The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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I'm looking for a cool religion. Are there any hot broads in the LDS? Or are they all wearing granny dresses down to their ankles with big doofus bonnets?
I also hear that Warren Jeffs is the second coming of John Smith, is that true?

You know, it helps if you educated yourself just alittle. You wouldn't look as much like an ignorant troll if you just researched alittle.

Why do you think that I'm asking questions?
I'm looking for a religion with eternal life, and well, ya, hot broads because I don't want to spend the rest of eternity with my ex-wife.

You are asking questions in futile attempts to mock. I say futile, because your questions are so ignorant that they demonstrate you dont know the first thing about Mormonism.

If you were actually asking questions to learn, you would be asking much different questions. You'd also be reading the scriptures such as the Bible and the Book of Mormon. Both of which you can recieve for free from the Church.

You'd also be asking God.
baptism for the dead is a useless practice. Once you are dead you are dead. Every chance for salvation comes in this life on earth. If a church is teaching anything else it is blasphemy. Jesus said not to add to or take away from the words in the bible.

Im sorry to hear that you believe you have no hope for salvation after death. The Bible teaches otherwise as you can see.

19 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. (1 Cor 15:19)

Considering Paul used Baptism for the dead as an evidence for the Resurrection of Christ only 10 versus later, then I must conclude that there is a reason for baptism for the dead. Else why would Paul use it as an evidence for the resurrection?

And of course, you have to completely disregard Christ's preaching to the dead between His death and Resurrection who were disobedient and destroyed by the flood.

19 By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison;

20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water. (1 Peter 3:19-20)

And we are told why He preached to the dead in the next chapter:

For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit. (1 Peter 4:6)

Why would Christ preach the Gospel to the dead if there was no chance of salvation for the dead? Why would He preach to those who were destroyed by the flood?

If you believe that we are not to take away or add to the words of the Bible, why would you take away these sacred truths about salvation being preached to the dead? Why would you ignore Christ preaching to those in spirit prison who were disobedient in the time of Noah and destroyed by the flood? Why would you suggest that we have hope in Christ for this life only when the scriptures say otherwise?
Jeffs was a tyrant...
Witnesses: Polygamist leader ruled with heavy hand
Sat Aug 6,`11 – Convicted polygamist sect leader Warren Jeffs ruled with a heavy and abusive hand, several former followers testified Saturday, recounting how the man they once revered as a prophet banned parades, Sports Illustrated magazine and even the color red upon rising to power.
The second day of Jeffs' sentencing hearing later ended with a woman, now 28, tearfully alleging that Jeffs also sexually abused her as a young girl. Charges were never filed in that alleged incident. Three jurors cried during the woman's testimony, and state District Judge Barbara Walthers adjourned court until Monday. The same jury convicted Jeffs on Thursday on charges of sexually assaulting two underage girls he had taken as brides in Texas. He faces up to life in prison, and jurors are likely to decide his punishment early next week. For the second straight day, Jeffs wasn't in court. He walked out in protest Friday and has continued boycotting the proceedings, choosing instead to remain in another room of the courthouse.

Jeffs, 55, is the ecclesiastical head of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which believes polygamy brings exaltation in heaven. More than 10,000 followers consider him God's spokesman on Earth. One of them was Ezra Draper, who testified that FLDS men began taking brides younger and younger after Jeffs took over the polygamous group in 2002. "You could see which girls were with which fellas. It would repeat itself week after week," said Draper, who left the church in 2003. "Then they were with child."

Prosecutors have tried showing in the sentencing phase that Jeffs ruled the FLDS with a far heavier and crueler hand than his father, who Jeffs succeeded. Draper testified that while Rulon Jeffs allowed fun activities such as parades and dances, his son abruptly put a stop to it in the community. Draper said Jeffs threw out copies of Sports Illustrated and Car and Driver found in the boys' bedrooms. Books that featured talking animals were banned because Jeffs considered it teaching lies. Even the color red became prohibited, Draper said.

Jeffs also kept meticulous records — as jurors found out during the conviction phase of the trial. One of the most uncomfortable pieces of evidence so far has been an audiotape of what prosecutors said was Jeffs sexually assaulting one of his victims when she was 12. On Saturday, prosecutors again dipped into a trove of Jeffs' records seized from a 2008 police raid on a remote FLDS ranch in West Texas. This time it was lengthy instructions on building a bed in the all-white, top-floor room in the ranch's temple. The instructions allegedly written by Jeffs were exact: 5-inch thick table legs, and padded sides on the bed while "the Lord does his work with me."

My problem with Mormonism compared to other religions is that other religions are merely based on superstition.

Mormonism is based on outright fraud. There is no doubt that Joseph Smith was making it all up, for the express purpose of gaining power, money and teenage girls to have sex with.

that's what makes it contemptable.
My problem with Mormonism compared to other religions is that other religions are merely based on superstition.

Mormonism is based on outright fraud. There is no doubt that Joseph Smith was making it all up, for the express purpose of gaining power, money and teenage girls to have sex with.

that's what makes it contemptable.

Which, of course, is why he died penniless and that there is no evidence that he had sex with anyone other than his wife.
My problem with Mormonism compared to other religions is that other religions are merely based on superstition.

Mormonism is based on outright fraud. There is no doubt that Joseph Smith was making it all up, for the express purpose of gaining power, money and teenage girls to have sex with.

that's what makes it contemptable.

Which, of course, is why he died penniless and that there is no evidence that he had sex with anyone other than his wife.

You mean other than those 35 women he married?

Yeah, he died penniless, after a lifetime of pulling one scam after another, and getting chased out of four states for his bad behavior before they shot him like a dog.

Today we know he was lying. We know he was making it up about golden tablets. We know that the Kinderhook plates he claimed were proof of the Nehites were fakes, we know the papyrus scrolls he claimed were the book of Abraham were a Ptomoleic funeral scroll.

In short, we know he was a con man. So why do we treat Mormonism seriously?
My problem with Mormonism compared to other religions is that other religions are merely based on superstition.

Mormonism is based on outright fraud. There is no doubt that Joseph Smith was making it all up, for the express purpose of gaining power, money and teenage girls to have sex with.

that's what makes it contemptable.

Which, of course, is why he died penniless and that there is no evidence that he had sex with anyone other than his wife.

You mean other than those 35 women he married?

Yeah, he died penniless, after a lifetime of pulling one scam after another, and getting chased out of four states for his bad behavior before they shot him like a dog.

Today we know he was lying. We know he was making it up about golden tablets. We know that the Kinderhook plates he claimed were proof of the Nehites were fakes, we know the papyrus scrolls he claimed were the book of Abraham were a Ptomoleic funeral scroll.

In short, we know he was a con man. So why do we treat Mormonism seriously?

There may be no doubt in your mind but he obviously caused reasonable doubt for every charge brought against him in a court of law, which is why he was acquitted of the very things you've accused him of. No less in states that were unfavorable. Even rigged judges and juries couldn't convict him, try as they could.
By the way, Jesus was convicted in a kangaroo court as well so does that make him guilty?

Who is the "we" you are referring to that knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that Smith was such the con man you've claimed? Your particular movement? I'd like to know. Your speculations are highly irresponsible and insult your intelligence even more than you've insulted mine.
Please come stronger with arguments above the level of a whining 6 year old.

Also, a person isn't a bad person simply because they were/are a polygamist. There is a culture of fine people that needs to be understood as opposed to predators who use it to take advantage of the ignorant and young.
There are polygamists today all around the world who are not demons but good people who take care of their families and love them... It's too bad that the Warren Jeffs of the world make them look terrible. You must understand the difference between a Jeffs and a Smith or an Abraham or Moses.
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You mean other than those 35 women he married? ?

Most of those women he married were only sealed to him after this life. Many of those sealings took place after his death. He only ever lived with one wife. He only had children with one wife. There is absolutely no evidence that he slept with anyone other than Emma.

That, of course, is a bit of a side issue though. Practicing poylgamy is not evidence of fraud.

Yeah, he died penniless, after a lifetime of pulling one scam after another, and getting chased out of four states for his bad behavior before they shot him like a dog.

He was chased from state to state and murdered in cold blood because he had the audacity to testify that He had seen the risen Lord. He had been found innocent of crimes again and again.

Today we know he was lying. We know he was making it up about golden tablets.

Oh really? And were the 12 other witnesses lying too? And tell me, what exactly was their motivation to reaffirm their testimonies as they did after they had their falling out with Joseph? Take Oliver Cowdery for instance. He had a falling out with Joseph, was excommunicated. Was involved in politics and lost because he was unwilling to deny that He saw the plates or the angel. He later came back to the Church after Joseph's death. Does that sound like he was lying?

Or Martin Harris. He financed the first printing of the Book of Mormon. He too at a falling out. Was excommunicated from the Church. Continued to reaffirm his testimony and eventually came back to the Church.

Or David Whitmer. He was excommunicated and He one that never came back to the Church, but he made it a point to do an interview when he was older reaffirming that He saw the plates and the Angel. He also reaffirmed that Oliver died reaffirming his testimony of the Book of Mormon.

The biggest problem you have with your assertion though is the Book of Mormon itself. We have the Book of Mormon. We can hold it in our hands. We can read it's words. We can study and pray over it. We can learn from the Holy Spirit whether it's true or not. And I can tell you that I know by the Power of the Holy Ghost that the Book of Mormon is true.

You can find out for yourself as well if you read and pray over it.

We know that the Kinderhook plates he claimed were proof of the Nehites were fakes,

Only problem there is Joseph claimed no such thing. In fact, he showed no interest in the Kinderhook plates whatsoever. Contrast how he reacted with the Book of Abraham where he went out of his way to make sure he purchased it.

we know the papyrus scrolls he claimed were the book of Abraham were a Ptomoleic funeral scroll.

Unfortunately, most of the papyra was destroyed in the Great Chicago Fire. So while we have retained some which are funeral scrolls, we don't have the complete collection Joseph had so to claim there is no Book of Abraham among the scrolls is inaccurate.

And considering what we've learned about Abraham through recent discoveries Joseph nailed quite a few things he shouldn't have.

In short, we know he was a con man. So why do we treat Mormonism seriously

In short, your summary is inaccurate, laced with unsustainable assertions.

Mormonism is treated seriously because the doctrines cannot be contended with. That is of course why you are trying to discredit Joseph is it not? The problem is showing that he was a flawed human being doesn't discredit the message. Was he flawed? yes as every human is. Is he guilty of what he is usually accused of, for the most part no.

Take this account from an eyewitness in Nauvoo:

James Leach was an Englishman who had come to Nauvoo with his convert sister and her husband, Agnes and Henry Nightingale. After looking for work without success, James and Henry determined to ask the Prophet for help. James recalled:

“We … found [the Prophet] in a little store selling a lady some goods. This was the first time I had had an opportunity to be near him and get a good look at him. I felt there was a superior spirit in him. He was different to anyone I had ever met before; and I said in my heart, he is truly a Prophet of the most high God.

“As I was not a member of the Church I wanted Henry to ask him for work, but he did not do so, so I had to. I said, ‘Mr. Smith, if you please, have you any employment you could give us both, so we can get some provisions?’ He viewed us with a cheerful countenance, and with such a feeling of kindness, said, ‘Well, boys, what can you do?’ We told him what our employment was before we left our native land.

“Said he, ‘Can you make a ditch?’ I replied we would do the best we could at it. ‘That’s right, boys,’ and picking up a tape line, he said, ‘Come along with me.’

“He took us a few rods from the store, gave me the ring to hold, and stretched all the tape from the reel and marked a line for us to work by. ‘Now, boys,’ said he, ‘can you make a ditch three feet wide and two and a half feet deep along this line?’

“We said we would do our best, and he left us. We went to work, and when it was finished I went and told him it was done. He came and looked at it and said, ‘Boys, if I had done it myself it could not have been done better. Now come with me.’

“He led the way back to his store, and told us to pick the best ham or piece of pork for ourselves. Being rather bashful, I said we would rather he would give us some. So he picked two of the largest and best pieces of meat and a sack of flour for each of us, and asked us if that would do. We told him we would be willing to do more work for it, but he said, ‘If you are satisfied, boys, I am.’

“We thanked him kindly, and went on our way home rejoicing in the kindheartedness of the Prophet of our God.”

James Leach was baptized that same year and recorded that he “often had the privilege of seeing [the Prophet’s] noble face lit up by the Spirit and power of God.”

Does that sound like someone obsessed with taking money from people? Does it sound like someone who has the disposition to con people?

That's just one of countless eyewitness accounts of Joseph Smith's charity. Now either James Leach and the others are lying and he is a con man or you are misinformed.
Every major historian at BYU and out agree that JS had sex with his wives.

No LDS general authority will deny that JS had sex with his wives.

Any other suggestion or belief to the contrary is flatly contradicted by the church's history and the facts.
Every major historian at BYU and out agree that JS had sex with his wives.

No LDS general authority will deny that JS had sex with his wives.

Any other suggestion or belief to the contrary is flatly contradicted by the church's history and the facts.

Just the same, I have no problem with a man having sex with his wives. I'm sure Abraham and Moses did too. It is more of a sin to have sex with a woman who is not your wife extramaritally
Every major historian at BYU and out agree that JS had sex with his wives.

No LDS general authority will deny that JS had sex with his wives.

Any other suggestion or belief to the contrary is flatly contradicted by the church's history and the facts.

Doesn't matter how many people "agree," fictional or non-fictional. The evidence is still non-existant.
There may be no doubt in your mind but he obviously caused reasonable doubt for every charge brought against him in a court of law, which is why he was acquitted of the very things you've accused him of. No less in states that were unfavorable. Even rigged judges and juries couldn't convict him, try as they could.

Oh, come on, the guy fled the jurisdiction more often than not. That's what he did in NY when he was convicted on the Gold Selling Scandal and in Ohio after the Kirkland "anti-Bank" scam, and in Missouri when his Danites tried to steal local elections. So the fine folks in Navou, IL figured they just shoot him.

By the way, Jesus was convicted in a kangaroo court as well so does that make him guilty?

Well, I don't think Jesus actually ever existed, I think he was made up. But technically, yeah, Jesus was completely guilty of violating the Mosiac Law and challenging the authority of the priesthood. (In a fictional way, of course.) People were killed all through the bible for doing a lot less than Jesus did.

Who is the "we" you are referring to that knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that Smith was such the con man you've claimed? Your particular movement? I'd like to know. Your speculations are highly irresponsible and insult your intelligence even more than you've insulted mine.

All of us Americans with a lick of common sense who haven't been brainwashed like you have, apparenlty.

Come on, man, serious scholars know Mormonism was the 19th century version of Scientology. you avoided the whole point about Kinderhook and the Abraham Papyrus, both of which Smith said were genuine, but later debunked by serious science. So I guess I have to be dubious about the Golden Tablets, which no one but Smith Saw, since he's already 0-2.

Also, a person isn't a bad person simply because they were/are a polygamist. There is a culture of fine people that needs to be understood as opposed to predators who use it to take advantage of the ignorant and young.

Again, Smith was marrying girls as young as 14. So did Brigham Young. Not to mention in Smith's case, IT WAS AGAINST THE LAW.

On the whole issue of polygamy, yeah, I guess it's okay, in societies where women are second class citizens. I'm glad I don't live in one of those.

There are polygamists today all around the world who are not demons but good people who take care of their families and love them... It's too bad that the Warren Jeffs of the world make them look terrible. You must understand the difference between a Jeffs and a Smith or an Abraham or Moses.

Actually, if you read the bible, Abraham and Moses were intolerant jerkwads, too. Heck, you don't think Isaac was traumatized after that whole fake out sacrifice thing? You pull that kind of stuff today, DCFS would be on you like white on rice. And Moses couldn't go five minutes without trying to genocide someone. (Can you use Genocide as a verb? Heck, I just did. Deal with it, baby.)
What I know about LDS is that money poured in from Utah to California to defeat marriage equality.

I wish LDS in Utah would leave California alone.
[Most of those women he married were only sealed to him after this life. Many of those sealings took place after his death. He only ever lived with one wife. He only had children with one wife. There is absolutely no evidence that he slept with anyone other than Emma.

That, of course, is a bit of a side issue though. Practicing poylgamy is not evidence of fraud.

No, but it's a show of bad character, not to mention criminal in IL in 1844.

Come on, you really think he married these girls who worshipped him and didn't have sex with them? David Koresh's followers claimed the same thing.

He was chased from state to state and murdered in cold blood because he had the audacity to testify that He had seen the risen Lord. He had been found innocent of crimes again and again.

Actually, that's not true. He usually ran away about half an hour before angry neighbors and the authorities came down on him. Like when he scammed his neighbors in the Gold Finding Scam (where the court DID find him guilty, and he fled the jurisdiction.) Or the Kirkland "anti-Bank" scandal where he showed people trunks full of "gold coins" that turned out to be boxes of sand with a level of coins spread on top.

Hey, I saw a stew-bum last week who told me he saw Jesus. I just figured the man needed his medication. Or at least to lay off the Mogan-David 20/20.

Oh really? And were the 12 other witnesses lying too? And tell me, what exactly was their motivation to reaffirm their testimonies as they did after they had their falling out with Joseph? Take Oliver Cowdery for instance. He had a falling out with Joseph, was excommunicated. Was involved in politics and lost because he was unwilling to deny that He saw the plates or the angel. He later came back to the Church after Joseph's death. Does that sound like he was lying? Or Martin Harris. He financed the first printing of the Book of Mormon. He too at a falling out. Was excommunicated from the Church. Continued to reaffirm his testimony and eventually came back to the Church.

Or David Whitmer. He was excommunicated and He one that never came back to the Church, but he made it a point to do an interview when he was older reaffirming that He saw the plates and the Angel. He also reaffirmed that Oliver died reaffirming his testimony of the Book of Mormon.

All three of them just sound like the kind of weak creatures that end up joining cults. Jim Jones and David Koresh had lots of those kinds of people following them, too. :cuckoo:

The biggest problem you have with your assertion though is the Book of Mormon itself. We have the Book of Mormon. We can hold it in our hands. We can read it's words. We can study and pray over it. We can learn from the Holy Spirit whether it's true or not. And I can tell you that I know by the Power of the Holy Ghost that the Book of Mormon is true.

You can find out for yourself as well if you read and pray over it.

Actually, the Mormon Chruch hired a expert to examine the book of Mormon, and he concluded Smith wrote the whole thing. It is clearly the work of a single author, unlike the Bible, which was written by many people.

Only problem there is Joseph claimed no such thing. In fact, he showed no interest in the Kinderhook plates whatsoever. Contrast how he reacted with the Book of Abraham where he went out of his way to make sure he purchased it.

Not true. He made a public statement they were written by a descendent of Ham. But then he got killed before the guys who made them could punk him.

Unfortunately, most of the papyra was destroyed in the Great Chicago Fire. So while we have retained some which are funeral scrolls, we don't have the complete collection Joseph had so to claim there is no Book of Abraham among the scrolls is inaccurate.

But that's not what Smith Claimed. He even reproduced drawings from the Scrolls in the text, and made claims as to what they represented. Which we now know these papyri were 2000 years later than he claimed and were completely pagan in nature.

And considering what we've learned about Abraham through recent discoveries Joseph nailed quite a few things he shouldn't have.

Abraham was as fictional as everyone else in the Bible.

n short, your summary is inaccurate, laced with unsustainable assertions.

Mormonism is treated seriously because the doctrines cannot be contended with. That is of course why you are trying to discredit Joseph is it not? The problem is showing that he was a flawed human being doesn't discredit the message. Was he flawed? yes as every human is. Is he guilty of what he is usually accused of, for the most part no..

Mormonism is treated seriously because we are a dumbed down nation of people who believe in bronze age superstitions, who've evolved just high enough to respect other people's silly beliefs.

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