The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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Of course, but that is the emptiest statement I ever heard. Where is the backup. It is another dogmatic response.
It's like.... all they can do is dismiss it as not up for discussion. Where is the substance? Their arguments are simply: "There was no pre-Columbian voyages to the Americas." as if the matter were closed and there is no evidence or proof they cite to back it up.

Scientists don't agree on the subject so it's hardly been decided. Science is not authoritative on the basis that it agrees with your pre-conceived notions.

All I ever said is that my scientific view cannot be dismissed as invalid until someone proves it beyond any doubt. You guys think I am trying to prove it but I am only proving possibility. Pay attention people.

careful, you are exposing your ignorance regarding the scientific method. It is not MY job to validate YOUR assumptions. I don't have to disprove every nutter idea that you have while trying to calidate your religion. If you've got evidence then post it. If not, well, we know why you rail against the non-mormon scientific community and totally fail to offer anything that is not saturated in mormonism, dont we?

When you finally read my sources, You will shut your mouth:eusa_shhh:. And it's only my duty to show that it's possible, not prove it's true. You are trying to prove me wrong, which is NOT possible.

no really. It IS your responsibility to provide evidence supporting your theory. Good grief, a giant fucking cthulu type monster from space could POSSIBLY gobble up the earth this year. You want to take my word for it or see my evidence?

good grief. no wonder dogma junkies have such a hard time with science.
When you finally read my sources, You will shut your mouth:eusa_shhh:. And it's only my duty to show that it's possible, not prove it's true. You are trying to prove me wrong, which is NOT possible.

I dont think its something they understand.

The whole thing about it is it shouldnt be possible. If Joseph was a con man it should be a slam dunk. But its not because he kept getting things right.

How many "coincidences" does he have to have before he is taken seriously?

You people sure are quick to gloss over the fact that everyone else who doesn't have a mormon bone to pick OUTRIGHT DISAGREES with your entire premise, eh? Indeed, it IS a slam dunk given how little your goofy stretch of the imagination gets disregarded like a hale-bopp prophet with a spaceship POSSIBILITY.

You don't offer coincidence. you offer a biased interpretation meant to facilitate your personal faith. Just because a greek dogma junkie thought lighting was the jizm of Zues doesn't mean it is so and challenging a non believer to PROVE OTHERWISE is not proof positive of your nutter opinion.

Hey, enjoy the scientific method, buddy. Clearly, we'd still be walking on a flat earth, in the center of the universe, without it.
When you finally read my sources, You will shut your mouth:eusa_shhh:. And it's only my duty to show that it's possible, not prove it's true. You are trying to prove me wrong, which is NOT possible.

I dont think its something they understand.

The whole thing about it is it shouldnt be possible. If Joseph was a con man it should be a slam dunk. But its not because he kept getting things right.

How many "coincidences" does he have to have before he is taken seriously?

You people sure are quick to gloss over the fact that everyone else who doesn't have a mormon bone to pick OUTRIGHT DISAGREES with your entire premise, eh? Indeed, it IS a slam dunk given how little your goofy stretch of the imagination gets disregarded like a hale-bopp prophet with a spaceship POSSIBILITY.

You don't offer coincidence. you offer a biased interpretation meant to facilitate your personal faith. Just because a greek dogma junkie thought lighting was the jizm of Zues doesn't mean it is so and challenging a non believer to PROVE OTHERWISE is not proof positive of your nutter opinion.

Hey, enjoy the scientific method, buddy. Clearly, we'd still be walking on a flat earth, in the center of the universe, without it.

Boy you sure showed me.:cool: Are you quite finished? We aren't going to agree. No problem. I never had any hope:eusa_pray: of converting you. I guess people like you will think we're crazy:cuckoo:. The evidence is good enough for me. You think I'm twisting it to fit my beliefs and I get that:eusa_whistle:. I admit it does conveniently fit my doctrine. With only 2% of known archaeological sites having been excavated:dig: in Mesoamerica, I'll gladly take it and so will the rest of my wacko religious wingnuts. I'll be waiting for more interesting discoveries to come to light. :popcorn: So let's agree to disagree. Nice job on the flaming:evil: though. Let's just stop fighting:meow:
I dont think its something they understand.

The whole thing about it is it shouldnt be possible. If Joseph was a con man it should be a slam dunk. But its not because he kept getting things right.

How many "coincidences" does he have to have before he is taken seriously?

You people sure are quick to gloss over the fact that everyone else who doesn't have a mormon bone to pick OUTRIGHT DISAGREES with your entire premise, eh? Indeed, it IS a slam dunk given how little your goofy stretch of the imagination gets disregarded like a hale-bopp prophet with a spaceship POSSIBILITY.

You don't offer coincidence. you offer a biased interpretation meant to facilitate your personal faith. Just because a greek dogma junkie thought lighting was the jizm of Zues doesn't mean it is so and challenging a non believer to PROVE OTHERWISE is not proof positive of your nutter opinion.

Hey, enjoy the scientific method, buddy. Clearly, we'd still be walking on a flat earth, in the center of the universe, without it.

Boy you sure showed me.:cool: Are you quite finished? We aren't going to agree. No problem. I never had any hope:eusa_pray: of converting you. I guess people like you will think we're crazy:cuckoo:. The evidence is good enough for me. You think I'm twisting it to fit my beliefs and I get that:eusa_whistle:. I admit it does conveniently fit my doctrine. With only 2% of known archaeological sites having been excavated:dig: in Mesoamerica, I'll gladly take it and so will the rest of my wacko religious wingnuts. I'll be waiting for more interesting discoveries to come to light. :popcorn: So let's agree to disagree. Nice job on the flaming:evil: though. Let's just stop fighting:meow:

Inductive or deductive reasoning; what will it be in order to validate your system of faith? We know that the bible is interpretted only by one of the above methods. That also must apply to the BOM, and all LDS documents of faith.

Cults can massage the bible into saying whatever they "want" it to say in order to validate their doctrine. It's what Avatar likes to liberally use against us skeptics of his LDS religion as, "Cut and Paste" when we quote LDS/critical articles. Sadly, the LDS approach to defending their system of belief, is the use of "cut and paste" upon the bible in order to make it(bible) agree with or validate their doctrine.

This is not unlike believing in the word, "Hope" as though that word itself has magical/powerful qualitities. We all know that "hope" begins to have substance when connected to objective evidences.

Faith to men can appear to be such a "stretch", but the LDS church has taken it to atmospheric proportions, and surprisingly, very bright people have accepted that premise.
You people sure are quick to gloss over the fact that everyone else who doesn't have a mormon bone to pick OUTRIGHT DISAGREES with your entire premise, eh? Indeed, it IS a slam dunk given how little your goofy stretch of the imagination gets disregarded like a hale-bopp prophet with a spaceship POSSIBILITY.

You don't offer coincidence. you offer a biased interpretation meant to facilitate your personal faith. Just because a greek dogma junkie thought lighting was the jizm of Zues doesn't mean it is so and challenging a non believer to PROVE OTHERWISE is not proof positive of your nutter opinion.

Hey, enjoy the scientific method, buddy. Clearly, we'd still be walking on a flat earth, in the center of the universe, without it.

Boy you sure showed me.:cool: Are you quite finished? We aren't going to agree. No problem. I never had any hope:eusa_pray: of converting you. I guess people like you will think we're crazy:cuckoo:. The evidence is good enough for me. You think I'm twisting it to fit my beliefs and I get that:eusa_whistle:. I admit it does conveniently fit my doctrine. With only 2% of known archaeological sites having been excavated:dig: in Mesoamerica, I'll gladly take it and so will the rest of my wacko religious wingnuts. I'll be waiting for more interesting discoveries to come to light. :popcorn: So let's agree to disagree. Nice job on the flaming:evil: though. Let's just stop fighting:meow:

Faith to men can appear to be such a "stretch", but the LDS church has taken it to atmospheric proportions, and surprisingly, very bright people have accepted that premise.
One of the best statements I have ever heard concerning the LDS :eusa_angel:
You people sure are quick to gloss over the fact that everyone else who doesn't have a mormon bone to pick OUTRIGHT DISAGREES with your entire premise, eh? Indeed, it IS a slam dunk given how little your goofy stretch of the imagination gets disregarded like a hale-bopp prophet with a spaceship POSSIBILITY.

You don't offer coincidence. you offer a biased interpretation meant to facilitate your personal faith. Just because a greek dogma junkie thought lighting was the jizm of Zues doesn't mean it is so and challenging a non believer to PROVE OTHERWISE is not proof positive of your nutter opinion.

Hey, enjoy the scientific method, buddy. Clearly, we'd still be walking on a flat earth, in the center of the universe, without it.

Boy you sure showed me.:cool: Are you quite finished? We aren't going to agree. No problem. I never had any hope:eusa_pray: of converting you. I guess people like you will think we're crazy:cuckoo:. The evidence is good enough for me. You think I'm twisting it to fit my beliefs and I get that:eusa_whistle:. I admit it does conveniently fit my doctrine. With only 2% of known archaeological sites having been excavated:dig: in Mesoamerica, I'll gladly take it and so will the rest of my wacko religious wingnuts. I'll be waiting for more interesting discoveries to come to light. :popcorn: So let's agree to disagree. Nice job on the flaming:evil: though. Let's just stop fighting:meow:

Inductive or deductive reasoning; what will it be in order to validate your system of faith? We know that the bible is interpretted only by one of the above methods. That also must apply to the BOM, and all LDS documents of faith.

Cults can massage the bible into saying whatever they "want" it to say in order to validate their doctrine. It's what Avatar likes to liberally use against us skeptics of his LDS religion as, "Cut and Paste" when we quote LDS/critical articles. Sadly, the LDS approach to defending their system of belief, is the use of "cut and paste" upon the bible in order to make it(bible) agree with or validate their doctrine.

This is not unlike believing in the word, "Hope" as though that word itself has magical/powerful qualitities. We all know that "hope" begins to have substance when connected to objective evidences.

Faith to men can appear to be such a "stretch", but the LDS church has taken it to atmospheric proportions, and surprisingly, very bright people have accepted that premise.

Well, I think we have been off topic for a while now. There is evidence for both arguments but I didn't start this thread to argue about archaeology or history. I just wanted to distinguish between precepts we actually believe in and rumor about what we believe in. I have said that from the beginning.

We definitely have taken it to atmospheric proportions. There are some fantastic claims we believe in. We admit that. But we believe them. Let us have our religion. I am not trying to prove anyone elses faith to be wrong, only to state my own belief. If you think that by so doing I am attacking your faith then you are mistaken.

Any more legit questions?
From what the mormons tell me, the worst I can expect to encounter after this life is an eternity in one of the lowest levels of heaven; only mormons that reject the LDS are threatened with "outer darkness."
From what the mormons tell me, the worst I can expect to encounter after this life is an eternity in one of the lowest levels of heaven; only mormons that reject the LDS are threatened with "outer darkness."

So I'm cool.
From what the mormons tell me, the worst I can expect to encounter after this life is an eternity in one of the lowest levels of heaven; only mormons that reject the LDS are threatened with "outer darkness."

So I'm cool.

This folks is definitely "upper atmospheric"..........

The bible is filled with plausible reasons and very, very objective eye-witness reports...........Paul stated at the time of writing one of his epistles that several hundred people who saw Jesus Christ and many hundreds who witnessed His ascension back to heaven were still alive.

The BOM, and the other LDS "holy" writings, are, well, "up there", and feed into humanity's, fleshly desires/apetites.....I.E. polygamy, Celestial sex....., spirit babies.....marriage in heaven, obfuscating Gods direct statement through Christ that saving souls after their death was impossible(baptism of the dead)...None of which is mentioned in the bible.

Oops.......forgot, the bible isn't complete or accurate........God Almight screwed-up! ;) Yeah!, for the treasure digger/con man from New York......He was picked by God to be His Holy prophet and set the Christian church straight again, after 2,000 years of following a corrupt gospel(bible). Moonies, Hubbard and Scientology, J.W.'s, all come to mind.... It's interesting how cults have similar finger-prints......Maybe that's because they have one/same author ( You fill in the blank. )?;)
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From what the mormons tell me, the worst I can expect to encounter after this life is an eternity in one of the lowest levels of heaven; only mormons that reject the LDS are threatened with "outer darkness."

Well, what's more important than what church you belong to is the quality of your heart and actions. We believe lots of people will reject our church without ever really knowing what it is we teach. There is no punishment in that. We will all have a lot to learn when we enter the next life.
From what the mormons tell me, the worst I can expect to encounter after this life is an eternity in one of the lowest levels of heaven; only mormons that reject the LDS are threatened with "outer darkness."

Well, what's more important than what church you belong to is the quality of your heart and actions. We believe lots of people will reject our church without ever really knowing what it is we teach. There is no punishment in that. We will all have a lot to learn when we enter the next life.

"Well atleast we're good people with good hearts."

God succinctly said through Jesus Christ that the only true good heart was Christ's. The rest of us need His gift of forgiveness, and His indwelling Holy Spirit to be considered acceptable before God.

That gift is not by our works of "goodness" but by God's sovereign grace(unmerited favor/love) as a follow-up of man's admission of a sinful nature, that only God can change. It starts with a "contrite" heart, followed by repentance, then the human soul is prepared to accept God's terms not man's.

Attonement for man's sin is totally accomplished by Christ, without any goof-ball extra blood attonement at the hands of one or more men over another as the victim. That is blasphemous, and degrades the sovereign power, and reign of God who created Mormons as well as all other human being of other cultures, philosophys, and religions and non-religions.

It is so easy to spot-out manmade gospels/doctrines........They always feed into the "ego", and often "appease" the sexual appetite of humanity.......basically floundering in fleshly desires that avoid surrender and commitment of one's life to their Creator.

The moniker, "Truthspeaker" is a very revealing of one's spiritual state. First of all, it reeks of pride, and that would violate the Lord Jesus' commands to come to Him, surrendering one's "pumped ego", and accepting His Lordship.

Humanity is not unlike peeling-back an onion skin, layer by layer. Many folks live by the creed of charity to others, and living the most "goodie two shoes" life possible, yet if you peel back that veneer of outward works you will find a most hidden, and dark side, that this person is desperately trying to keep hidden/buried.

Pride is a killer. It thinks that all others are behind the ball, and they have the knowledge. It will only last a short time, and the veneer will peel away, as the tests of earthly life will put to trial how deep those "goodie two shoes" intentions go. Is one willing to give up a their coat for one who is cold and homeless? Is one willing to eat Maccaroni and cheese all week so that another may eat.

These surrenders are either urged by the fleshly side of man that covertly wants recognition, or they are motivated by the indwelling love of Christ, that will do these things without the slightest desire for "atta boys/girls" but just for the sake of love.

The Mormon church may outwardly appear to be the loving extension of God, but man's non-religious benevolent works have been doing that for eons.

Romans chapter one says that God has placed in all men a knowledge that there is a Creator, but that is not enough to establish a true relationship with that Creator. It is only the beginning, of a process that involves man's total cooperation with God, through an honest seeking of Him/God, laying down one's pre-concieved ideas or conditions.

J.S. Jr. formulated a doctrine along with the following LDS prophets, that fed into earthly man's fleshly wants......Polygamy comes to mind. There is a strong sexual drive with the male human to pro-create all over the place..........The temptation is often their when one is committing to a monogamous relationship. Throughout the bible many well known bible characters fell into the sinful trap of polygamy, and you can read how their lives went downhill ASAP. David totally lost control of his family and one of his sons even tried to kill David. King Solomon, wrote the mournful book of Ecclesiastes that was basically a book of all the trevails of a man who wasn't satisfied with one wife, and a God blessed life. It is trully a book of "warning".

J.S. Jr.'s life is filled with earthly desires........The desire to find earthly treasures, is far from the credentials of a true Prophet of God, who looks for his treasures in His Creator's abundance, that comes in the form of Spiritual food, not earthly gain.

Joseph Smith Jr. as well as the many latter day prophets will have some very serious answering to do in the end times. It won't be pleasant, I fear.

God will ask why he/J.S. Jr. ignored His Word, and planted all kinds of seeds of strange doctrine in his followers. I think that J.S. Jr. wil be speechless before God's throne, and not be able to tell Him to His face that His gospel is/was corrupted and incomplete. There will be nashing of teeth, and much regret.

Solomon called vanity, vanity, vanity.......

Adam was given Eve........not a harem. Abraham too matters in his own hands and slept with his slave girl, and didn't trust God's promise of a child through Sarah. God is a God of impossibilities, but with that comes patience, endurance, long suffering, peace, joy, trust, mercy, forgiveness, and especially love.
Anyone who comes to you saying, "I come speaking the truth!"........Run, flee, head for the hills.........

There is but one Truth, and one Word, and one God......who revealed/reveals Himself in three persons. A real brain teaser, huh?.........That's what separates God or the Creator for His Creation; infinite knowledge, infinite resources, infinite love, .......infinite holiness, and righteousness.
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From what the mormons tell me, the worst I can expect to encounter after this life is an eternity in one of the lowest levels of heaven; only mormons that reject the LDS are threatened with "outer darkness."

Well, what's more important than what church you belong to is the quality of your heart and actions. We believe lots of people will reject our church without ever really knowing what it is we teach. There is no punishment in that. We will all have a lot to learn when we enter the next life.

"Well atleast we're good people with good hearts."

God succinctly said through Jesus Christ that the only true good heart was Christ's. The rest of us need His gift of forgiveness, and His indwelling Holy Spirit to be considered acceptable before God.

That gift is not by our works of "goodness" but by God's sovereign grace(unmerited favor/love) as a follow-up of man's admission of a sinful nature, that only God can change. It starts with a "contrite" heart, followed by repentance, then the human soul is prepared to accept God's terms not man's.

Attonement for man's sin is totally accomplished by Christ, without any goof-ball extra blood attonement at the hands of one or more men over another as the victim. That is blasphemous, and degrades the sovereign power, and reign of God who created Mormons as well as all other human being of other cultures, philosophys, and religions and non-religions.

It is so easy to spot-out manmade gospels/doctrines........They always feed into the "ego", and often "appease" the sexual appetite of humanity.......basically floundering in fleshly desires that avoid surrender and commitment of one's life to their Creator.

The moniker, "Truthspeaker" is a very revealing of one's spiritual state. First of all, it reeks of pride, and that would violate the Lord Jesus' commands to come to Him, surrendering one's "pumped ego", and accepting His Lordship.

Humanity is not unlike peeling-back an onion skin, layer by layer. Many folks live by the creed of charity to others, and living the most "goodie two shoes" life possible, yet if you peel back that veneer of outward works you will find a most hidden, and dark side, that this person is desperately trying to keep hidden/buried.

Pride is a killer. It thinks that all others are behind the ball, and they have the knowledge. It will only last a short time, and the veneer will peel away, as the tests of earthly life will put to trial how deep those "goodie two shoes" intentions go. Is one willing to give up a their coat for one who is cold and homeless? Is one willing to eat Maccaroni and cheese all week so that another may eat.

These surrenders are either urged by the fleshly side of man that covertly wants recognition, or they are motivated by the indwelling love of Christ, that will do these things without the slightest desire for "atta boys/girls" but just for the sake of love.

The Mormon church may outwardly appear to be the loving extension of God, but man's non-religious benevolent works have been doing that for eons.

Romans chapter one says that God has placed in all men a knowledge that there is a Creator, but that is not enough to establish a true relationship with that Creator. It is only the beginning, of a process that involves man's total cooperation with God, through an honest seeking of Him/God, laying down one's pre-concieved ideas or conditions.

J.S. Jr. formulated a doctrine along with the following LDS prophets, that fed into earthly man's fleshly wants......Polygamy comes to mind. There is a strong sexual drive with the male human to pro-create all over the place..........The temptation is often their when one is committing to a monogamous relationship. Throughout the bible many well known bible characters fell into the sinful trap of polygamy, and you can read how their lives went downhill ASAP. David totally lost control of his family and one of his sons even tried to kill David. King Solomon, wrote the mournful book of Ecclesiastes that was basically a book of all the trevails of a man who wasn't satisfied with one wife, and a God blessed life. It is trully a book of "warning".

J.S. Jr.'s life is filled with earthly desires........The desire to find earthly treasures, is far from the credentials of a true Prophet of God, who looks for his treasures in His Creator's abundance, that comes in the form of Spiritual food, not earthly gain.

Joseph Smith Jr. as well as the many latter day prophets will have some very serious answering to do in the end times. It won't be pleasant, I fear.

God will ask why he/J.S. Jr. ignored His Word, and planted all kinds of seeds of strange doctrine in his followers. I think that J.S. Jr. wil be speechless before God's throne, and not be able to tell Him to His face that His gospel is/was corrupted and incomplete. There will be nashing of teeth, and much regret.

Solomon called vanity, vanity, vanity.......

Adam was given Eve........not a harem. Abraham too matters in his own hands and slept with his slave girl, and didn't trust God's promise of a child through Sarah. God is a God of impossibilities, but with that comes patience, endurance, long suffering, peace, joy, trust, mercy, forgiveness, and especially love.
Anyone who comes to you saying, "I come speaking the truth!"........Run, flee, head for the hills.........

There is but one Truth, and one Word, and one God......who revealed/reveals Himself in three persons. A real brain teaser, huh?.........That's what separates God or the Creator for His Creation; infinite knowledge, infinite resources, infinite love, .......infinite holiness, and righteousness. we go again around and around in circles again. There's nothing I haven't responded to already from this 20 times. Except that it's gnashing and not nashing.
Except also; maybe you would like to elaborate further how Abraham's life just crumbled to the point of God promising to bless all nations through him. What a loser he must have been. That Moses guy.... He really fell out of favor with God didn't he? Interpret all you like. Knock yourself out. No really.
We believe what we believe and you believe what you believe. What more do you want from me? :disbelief:
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Maybe you would also like to start a thread where all you do is post sermons. Then your comments would belong.
This folks is definitely "upper atmospheric"..........

The bible is filled with plausible reasons and very, very objective eye-witness reports...........Paul stated at the time of writing one of his epistles that several hundred people who saw Jesus Christ and many hundreds who witnessed His ascension back to heaven were still alive.

Right, and the people who saw the plates. Saw Jesus Christ. Recieved the ministry of angels, Saw Joseph raise someone from the dead and heal hundreds are unreliable eye witnesses.

But hearsay from Paul is reliable and objective.

Seriously, come on.
This folks is definitely "upper atmospheric"..........

The bible is filled with plausible reasons and very, very objective eye-witness reports...........Paul stated at the time of writing one of his epistles that several hundred people who saw Jesus Christ and many hundreds who witnessed His ascension back to heaven were still alive.

Right, and the people who saw the plates. Saw Jesus Christ. Recieved the ministry of angels, Saw Joseph raise someone from the dead and heal hundreds are unreliable eye witnesses.

But hearsay from Paul is reliable and objective.

Seriously, come on.

Yeh, Benny Hinn does it every day, and we know how legit he is.
Anybody still remember James Randi and Peter Popoff?

Oh there's a two-some.

How about Kenneth Copeland and Bob Tilton?

Many of these folks got their start via what is called the "Toronto Revival".

It was a Charismatic gathering of alleged Christians, and, well, the old "tongues" thing came on strong, and many preachers have sprung from that movement.

Everyone of these preachers have bent scripture to their liking, and have sucked in millions of dollars duping so many folks.

Here's an interesting example of Preacher Bob Tilton's message.
Turn up your P.C. sound......
[ame=]YouTube - Farting Preacher Original[/ame]
This folks is definitely "upper atmospheric"..........

The bible is filled with plausible reasons and very, very objective eye-witness reports...........Paul stated at the time of writing one of his epistles that several hundred people who saw Jesus Christ and many hundreds who witnessed His ascension back to heaven were still alive.

Right, and the people who saw the plates. Saw Jesus Christ. Recieved the ministry of angels, Saw Joseph raise someone from the dead and heal hundreds are unreliable eye witnesses.

But hearsay from Paul is reliable and objective.

Seriously, come on.

Paul is the author of a good many of the N.T. books, and he's doing hear-say.........?

There isn't anything you folks won't say or throw out there to promote/protect your very, very, weird doctrine.

Just do a study of Paul's life in the bible and then put his life up against J.S. Jr.'s or B. Y.'s, and it's an absolute black and white difference between the ethics they lived by, and the consistency of the gospel they spread. Paul = totally consistency with the bible, those LDS prophets.........changes, changes......and all over the place. Even before his conversion, Paul was earnestly seeking God, but was blinded by legalism. On the other hand, the LDS latter day alleged prophets, lived sordid lives devoid of any serious desire to be a servant of God, but rather were unscrupulous in their dealings with their fellow man.

Your church in the 19th century promoted racism until just a few years ago, yet Paul clearly defined that all men of any race, nationality, Jew/Gentile/barbarian........etc.... were all playing on the same flat playing field before a Holy and Righteous Creator. I doubt that Jesus had lilly-white skin as He was from Northern Africa by nationality, and race.

Also, Paul clearly states that all true Christians are not only Saints but defined as part of a royal Priesthood, with Christ at the head.

There is no levels/delineations in Christianity where some receive greater truths for being "gooder" Christians........or get to join a manmade priesthood as the LDS church prescribes too. The Aaronic Priesthood was designated for only Aaron, and his sons according to the bible, while the remaining Levites served not withing the Tabernacle at all. The Melkisadek priesthood was of one man, Melikisadek, who had no stated geneology, and thus was considered to be the Pre-incarnate Jesus by theologians. In fact Abraham gave a portion of his war spoils to Melkisadek, as a tribute.

The LDS/Mormon church has taken these priesthoods that were recorded back in the O.T., and bestowed them upon many of their members in "best" standing, and along with that bestowing have given these initiates secrets that are not to be shared with non priesthood Mormons. Trully this is a heirarchy, and is very unbiblical. This promotes "pride" within the ranks of any religious system, as it designates some members as more acceptable before their god, elders, bishops, leaders...

If one were to read Numbers, Deuteronomy, and Exodus, all authored by Moses himself, you will find that the LDS priesthoods that use these Priesthood's mentioned in those OT books are far from what Moses described, and therefore anti-biblical.

Aaron was designated a high priest, as he offered burnt sin offerings for both himself and the congregation of Israel. Yet in Hebrews we find that Christ's Priesthood trumps all priesthoods, because Christ did not have to offer sin offerings for Himself, but only for the congregation of mankind in total. Christ was sinless, Aaron was not. To bestow these titles upon sinful man.. i.e. Melkisadek priesthood that was a foreshadow of the sinless Priest for all mankind, Jesus Christ, is presumptuous to the nth degree, and reveals a total lack of biblical/Spiritual understanding. No Mormon or any man has the right to identify with the Melkisadek Priesthood, nor should they realm in the area of Aaron's priesthood. Aaron's priesthood, involved acceptance by God through following the letter of the law, or by "legalism". Acceptance by God through Christ is the last and newer covenant, that came through the gift of grace, not works that man should boast in his salvation/conversion

Rituals, secret handshakes, secret blood oaths, do not make a special or righteous man. It is all Christ who makes a man a new creature/creation in Christ.

The only secrecy in Christianity has been when there was persecution, yet among believers they were all saints, and royal ambassadors of the King.
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