The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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Well, this is a debate that will never end until we all sit at the judgment bar of Christ and review the dvd of the history of mankind. One thing I am absolutely certain of is that scientists as well as all the rest of us will have our jaws on the floor when we compare our assumptions to reality. Oh the things that will be revealed, oh the regret so many will have, oh the light bulb moments that we should have realized earlier.
So since none of us know everything despite some of our learned backgrounds, let's worry about our own individual lives and admit that we are not so learned compared to God.
Very good, Truthspeaker, and we should also remember to not be so pompous that we should tell another person how to reach God. God's own way for each of us suffices.
If you don't know Joseph was a con man by now you are never gonna get it.
Very good, Truthspeaker, and we should also remember to not be so pompous that we should tell another person how to reach God. God's own way for each of us suffices.

Not exactly sure how telling people to actually talk with God and find out from Him what He wants from you is pompous. Could you explain that?
Very good, Truthspeaker, and we should also remember to not be so pompous that we should tell another person how to reach God. God's own way for each of us suffices.

Not exactly sure how telling people to actually talk with God and find out from Him what He wants from you is pompous. Could you explain that?

My point, exactly. I am glad you understand.
isn't it true that the mormons consider Joseph Smith to be God.

I would think that he/Smith is figured to be a "god" of the highest order in their religion.

Why? Because all Mormons can become "gods" if they live a good obedient life according to their church doctrines.

Their prophets said that they can also be gods of their own planets like our earth.

It is indeed amazing how so many have embraced Mormonism, but I think it has a lot to do with most LDS members not knowing the full extent of how strange, and outlandish their churchs' core beliefs are in respect to the nature of Christ/God/salvation/hell/Holy Spirit.
isn't it true that the mormons consider Joseph Smith to be God.

I would think that he/Smith is figured to be a "god" of the highest order in their religion.

Why? Because all Mormons can become "gods" if they live a good obedient life according to their church doctrines.

Their prophets said that they can also be gods of their own planets like our earth.

It is indeed amazing how so many have embraced Mormonism, but I think it has a lot to do with most LDS members not knowing the full extent of how strange, and outlandish their churchs' core beliefs are in respect to the nature of Christ/God/salvation/hell/Holy Spirit.

Just because some con says you can doesn't make it true.
isn't it true that the mormons consider Joseph Smith to be God.

I would think that he/Smith is figured to be a "god" of the highest order in their religion.

Why? Because all Mormons can become "gods" if they live a good obedient life according to their church doctrines.

Their prophets said that they can also be gods of their own planets like our earth.

It is indeed amazing how so many have embraced Mormonism, but I think it has a lot to do with most LDS members not knowing the full extent of how strange, and outlandish their churchs' core beliefs are in respect to the nature of Christ/God/salvation/hell/Holy Spirit.

That's a gross distortion of Mormon theology.

First, Smith is not considered to be a god, any more than any of the prophets of the Old Testament are considered to be gods by the Jewish or Catholic community.

Second, the doctrine that man is destined for godhood doesn't mean in this life, or very soon into the next. Do you believe in eternal life? Where do you see yourself in ten million more years? A hundred? If life is eternal, then it's a valid question, isn't it?
isn't it true that the mormons consider Joseph Smith to be God.

I would think that he/Smith is figured to be a "god" of the highest order in their religion.

Why? Because all Mormons can become "gods" if they live a good obedient life according to their church doctrines.

Their prophets said that they can also be gods of their own planets like our earth.

It is indeed amazing how so many have embraced Mormonism, but I think it has a lot to do with most LDS members not knowing the full extent of how strange, and outlandish their churchs' core beliefs are in respect to the nature of Christ/God/salvation/hell/Holy Spirit.

That's a gross distortion of Mormon theology.

First, Smith is not considered to be a god, any more than any of the prophets of the Old Testament are considered to be gods by the Jewish or Catholic community.

Second, the doctrine that man is destined for godhood doesn't mean in this life, or very soon into the next. Do you believe in eternal life? Where do you see yourself in ten million more years? A hundred? If life is eternal, then it's a valid question, isn't it?

how can you become a god when jesus said God is your father: And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.
I would think that he/Smith is figured to be a "god" of the highest order in their religion.

Why? Because all Mormons can become "gods" if they live a good obedient life according to their church doctrines.

Their prophets said that they can also be gods of their own planets like our earth.

It is indeed amazing how so many have embraced Mormonism, but I think it has a lot to do with most LDS members not knowing the full extent of how strange, and outlandish their churchs' core beliefs are in respect to the nature of Christ/God/salvation/hell/Holy Spirit.

That's a gross distortion of Mormon theology.

First, Smith is not considered to be a god, any more than any of the prophets of the Old Testament are considered to be gods by the Jewish or Catholic community.

Second, the doctrine that man is destined for godhood doesn't mean in this life, or very soon into the next. Do you believe in eternal life? Where do you see yourself in ten million more years? A hundred? If life is eternal, then it's a valid question, isn't it?

how can you become a god when jesus said God is your father: And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.

Excellent point Froggy!

Also they(Mormons) know very well that this godhood reference from me is not about earthly/human life but is after their death.

They are splitting hairs and trying to find fault in my statement.

I did not in my post say that they become gods in this present life.
Never the less, as you said Froggy, Jesus does say that there is one God, and not a multitude of them as the Mormon doctrine teaches.

Also, Jesus says that "No one can come to the Father(God) except through/by Me."

The Mormon Jesus is a contorted strange being.

Another striking and apostate teaching from the Mormons is that Satan/Lucifer and Jesus were once brothers, with the same Papa. Jesus got the nod from Papa God to go down to earth and be the savior of mankind, and his brother Satan/Lucifer jealously rebelled because of that.

Jesus refers to Lucifer as a fallen angel who rebelled against his Creator, God. As a result he/Satan along with a third of the angels that joined ranks with Lucifer were also cast down/out of heaven to earth. Today, they can be referred-to as demons, and Satan/Lucifer the old Serpent from the Garden is their Command and Chief.

God apparently gave "free-will" both to man and to the heavenly host of angelic beings that minister to Him in the heavenlies.
Anyway, Froggy, your are straight-on with your inquirey about Jesus explaining how to pray, and "Whom" to pray too. :)
I would think that he/Smith is figured to be a "god" of the highest order in their religion.

Why? Because all Mormons can become "gods" if they live a good obedient life according to their church doctrines.

Their prophets said that they can also be gods of their own planets like our earth.

It is indeed amazing how so many have embraced Mormonism, but I think it has a lot to do with most LDS members not knowing the full extent of how strange, and outlandish their churchs' core beliefs are in respect to the nature of Christ/God/salvation/hell/Holy Spirit.

That's a gross distortion of Mormon theology.

First, Smith is not considered to be a god, any more than any of the prophets of the Old Testament are considered to be gods by the Jewish or Catholic community.

Second, the doctrine that man is destined for godhood doesn't mean in this life, or very soon into the next. Do you believe in eternal life? Where do you see yourself in ten million more years? A hundred? If life is eternal, then it's a valid question, isn't it?

how can you become a god when jesus said God is your father: And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.
You just answered your own question. God is your father. What child doesn't want to grow up to be like his father?
That's a gross distortion of Mormon theology.

First, Smith is not considered to be a god, any more than any of the prophets of the Old Testament are considered to be gods by the Jewish or Catholic community.

Second, the doctrine that man is destined for godhood doesn't mean in this life, or very soon into the next. Do you believe in eternal life? Where do you see yourself in ten million more years? A hundred? If life is eternal, then it's a valid question, isn't it?

how can you become a god when jesus said God is your father: And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.
You just answered your own question. God is your father. What child doesn't want to grow up to be like his father?

Problem is you want to jump the Creator-creation gap which totally diminishes God's total "I AM" position.

Mormons like so many religions can't accept that God is not them nor are they able to become Him. Never the less like most religions, it's humanistic origins feed into the comfort zone and safety of fallible humanity by offering godhood after death.....I.E. a type of immortality that is so off-base.

Jesus said He has prepared a place for all believers, but never did He say that "You too, can become just like Me". Try and find that in both the old and new testament?

He is the Shepherd and we are the sheep. That is if we are His, and that involves salvation, and Jesus laid that out pretty clearly. "You must be born from above Nicodemus".

Also Mormons have such difficulty with just believing without the input of feelings, emotions, dreams, burning bosom experiences to re-inforce their belief system. Instead the God says that faith comes from believing on His Word(Holy Scripture), which does not involve the eyes, dreams, smell.......etc...

Phillip met the Ethiopan Eunoch who was a very high rank in his country. The gentleman was actually reading OT scripture on his way back to his native country from Jerusalem. Phillip noticed and asked the Ethiopian if He undeerstood what he was reading? The Ethiopian did not, and Phillip proceeded to show him how the OT foretold of the Messiah/Christ/Savior from no doubt Isaiah, Micah, Amos, Jeremiah, and many other OT books. The Ethiopian "Believed!", and was baptized. Phillip went on his way as God led, and the Ethiopian went home rejoicing in His new found faith and salvation.

It is the Word of God that transforms.......whether it was Jesus in person speaking or the scriptures working with the Holy Spirit that Jesus sent in His stead.
Mormons don't realize that the enemy, Satan, is alive and well and keeps this world in perpetual detours from finding salvation, as he/Satan works on the ego, and Adamic/lost souls hopelessness with tantalizing little and big carrots to lead folks away from the Gospel.

There is absolutely know way to be sure that a vision or dream or urging is of God without going to the scriptures and seeing if it is in agreement.

Satan does not project himself as evil, but as a beautiful light and way for all. He is the gread deceiver, and he has authored most of the religions of the world.
"Problem is you want to jump the Creator-creation gap which totally diminishes God's total "I AM" position."

Mormon alert: here is the point that the rest of traditional and historical Christianity gets pissed with you folks. There is one God and His name is Jesus, and when you talk about maybe myriads of Jesuses working their way up the God chart, Christians get really, really pissed. They won't take your heads off, though. :lol:
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