The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
Pity bump.

Seriously, man. You have no pity. Do we really need to keep this insanity going.

I mean, I love bashing the Mormons, but this isn't even fun anymore. It's like talking to adult retards who still believe in Santa Claus.

They believe in lies ..then like this thread..they artificially bump the views to somehow make the claim that there is this huge interest in their religion. HouseGimp knows exactly what I am talking about. He is a dumb guy PLAYING it even dumber.

Right around last christmas this thread and several others were getting between 10-15 thousand views a day. 99% of them were fake computer generated. But that's just how these scum roll. Tell a big enough lie often enough and simple minded people see it as credibility.

Ya this thread was "old" when it was 1500 replies old..but now that we have one of these crazy fucks with his sights on the white house it is the duty of all knowledgeable Americans to out these clowns.

Fun?..not so much...neccessry.. Damn Skippy!

Keep outing there dumbass.......

With posts like this one, people are going to take you real seriously.

The LDS church will just keep right on cruising and you and Joe can sit back and suck on it.
Diaper Boy said:
Diaper Boy said:
Pity bump.

Seriously, man. You have no pity. Do we really need to keep this insanity going.

I mean, I love bashing the Mormons, but this isn't even fun anymore. It's like talking to adult retards who still believe in Santa Claus.
Right around last christmas this thread and several others were getting between 10-15 thousand views a day. 99% of them were fake computer generated. But that's just how these scum roll.
Back it up, homo... Where's your proof?

Honest discussion beats YouTubez any day... That bugs you, as anything you do here is relegated to "also ran" status...
Diaper Boy said:
Seriously, man. You have no pity. Do we really need to keep this insanity going.

I mean, I love bashing the Mormons, but this isn't even fun anymore. It's like talking to adult retards who still believe in Santa Claus.
Right around last christmas this thread and several others were getting between 10-15 thousand views a day. 99% of them were fake computer generated. But that's just how these scum roll.
Back it up, homo... Where's your proof?

Honest discussion beats YouTubez any day... That bugs you, as anything you do here is relegated to "also ran" status...

It is hysterical sometimes.

These guys can't rant enough about the "blind" and "stupid" beliefs of the mormons.

And yet their hatred comes through with all kinds of blind and stupid bigotry.

If they could only see this from the outside........
Mormans are idiots, thieves and liars. Their MO is dishonesty and taking advatage of weak minded suckers.

True story.

Yes, well.

I could see you as a weak minded sucker. I said....rollin' rollin' rollin'.........
Seriously, man. You have no pity. Do we really need to keep this insanity going.

I mean, I love bashing the Mormons, but this isn't even fun anymore. It's like talking to adult retards who still believe in Santa Claus.

They believe in lies ..then like this thread..they artificially bump the views to somehow make the claim that there is this huge interest in their religion. HouseGimp knows exactly what I am talking about. He is a dumb guy PLAYING it even dumber.

Right around last christmas this thread and several others were getting between 10-15 thousand views a day. 99% of them were fake computer generated. But that's just how these scum roll. Tell a big enough lie often enough and simple minded people see it as credibility.

Ya this thread was "old" when it was 1500 replies old..but now that we have one of these crazy fucks with his sights on the white house it is the duty of all knowledgeable Americans to out these clowns.

Fun?..not so much...neccessry.. Damn Skippy!

Keep outing there dumbass.......

With posts like this one, people are going to take you real seriously.

The LDS church will just keep right on cruising and you and Joe can sit back and suck on it.

No one need take me seriously. This is the internet. Your opinions do not affect my life. What people should do is take your cult seriously.
Diaper Boy said:
Right around last christmas this thread and several others were getting between 10-15 thousand views a day. 99% of them were fake computer generated. But that's just how these scum roll.
Back it up, homo... Where's your proof?

Honest discussion beats YouTubez any day... That bugs you, as anything you do here is relegated to "also ran" status...

It is hysterical sometimes.

These guys can't rant enough about the "blind" and "stupid" beliefs of the mormons.

And yet their hatred comes through with all kinds of blind and stupid bigotry.

If they could only see this from the outside........

Guy, you can whine bout "bigotry" all day.

If you told me you believed in Bigfoot, or Santa Claus, or the Tooth Fairy, and I called your beliefs silly, no one would have a question about that, they are silly things that can be easily disproven.

But you tell me that you believe in Golden Plates no one saw, or a magic Hebrew civilzation in America that left no archeological trace, or Magic Underpants... and when I call that silly, you blurt back "but...but...but... that's my religion! You Bigot! "

Sorry, taking silly, irrational beliefs and slapping vestments on them and calling them a religion does not make them less silly.

It might put people off. Hell, I found myself doing it once in a while. Had to listen to a co-worker go on yesterday about how blood transfusions are against the bible (She's a Jehovah's Witness, a bunch that give the LDS a run in the Religious stupid Department.) Really, really felt like telling her how stupid she was, but I realize I have to work with her until the boss figures out she's worthless and fires her.
Back it up, homo... Where's your proof?

Honest discussion beats YouTubez any day... That bugs you, as anything you do here is relegated to "also ran" status...

It is hysterical sometimes.

These guys can't rant enough about the "blind" and "stupid" beliefs of the mormons.

And yet their hatred comes through with all kinds of blind and stupid bigotry.

If they could only see this from the outside........

Guy, you can whine bout "bigotry" all day.

If you told me you believed in Bigfoot, or Santa Claus, or the Tooth Fairy, and I called your beliefs silly, no one would have a question about that, they are silly things that can be easily disproven.

But you tell me that you believe in Golden Plates no one saw, or a magic Hebrew civilzation in America that left no archeological trace, or Magic Underpants... and when I call that silly, you blurt back "but...but...but... that's my religion! You Bigot! "

Sorry, taking silly, irrational beliefs and slapping vestments on them and calling them a religion does not make them less silly.

It might put people off. Hell, I found myself doing it once in a while. Had to listen to a co-worker go on yesterday about how blood transfusions are against the bible (She's a Jehovah's Witness, a bunch that give the LDS a run in the Religious stupid Department.) Really, really felt like telling her how stupid she was, but I realize I have to work with her until the boss figures out she's worthless and fires her.

I have no issues with people calling the the LDS faith silly. That is perfectly understandable coming from people who have never really been engaged in it.

What you seem to miss the context on is the rather funny blatherings of that moron Huggy.

I don't care if you call my faith irrational. Any faith, including no faith, can be called the same.

But to blindly spew the kind of invective he does about our so called just hilarious.
It is hysterical sometimes.

These guys can't rant enough about the "blind" and "stupid" beliefs of the mormons.

And yet their hatred comes through with all kinds of blind and stupid bigotry.

If they could only see this from the outside........

Guy, you can whine bout "bigotry" all day.

If you told me you believed in Bigfoot, or Santa Claus, or the Tooth Fairy, and I called your beliefs silly, no one would have a question about that, they are silly things that can be easily disproven.

But you tell me that you believe in Golden Plates no one saw, or a magic Hebrew civilzation in America that left no archeological trace, or Magic Underpants... and when I call that silly, you blurt back "but...but...but... that's my religion! You Bigot! "

Sorry, taking silly, irrational beliefs and slapping vestments on them and calling them a religion does not make them less silly.

It might put people off. Hell, I found myself doing it once in a while. Had to listen to a co-worker go on yesterday about how blood transfusions are against the bible (She's a Jehovah's Witness, a bunch that give the LDS a run in the Religious stupid Department.) Really, really felt like telling her how stupid she was, but I realize I have to work with her until the boss figures out she's worthless and fires her.

I have no issues with people calling the the LDS faith silly. That is perfectly understandable coming from people who have never really been engaged in it.

What you seem to miss the context on is the rather funny blatherings of that moron Huggy.

I don't care if you call my faith irrational. Any faith, including no faith, can be called the same.

But to blindly spew the kind of invective he does about our so called just hilarious.
I was one and it is silly...what context? the LDS "faith" begins and ends with the delusion's of it's founder.
I will say this, the Mormons are no more bigoted then any other faith group...
the thing to remember is, they have no evidence of any kind to prove the book of Mormon and it's companion texts are NOT fiction.
Pity bump.

Seriously, man. You have no pity. Do we really need to keep this insanity going.

I mean, I love bashing the Mormons, but this isn't even fun anymore. It's like talking to adult retards who still believe in Santa Claus.

They believe in lies ..then like this thread..they artificially bump the views to somehow make the claim that there is this huge interest in their religion. HouseGimp knows exactly what I am talking about. He is a dumb guy PLAYING it even dumber.

Right around last christmas this thread and several others were getting between 10-15 thousand views a day. 99% of them were fake computer generated. But that's just how these scum roll. Tell a big enough lie often enough and simple minded people see it as credibility.

Ya this thread was "old" when it was 1500 replies old..but now that we have one of these crazy fucks with his sights on the white house it is the duty of all knowledgeable Americans to out these clowns.

Fun?..not so much...neccessry.. Damn Skippy!

You're still making the bogus claim that us Mormons are manipulating the number of people viewing the thread. Why? For what purpose? Why on earth would you think a higher number of views to this thread means squat to us? You think we want to see you fighting with people about nonsense using degrading language with on another while completely ignoring anything to actually do with the Restored Gospel? You think we have so little lives that we need to manipulate views to a thread on a small internet message board that most of the world is probably unaware of?

Seriously, you think that happened, but you think it's improbable that God speaks to heaven and would reveal the Book of Mormon to Twelve witnesses?

And for the record, i did a search of "The truth about mormons" and this is one of the top entries. It's not very unlikely for people to do a search in that and find this thread. Not that this thread matters much.
No one need take me seriously. This is the internet. Your opinions do not affect my life. What people should do is take your cult seriously.

I agree. They should take us seriously. They should listen to the message we present to the world concerning the Savior and the Restoration of the Gospel. They should study the Book of Mormon, Bible, and modern revelations. And they should seek the Lord to find out whether it's true or not.

I can promise anyone who reads this that if you take Moroni's challenge, you can find out for yourselves that the Book of Mormon is true. The book truly is a miracle.
Back it up, homo... Where's your proof?

Honest discussion beats YouTubez any day... That bugs you, as anything you do here is relegated to "also ran" status...

It is hysterical sometimes.

These guys can't rant enough about the "blind" and "stupid" beliefs of the mormons.

And yet their hatred comes through with all kinds of blind and stupid bigotry.

If they could only see this from the outside........

Guy, you can whine bout "bigotry" all day.

If you told me you believed in Bigfoot, or Santa Claus, or the Tooth Fairy, and I called your beliefs silly, no one would have a question about that, they are silly things that can be easily disproven.

But you tell me that you believe in Golden Plates no one saw, or a magic Hebrew civilzation in America that left no archeological trace, or Magic Underpants... and when I call that silly, you blurt back "but...but...but... that's my religion! You Bigot! "

Sorry, taking silly, irrational beliefs and slapping vestments on them and calling them a religion does not make them less silly.

It might put people off. Hell, I found myself doing it once in a while. Had to listen to a co-worker go on yesterday about how blood transfusions are against the bible (She's a Jehovah's Witness, a bunch that give the LDS a run in the Religious stupid Department.) Really, really felt like telling her how stupid she was, but I realize I have to work with her until the boss figures out she's worthless and fires her.

Except, people did see the plates. You just leave that out because it's inconvenient for your argument. Easier to just refuse to acknowledge their existence than try to explain it away from them.

There are countless civilizations lost to history and you think it's silly that there might be one. There are civilizations we know existed that there is absolutely no achaelogical evidence for.

Fact is that archaelogy doesnt prove or disprove the Gospel. Anyone trying to claim either one doesn't understand the things of God. The things of God is only proved by the Spirit. That requires personal experiences with the Divine. And I can promise you that man can and does have experiences with the Father and the Son.
Book of Mormon Witnesses
Why were the witnesses only allowed to see the plates with "spiritual eyes"?
If the plates were real, why would it take faith to see them? (D&C17:2) (How could he have translated without the plates, as his scribes said, if he was doing a literal translation of a physical object?)
Why does the church now extol the witnesses when Joseph Smith condemned them?
Why would most of them leave the church?
Why did Brigham Young say that the 3 witnesses doubted and disbelieved in their experience? "Some of the witnesses of the Book of Mormon, who handled the plates and conversed with the angels of God, were afterwards left to doubt and disbelieve that they had ever seen an angel." (JOD 7:164 1859).
Why were all of the witnesses (except Martin Harris) related to Joseph Smith or David Whitmer?
Difficult Questions for Mormons to answer

What did they really see?
by Janis Hutchinson

The printed statement of the three witnesses, as contained in the front of the Book of Mormon, states that they saw the plates and the engravings. Another statement of eight witnesses adds that they “hefted” the plates.

Many ask, “Certainly, they wouldn’t testify to something unless it was true! Or, would they?”


Where did the printed statement of the three witnesses, Martin Harris, Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer come from? Did they actually write the testimony themselves? No!

It is believed that Joseph Smith wrote the statement for them to sign. This appears to be evident since, at that time, he knew none of the witnesses had ever seen the plates with their natural eyes, as they themselves later admitted. Yet, when he worded it, he deliberately gave the impression they had.

Stretching or misrepresenting the truth was no problem for Smith, for he had altered other revelations. According to Apostle William E. McLellin, the testimony of the Twelve Apostles contained in the Introduction to the Doctrine and Covenants, was a “base forgery” and Smith had seriously altered other revelations. David Whitmer, one of the three witnesses, accused Joseph of the same thing.


Whatever they saw and by whatever means, it was not in the dimension of physical reality.

Martin Harris admitted he never saw anything with his natural eyes. He stated: “I never saw the golden plates, only in a visionary or entranced state.”

Further, he admitted the same to the printer who was working on the first edition of the Book of Mormon:

During the printing of the first edition of the Book of Mormon, he (Harris) was in the print shop while the type was being set for the testimony of the three witnesses. The printer, John Gilbert, asked him if he had seen the plates with his naked eye. “Martin looked down for an instant, raised his eyes up, and said, ‘No, I saw them with a spiritual eye.”

He further told a Palmyra lawyer, who asked him: “Did you see the plates and the engravings upon them with your bodily eyes?” He responded:

I did not see them as I do that pencil-case, yet I saw them with the eye of faith; I saw them just as distinctly as I see anything around me - though at the time they were covered with a cloth.

Harris further let the cat out of the bag when he revealed that the other eight witnesses saw no plates either. On April 15, 1838, Stephen Burnett gave the following report:

I have reflected long and deliberately upon the history of this church & weighed the evidence for & against it - loth to give it up - but when I came to hear Martin Harris state in public that he never saw the plates with his natural eyes only in vision or imagination, neither Oliver nor David & also that the eight witnesses never saw them & hesitated to sign that instrument for that reason, but were persuaded to do it, the last pedestal gave away . . . . I therefore three weeks since in the Stone Chapel gave . . . the reasons why I took the course which I was resolved to do, and renounced the Book of Mormon. . . .

I was followed by W. Parrish, Luke Johnson & John Boynton, all of who concurred with me, (sic) after we were done speaking M. Harris arose & said he was sorry for any man who rejected the Book of Mormon for he knew it was true, he said he had hefted the plates repeatedly in a box with only a tablecloth or a handkerchief over them, but he never saw them, only as he saw a city through a mountain. And said that he never should have told that the testimony of the eight was false, if it had not been picked out of (him) but should have let it passed as it was.

So, in reality, the witnesses saw nothing!
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Guy, you can whine bout "bigotry" all day.

If you told me you believed in Bigfoot, or Santa Claus, or the Tooth Fairy, and I called your beliefs silly, no one would have a question about that, they are silly things that can be easily disproven.

But you tell me that you believe in Golden Plates no one saw, or a magic Hebrew civilzation in America that left no archeological trace, or Magic Underpants... and when I call that silly, you blurt back "but...but...but... that's my religion! You Bigot! "

Sorry, taking silly, irrational beliefs and slapping vestments on them and calling them a religion does not make them less silly.

It might put people off. Hell, I found myself doing it once in a while. Had to listen to a co-worker go on yesterday about how blood transfusions are against the bible (She's a Jehovah's Witness, a bunch that give the LDS a run in the Religious stupid Department.) Really, really felt like telling her how stupid she was, but I realize I have to work with her until the boss figures out she's worthless and fires her.

I have no issues with people calling the the LDS faith silly. That is perfectly understandable coming from people who have never really been engaged in it.

What you seem to miss the context on is the rather funny blatherings of that moron Huggy.

I don't care if you call my faith irrational. Any faith, including no faith, can be called the same.

But to blindly spew the kind of invective he does about our so called just hilarious.
I was one and it is silly...what context? the LDS "faith" begins and ends with the delusion's of it's founder.
I will say this, the Mormons are no more bigoted then any other faith group...
the thing to remember is, they have no evidence of any kind to prove the book of Mormon and it's companion texts are NOT fiction.

All evidence indicates you were never in. You may have been baptized, but that means little without the rest......

The context that in his rants which are loaded with bigotry....he calls us bigots.

Stope the peyote and pay attention. :doubt::doubt:
I have no issues with people calling the the LDS faith silly. That is perfectly understandable coming from people who have never really been engaged in it.

What you seem to miss the context on is the rather funny blatherings of that moron Huggy.

I don't care if you call my faith irrational. Any faith, including no faith, can be called the same.

But to blindly spew the kind of invective he does about our so called just hilarious.
I was one and it is silly...what context? the LDS "faith" begins and ends with the delusion's of it's founder.
I will say this, the Mormons are no more bigoted then any other faith group...
the thing to remember is, they have no evidence of any kind to prove the book of Mormon and it's companion texts are NOT fiction.

All evidence indicates you were never in. You may have been baptized, but that means little without the rest......

The context that in his rants which are loaded with bigotry....he calls us bigots.

Stope the peyote and pay attention. :doubt::doubt:
you just keep believing that !

since you have no evidence at all this statement "All evidence indicates you were never in."-l is bullshit and it proves your need to rationalize your belief.

"Stope the peyote and Stope the peyote and pay attention" what the fuck is stope, a new deseret mouth wash?
and this: "and pay attention" .... might want to take your own advise.:lol:

if by "IN" YOU MEAN BUYING INTO JOE SMITH'S MASTURBATION FANTASY... NO! I was never that gulible even as a child.
a planet name kolob....baahahahahahahahahahaha!
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