The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
I was one and it is silly...what context? the LDS "faith" begins and ends with the delusion's of it's founder.
I will say this, the Mormons are no more bigoted then any other faith group...
the thing to remember is, they have no evidence of any kind to prove the book of Mormon and it's companion texts are NOT fiction.

All evidence indicates you were never in. You may have been baptized, but that means little without the rest......

The context that in his rants which are loaded with bigotry....he calls us bigots.

Stope the peyote and pay attention. :doubt::doubt:
you just keep believing that !

since you have no evidence at all this statement "All evidence indicates you were never in."-l is bullshit and it proves your need to rationalize your belief.

"Stope the peyote and Stope the peyote and pay attention" what the fuck is stope, a new deseret mouth wash?
and this "and pay attention" .... might want to take your own advise.:lol:

Yes, are a real doctrinal warrior.

I was one and it is silly...what context? the LDS "faith" begins and ends with the delusion's of it's founder.
I will say this, the Mormons are no more bigoted then any other faith group...
the thing to remember is, they have no evidence of any kind to prove the book of Mormon and it's companion texts are NOT fiction.

All evidence indicates you were never in. You may have been baptized, but that means little without the rest......

The context that in his rants which are loaded with bigotry....he calls us bigots.

Stope the peyote and pay attention. :doubt::doubt:
you just keep believing that !

since you have no evidence at all this statement "All evidence indicates you were never in."-l is bullshit and it proves your need to rationalize your belief.

"Stope the peyote and Stope the peyote and pay attention" what the fuck is stope, a new deseret mouth wash?
and this: "and pay attention" .... might want to take your own advise.:lol:

if by "IN" YOU MEAN BUYING INTO JOE SMITH'S MASTURBATION FANTASY... NO! I was never that gulible even as a child.
a planet name kolob....baahahahahahahahahahaha!

See, you really undermine yourself when you say stuff like that. Kolob isn't a planet.
All evidence indicates you were never in. You may have been baptized, but that means little without the rest......

The context that in his rants which are loaded with bigotry....he calls us bigots.

Stope the peyote and pay attention. :doubt::doubt:
you just keep believing that !

since you have no evidence at all this statement "All evidence indicates you were never in."-l is bullshit and it proves your need to rationalize your belief.

"Stope the peyote and Stope the peyote and pay attention" what the fuck is stope, a new deseret mouth wash?
and this "and pay attention" .... might want to take your own advise.:lol:

Yes, are a real doctrinal warrior.

dodge! where's your evidence! that's right, you have none!
All evidence indicates you were never in. You may have been baptized, but that means little without the rest......

The context that in his rants which are loaded with bigotry....he calls us bigots.

Stope the peyote and pay attention. :doubt::doubt:
you just keep believing that !

since you have no evidence at all this statement "All evidence indicates you were never in."-l is bullshit and it proves your need to rationalize your belief.

"Stope the peyote and Stope the peyote and pay attention" what the fuck is stope, a new deseret mouth wash?
and this: "and pay attention" .... might want to take your own advise.:lol:

if by "IN" YOU MEAN BUYING INTO JOE SMITH'S MASTURBATION FANTASY... NO! I was never that gulible even as a child.
a planet name kolob....baahahahahahahahahahaha!

See, you really undermine yourself when you say stuff like that. Kolob isn't a planet.
say stuff like what? you really have a problem with directness.
you are the kind of Mormon that thinks kolob is a metaphor ....right ?

The Planet KolobPosted on Dec 15, 2011 | 1 comment

The planet Kolob and the song about it.

Kolob is a star or planet described in Mormon scripture. Reference to Kolob is found in the Book of Abraham, a work published by Latter Day Saint (LDS) prophet Joseph Smith, Jr. According to this work, Kolob is the heavenly body nearest to the throne or residence of God. While the Book of Abraham refers to Kolob as a “star”,[1] it also refers to planets as stars,[2] and therefore, some LDS commentators consider Kolob to be a planet.[3] Other Latter Day Saints (commonly referred to as Mormons) consider Kolob to be a Christian metaphor.

Kolob has never been identified with any modern astronomical object and is not recognized as an ancient concept by modern Egyptology. Kolob is rarely discussed in modern LDS religious contexts, but it is periodically a topic of discussion in criticism of Mormonism. The idea also appears within LDS culture, and there is a LDS hymn about it. Kolob is also the inspiration for the planet Kobol within the Battlestar Galactica universe, created by Glen A. Larson, a Mormon.[4][5]

By: Jeannie
Let me explain like my Mormon friend explained it to me. Jesus dies and so did his apostles. Somewhere around 2000 years ago they all died off and they did not pass on their moral authority when they did. Then the dark ages came where corrupt popes rewrote the bible and all the spin offs like presbeterians, lutherans, protestants, catholics, greek orthodox, etc.

None of us have the authority from God.

But God visited Joseph Smith in America around 1400. He did give Joseph Smith the authority and that has been passed down and still exists to this day. So today the Mormon church has actual apostles. Passed down from 1400.

But the rest of us are following a false God/Religion. A cult so to speak.
All evidence indicates you were never in. You may have been baptized, but that means little without the rest......

The context that in his rants which are loaded with bigotry....he calls us bigots.

Stope the peyote and pay attention. :doubt::doubt:
you just keep believing that !

since you have no evidence at all this statement "All evidence indicates you were never in."-l is bullshit and it proves your need to rationalize your belief.

"Stope the peyote and Stope the peyote and pay attention" what the fuck is stope, a new deseret mouth wash?
and this: "and pay attention" .... might want to take your own advise.:lol:

if by "IN" YOU MEAN BUYING INTO JOE SMITH'S MASTURBATION FANTASY... NO! I was never that gulible even as a child.
a planet name kolob....baahahahahahahahahahaha!

See, you really undermine yourself when you say stuff like that. Kolob isn't a planet.

Are you wearing your magic underwear? :cuckoo:

I have to admit, you Mormons are really polite people. Crazy, but nice.
you just keep believing that !

since you have no evidence at all this statement "All evidence indicates you were never in."-l is bullshit and it proves your need to rationalize your belief.

"Stope the peyote and Stope the peyote and pay attention" what the fuck is stope, a new deseret mouth wash?
and this: "and pay attention" .... might want to take your own advise.:lol:

if by "IN" YOU MEAN BUYING INTO JOE SMITH'S MASTURBATION FANTASY... NO! I was never that gulible even as a child.
a planet name kolob....baahahahahahahahahahaha!

See, you really undermine yourself when you say stuff like that. Kolob isn't a planet.

Are you wearing your magic underwear? :cuckoo:

I have to admit, you Mormons are really polite people. Crazy, but nice.
the underwear in question is only magical in the minds of it's wearers ...
you just keep believing that !

since you have no evidence at all this statement "All evidence indicates you were never in."-l is bullshit and it proves your need to rationalize your belief.

"Stope the peyote and Stope the peyote and pay attention" what the fuck is stope, a new deseret mouth wash?
and this: "and pay attention" .... might want to take your own advise.:lol:

if by "IN" YOU MEAN BUYING INTO JOE SMITH'S MASTURBATION FANTASY... NO! I was never that gulible even as a child.
a planet name kolob....baahahahahahahahahahaha!

See, you really undermine yourself when you say stuff like that. Kolob isn't a planet.

Are you wearing your magic underwear? :cuckoo:

I have to admit, you Mormons are really polite people. Crazy, but nice.

I have no problem with people asking me about what I wear because of my religion.

However, making reference to it as "magic underwear" is offensive.

I don't think of it as "magic". It has special significance to me that is personal.

I could ask you personal questions that I think you would find offensive. Think about it.

And what business is it of yours anyway.
See, you really undermine yourself when you say stuff like that. Kolob isn't a planet.

Are you wearing your magic underwear? :cuckoo:

I have to admit, you Mormons are really polite people. Crazy, but nice.

I have no problem with people asking me about what I wear because of my religion.

However, making reference to it as "magic underwear" is offensive.

I don't think of it as "magic". It has special significance to me that is personal.

I could ask you personal questions that I think you would find offensive. Think about it.

And what business is it of yours anyway.
there you go dodging again!
what else would you call underwear that has been purported by practicing Mormons to have healing powers?
fruit of the loom?
Are you wearing your magic underwear? :cuckoo:

I have to admit, you Mormons are really polite people. Crazy, but nice.

I have no problem with people asking me about what I wear because of my religion.

However, making reference to it as "magic underwear" is offensive.

I don't think of it as "magic". It has special significance to me that is personal.

I could ask you personal questions that I think you would find offensive. Think about it.

And what business is it of yours anyway.
there you go dodging again!
what else would you call underwear that has been purported by practicing Mormons to have healing powers?
fruit of the loom?

I would again point out that this shows how little you know about the religion.

Healing Powers ? Don't think I have ever heard that before.
I have no problem with people asking me about what I wear because of my religion.

However, making reference to it as "magic underwear" is offensive.

I don't think of it as "magic". It has special significance to me that is personal.

I could ask you personal questions that I think you would find offensive. Think about it.

And what business is it of yours anyway.
there you go dodging again!
what else would you call underwear that has been purported by practicing Mormons to have healing powers?
fruit of the loom?

I would again point out that this shows how little you know about the religion.

Healing Powers ? Don't think I have ever heard that before.
in reality it's just the opposite:Nov 30, 2011 ... Mormons believe in being "in the world, but not of it," and the ... There are some special colored temple garments that can be worn by .... a belief that an article of clothing or an item has special powers. Hence the faith-promoting stories of garments saving people from accidents, burns, providing healing, etc.
About Mormonism - Mormon Underwear
there you go dodging again!
what else would you call underwear that has been purported by practicing Mormons to have healing powers?
fruit of the loom?

I would again point out that this shows how little you know about the religion.

Healing Powers ? Don't think I have ever heard that before.
in reality it's just the opposite:Nov 30, 2011 ... Mormons believe in being "in the world, but not of it," and the ... There are some special colored temple garments that can be worn by .... a belief that an article of clothing or an item has special powers. Hence the faith-promoting stories of garments saving people from accidents, burns, providing healing, etc.
About Mormonism - Mormon Underwear

You are not going to find that anywhere in our doctrine that I have ever seen.

What you cited was the "faith promoting stories" of others. That does not translate into a doctrine of healing underwear.

And there are a couple of other mis-statements in this article too.

Of course, you wouldn't know.
I would again point out that this shows how little you know about the religion.

Healing Powers ? Don't think I have ever heard that before.
in reality it's just the opposite:Nov 30, 2011 ... Mormons believe in being "in the world, but not of it," and the ... There are some special colored temple garments that can be worn by .... a belief that an article of clothing or an item has special powers. Hence the faith-promoting stories of garments saving people from accidents, burns, providing healing, etc.
About Mormonism - Mormon Underwear

You are not going to find that anywhere in our doctrine that I have ever seen.

What you cited was the "faith promoting stories" of others. That does not translate into a doctrine of healing underwear.

And there are a couple of other mis-statements in this article too.

Of course, you wouldn't know.
the key phrases here is "that I have ever seen." and "Mormons believe in being "in the world, but not of it"
which means you've never look outside your own most christians you only read the parts of the bible and the book of mormon that please you and forget the rest..
what I cited was stories told to others by mormons... I heard that same shit when I was a deacon passing sacrament on fast and testimony Sundays.
it's amusing when you make asinine assumptions about what I know or don't know.
matter of Fact I don't make those Assumptions about you..but then again you fit the stereotype like a glove ..
I have no problem with people asking me about what I wear because of my religion.

However, making reference to it as "magic underwear" is offensive.

I don't think of it as "magic". It has special significance to me that is personal.

I could ask you personal questions that I think you would find offensive. Think about it.

And what business is it of yours anyway.
there you go dodging again!
what else would you call underwear that has been purported by practicing Mormons to have healing powers?
fruit of the loom?

I would again point out that this shows how little you know about the religion.

Healing Powers ? Don't think I have ever heard that before.

Nor have I:)
in reality it's just the opposite:Nov 30, 2011 ... Mormons believe in being "in the world, but not of it," and the ... There are some special colored temple garments that can be worn by .... a belief that an article of clothing or an item has special powers. Hence the faith-promoting stories of garments saving people from accidents, burns, providing healing, etc.
About Mormonism - Mormon Underwear

You are not going to find that anywhere in our doctrine that I have ever seen.

What you cited was the "faith promoting stories" of others. That does not translate into a doctrine of healing underwear.

And there are a couple of other mis-statements in this article too.

Of course, you wouldn't know.
the key phrases here is "that I have ever seen." and "Mormons believe in being "in the world, but not of it"
which means you've never look outside your own most christians you only read the parts of the bible and the book of mormon that please you and forget the rest..
what I cited was stories told to others by mormons... I heard that same shit when I was a deacon passing sacrament on fast and testimony Sundays.
it's amusing when you make asinine assumptions about what I know or don't know.
matter of Fact I don't make those Assumptions about you..but then again you fit the stereotype like a glove ..

If this is somehow supposed to be an argument, it sucks. I am a convert. I've been on the other side.

What you cited were stories, not doctrine. If you can show where it is doctrinal, I'll listen. You heard what when you were a deacon ?

You've clearly shown you don't know much.

You make plenty of assumptions. And you misread stuff too.

Get it straight.
there you go dodging again!
what else would you call underwear that has been purported by practicing Mormons to have healing powers?
fruit of the loom?

I would again point out that this shows how little you know about the religion.

Healing Powers ? Don't think I have ever heard that before.

Nor have I:)

Kinda like the story a woman told me in all earnestness about how her sister was kidnapped and held in the Salt Lake Temple. She was about to be sacraficed but she jumped off the walls into the Great Salt Lake and swam to safety. :eusa_shifty:

Then I told her I was LDS. I could see the blood drain from her face.
You forgot "cult", because that is exactly what Mormonism is. I've read "Under the Banner of Heaven", and they absolutely want to establish a theocracy here. No thanks.

[ame=] Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith (9780385509510): Jon Krakauer: Books[/ame]

Why don't you enlighten the peeps here as to how they sanctify welfare fraud. How many billions a year is that?
Mormons are people who have a faith. What other truth is required. Will Romney be judged by his political prowess or by his religion. It certainly should be his political ability.
Mormons are people who have a faith. What other truth is required. Will Romney be judged by his political prowess or by his religion. It certainly should be his political ability.
as this election cycle has shown lots of Americans will judge him as they do everyone else, by their religion it's not right or fair but many of faith have become fanatics ..
You forgot "cult", because that is exactly what Mormonism is. I've read "Under the Banner of Heaven", and they absolutely want to establish a theocracy here. No thanks. Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith (9780385509510): Jon Krakauer: Books

Why don't you enlighten the peeps here as to how they sanctify welfare fraud. How many billions a year is that?

Gee....for 30 years...I have only been told by the church is that it will stay out of the politics, but that people (in the church) are encouraged to get involved because government and liberty is very important !!

In fact, the Book Of Mormon speaks a great deal about government (and in several instances, religious leaders refused to get involved in public situations).

30 Years ?????

Where have I been ?

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