The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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What you religionists and atheists are all proving is . . . that man is a bloodthirsty animal.
Snookie, other species kill for fun. Cats do; they enjoy tormenting and killing then walking away.
How Many Were Killed by Communists in the Name of Atheism & Secularism?

Stalin, Mao, Other Communists Killed Millions on Behalf of Atheism

By Austin Cline, Guide

How many people in Communist Russia and China have been killed because of atheism and secularism?

None, probably.

What about Adolf Hitler? Does he get a free pass?
How Many Were Killed by Communists in the Name of Atheism & Secularism?

Stalin, Mao, Other Communists Killed Millions on Behalf of Atheism

By Austin Cline, Guide

How many people in Communist Russia and China have been killed because of atheism and secularism?

None, probably.

What about Adolf Hitler? Does he get a free pass?

Of course not. The Christians are blamed for him.
The Book of Mormon claims to be a detailed history of pre Columbian America from about 600 B.C. to about 421 A.D. If it is such a history, there must be archaeological evidence that the events described in The Book of Mormon happened. Nevertheless, there is not. None of the cities described in The Book of Mormon have been discovered by archaeologists. There is no evidence of any of the battles.

There is ample evidence. I've posted mountains of it. But it sounds like you are not doing any REAL research of your own. Just listening to the babblings of institutions who are deathly afraid of admitting any of the mountainous evidence in favor of the Book of Mormon.

Two Mormon missionaries proselytized me in 1969. I really did want to become a Mormon, but I wanted proof.

When I learned that the papyri for Book of Abraham had recently been found in the archives of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, and in the LDS Church archives, I thought here was the proof. All that was necessary was to translate the ancient manuscript. If it confirms the translation Joseph wrote that is in The Pearl of Great Price, Mormonism is true. If it does not, Mormonism is not true, and Joseph Smith is a religious charlatan.

The Mormon missionaries I was talking to knew little of The Book of Mormon, but they found for me several articles Hugh Nibley wrote about the recently discovered manuscript. Hugh Nibley was a Mormon scholar who could read ancient Egyptian writing. I expected him to triumphantly say, "Here is the proof of Mormonism. The manuscript has been found. It says what Joseph Smith said is says. This has been confirmed by non Mormon Egyptologists who can read the ancient writings."

Instead, Professor Nibley's articles had an apprehensive tone. He spoke vaguely of "the problem of The Book of Abraham," and so on.

What problem? I wondered. Here was proof of Mormonism. Why wasn't he saying so?

Fortunately, the articles included copies of the papyri. I began to suspect that the manuscript was The Book of the Dead. This was a book that was entombed with Egyptian mummies. It had nothing to do with Abraham's travels in Egypt, but concerned ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses.

I went to a nearby public library and checked out E. A. Wallis Budge's translation of The Book of the Dead.

[ame=]The Book of the Dead: E. A. Wallis Budge: 9781605974897: Books[/ame]

This includes photos of an original manuscript of The Book of the Dead. I could readily see similarities between those photos and the papyri Joseph Smith claimed to translate into The Book of Abraham.

Needless to say, the Mormon missionaries were astonished. :eek:

Years later I learned that The Book of Abraham papyri was a copy of The Book of Breathings. This was a later version of The Book of the Dead, current during the Roman Empire.

So, contrary to what you posted Truthspeaker, I did my own research, and independently arrived at conclusions that have since then become the non Mormon consensus.

This video exposes the fraud of The Book of Abraham. Keep in mind that I came to essentially the same conclusions on my own before the narrator in the video was born.

[ame=]The Book of Abraham, Did Joseph Smith Lie? - YouTube[/ame]

This is a much longer video on the same topic.

[ame=]The Lost Book of Abraham - YouTube[/ame]
The Book of Mormon claims to be a detailed history of pre Columbian America from about 600 B.C. to about 421 A.D. If it is such a history, there must be archaeological evidence that the events described in The Book of Mormon happened. Nevertheless, there is not. None of the cities described in The Book of Mormon have been discovered by archaeologists. There is no evidence of any of the battles.

There is ample evidence. I've posted mountains of it. But it sounds like you are not doing any REAL research of your own. Just listening to the babblings of institutions who are deathly afraid of admitting any of the mountainous evidence in favor of the Book of Mormon.

Dear Michelle Grim:

Thank you for contacting the National Geographic Society.

The National Geographic Society has not examined the historical claims of the Book of Mormon. We know of no archaeological evidence that corroborates the ancient history of the Western Hemisphere as presented in the Book of Mormon, nor are we aware of empirical verification of the places named in the Book of Mormon.

The Book of Mormon is clearly a work of great spiritual power; millions have read and revered its words, first published by Joseph Smith in 1830.

Yet Smith’s narration is not generally taken as a scientific source for the history of the Americas. Archaeologists and other scholars have long probed the hemisphere’s past, and the Society does not know of anything found so far that has substantiated the Book of Mormon.

In fact, students of prehistoric America by and large conclude that the New World’s earliest inhabitants arrived from Asia via the Bering land bridge.

(Lower sea levels during ice ages exposed the continental shelf beneath Bering Strait, allowing generations of ancient Siberians to migrate east.) National Geographic carried the article “Hunt for the First Americans” and the map supplement “The Dawn of Humans: Peopling of the Americas” in the December 2000 issue, perhaps on your library’s shelf.

You might want to write the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History and ask for their latest statement on this topic. You can write the museum in care of

P.O. Box 37012, Washington, D.C.
Book of Mormon: Smithsonian and National Geographic Responds - Life After Ministries
The Book of Mormon claims to be a detailed history of pre Columbian America from about 600 B.C. to about 421 A.D. If it is such a history, there must be archaeological evidence that the events described in The Book of Mormon happened. Nevertheless, there is not. None of the cities described in The Book of Mormon have been discovered by archaeologists. There is no evidence of any of the battles.

There is ample evidence. I've posted mountains of it. But it sounds like you are not doing any REAL research of your own. Just listening to the babblings of institutions who are deathly afraid of admitting any of the mountainous evidence in favor of the Book of Mormon.


The Smithsonian Institute and the National Geographic Society do not "babble." They are respectable and prestigious authorities on archaeology. They are not, "deathly afraid of admitting any of the mountainous evidence in favor of the Book of Mormon."

What is this "mountainous evidence?" Tell me in your own words.

I have read The Book of Mormon myself, as well as The Doctrine and Covenants, and The Pearl of Great Price.

After reading all that, I did what the Mormon missionaries told me to do. I prayed to ask if it was true. However, I did not get "a burning in my bosom."

The absence of even a warm feeling confirmed what I had already concluded: The Book of Mormon is a fraud; Joseph Smith, Jr. was a clever charlatan. Discovering that came as a disappointment because I really wanted Mormonism to be true.

Mormons like to claim that pre Columbian cities built by American Indians were built by the Nephites and Lamanites whom Joseph Smith wrote about in The Book of Mormon. Smith claimed that the Nephites and Lamanites were descendants of Lehi and his wife, who were Hebrews who left Jerusalem shortly before the Babylonian Captivity.

Nevertheless, there is no resemblance between Hebrew architecture of buildings excavated in Israel and the architecture of American Indian cities.

The Book of Mormon claims that a version of Christianity existed for several centuries in the New World before the time of Columbus. Religions leave durable evidence in the archaeological record. There is no evidence of any religion similar to Christianity in the New World from when the Book of Mormon claims Jesus appeared in the New World in 34 A.D. to the end of The Book of Mormon narrative in 421 A.D.

The American Indian civilizations that existed during this time were the Zapotec, the Maya, and the Teotihuacan. These were polytheistic and practiced human sacrifice.

A brief explanation of what was really happening in the New World during The Book of Mormon time frame can be found in the following article, which appeared in The New York Times in March 15, 2005:

Mother Culture, or Only a Sister?

The Book of Mormon mentions animals and crops that are known to have been absent in the New World from 600 B.C. to 421 A.D. It mentions the use of steel, which did not appear until the arrival of the Spaniards.

There is no evidence of Hebrew writing in the New World during that time, as there would be if the inhabitants of the American Indian cities were founded by Israelite refugees.
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The Book of Mormon is a load of rubbish concocted by a charlatan, filled with nonsense, disproven on all historical points from here to doomsday, and which serious science regards with contempt.

However, the Smithsonian has to tippy-toe writing about it, because they dare not cause a ruckus with the ignorant, superstitious fools who regard it as the Word of God.
Worry about funding always prevents religion being treated with the scorn it deserves.

How Many Were Killed by Communists in the Name of Atheism & Secularism?

Stalin, Mao, Other Communists Killed Millions on Behalf of Atheism

By Austin Cline, Guide

How many people in Communist Russia and China have been killed because of atheism and secularism?

None, probably.

What about Adolf Hitler? Does he get a free pass?
hitler was a christian.....and no ...
The Book of Mormon is a load of rubbish concocted by a charlatan, filled with nonsense, disproven on all historical points from here to doomsday, and which serious science regards with contempt.

However, the Smithsonian has to tippy-toe writing about it, because they dare not cause a ruckus with the ignorant, superstitious fools who regard it as the Word of God.
Worry about funding always prevents religion being treated with the scorn it deserves.

I was a mormon...and you're absolutely right .
but then again a stopped clock is correct twice a day.
Dresden fire bombings, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Korea, Civil War, Spanish American War, The war of 1812, the Revolutionary War, The Indian wars, The War On Drugs, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and the mother of them all, Granada.

Just a few. Counting the collateral damage it adds up to millions.

You are once again serving dog shit and claiming it is Chateaubriand...

War != Democide

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