The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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Albert Schweitzer as a theologian was terrible, in my opinion. Yet he took his Cross up and went to Africa to spend his life in missionary medical work. Have any of us here done 5% of what he did?

Mother Teresa, a Catholic nun, went to India to serve the poor. For decades she truly doubted if God lived, yet she served the poor, denied herself, and said her prayers daily. Have any of us here done 1% of what she did?
Granny says he's lyin' an' Jesus gonna put him inna lake o' fire with all dem lefty lib'rals...
Polygamist leader: God demands judge's removal
Aug 1,`11 - Polygamist sect leader Warren Jeffs made a third attempt Monday to remove the Texas judge overseeing his child sex assault case - this time based on the claim that God himself demands a change.
The head of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints filed a motion purporting to quote God as saying state District Judge Barbara Walther should "step away from this abuse of power against a religious and pure faith in the Lord." After a short recess, Walther ruled the trial would continue under new Texas Supreme Court rules that went into effect Monday. They no longer require an immediate hearing to recuse a judge after evidence in a case has been heard. A hearing will eventually be held on Jeffs' motion, but it's unclear when.

The trial continued with forensic analyst Amy Smuts, of the Human Identification Center at the University of North Texas in Fort Worth, testifying that a DNA sample collected from Jeffs had 15 major markers that matched a DNA sample taken from a girl born to a 15-year-old mother. Smuts said that made her more than 99.99 percent certain that Jeffs was the child's father. Jeffs is accused of sexually assaulting two girls, ages 12 and 15, he took as brides in so-called "spiritual marriages." His church is an offshoot of mainstream Mormonism that believes polygamy brings exaltation in Heaven, and followers see Jeffs as God's earthly spokesman.

The 55-year-old fired his attorneys last week and has been representing himself. He gave a speech defending polygamy Friday, then read a statement he said was from God. It promised "sickness and death" for all involved unless the case was halted immediately. The charges against Jeffs stem from a massive police raid in April 2008 at Yearning For Zion, a church compound about 45 miles south of the oil and gas town of San Angelo.

Authorities moved in after receiving an anonymous call to an abuse shelter, alleging that girls on the compound were being forced into polygamist marriages. The call turned out to be a hoax, made by a woman in Colorado, and more than 400 children who had been placed in state custody were returned to their families. But police saw underage girls at the compound who were clearly pregnant - prompting the charges against Jeffs and 11 other FLDS men. All seven sect members who have been prosecuted so far were convicted of crimes including sexual assault and bigamy and received prison sentences of between six and 75 years.

Albert Schweitzer as a theologian was terrible, in my opinion. Yet he took his Cross up and went to Africa to spend his life in missionary medical work. Have any of us here done 5% of what he did?

Mother Teresa, a Catholic nun, went to India to serve the poor. For decades she truly doubted if God lived, yet she served the poor, denied herself, and said her prayers daily. Have any of us here done 1% of what she did?

Great insight. Everyone ought to ask themselves what they've done
More than you can afford...

You'd be surprised. Now how much?

DUNNO I've never tried,
The price would not be monetary, it would be in self worth... They'd see right through you and would flee immediately.

I'm looking for a cool religion. Are there any hot broads in the LDS? Or are they all wearing granny dresses down to their ankles with big doofus bonnets?
I also hear that Warren Jeffs is the second coming of John Smith, is that true?
You'd be surprised. Now how much?

DUNNO I've never tried,
The price would not be monetary, it would be in self worth... They'd see right through you and would flee immediately.

I'm looking for a cool religion. Are there any hot broads in the LDS? Or are they all wearing granny dresses down to their ankles with big doofus bonnets?
I also hear that Warren Jeffs is the second coming of John Smith, is that true?

You know, it helps if you educated yourself just alittle. You wouldn't look as much like an ignorant troll if you just researched alittle.
possum thinks dey gonna tie Jeffs up inna bow...
Texas wrapping up case against polygamist leader
2 Aug.`11 — Texas prosecutors are close to resting their case against polygamist church leader Warren Jeffs, who is accused of sexually assaulting two underage girls he took as wives.
The trial resumes Tuesday, a day after prosecutors unveiled a series of photos that show Jeffs cuddling and kissing a 12-year-old girl.

Jeffs leads the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, an offshoot of mainstream Mormonism that believes polygamy brings exaltation in heaven. Followers see Jeffs as God's earthly spokesman.

The 55-year-old Jeffs is acting as his own attorney and claims his rights to religious freedom are being trampled. He says God will punish the judge and others involved if the case continues.

Jeffs isn't expected to call witnesses. He's refused to cross-examine prosecutors' witnesses and gave no opening statement.


See also:

Jeffs acts as his own attorney in trial
31 July,`11 - Polygamist leader Warren Jeffs, accused of sexual assault with two underage girls he took as wives, has cast out his own defense lawyers and is asking a Texas court to follow God's words as he hears them.
Jeffs, head of a breakaway Mormon group with an estimated 10,000 members, startled a San Angelo, Texas, courtroom Thursday by firing his lawyers and announcing he would defend himself against charges that could put him in prison for the rest of his life. "I, the Lord God of heaven, call upon the court to cease this open prosecution against my pure, holy way," Jeffs, reading from what he said was a statement from God, told Judge Barbara Walther on Friday after she sent the jury out of the room.

Jeffs said if the trial continues, God told him, "I will send a scourge upon the counties of prosecutorial zeal to make humbled by sickness and death." Prosecutor Eric Nichols responded that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled more than 100 years ago that religious freedom does not extend to polygamy. Walther warned Jeffs she would remove him from the courtroom if he threatened jurors. Jeffs, 55, inherited the leadership of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from his father and regards himself as God's prophet. He directs his followers in how to live their lives and arranges marriages of men to several female members.

His trial stems from a raid by Texas authorities in 2008 on a large rural church compound near Eldorado, Texas, following allegations that young girls were being forced into polygamist marriages with older men. Child protection officials temporarily took custody of more than 400 children living at the church's Yearning for Zion ranch. Texas courts later ordered them returned to their families. Authorities said many of the underage girls were pregnant or had given birth. Prosecutors told jurors they have an audio recording of the defendant raping a 12-year-old girl and DNA evidence showing he impregnated a 15-year-old.

Jeffs was one of 12 FLDS men charged with crimes including sexual assault and bigamy. The seven prosecuted so far have been convicted and sentenced to prison terms of between six and 75 years. Former sect member Flora Jessop, who fled an FLDS polygamy family at 16 and wrote a book describing abuses of herself and other children, said the trial offers a rare glimpse into the sect's way of life. Even a conviction of Jeffs won't end the practice of multiple marriages and abuse of children, she said.

the problem is that the people who died in the holocaust were specifically targeted because of their religion. We didn't change our religion during the inquisition. We didn't change our religion during the crusades. We didn't change our religion during the holocaust.... And all the pogroms and swastikas couldn't make us afraid enough to do that.

I have no problem with people making choices about what they believe. But dead people aren't making a choice. Personally, i'd be really cranky if i thought i would be baptized. We don't like it much. I understand that it comes from a place where you want to do good... But that's like converting us against our will where even putting us into crematoriums couldn't make us do that.

Btw, i mean no offense to you by saying that. Just discussing the issue. And, like i said, i find mormonism interesting and don't have any issues with lds (so long as they aren't the guys from the sect who are marrying 14 year olds).

as some might imagine, i get extremely excited when i get a chance to talk to a jew about religion. Nobody respects jews like we do. And again, the nature of the doctrine of baptism for the dead is not one of compulsory nature. As i said before each person in the realm of the afterlife has their own choice to accept that baptism or reject it. They know when it is going to take place and can choose to not show up if they want. There is no forcing here.
In fact you may be surprised how much we understand about the jews and their faith. We believe that the children of israel are god's chosen people and that he will come to reclaim them and take vengeance on their oppressors.
The reason some jews are fascinated by the book of mormon is because it tells of a branch of israel which was broken off of the house of joseph and scattered into the nether most part of the lord's vineyard. To follow a parable of the prophet zenock.
baptism for the dead is a useless practice. Once you are dead you are dead. Every chance for salvation comes in this life on earth. If a church is teaching anything else it is blasphemy. Jesus said not to add to or take away from the words in the bible.
AmericanFirst is not authorized to speak for God or the Bible. AF is entitled to his or her opinion. And if AF is evangelical or fundamentalist, then AF is preaching bad theology.
DUNNO I've never tried,
The price would not be monetary, it would be in self worth... They'd see right through you and would flee immediately.

I'm looking for a cool religion. Are there any hot broads in the LDS? Or are they all wearing granny dresses down to their ankles with big doofus bonnets?
I also hear that Warren Jeffs is the second coming of John Smith, is that true?

You know, it helps if you educated yourself just alittle. You wouldn't look as much like an ignorant troll if you just researched alittle.

Why do you think that I'm asking questions?
I'm looking for a religion with eternal life, and well, ya, hot broads because I don't want to spend the rest of eternity with my ex-wife.
the problem is that the people who died in the holocaust were specifically targeted because of their religion. We didn't change our religion during the inquisition. We didn't change our religion during the crusades. We didn't change our religion during the holocaust.... And all the pogroms and swastikas couldn't make us afraid enough to do that.

I have no problem with people making choices about what they believe. But dead people aren't making a choice. Personally, i'd be really cranky if i thought i would be baptized. We don't like it much. I understand that it comes from a place where you want to do good... But that's like converting us against our will where even putting us into crematoriums couldn't make us do that.

Btw, i mean no offense to you by saying that. Just discussing the issue. And, like i said, i find mormonism interesting and don't have any issues with lds (so long as they aren't the guys from the sect who are marrying 14 year olds).

as some might imagine, i get extremely excited when i get a chance to talk to a jew about religion. Nobody respects jews like we do. And again, the nature of the doctrine of baptism for the dead is not one of compulsory nature. As i said before each person in the realm of the afterlife has their own choice to accept that baptism or reject it. They know when it is going to take place and can choose to not show up if they want. There is no forcing here.
In fact you may be surprised how much we understand about the jews and their faith. We believe that the children of israel are god's chosen people and that he will come to reclaim them and take vengeance on their oppressors.
The reason some jews are fascinated by the book of mormon is because it tells of a branch of israel which was broken off of the house of joseph and scattered into the nether most part of the lord's vineyard. To follow a parable of the prophet zenock.
baptism for the dead is a useless practice. Once you are dead you are dead. Every chance for salvation comes in this life on earth. If a church is teaching anything else it is blasphemy. Jesus said not to add to or take away from the words in the bible.

Correction, Jesus never, ever... anywhere... said not to add or take away from the words of the Bible.. That is cramming words down his mouth which I'm sure He wouldn't appreciate. First there never was a Bible in Jesus' day so it immediately destroys your phony statement.

Correction number 2. Jesus himself is the one who was first recorded talking about Baptism for the dead. It is clear the Jews were practicing this in Jesus time...
1 Cor 13.29 Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?

Read the whole chapter if you want the proper context.
I'm looking for a cool religion. Are there any hot broads in the LDS? Or are they all wearing granny dresses down to their ankles with big doofus bonnets?
I also hear that Warren Jeffs is the second coming of John Smith, is that true?

You know, it helps if you educated yourself just alittle. You wouldn't look as much like an ignorant troll if you just researched alittle.

Why do you think that I'm asking questions?
I'm looking for a religion with eternal life, and well, ya, hot broads because I don't want to spend the rest of eternity with my ex-wife.

Your reputation preceeds you.
You know, it helps if you educated yourself just alittle. You wouldn't look as much like an ignorant troll if you just researched alittle.

Why do you think that I'm asking questions?
I'm looking for a religion with eternal life, and well, ya, hot broads because I don't want to spend the rest of eternity with my ex-wife.

Your reputation preceeds you.

Just tell me this: if I went to a Mormon church service, and I look around, would i go " Whoa! She's Hot!" ?
Uncle Ferd says Jeffs as loony as Charlie Manson...
Polygamist Jeffs says he's persecuted
Aug. 3, 2011 -- Polygamous sect leader Warren Jeffs said in his opening statement Wednesday his child sexual assault trial in Texas amounts to persecution.
Jeffs, who made his 30-minute opening statement after prosecutors wrapped up their case, never brought up sex, marriage to underage girls or any specifics of the state's case against him, The Salt Lake Tribune reported. Instead, he gave a history of Christianity, Mormons, his sect and the nation, and talked about religious persecution in Europe and how Mormon Church founder Joseph Smith was killed by a mob and became a martyr. "Two times in our history, families carried away with the government, intent to break up families because of prejudiced beliefs," Jeffs said, warning against prosecuting someone on the basis of religion. "If it comes against unpopular religions a persecuting zeal, where should it end?"

Earlier in the day, a so-called sex tape recording was played in which Jeffs can be heard panting. Prosecutors rested their case after playing the 21-minute tape recording, in which they allege Jeffs, 55, has sex with a 12-year-old girl he took for his wife in 2006, the Tribune said. Several jurors put hands over their mouths as the tape played. Jeffs twice refers to the alleged victim by name and a girl's voice is heard at times, the newspaper said. She is not heard resisting, the newspaper said.

While there are no direct references to sex in the recording, earlier testimony indicated phrases heard on the tape, such as "heavenly comfort" and "heavenly sessions," refer to sexual intercourse, the Tribune said. Near the conclusion, Jeffs, who had objected unsuccessfully to the prosecution's playing of the tape, is heard saying, "In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." A girl's voice is heard responding, "Amen." It was not clear whether Jeffs, who is representing himself, would call anyone on the stand, the Tribune said.

Read more: Polygamist Jeffs says he's persecuted -
Jeffs is a classic pedophile, which are often found in patriarchal monogamous and polygamous communities.
Yeah Jeffs is a special predator indeed. He does all this in the name of our Church when he has nothing to do with us. He's trying to put himself up as the new Joseph Smith and he is the exact opposite of Smith He doesn't understand the doctrine and is so far astray there may be no hope for the guy. God knows, but I sure hope everyone understands that this guy is to the LDS religion what terrorists are to proper Islam.

It is interesting to note that all the cases in which Joseph Smith represented himself he was able to legally prove his innocence and the judges and juries were always forced to acquit whereas this Jeffs clown makes no points with regard to the law and only cites his extra-severely misguided interpretation of God's word.
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