The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

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  • Bigoted

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  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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So you must know tons of mormon couples who live together and have children without being married.

That argument is simply silly, and I will leave it at that.

Jake, fuck you, I was talking to the people with an IQ over 80.

Tru, you a funny guy! Too bad you don't actually have a real answer to what I say.

Actually, anyone with an IQ over 80, would agree with Jake on this one.

You're argument really doesn't make any sense. Apparently people only get married if they are forced to in your world.
I guess you haven't been to Bountiful, have you?

The National Geographic did a piece a couple of years ago on mormons in utah, women were forced into marriage, no university... so stop trying to cover up the truth, it won't work.

Truth, no prob, I won't feed your wives.

Bountiful is in Davis County, and was about 10 miles south of the town where I lived for about 4 years. I drove through it daily going to and from work, and we frequently went out to eat there. It's about 5 miles north of Salt Lake City.

I think the case you're referring to involved the Kingston clan, where girls were being forced into polygamist marriages. However, the Kingstons are fundamentalist mormons, not mainstream mormons. Fundamentalist mormons (those who practice polygamy) are considered apostate by the LDS Church. And, groups like the Kingston family consider the LDS church to be apostate as well. You can't hold the LDS Church accountable for what a completely separate organization does. And they are, indeed, completely separate. These groups despise each other. The LDS Church wants nothing to do with the polygamist groups, and considers them a huge embarrassment.

Patterns of Polygamy Davis County's Kingston clan - County's polygamy roots run deep
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So you must know tons of mormon couples who live together and have children without being married.

Nope. Because thankfully, a majority of mormon couples do what's right.

Actually, you've used "people who are baptised into the LDS Church" as the definition of Mormon. There are plenty of people, in Utah, who were baptised into the LDS Church, but end up cohabitating. Not all Mormons marry, nor are Mormons more moral/righteous than any other group of religious folks. Utah has the highest rates, per capita, of child sexual abuse, porn consumption, and abuse of prescription drugs in the U.S. Also, they're in the top 5 for suicide.
So you must know tons of mormon couples who live together and have children without being married.

Nope. Because thankfully, a majority of mormon couples do what's right.

Actually, you've used "people who are baptised into the LDS Church" as the definition of Mormon. There are plenty of people, in Utah, who were baptised into the LDS Church, but end up cohabitating. Not all Mormons marry, nor are Mormons more moral/righteous than any other group of religious folks. Utah has the highest rates, per capita, of child sexual abuse, porn consumption, and abuse of prescription drugs in the U.S. Also, they're in the top 5 for suicide.

I have. and i stand by it. Of course, I don't have hard statistics. but Im fairly confident that it's true for 51%. And Utah and Mormon arent the same.
I have. and i stand by it. Of course, I don't have hard statistics. but Im fairly confident that it's true for 51%. And Utah and Mormon arent the same.

Historically, you've been fairly confident about a lot of things, but you've been mistaken. Feel free to provide stats. Otherwise, I find your paradigm flawed.

Have you ever even lived in Utah?
Bountiful up in Canada has old geezers with 30 young girls as wives...
Mormon=polygamy. Always has, always will, no matter how much you want to white wash things. Jo Smith was a polygamist and so were all his friends, that 's why they moved to utah, a place that at the time no sane person would go to.
And gimme a break, the mormon church allows couple to attend if they're not married but living together with children? As if.
Bountiful up in Canada has old geezers with 30 young girls as wives...
Mormon=polygamy. Always has, always will, no matter how much you want to white wash things. Jo Smith was a polygamist and so were all his friends, that 's why they moved to utah, a place that at the time no sane person would go to.
And gimme a break, the mormon church allows couple to attend if they're not married but living together with children? As if.

Again...polygamists aren't Mormon. They have their own prophets and religious hierarchy.,_British_Columbia

The Mormon fundamentalists in Bountiful have divided into two groups: about half are members of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS Church), and the other half are members of an FLDS-offshoot based on the teachings of their bishop, Winston Blackmore, who split with the FLDS Church after concluding the president of the church, Warren Jeffs, had exceeded his authority and become too dictatorial.
The commune was quietly set up in 1947, after a few men excommunicated by the mainstream Mormon Church in Utah (which banned polygamy in 1890) moved north. Today the 1,000-odd residents are almost all the progeny of half-a-dozen men. The place is dominated by the “bishop”, James Oler, and by his deposed predecessor, Winston Blackmore, who now heads a splinter group.
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Bountiful up in Canada has old geezers with 30 young girls as wives...
Mormon=polygamy. Always has, always will, no matter how much you want to white wash things. Jo Smith was a polygamist and so were all his friends, that 's why they moved to utah, a place that at the time no sane person would go to.
And gimme a break, the mormon church allows couple to attend if they're not married but living together with children? As if.

Bountiful is a city in Northern Utah, turd for brains.

Is that a phrase that was commonly used by jesus?

PS there's a bountiful in canada too. Do you know where canada is?
Is that a phrase that was commonly used by jesus?

Why would I care? I'm not part of the god squad.

PS there's a bountiful in canada too. Do you know where canada is?

If you know about Bountiful, B.C., then I'd hope you'd be smart enough to google the fact that the polygamists in Bountiful AREN'T MORMONS. Their founders were excommunicated by the LDS church for practicing polygamy.

Of course, I'm not sure you're smart enough to avoid choking to death on your own saliva, you mouth-breathing moron.
I have. and i stand by it. Of course, I don't have hard statistics. but Im fairly confident that it's true for 51%. And Utah and Mormon arent the same.

Historically, you've been fairly confident about a lot of things, but you've been mistaken. Feel free to provide stats. Otherwise, I find your paradigm flawed.

Have you ever even lived in Utah?

Yes. I have. And Ive already told you I don't have stats. Im merely going off experience. So yes I could be wrong.

And I am confident about alot of things. If I'm wrong, I can fix that when I learn otherwise. But i strive to be right, so why not be confident? Living a life of self doubt just doesn't seem right to me.
I have. and i stand by it. Of course, I don't have hard statistics. but Im fairly confident that it's true for 51%. And Utah and Mormon arent the same.

Historically, you've been fairly confident about a lot of things, but you've been mistaken. Feel free to provide stats. Otherwise, I find your paradigm flawed.

Have you ever even lived in Utah?

You've never provided hard stats yourself since the beginning. You spew out these numbers but never site an actual source.:link:
So you must know tons of mormon couples who live together and have children without being married.

That argument is simply silly, and I will leave it at that.

Jake, fuck you, I was talking to the people with an IQ over 80.

Tru, you a funny guy! Too bad you don't actually have a real answer to what I say.

Your argument is stupid, without logic, mean spirited, and you have nothing of worth to offer here.
So can a real mormon answer me why you all like to disassociate yourselves from your polygamist roots? You ashamed of the history of your church?
So can a real mormon answer me why you all like to disassociate yourselves from your polygamist roots? You ashamed of the history of your church?

LDS are not answerable to you Monnagonna, and your rudeness is only that, rudeness.

I am not LDS, but I guarantee I will forget far, far more than you will ever know.

So stand and deliver, puke, or slink off.
I have. and i stand by it. Of course, I don't have hard statistics. but Im fairly confident that it's true for 51%. And Utah and Mormon arent the same.

Historically, you've been fairly confident about a lot of things, but you've been mistaken. Feel free to provide stats. Otherwise, I find your paradigm flawed.

Have you ever even lived in Utah?

You've never provided hard stats yourself since the beginning. You spew out these numbers but never site an actual source.:link:

Utah leads the nation in porn consumption:Porn in the USA: Conservatives are biggest consumers - science-in-society - 27 February 2009 - New Scientist
The biggest consumer, Utah, averaged 5.47 adult content subscriptions per 1000 home broadband users; Montana bought the least with 1.92 per 1000. "The differences here are not so stark," Edelman says.

Utah is #7 in suicide rate:Violence & Injury Prevention Program
Utah had the 7th highest suicide rate in the nation for the years 2000-2004. The top 10 states for suicide rates are all in the Western U.S. Utah's rate has remained among the highest in the nation for more than two decades (14.34 per 100,000 population in Utah vs. 10.81 per 100,000 population nationwide for the years 2000-2004). Suicide rates in Utah are higher than the U.S. rate in every age group.

Utah leads the nation in rapes per capita:
Violence & Injury Prevention Program
Rape is the only violent crime in Utah that occurs at a higher rate than the rest of the nation. One in three Utah women will experience some type of sexual assault in their lifetime and one in eight will be raped. In 2008, Utah’s reported rape rate was 63.7 per 100,000 females compared to the U.S. rate of 57.4 per 100,000 females. However, the majority of rapes (88.2%) are never reported to law enforcement, indicating that sexual violence in Utah is grossly underestimated. (Sources: Utah Department of Health and 2007 Rape in Utah Survey)

Utah is #8 in the U.S. for substantiated child abuse rate
Child Maltreatment 2005 : Table 3-3 Disposition and Rate of Victims, 2005
So can a real mormon answer me why you all like to disassociate yourselves from your polygamist roots? You ashamed of the history of your church?

Now we're talkin...

First of all let's evaluate polygamy again for the ... hmm... 437th time on here... Ok alright..

POLYGAMY isn't all that bad if everyone involved is voluntary and they're following the commandments of God and the male is taking great care of his wives. There are lots of excellent people all over the world who truly love their wives and respect them and are fully committed to the families they've raised.
Now answer me this.. Why is polygamy demonized more than... say... a bestial or a homosexual relationship, or people who sleep with far more than a handful of different women then run away and flee any kind of committment. Why are these people not demonized like the polygamist. At least the polygamist stays with his wives.

Now do I agree with polygamy? No, that's why I don't do it.

But what you'll never understand with your current mindset is that God has his reasons for doing things. There was real and honorable purpose in His institution of plural marriage in the early days of the church. There is nothing for us to be ashamed of in our past. We don't deny those things happened, we defend God's reasons for instituting the practice. When the timing was right, he removed the institution as the people no longer needed it.
You are absolutely free to disagree as much as you want but there were very important reasons for it.
Historically, you've been fairly confident about a lot of things, but you've been mistaken. Feel free to provide stats. Otherwise, I find your paradigm flawed.

Have you ever even lived in Utah?

You've never provided hard stats yourself since the beginning. You spew out these numbers but never site an actual source.:link:

Utah leads the nation in porn consumption:Porn in the USA: Conservatives are biggest consumers - science-in-society - 27 February 2009 - New Scientist

Utah is #7 in suicide rate:Violence & Injury Prevention Program
Utah had the 7th highest suicide rate in the nation for the years 2000-2004. The top 10 states for suicide rates are all in the Western U.S. Utah's rate has remained among the highest in the nation for more than two decades (14.34 per 100,000 population in Utah vs. 10.81 per 100,000 population nationwide for the years 2000-2004). Suicide rates in Utah are higher than the U.S. rate in every age group.

Utah leads the nation in rapes per capita:
Violence & Injury Prevention Program
Rape is the only violent crime in Utah that occurs at a higher rate than the rest of the nation. One in three Utah women will experience some type of sexual assault in their lifetime and one in eight will be raped. In 2008, Utah’s reported rape rate was 63.7 per 100,000 females compared to the U.S. rate of 57.4 per 100,000 females. However, the majority of rapes (88.2%) are never reported to law enforcement, indicating that sexual violence in Utah is grossly underestimated. (Sources: Utah Department of Health and 2007 Rape in Utah Survey)

Utah is #8 in the U.S. for substantiated child abuse rate
Child Maltreatment 2005 : Table 3-3 Disposition and Rate of Victims, 2005

All these figures have so many variables to consider:

1. 70% of our membership is inactive and often rebels against their childhood teachings as a tactic of exploration.
2. Utah is not "Mormonism".
3. Generally i'd like to think rapes are higher because our women are taught to speak up and i believe they would report at a higher rate than others.
4. I'd like to see the same statistics done on active members of the church. (active being those who attend at least 80 percent of their sunday meetings. Those numbers would plummet to near Utopian unbelievability.
5. you'd probably find nearly the same numbers from semi-active members who at least attended their church meetings between 10 and 50 percent of the time.
6. People who leave the church are more indulgent in sin, generally, than those who never were members of the church to begin with. That's what people don't understand from these numbers. These people have already chosen to reject the commandments of God to Abstain from sin. So now these numbers make sense to those who don't know the background. Perhaps you never realized these facts yourself, living in Utah. BTW me and my family will soon be moving there and making the cultural transition from California to Utah. it's gonna be weird for me. Almost an identity crisis.
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