do the same?

Ever consider that it's not us that has the problem there?
Mormons are a bunch of imbecile douchers. Golden plates, magic underwear... you couldn't be dumber if you tried.

Thank you for your insightful remarks. It's clear you've done your research. Everyone!!! Hear Hear!! I have an announcement to make! It is Booster Bob that has finally made me realize that my religion is false. My life is now wrecked and my foundation crumbled. How will I go on with life:confused:

All this time. Thanks Bob:clap2:
No, the issue is not with more than a billion folks who think you are mocking Jesus, truthspeaker. The issue is with those who believe they can present a discussion without keeping in mind the issue in the first statement. That is the only issue in play.

Your missionaries would be moe successful if they understood this about their subject audience.

We mock Jesus by teaching about his Atonement? By teaching His life, death, and resurrection? By serving Him? And by teaching others to do the same?

Ever consider that it's not us that has the problem there?

You are making your determination by your standards without considering how potential evangelical, fundamentalist, and other conservative Christians "understand" what you are saying about the Christ.

That is simply foolish.
Mormons are a bunch of imbecile douchers. Golden plates, magic underwear... you couldn't be dumber if you tried.

Thank you for your insightful remarks. It's clear you've done your research. Everyone!!! Hear Hear!! I have an announcement to make! It is Booster Bob that has finally made me realize that my religion is false. My life is now wrecked and my foundation crumbled. How will I go on with life:confused:

All this time. Thanks Bob:clap2:

No problem, if you have any more delusions, don't hesitate to ask for my help.
Mormons are a bunch of imbecile douchers. Golden plates, magic underwear... you couldn't be dumber if you tried.

Thank you for your insightful remarks. It's clear you've done your research. Everyone!!! Hear Hear!! I have an announcement to make! It is Booster Bob that has finally made me realize that my religion is false. My life is now wrecked and my foundation crumbled. How will I go on with life:confused:

All this time. Thanks Bob:clap2:

Booster Bob aside: You might think seriously about the "foundation" of your faith.........What is it built upon? A solid rock or sand?
Booster Bob aside: You might think seriously about the "foundation" of your faith.........What is it built upon? A solid rock or sand?

Modern day prophecy is at least as firm of a foundation as Christianity itself. Do you believe that Jesus raised Lazerus, turned water into wine, and fed a whole crowd from one little kid's lunchpail? Was there really a universal flood? Did the human race spring from two individuals? Was Mary a virgin in the modern meaning of the word, or just a young woman who had yet to give birth? Are Jesus, the father, and the holy ghost one and the same? How can a father and son be the same entity?

No, if Christianity is correct, then Mormonism is most likely correct also.
What does the mormon Church believe about the worship and praising of Christ the son instead of El-Yahweh the Father?

Furthermore, what does the Mormon Church belive about the Sabbath and the Rapture?

What is the origin of the name `Jesus', and what is his real biblical name?

Does it agree with research in the linlks provided...Why?

Sunday is NOT the Sabbath!

From Sabbath to Sunday

Secret Rapture Truth - Bible Prophecy


Yeshua, the real name of Jesus

How Did the Name Jesus Originate?

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You are making your determination by your standards without considering how potential evangelical, fundamentalist, and other conservative Christians "understand" what you are saying about the Christ.

That is simply foolish.

No. What would be foolish would be caring what they think of my faith in Christ.

Let them worship according to the dictates of their hearts. If I can't convince them that my way is better, ill do what I can to help them serve Christ their way.
Mormons are a bunch of imbecile douchers. Golden plates, magic underwear... you couldn't be dumber if you tried.

Thank you for your insightful remarks. It's clear you've done your research. Everyone!!! Hear Hear!! I have an announcement to make! It is Booster Bob that has finally made me realize that my religion is false. My life is now wrecked and my foundation crumbled. How will I go on with life:confused:

All this time. Thanks Bob:clap2:

Booster Bob aside: You might think seriously about the "foundation" of your faith.........What is it built upon? A solid rock or sand?

It's built upon the testimony of the Apostles, that Jesus Christ, the Son of God was born in the Meridean of Time, preached the Gospel to the people of Palestine, Called 12 Apostles, among other disciples, and then suffered, atoned, and died for our sins, rising the third day. Everything else is an appendage to that.

I find Christ to be a very solid foundation. It's His Church. He guides it today.

The only main difference between us is that I believe that Christ still speaks and you deny revelation after the Bible.
Booster Bob aside: You might think seriously about the "foundation" of your faith.........What is it built upon? A solid rock or sand?

Modern day prophecy is at least as firm of a foundation as Christianity itself. Do you believe that Jesus raised Lazerus, turned water into wine, and fed a whole crowd from one little kid's lunchpail? Was there really a universal flood? Did the human race spring from two individuals? Was Mary a virgin in the modern meaning of the word, or just a young woman who had yet to give birth? Are Jesus, the father, and the holy ghost one and the same? How can a father and son be the same entity?

No, if Christianity is correct, then Mormonism is most likely correct also.

The beauty of it all is we don't have to remain in ignorance. We can study and ask the Lord and He will reveal Himself to us according to His time and pleasure.

In fact, I would contend that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has the strongest claim to being correct specifically because of revelation. We are to presume that the Lord who spoke so freely with those in the past have ceased to speak today? It's absurd. God doesn't love us any less today then He loved our Ancestors.

I find it amazing that despite the amount of times the Lord tells us to ask, search, etc. And makes it completely clear that the only way to know Him is through revelation from the Spirit, there are still many who would deny revelation and prophecy and according the Bible they believe "the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy". (Rev 19:10)

I've this point far better articulated by Oliver Cowdery than myself:

“No men, in their sober senses, could translate and write the directions given to the Nephites from the mouth of the Savior, of the precise manner in which men should build up His Church, and especially when corruption had spread an uncertainty over all forms and systems practiced among men, without desiring a privilege of showing the willingness of the heart by being buried in the liquid grave, to answer a ‘good conscience by the resurrection of Jesus Christ.’

“After writing the account given of the Savior’s ministry to the remnant of the seed of Jacob, upon this continent, it was easy to be seen, as the prophet said it would be, that darkness covered the earth and gross darkness the minds of the people. On reflecting further it was as easy to be seen that amid the great strife and noise concerning religion, none had authority from God to administer the ordinances of the Gospel. For the question might be asked, have men authority to administer in the name of Christ, who deny revelations, when His testimony is no less than the spirit of prophecy, and His religion based, built, and sustained by immediate revelations, in all ages of the world when He has had a people on earth? If these facts were buried, and carefully concealed by men whose craft would have been in danger if once permitted to shine in the faces of men, they were no longer to us; and we only waited for the commandment to be given ‘Arise and be baptized.’

One has to ask, can those who deny that God can speak truly speak for God?

And especially those who argued that the Church needed to be reformed. Can the Church of God be reformed by man? I would argue no. If the Church was corrupted, the Church would need to be restored.

The Lord isn't silent. Nor will He be. Especially in the time in preparation for His coming. There is alot to do and no one can prepare without His help and guidence.

The beauty of it all is there will always be hope. Because of Christ. To take another quote from Oliver:

Man may deceive his fellow-men, deception may follow deception, and the children of the wicked one may have power to seduce the foolish and untaught, till naught but fiction feeds the many, and the fruit of falsehood carries in its current the giddy to the grave; but one touch with the finger of his love, yes, one ray of glory from the upper world, or one word from the mouth of the Savior, from the bosom of eternity, strikes it all into insignificance, and blots it forever from the mind.

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