The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
Also your statement of "Mormon Run" websites putting out this information is debatable. I haven't seen a source from you yet except Wikipedia. sources are only "Mormon Run" if they are from, or Because those are the authorized Church mouthpieces.

Since your such a prolific typer/poster on this thread, what has stopped you from typing in "Mormon Undergarments" into Yahoo, Google, etc.. and see for yourself.

Why question my statement when you didn't even check it out for yourself?

Again, 3990 hits for that two word nown.

Would you like a myriad of Mormon websites covering the topic?

= Church, Beliefs, & Religion - MormonWiki
=]Mormon Underwear Garments
=]Mormon Underwear
=]Mormon Underwear
=]Mormon Underwear
=]The Mormon Temple Garment | Mormon Beliefs

Just a brief sampling from 1 1/2 pages of yahoo search engine pages using "Mormon Undergarments" as the submitted phrase with quotes on each side. All are pro-Mormon sites. I'd say that 75%+ of the sites listed on the search engine are pro-Mormon. So your hardly misrepresentedj/unbalanced by those that disagree or have critical questions about the topic; when they comprise a few protestant church sites, and some independent biblica Christian apolgetics sites, and our probably much less that 25% of the web sites.

As you can see, though sacred to the Mormon/church, it is far from secretive in nature. Actually my hit count is over 4,000 for this topic on Yahoo.

Everything you just posted is irrelevant.

I don't google these topics because I already know everything about them. All the sites you posted are far from official. I also tried to open each of them and they didn't open. Even if they claim to be pro-mormon, it doesn't make any sense because every self respecting mormon knows they shouldn't reveal the temple ceremonies or garment meanings.

They of necessity would have to be ex-mormons or sellouts. That is why they are irrelevant. None of the sites you posted are authorized to speak for the church in regards to doctrine or sacred rites.

Yahoo definitely is not an authoritative source either.
Also your statement of "Mormon Run" websites putting out this information is debatable. I haven't seen a source from you yet except Wikipedia. sources are only "Mormon Run" if they are from, or Because those are the authorized Church mouthpieces.

Since your such a prolific typer/poster on this thread, what has stopped you from typing in "Mormon Undergarments" into Yahoo, Google, etc.. and see for yourself.

Why question my statement when you didn't even check it out for yourself?

Again, 3990 hits for that two word nown.

Would you like a myriad of Mormon websites covering the topic?

Bad Links removed..................

Just a brief sampling from 1 1/2 pages of yahoo search engine pages using "Mormon Undergarments" as the submitted phrase with quotes on each side. All are pro-Mormon sites. I'd say that 75%+ of the sites listed on the search engine are pro-Mormon. So your hardly misrepresentedj/unbalanced by those that disagree or have critical questions about the topic; when they comprise a few protestant church sites, and some independent biblica Christian apolgetics sites, and our probably much less that 25% of the web sites.

As you can see, though sacred to the Mormon/church, it is far from secretive in nature. Actually my hit count is over 4,000 for this topic on Yahoo.

Everything you just posted is irrelevant.

I don't google these topics because I already know everything about them. All the sites you posted are far from official. I also tried to open each of them and they didn't open. Even if they claim to be pro-mormon, it doesn't make any sense because every self respecting mormon knows they shouldn't reveal the temple ceremonies or garment meanings.

They of necessity would have to be ex-mormons or sellouts. That is why they are irrelevant. None of the sites you posted are authorized to speak for the church in regards to doctrine or sacred rites.

Yahoo definitely is not an authoritative source either.

Reason they didn't open is because I copy/pasted off the apparently abbreviated web addresses at the bottom of each web location on the yahoo list.

Sadly, you won't bother to just type in "Mormon Undergarments" and see for yourself that there are official sites as well as private Mormon member sites posting on the topic.

It's funny how those of us that aren't Mormon will go out of our way to research and read both critical and non-critical web sites concerning the Christian faith, but you don't.

If it ain't offical Mormon church ok'd sites, it is irrellevant?

Crimoney! Us bible Christians check out all kinds of apologetics sites, often learning new insights that fellow Christians have to share about the bible, and living the Christian life. We also discover some real looney tunes sights too, where people have gone off the deep end, and have lost their moorings.

Bottom line, the bible is our foundation and anchor. It suffices for all aspects of our faith.

These links should work, as my previous ones were incorrectly pasted.
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Tag team? I am simply pointing out that you were calling on others to be respectful in dialogue the other day and now you are being disrespectful. I will again ask you to be please be respectful and lets actually discuss matters.
Since your such a prolific typer/poster on this thread, what has stopped you from typing in "Mormon Undergarments" into Yahoo, Google, etc.. and see for yourself.

Why question my statement when you didn't even check it out for yourself?

Again, 3990 hits for that two word nown.

Would you like a myriad of Mormon websites covering the topic?

Bad Links removed..................

Just a brief sampling from 1 1/2 pages of yahoo search engine pages using "Mormon Undergarments" as the submitted phrase with quotes on each side. All are pro-Mormon sites. I'd say that 75%+ of the sites listed on the search engine are pro-Mormon. So your hardly misrepresentedj/unbalanced by those that disagree or have critical questions about the topic; when they comprise a few protestant church sites, and some independent biblica Christian apolgetics sites, and our probably much less that 25% of the web sites.

As you can see, though sacred to the Mormon/church, it is far from secretive in nature. Actually my hit count is over 4,000 for this topic on Yahoo.

Everything you just posted is irrelevant.

I don't google these topics because I already know everything about them. All the sites you posted are far from official. I also tried to open each of them and they didn't open. Even if they claim to be pro-mormon, it doesn't make any sense because every self respecting mormon knows they shouldn't reveal the temple ceremonies or garment meanings.

They of necessity would have to be ex-mormons or sellouts. That is why they are irrelevant. None of the sites you posted are authorized to speak for the church in regards to doctrine or sacred rites.

Yahoo definitely is not an authoritative source either.

Reason they didn't open is because I copy/pasted off the apparently abbreviated web addresses at the bottom of each web location on the yahoo list.

Sadly, you won't bother to just type in "Mormon Undergarments" and see for yourself that there are official sites as well as private Mormon member sites posting on the topic.

It's funny how those of us that aren't Mormon will go out of our way to research and read both critical and non-critical web sites concerning the Christian faith, but you don't.

If it ain't offical Mormon church ok'd sites, it is irrellevant?

Crimoney! Us bible Christians check out all kinds of apologetics sites, often learning new insights that fellow Christians have to share about the bible, and living the Christian life. We also discover some real looney tunes sights too, where people have gone off the deep end, and have lost their moorings.

Bottom line, the bible is our foundation and anchor. It suffices for all aspects of our faith.

These links should work, as my previous ones were incorrectly pasted.

Mormon garments - Mormonism, The Mormon Church, Beliefs, & Religion - MormonWiki
Mormon Underwear Garments
Mormon Underwear
Special Mormon undergarments - by Charie Winburn - Helium
Mormon Underwear
Mormon Underwear
Latter-day Saint Temple Garments: Why Mormons Wear "Special Underwear" |

The Bible is our foundation and our anchor

You just summed up a major difference between the two of us. The Bible is your anchor. Our anchor is Jesus Christ. Therefore we look for every word which proceeds from his mouth. Not just one source.

I'm sure you are happy deifying one book, but I trust in the Lord and his Holy Spirit to reveal ALL things. He revealed the Bible to me, He also revealed a lot more, and will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the kingdom of God. :eusa_angel:
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Everything you just posted is irrelevant.

I don't google these topics because I already know everything about them. All the sites you posted are far from official. I also tried to open each of them and they didn't open. Even if they claim to be pro-mormon, it doesn't make any sense because every self respecting mormon knows they shouldn't reveal the temple ceremonies or garment meanings.

They of necessity would have to be ex-mormons or sellouts. That is why they are irrelevant. None of the sites you posted are authorized to speak for the church in regards to doctrine or sacred rites.

Yahoo definitely is not an authoritative source either.

Reason they didn't open is because I copy/pasted off the apparently abbreviated web addresses at the bottom of each web location on the yahoo list.

Sadly, you won't bother to just type in "Mormon Undergarments" and see for yourself that there are official sites as well as private Mormon member sites posting on the topic.

It's funny how those of us that aren't Mormon will go out of our way to research and read both critical and non-critical web sites concerning the Christian faith, but you don't.

If it ain't offical Mormon church ok'd sites, it is irrellevant?

Crimoney! Us bible Christians check out all kinds of apologetics sites, often learning new insights that fellow Christians have to share about the bible, and living the Christian life. We also discover some real looney tunes sights too, where people have gone off the deep end, and have lost their moorings.

Bottom line, the bible is our foundation and anchor. It suffices for all aspects of our faith.

These links should work, as my previous ones were incorrectly pasted.

Mormon garments - Mormonism, The Mormon Church, Beliefs, & Religion - MormonWiki
Mormon Underwear Garments
Mormon Underwear
Special Mormon undergarments - by Charie Winburn - Helium
Mormon Underwear
Mormon Underwear
Latter-day Saint Temple Garments: Why Mormons Wear "Special Underwear" |

The Bible is our foundation and our anchor

You just summed up a major difference between the two of us. The Bible is your anchor. Our anchor is Jesus Christ. Therefore we look for every word which proceeds from his mouth. Not just one source.

I'm sure you are happy deifying one book, but I trust in the Lord and his Holy Spirit to reveal ALL things. He revealed the Bible to me, He also revealed a lot more, and will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the kingdom of God. :eusa_angel:

One question, Whom do you think inspired the authors of these 66 books in the bible. I.E. Who inspired these authors. The bible says that God through His Holy Spirit. So when man reads the bible he is receiving God's Holy Spirit inspired knowledge and wisdom for life.
So why do we need additional info, when the bible ends with, there is no need to add to nor detract from this without a great curse upon those that do.?
As Ralph mentioned in previous posts, that N.T. says that the bible is the book for reproof, teaching, and all guidance in one's Christian walk/life.
By the way, this comment that God allowed polygamy so that He could get those Mormons multiplying faster, is actually God going against Himself. Jesus said that it's one man, one woman. That's marriage.

To jump to polygamy is not unlike Abraham not patiently waiting for that miracle baby named Isaac that happened in Sarah's advanced age. Abraham instead did it the old humanistic fleshy way, took things into his own hands and went into his slave girl and begot Ishmiel. And we all know how the decendents of Ishmiel impacted the nation of Israel, and even the rest of the world to this day. ;)

When man doesn't wait by faith on God's provisions he takes the fleshly/worldly root; thus, polygamy was used as an excuse to procreate at an accellerated speed. Unfortunately, polygamy also increases birth defects and recessive genes to come out into a population with very severe effects.

You know that the Mormon gene pool was very limited, and polygamy only adds to the problem.

Now you have a fistfull of progeny, inter-marrying, and multiplying the chances that adverse recessive genes come to the forefront in the offspring. God doesn't encourage this, nor green light it.
The Bible is our foundation and our anchor

You just summed up a major difference between the two of us. The Bible is your anchor. Our anchor is Jesus Christ. Therefore we look for every word which proceeds from his mouth. Not just one source.

I'm sure you are happy deifying one book, but I trust in the Lord and his Holy Spirit to reveal ALL things. He revealed the Bible to me, He also revealed a lot more, and will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the kingdom of God. :eusa_angel:[/QUOTE]

One question, Whom do you think inspired the authors of these 66 books in the bible. I.E. Who inspired these authors. The bible says that God through His Holy Spirit. So when man reads the bible he is receiving God's Holy Spirit inspired knowledge and wisdom for life.

You are ignoring the millions of my statements claiming the Bible is inspired of God. However, the Bible does NOT anywhere state, that God will not speak again. In fact it has references to many holy writings not found in the Bible. That is why I refuse to ignore other sacred writings inspired of God besides the Bible.
So why do we need additional info, when the bible ends with, there is no need to add to nor detract from this without a great curse upon those that do.?

The Bible does not end with that. Since it is quite clear that John is the last book of the Bible and not revelation. The last words of the Bible are stated as such; John chapter 21 verse 25: And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.

That is how the Bible ends. That is a fact.

What is also an indisputable fact is that the people responsible for compiling the order of the Bible were appointed by the Pagan Roman emperor Constantine during the council of Nicea, out of which came the great compromise known as The Nicean Creed. Such was not appointed by God, but by a Roman Emperor. This council is responsible for putting the Gospels, Epistles and revelations in the New Testament out of chronological order. That is a fact. I will not bow to the authority of the Nicean Creed. If you want to that's fine, but I refuse.
Your interpretation of the words in revelation is a stretch at best. But you are welcome to it.

As Ralph mentioned in previous posts, that N.T. says that the bible is the book for reproof, teaching, and all guidance in one's Christian walk/life.

It sure is; and you might try reading it with an open mind. Let it's words teach you. Not the convoluted opinions of the preachers you have adopted.

By the way, this comment that God allowed polygamy so that He could get those Mormons multiplying faster, is actually God going against Himself. Jesus said that it's one man, one woman. That's marriage.
Jesus never said that in the Bible. Anywhere. Curiously, the only place he ever mentioned it is in the Book of Mormon in Jacob chapter 2 verse 27 :Wherefore, my brethren, hear me, and hearken to the word of the Lord: For there shall not any man among you have save it be one wife; and concubines he shall have none. Since you are such an anti-polygamist, you should be more a fan of the Book of Mormon than the Bible because it's the only one that denounces polygamy in writing.

To jump to polygamy is not unlike Abraham not patiently waiting for that miracle baby named Isaac that happened in Sarah's advanced age. Abraham instead did it the old humanistic fleshy way, took things into his own hands and went into his slave girl and begot Ishmiel. And we all know how the decendents of Ishmiel impacted the nation of Israel, and even the rest of the world to this day. ;)

I think that's pretty self righteous to claim that all descendants of Ishmael have been nothing but a blight on society. There has been much good that has come from those children of God. Many of them will be heirs of God's Kingdom. You are just blind to it.

When man doesn't wait by faith on God's provisions he takes the fleshly/worldly root; thus, polygamy was used as an excuse to procreate at an accellerated speed. Unfortunately, polygamy also increases birth defects and recessive genes to come out into a population with very severe effects.

Pure speculation on your part. The Bible doesn't denounce Abraham one bit. If he was so far off in the wrong, God would have mentioned it and wouldn't have chosen his seed to be the house in which all children of the world would be blessed. I'm pretty sure old Abraham is in good standing with God to this day.

You know that the Mormon gene pool was very limited, and polygamy only adds to the problem.

Pure nonsense.

Now you have a fistfull of progeny, inter-marrying, and multiplying the chances that adverse recessive genes come to the forefront in the offspring. God doesn't encourage this, nor green light it.

Where are your studies on birth defects among Mormons compared with anyone else?
One question, Whom do you think inspired the authors of these 66 books in the bible. I.E. Who inspired these authors. The bible says that God through His Holy Spirit. So when man reads the bible he is receiving God's Holy Spirit inspired knowledge and wisdom for life.

But how do you know that? The only way to know that is through personal experience with the Holy Spirit. Someone can read the Bible and never recieve inspired knowledge of the Holy Spirit if He does not have personal experience with the Holy Spirit.

Christ gave us the Holy Spirit to guide us in all things we should do. Not the Bible. The Spirit. The scriptures we do have are for our edification and a tool for the Spirit to teach us, but it is the Spirit that is vital.

So why do we need additional info, when the bible ends with, there is no need to add to nor detract from this without a great curse upon those that do.?

You know the Bible doesnt say that. The Bible never claims God will speak no more. The Bible never claims the Spirit will not longer talk to man. Quite the opposite. The Book of Revelation promises that God will send angels to preach to man and deliver judgments. The Bible doesnt ever speak of itself. The Bible didnt exist until centuries later when the Church compiled those that are written. And I think it's rather foolish to say the Apostle John condemned himself to hell because He wrote His Gospel and Epistles after His warning in revelation. There is just no need to read what isnt said into the text.

The real question is why the heck wouldnt you want more? If there is knowledge of Jesus Christ. I want to know it. I want to know about my Savior more. I want the Spirit to teach me all He is willing to. And I just cant imagine why you would say God send me no more, I have enough.

As Ralph mentioned in previous posts, that N.T. says that the bible is the book for reproof, teaching, and all guidance in one's Christian walk/life.

Again the Bible says absolutely nothing about the Bible. Because the Bible is a collections of books that never carried the name Bible until centuries after those books were compiled. If we were to accept Ralph and your interpretations of the passages, we have to completely ignore historical context.

By the way, this comment that God allowed polygamy so that He could get those Mormons multiplying faster, is actually God going against Himself. Jesus said that it's one man, one woman. That's marriage.

God commands and revokes as He decrees. He commanded Abraham to take another wife. He gave David his wives and then took them away when He violated His covenant with murder. (2 Samuel 12:8-12). He commanded men to marry the wives of their brothers who died without children to raise up seed for them irregadless of whether they were married.

To pretend as though there is anywhere in the Bible where God commands that no man ever have more than one wife is ridiculous. The Bible is full of righteous polygamists. Even Martin Luther, the Great Reformer, pointed this out to King Henry VIII when he was seeking His divorce. The scriptures speak against divorce, they dont speak against plural marriage.

To jump to polygamy is not unlike Abraham not patiently waiting for that miracle baby named Isaac that happened in Sarah's advanced age. Abraham instead did it the old humanistic fleshy way, took things into his own hands and went into his slave girl and begot Ishmiel. And we all know how the decendents of Ishmiel impacted the nation of Israel, and even the rest of the world to this day. ;)

He was commanded to and the world has been blessed through Ishmael's seed. Even if some are obnoxious. Without them, we wouldnt have ever gotten a Bible printed since they are the ones who brought paper to the West. They are the ones who preserved the writings of the Greek and Roman empires which were lost for a time in Europe.

When man doesn't wait by faith on God's provisions he takes the fleshly/worldly root; thus, polygamy was used as an excuse to procreate at an accellerated speed. Unfortunately, polygamy also increases birth defects and recessive genes to come out into a population with very severe effects.

I see absolutely no reason to accept that. You offer no proof. Why should I?

You know that the Mormon gene pool was very limited, and polygamy only adds to the problem.

Youre joking right? The early saints gathered together from throught the United States, Canada, and from much of north and western Europe. And there are still people from all around the world joining the cause of the Restoration. Limited gene pool? Please.

Now you have a fistfull of progeny, inter-marrying, and multiplying the chances that adverse recessive genes come to the forefront in the offspring. God doesn't encourage this, nor green light it.

So now you are claiming that them there mormons are marrying their cousins and inbreeding... Please. Your assertion is baseless.
Truthspeaker, Avatar, as another Mormon on this forum I think you are both doing a great job representing Mormons and helping to clear up the many misconceptions about the Mormon religion.
Truthspeaker, Avatar, as another Mormon on this forum I think you are both doing a great job representing Mormons and helping to clear up the many misconceptions about the Mormon religion.

Well, friend, it's nice to know there are more of us out there. Sorry if I flame a little bit on this thread.
Everything you just posted is irrelevant.

I don't google these topics because I already know everything about them. All the sites you posted are far from official. I also tried to open each of them and they didn't open. Even if they claim to be pro-mormon, it doesn't make any sense because every self respecting mormon knows they shouldn't reveal the temple ceremonies or garment meanings.

They of necessity would have to be ex-mormons or sellouts. That is why they are irrelevant. None of the sites you posted are authorized to speak for the church in regards to doctrine or sacred rites.

Yahoo definitely is not an authoritative source either.

Reason they didn't open is because I copy/pasted off the apparently abbreviated web addresses at the bottom of each web location on the yahoo list.

Sadly, you won't bother to just type in "Mormon Undergarments" and see for yourself that there are official sites as well as private Mormon member sites posting on the topic.

It's funny how those of us that aren't Mormon will go out of our way to research and read both critical and non-critical web sites concerning the Christian faith, but you don't.

If it ain't offical Mormon church ok'd sites, it is irrellevant?

Crimoney! Us bible Christians check out all kinds of apologetics sites, often learning new insights that fellow Christians have to share about the bible, and living the Christian life. We also discover some real looney tunes sights too, where people have gone off the deep end, and have lost their moorings.

Bottom line, the bible is our foundation and anchor. It suffices for all aspects of our faith.

These links should work, as my previous ones were incorrectly pasted.

Mormon garments - Mormonism, The Mormon Church, Beliefs, & Religion - MormonWiki
Mormon Underwear Garments
Mormon Underwear
Special Mormon undergarments - by Charie Winburn - Helium
Mormon Underwear
Mormon Underwear
Latter-day Saint Temple Garments: Why Mormons Wear "Special Underwear" |

The Bible is our foundation and our anchor

You just summed up a major difference between the two of us. The Bible is your anchor. Our anchor is Jesus Christ. Therefore we look for every word which proceeds from his mouth. Not just one source.

I'm sure you are happy deifying one book, but I trust in the Lord and his Holy Spirit to reveal ALL things. He revealed the Bible to me, He also revealed a lot more, and will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the kingdom of God. :eusa_angel:

I'm sorry but I feel I must point this out.....your post reeks of what you are that a road which you wish to travel?
Reason they didn't open is because I copy/pasted off the apparently abbreviated web addresses at the bottom of each web location on the yahoo list.

Sadly, you won't bother to just type in "Mormon Undergarments" and see for yourself that there are official sites as well as private Mormon member sites posting on the topic.

It's funny how those of us that aren't Mormon will go out of our way to research and read both critical and non-critical web sites concerning the Christian faith, but you don't.

If it ain't offical Mormon church ok'd sites, it is irrellevant?

Crimoney! Us bible Christians check out all kinds of apologetics sites, often learning new insights that fellow Christians have to share about the bible, and living the Christian life. We also discover some real looney tunes sights too, where people have gone off the deep end, and have lost their moorings.

Bottom line, the bible is our foundation and anchor. It suffices for all aspects of our faith.

These links should work, as my previous ones were incorrectly pasted.

Mormon garments - Mormonism, The Mormon Church, Beliefs, & Religion - MormonWiki
Mormon Underwear Garments
Mormon Underwear
Special Mormon undergarments - by Charie Winburn - Helium
Mormon Underwear
Mormon Underwear
Latter-day Saint Temple Garments: Why Mormons Wear "Special Underwear" |

The Bible is our foundation and our anchor

You just summed up a major difference between the two of us. The Bible is your anchor. Our anchor is Jesus Christ. Therefore we look for every word which proceeds from his mouth. Not just one source.

I'm sure you are happy deifying one book, but I trust in the Lord and his Holy Spirit to reveal ALL things. He revealed the Bible to me, He also revealed a lot more, and will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the kingdom of God. :eusa_angel:

I'm sorry but I feel I must point this out.....your post reeks of what you are that a road which you wish to travel?

please clarify?
Truthspeaker, Avatar, as another Mormon on this forum I think you are both doing a great job representing Mormons and helping to clear up the many misconceptions about the Mormon religion.

Well, friend, it's nice to know there are more of us out there. Sorry if I flame a little bit on this thread.

No worries. It is easy to let emotions into any debate, particularly when your religious beliefs are attacked.
I'm sorry but I feel I must point this out.....your post reeks of what you are that a road which you wish to travel?

I think he recognizes his rough edges my elven princess. And I hope he is working on it.

Its a flaw we all have through human nature. But luckily God can change human nature.:)

Stop fighting with people and learn to simply answer and invite. that's the key
The truth about mormons is that no matter how much they try to explain their religion, it still sounds like a load of crap that only a completely deluded moron would believe.
The truth about mormons is that no matter how much they try to explain their religion, it still sounds like a load of crap that only a completely deluded moron would believe.

Thanks for the insult:razz:. Any other adult questions you would like to add?:eusa_eh:
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I have no idea. There is no such thing.

Then you must not be a real mormon.:lol:

I'm actually not a Mormon. I would have to be named Mormon. But he lived about 1600 years ago. I am however a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

The genuine article:cool:

So then what's the deal with the magic underwear? You start explaining it on page 3 or so but then you say something like: but I can't tell you the really good parts about the magic underwear. So what gives? What's the real deal?

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