The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
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    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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All these figures have so many variables to consider:

1. 70% of our membership is inactive and often rebels against their childhood teachings as a tactic of exploration.
2. Utah is not "Mormonism".
3. Generally i'd like to think rapes are higher because our women are taught to speak up and i believe they would report at a higher rate than others.
4. I'd like to see the same statistics done on active members of the church. (active being those who attend at least 80 percent of their sunday meetings. Those numbers would plummet to near Utopian unbelievability.

More mormons live in Utah than in any part of the U.S., and active LDS make up a substantial portion of the population. If the LDS Church represented a path to living a better life, Utah wouldn't be leading the U.S. in these areas, because there are certainly enough active Mormons in Utah to skew the stats. Nice backpedal, though.
All these figures have so many variables to consider:

1. 70% of our membership is inactive and often rebels against their childhood teachings as a tactic of exploration.
2. Utah is not "Mormonism".
3. Generally i'd like to think rapes are higher because our women are taught to speak up and i believe they would report at a higher rate than others.
4. I'd like to see the same statistics done on active members of the church. (active being those who attend at least 80 percent of their sunday meetings. Those numbers would plummet to near Utopian unbelievability.

More mormons live in Utah than in any part of the U.S., and active LDS make up a substantial portion of the population. If the LDS Church represented a path to living a better life, Utah wouldn't be leading the U.S. in these areas, because there are certainly enough active Mormons in Utah to skew the stats. Nice backpedal, though.

not a backpedal at all.. my logic is sound. maybe you could address even 1 of the points I brought up instead of backpedaling yourself. The heavily promiscuous inactive "jack mormons" would outskew any skewing the active minority would do. Couple that with the 50% of non mormons already living in the state. It would also be interesting to see these stats divided up by regions in Utah as some populations are 90% "Mormon" and larger City areas (Salt Lake) have a majority of non Mormons. The percentage of people in Salt Lake who are active members is probably around 15% to 25%
All these figures have so many variables to consider:

1. 70% of our membership is inactive and often rebels against their childhood teachings as a tactic of exploration.
2. Utah is not "Mormonism".
3. Generally i'd like to think rapes are higher because our women are taught to speak up and i believe they would report at a higher rate than others.
4. I'd like to see the same statistics done on active members of the church. (active being those who attend at least 80 percent of their sunday meetings. Those numbers would plummet to near Utopian unbelievability.

More mormons live in Utah than in any part of the U.S., and active LDS make up a substantial portion of the population. If the LDS Church represented a path to living a better life, Utah wouldn't be leading the U.S. in these areas, because there are certainly enough active Mormons in Utah to skew the stats. Nice backpedal, though.

not a backpedal at all.. my logic is sound. maybe you could address even 1 of the points I brought up instead of backpedaling yourself. The heavily promiscuous inactive "jack mormons" would outskew any skewing the active minority would do. Couple that with the 50% of non mormons already living in the state. It would also be interesting to see these stats divided up by regions in Utah as some populations are 90% "Mormon" and larger City areas (Salt Lake) have a majority of non Mormons. The percentage of people in Salt Lake who are active members is probably around 15% to 25%

catmeowz has you on this. Your logic does not stand up to her comments. Tis what tis.
So can a real mormon answer me why you all like to disassociate yourselves from your polygamist roots? You ashamed of the history of your church?

Now we're talkin...

First of all let's evaluate polygamy again for the ... hmm... 437th time on here... Ok alright..

POLYGAMY isn't all that bad if everyone involved is voluntary and they're following the commandments of God and the male is taking great care of his wives. There are lots of excellent people all over the world who truly love their wives and respect them and are fully committed to the families they've raised.
Now answer me this.. Why is polygamy demonized more than... say... a bestial or a homosexual relationship, or people who sleep with far more than a handful of different women then run away and flee any kind of committment. Why are these people not demonized like the polygamist. At least the polygamist stays with his wives.

Now do I agree with polygamy? No, that's why I don't do it.

But what you'll never understand with your current mindset is that God has his reasons for doing things. There was real and honorable purpose in His institution of plural marriage in the early days of the church. There is nothing for us to be ashamed of in our past. We don't deny those things happened, we defend God's reasons for instituting the practice. When the timing was right, he removed the institution as the people no longer needed it.
You are absolutely free to disagree as much as you want but there were very important reasons for it.

Like in islam, the women don't have a choice but to accept polygamy. If you think they all consent, then you're deluded. And god didn't marry several wives, men did, so this isn't god's plan, it's man's.
You're not even a real mormon if you don't agree with polygamy. Give it up, you faker.
More mormons live in Utah than in any part of the U.S., and active LDS make up a substantial portion of the population. If the LDS Church represented a path to living a better life, Utah wouldn't be leading the U.S. in these areas, because there are certainly enough active Mormons in Utah to skew the stats. Nice backpedal, though.

not a backpedal at all.. my logic is sound. maybe you could address even 1 of the points I brought up instead of backpedaling yourself. The heavily promiscuous inactive "jack mormons" would outskew any skewing the active minority would do. Couple that with the 50% of non mormons already living in the state. It would also be interesting to see these stats divided up by regions in Utah as some populations are 90% "Mormon" and larger City areas (Salt Lake) have a majority of non Mormons. The percentage of people in Salt Lake who are active members is probably around 15% to 25%

catmeowz has you on this. Your logic does not stand up to her comments. Tis what tis.

negative... how so? anyone care to address my points?
So can a real mormon answer me why you all like to disassociate yourselves from your polygamist roots? You ashamed of the history of your church?

Now we're talkin...

First of all let's evaluate polygamy again for the ... hmm... 437th time on here... Ok alright..

POLYGAMY isn't all that bad if everyone involved is voluntary and they're following the commandments of God and the male is taking great care of his wives. There are lots of excellent people all over the world who truly love their wives and respect them and are fully committed to the families they've raised.
Now answer me this.. Why is polygamy demonized more than... say... a bestial or a homosexual relationship, or people who sleep with far more than a handful of different women then run away and flee any kind of committment. Why are these people not demonized like the polygamist. At least the polygamist stays with his wives.

Now do I agree with polygamy? No, that's why I don't do it.

But what you'll never understand with your current mindset is that God has his reasons for doing things. There was real and honorable purpose in His institution of plural marriage in the early days of the church. There is nothing for us to be ashamed of in our past. We don't deny those things happened, we defend God's reasons for instituting the practice. When the timing was right, he removed the institution as the people no longer needed it.
You are absolutely free to disagree as much as you want but there were very important reasons for it.

Like in islam, the women don't have a choice but to accept polygamy. If you think they all consent, then you're deluded. And god didn't marry several wives, men did, so this isn't god's plan, it's man's.
You're not even a real mormon if you don't agree with polygamy. Give it up, you faker.

I'm ok with the deluded thinking i'm deluded? Got anything else?
nevertheless... I digress... The teachings of the church inspire people to stay away from sin. The statistics, which are questionable, mean nothing, no matter how accurate.
nevertheless... I digress... The teachings of the church inspire people to stay away from sin. The statistics, which are questionable, mean nothing, no matter how accurate.

Antoine Dodd does a better job of preventing rape than the Book of Mormon does, bro.

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nevertheless... I digress... The teachings of the church inspire people to stay away from sin. The statistics, which are questionable, mean nothing, no matter how accurate.

The stats are not questionable; however, your unwillingness to see clearly is questionable.
The stats are not questionable; however, your unwillingness to see clearly is questionable.

He can't think about this subject. If he allowed himself to do so, his entire paradigm would collapse.

His worldview, as formed by the church, is:

"I know the church is true."
"I know Joseph Smith was a prophet."
"People who belong to this church are more righteous because they have the gospel."
"If they aren't righteous, they aren't 'real' mormons."

I lived in Utah for 10 years, I understand how they think.
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The stats are not questionable; however, your unwillingness to see clearly is questionable.

He can't think about this subject. If he allowed himself to do so, his entire paradigm would collapse.

His worldview, as formed by the church, is:

"I know the church is true."
"I know Joseph Smith was a prophet."
"People who belong to this church are more righteous because they have the gospel."
"If they aren't righteous, they aren't 'real' mormons."

I lived in Utah for 10 years, I understand how they think.

au contraire kitty kalamity.

if everyone else in the church fell away, it would still be true. You can call "Jack Mormons" mormons if you want to. But again those statistics mean nothing with regard to our teachings. The Book of Mormon doesn't prevent any evils from happening... Apparently neither does the Bible.. People prevent evils. Not books that teach how to be good.
nevertheless... I digress... The teachings of the church inspire people to stay away from sin. The statistics, which are questionable, mean nothing, no matter how accurate.

The stats are not questionable; however, your unwillingness to see clearly is questionable.

as per my variables listed, which you still haven't addressed, I am quite willing to explain said statistics as I have done already... Questionable as in you can ask questions as to why such numbers appear the way they do Things are what they are but they also deserve explanation.
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nevertheless... I digress... The teachings of the church inspire people to stay away from sin. The statistics, which are questionable, mean nothing, no matter how accurate.

The stats are not questionable; however, your unwillingness to see clearly is questionable.

as per my variables listed, which you still haven't addressed, I am quite willing to explain said statistics as I have done already... Questionable as in you can ask questions as to why such numbers appear the way they do Things are what they are but they also deserve explanation.

Your explanations are not valid. You are acting as hinky as bigreb or crusaderfrank when they get pinned. Tis what tis.
nevertheless... I digress... The teachings of the church inspire people to stay away from sin. The statistics, which are questionable, mean nothing, no matter how accurate.

The stats are not questionable; however, your unwillingness to see clearly is questionable.

Stats are always questionable. It's the very nature of statistics.
au contraire kitty kalamity.

if everyone else in the church fell away, it would still be true. You can call "Jack Mormons" mormons if you want to. But again those statistics mean nothing with regard to our teachings. The Book of Mormon doesn't prevent any evils from happening... Apparently neither does the Bible.. People prevent evils. Not books that teach how to be good.

If your magic book taught people to be good, Utah has more Mormons, per capita, than any other state in the U.S. (and a smaller population than most). Your statistics would be the BEST in the U.S., not the worst.
au contraire kitty kalamity.

if everyone else in the church fell away, it would still be true. You can call "Jack Mormons" mormons if you want to. But again those statistics mean nothing with regard to our teachings. The Book of Mormon doesn't prevent any evils from happening... Apparently neither does the Bible.. People prevent evils. Not books that teach how to be good.

If your magic book taught people to be good, Utah has more Mormons, per capita, than any other state in the U.S. (and a smaller population than most). Your statistics would be the BEST in the U.S., not the worst.

:confused: Really?
So stats are the be all tell all revealer about everything? Gimme a break... You wanna blame the book for bad stats? Now you're really off your rocker. Now you're acting like the Book of Mormon really does have magical powers over the minds of people. So you're telling me that the Book of Mormon has a supernatural ability to brainwash the minds of inactive members to commit suicide, rape and abuse children at a higher rate than other states in the country? Now you're really reaching.
Again, I'd like to see the stats on active members. It's probably near zero criminal activity, and near zero suicide rate. Show me those stats miss cat and i might actually have to concede to you...
But these numbers are coming from Jack Mormons, who are the worst offenders of any, and guess where the highest concentration of Jack Mormons is? Utah!
So I decided to do so stat searching of my own from some more reputable sources like the US Census Bureau 2006. This one ranks violent crimes per 100,000 people by state... Curiously Utah ranks 45 out of 50, topped only by states who are either extremely tiny or extremely sparsely populated. Put this in your pipe and smoke it.:smoke: More coming soon
State Rankings--Statistical Abstract of the United States--Violent Crime Rate
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