The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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The most damning declaration in the Holy Bible in consideration of the supposed NEW revelation from heaven...i.e., the Book of Mormon are the very last passages of Scripture in the Book of Revelations. "For I testify unto EVERY MAN that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If ANY MAN shall ADD unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book............" -- Rev. 22:18-21.

Is this really the best you have? This is the most damning declaration you have against Mormonism? Then I feel very confident that the Spirit is leading me correctly. Because this verse cannot be interpretted to end new revelation from heaven. And This is for the following reasons:

1) The verse is refering to the Book of Revelation. Not the Bible. The Bible was not compiled till centuries later. There was no "Bible" at this time. John was not writing the final book in the Bible. He was writing a book independent of any others which was later compiled into a collection of books of scripture and later placed at the end since it refers to the end of days.

2) If we are to believe your own interpretation of this verse, the Apostle John has condemned himself since he wrote His Gospel and Epistles afterwards. He also condemned Jude.

3) If your interpretation is valid, it must be equally applied to exact same warning provided in Deuteronomy 4:2. That would mean that every single solitary person who wrote in the Bible after Moses is condemned to hell. Including the Lord Jesus Christ who shared New Revelation and commandments in the Meridian of time. It would also apply to the verse in proverbs with a similiar result.

4) The most compelling reason your interpretation of this verse to condemn The Church of Jesus Christ is ironically, one of the parts of the verse you emphasized by capitalizing it. The scripture puts a prohibition to man to add or remove anything. It says absolutely nothing about God ceasing to reveal His will to His Servants. It does not prevent God from adding or deleting anything.

God can say whatever the heck He pleases. He can command and revoke commands at His will. And you cant limit it simply because you misinterpret clear passages. So the question remains, how do we know what God says? And the answer is clear: The Holy Spirit. We go to God to ask of Him and He reveals it to us.

Are you honestly going to claim that revelation and prophecy have ceased?

So because you dont see the angel named specifically in the passage, you refuse to investigate it this was the actual angel prophecied to come? The Lord said He would send an angel carrying the Everlasting Gospel to the world. If it's not Moroni, it must be some other angel. Yet you reject the minstering of angels. You tell us God cant reveal anything to us anymore. So why is God telling us He is going to reveal His Gospel to us in the last days???

How on earth do you get this? The scriptures are clearly stating the opposite. The scriptures teach us that we should ask so we can recieve. We should seek so we can find. We should knock so it can be given to us. The Lord promised those who ask in faith wisdom. He has told us we can recieve all truth through the power of the Holy Ghost. We are told that the few scriptures we have are nothing but the milk before the meat. That we cant even begin to contain all the teachings and acts of Christ.

The scriptures are teaching us to go to God and learn from Him.

But God is not silent. That is the whole point of the New Testament. God speaks to man. The fact that God is not speaking to you tells me something is very very very very very wrong in your relationship with God. The fact is you cant have a relationship with someone you don't know. You have to talk with Him and learn from Him if you can be saved. because you cant be saved without revelation.

And no matter how many scriptures you take out of context, you arent going to be able to silence God.

The same way the saints knew what Gods teachings were when teh Apostles taught them: The Holy Spirit told them.

Of course, this requires you trust God more than yourself.

Fake miracles? The only difference between the miracles of the Bible and the miracles nowadays is you believe in one and say the other is impossible. It reminds me alot of Christ's warnings to the Pharisees:

Christ is there ready to teach you. He calls you still. He will teach you by the power of His Holy Ghost. He will reveal to you things that have never before been revealed if you just come to Him and cease denying the gifts of God.

There is no doubt when the Spirit speaks. You would know that if you had heard the voice of the Spirit. When the whispers of the Spirit come no doubt remains. Which is exactly why I can tell you that I know the Bible is true. Which is why I can tell you I know the Book of Mormon is true. Which is why I can tell you that I know Jesus Christ is the Son of God. And why I can tell you that I know Joseph Smith was a prophet. Because when the Spirit spoke to me, all doubt was taken away.

No one is. We are telling you quite the opposite. We are telling you exactly what God has revealed to us and inviting you to God to the Lord to learn for yourself.

The source isnt the Bible. The Bible is just a record of what the source said. The Source is God Himself. We go to the source which is the Lord Almighty and you say we are condemned because we dont try to intepret the revelations of the past according to our own knowledge and understanding. It makes absolutely no sense.

The Holy Spirit hasnt contradicted anything. You keep quoting Timothy as if it somehow proves your point. The Book of Mormon is scripture. The verse you quote in Timothy Encompasses all scripture. It encompasses all scripture we have now and all that will be revealed in the future.

And we are given all things that pertain unto life and godliness when we recieve the Gift of the Holy Ghost. But when you deny that gift. When you deny the power of the Revelator. When you deny the gifts He gives because of your lack of faith, you are not included in the "us" because you are in a state of rebellion against God. Have you repented and been baptized? Have you recieved the Laying on of hands, Then you dont have all things that pertain unto life and godliness.

The Bible is pointing you somewhere. All scripture is. But its useless unless you actually go to God and let Him take you where it's pointing.

Because arent made perfect by the Old and New Testament. We are made perfect through Jesus Christ. and God has given us more records to learn about the Savior, about our Fallen condition, about the Atonement. And quite frankly, if God wants to reveal some new truth about Jesus Christ, I am going to listen to Him. Because Christ is the Word of God. And while you have the right to do what you want, I am not going to tell God what He can and cant do.

The Book of Mormon was revealed to prove to both Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, the Savior of the world. The Book of Mormon was revealed to provide a second witness along with the Bible that Jesus lives for our stiffnecked and unbelieving generation. The Book of Mormon was revealed to show the children of men that God remembers His covenants and make His arm bear in the last days to redeem His people from the horrors that are to come.

That is why the Book of Mormon was revealed. That is why there were 12 witnesses called to testify of its power. That is why Elijah came to turn the hearts of the children to their fathers. Its why 12 Apostles were called and given the keys of the Kingdom. It's why men have power to do Gods work in the present as they had in the past.

If you think the Holy Spirit is subjective opinion, then you really don't know the Spirit. We don't know a fraction of what God has revealed to man.

What Mormonism would have you believe is that you dont have to rely on the witness of anyone else. You can go to God and learn from yourself. What Mormonism would have you believe is that the Lord still gives gifts to His Children. What Mormonism would have you believe is that Jesus Christ lives and loves us. And there is so much more to learn about Him that we need to go to God and learn from Him personally.

I challenge you to read the Book of Mormon for yourself. Dont look to what others have said about it. Not even me. I can promise you if you read it and ask the Lord with real intent and faith, If you ask in humility and with a sincere desire to serve the Lord no matter what the answer, that you will be told by the Holy Ghost that the Book of Mormon is true. That it's testimony of Christ is true. That He does live. And He does work in the world today. He is not silent. nor will He ever be. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
And when the Spirit speaks to you directly, you will have no doubts. You will have undisputed proof that this is God's work.

I feel impressed to end my post here with the words of Nephi:

10 And now, my beloved brethren, and also Jew, and all ye ends of the earth, hearken unto these words and believe in Christ; and if ye believe not in these words believe in Christ. And if ye shall believe in Christ ye will believe in these words, for they are the words of Christ, and he hath given them unto me; and they teach all men that they should do good.

11 And if they are not the words of Christ, judge ye—for Christ will show unto you, with power and great glory, that they are his words, at the last day; and you and I shall stand face to face before his bar; and ye shall know that I have been commanded of him to write these things, notwithstanding my weakness.

12 And I pray the Father in the name of Christ that many of us, if not all, may be saved in his kingdom at that great and last day. (2 Nephi 33:10-12)

So many much falsehood needing only one passage of truth to debunk, "Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of OUR COMMON SALVATION, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should EARNESTLY CONTEND FOR THE FAITH..................."THAT WAS (such a little word that holds so much truth and power)............ONCE..............DELIVERED unto the saints." -- Jude 3

Now we hear from a false prophet that denies the truth of such a simple statement. THE FAITH OF CHRISTIANITY was delivered only one time and that FAITH which was ONCE delivered (clearly before the drafting of the passage which was inspired by the Holy Spirit of Truth) should be EARNESTLY CONTENDED or sought after with that FAITH which has been demonstrated by other scripture to be PERFECT/COMPLETE ( 2 Tim. 3-16-17, 1 Cor. 13:10, James 1:25) as recorded in the original Greek.

Clearly this FALSE PROPHET is calling the source that inspired theses passages "The Holy Spirit of Truth" a he is now informing us that the faith that was ONCE DELIVERED by the SAINTS in the first Century (Jude 3), was not COMPLETE/PERFECT..........1. ) Is not a PERFECT/COMPLETE source of DOCTRINE to have the MAN OF GOD THROUGHLY furnished unto ALL GOOD WORKS of RIGHTEOUSNESS, that we need MORE than perfect or complete knowledge, WE NEED THE BOOK OF MORMON ( 2 Tim 3:16-17) as HE...the Holy Spirit of Truth....has informed us that

2.) When that which is PERFECT/Complete comes......that which is in part......divine revelation, that was not inspired of EVERYONE....shall cease ( 1 Cor. 13:10). And a list of that which is in part is listed, the gifts of supernatural (Prophecy, Tongues, and Supernatural knowledge)....all shall cease, when the PERFECT/COMPLETE has arrived. But clearly This is in complete contradiction of the false doctrine of Mormonism....they still claim all these SUPERNATURAL GIFTS......but if they were supernatural.....would the product of that Supernatural Prophecy...THE BOOK of filled with errors and lies of both Science and History, and contradictions of the revealed word of truth from the Holy Spirit of Truth?

3.) James, under the same divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit of Truth informs us that we now have the "PERFECT LAW OF LIBERTY" in the form of the New Testament of Grace (James 1:25)....with the exact same original Greek word used to indicate that which is PERFECT or COMPLETE....OR made whole is referenced in both authors words (James 1:25, 1 Cor. 13:10)....but clearly

4.) Some wish to call the Holy Spirit of Truth a liar while denying the Command of the Christ Himself to worship in SPIRIT and in "TRUTH" (John 4:24).......and lie to themselves and the world and continue to attempt and PLAY LIKE they are INFANT CHRISTIANS of the kingdom of God still needing the TIT MILK of DIVINE GUIDANCE from the Holy Spirit of TRUTH....and PRETEND to have NEW REVELATIONS from God

But the Inspired Apostle informed us there would come a time when we, the Christian, would be ready for hard truth and MEAT in our diet of divine knowledge because we would be on our own with a COMPLETE REVELATION of GOD in consideration of this KINGDOM...and we were to, STOP acting like Children, "When I was a Child (comparing the infant kingdom/church in its new birth), I understood as a child (needed divine guidance in doctrine, feed to them like a mother allowing a child to nurse on her breast), I thought as a Child, (had not wisdom, because it had not yet been established): but, when I became a Man (the church was given the PERFECT/COMPLETE revelation of God concerning church/kingdom doctrine, no longer requiring to be nursed by our divine parent)..........I PUT AWAY CHILDISH THINGS." -- 1 Cor. 13:11)

No some wish to remain as that child while refusing to mature and take responsibility for his/her own action in this life.......and falsely expect the continued TIT NURSING from our HEAVENLY parent. Just like children...they do not worship in TRUTH, but PRETEND to have some divine gift of the Spirit...which we were directly informed would cease......once that which was PERFECT/COMPLETE came........THE PERFECT LAW OF, they even pretend to receive more revelation form HEAVEN in pretense that can easily be debunked by the revealed word of God.......Physical Science........and History Actual.

As I said......there comes a time when we must GROW UP, and stop acting like children while pretending to be something that clearly we are not. And use the REMAINING GIFTS of the SPIRIT that help and guide us through this path that we call life........" Faith, Hope, and Charity/love.........with LOVE the greatest of these gifts." -- 1 Cor. 13:13

We shall stand back and simply allow the CHILDREN TO the expense of their souls and the souls of their loved ones. We have attempted to feed them the strong meat of TRUTH, but they cannot digest it.......I fear they shall starve to death......IN SPIRIT as long as refuse to accept the TRUTH that was ONCE DELIVERED to the Saints of the 1st century. LOVE and HOPE, Ralph

If you interpret "ONCE DELIVERED" to mean that God will never cause holy writings to be written, then go ahead. But you are wasting time trying to convince me to adopt your view. It doesn't make sense to me or Avatar. So go on being happy with your intepretation and we will go on believing ours.
Is this really the best you have? This is the most damning declaration you have against Mormonism? Then I feel very confident that the Spirit is leading me correctly. Because this verse cannot be interpretted to end new revelation from heaven. And This is for the following reasons:

1) The verse is refering to the Book of Revelation. Not the Bible. The Bible was not compiled till centuries later. There was no "Bible" at this time. John was not writing the final book in the Bible. He was writing a book independent of any others which was later compiled into a collection of books of scripture and later placed at the end since it refers to the end of days.

2) If we are to believe your own interpretation of this verse, the Apostle John has condemned himself since he wrote His Gospel and Epistles afterwards. He also condemned Jude.

3) If your interpretation is valid, it must be equally applied to exact same warning provided in Deuteronomy 4:2. That would mean that every single solitary person who wrote in the Bible after Moses is condemned to hell. Including the Lord Jesus Christ who shared New Revelation and commandments in the Meridian of time. It would also apply to the verse in proverbs with a similiar result.

4) The most compelling reason your interpretation of this verse to condemn The Church of Jesus Christ is ironically, one of the parts of the verse you emphasized by capitalizing it. The scripture puts a prohibition to man to add or remove anything. It says absolutely nothing about God ceasing to reveal His will to His Servants. It does not prevent God from adding or deleting anything.

God can say whatever the heck He pleases. He can command and revoke commands at His will. And you cant limit it simply because you misinterpret clear passages. So the question remains, how do we know what God says? And the answer is clear: The Holy Spirit. We go to God to ask of Him and He reveals it to us.

Are you honestly going to claim that revelation and prophecy have ceased?

So because you dont see the angel named specifically in the passage, you refuse to investigate it this was the actual angel prophecied to come? The Lord said He would send an angel carrying the Everlasting Gospel to the world. If it's not Moroni, it must be some other angel. Yet you reject the minstering of angels. You tell us God cant reveal anything to us anymore. So why is God telling us He is going to reveal His Gospel to us in the last days???

How on earth do you get this? The scriptures are clearly stating the opposite. The scriptures teach us that we should ask so we can recieve. We should seek so we can find. We should knock so it can be given to us. The Lord promised those who ask in faith wisdom. He has told us we can recieve all truth through the power of the Holy Ghost. We are told that the few scriptures we have are nothing but the milk before the meat. That we cant even begin to contain all the teachings and acts of Christ.

The scriptures are teaching us to go to God and learn from Him.

But God is not silent. That is the whole point of the New Testament. God speaks to man. The fact that God is not speaking to you tells me something is very very very very very wrong in your relationship with God. The fact is you cant have a relationship with someone you don't know. You have to talk with Him and learn from Him if you can be saved. because you cant be saved without revelation.

And no matter how many scriptures you take out of context, you arent going to be able to silence God.

The same way the saints knew what Gods teachings were when teh Apostles taught them: The Holy Spirit told them.

Of course, this requires you trust God more than yourself.

Fake miracles? The only difference between the miracles of the Bible and the miracles nowadays is you believe in one and say the other is impossible. It reminds me alot of Christ's warnings to the Pharisees:

Christ is there ready to teach you. He calls you still. He will teach you by the power of His Holy Ghost. He will reveal to you things that have never before been revealed if you just come to Him and cease denying the gifts of God.

There is no doubt when the Spirit speaks. You would know that if you had heard the voice of the Spirit. When the whispers of the Spirit come no doubt remains. Which is exactly why I can tell you that I know the Bible is true. Which is why I can tell you I know the Book of Mormon is true. Which is why I can tell you that I know Jesus Christ is the Son of God. And why I can tell you that I know Joseph Smith was a prophet. Because when the Spirit spoke to me, all doubt was taken away.

No one is. We are telling you quite the opposite. We are telling you exactly what God has revealed to us and inviting you to God to the Lord to learn for yourself.

The source isnt the Bible. The Bible is just a record of what the source said. The Source is God Himself. We go to the source which is the Lord Almighty and you say we are condemned because we dont try to intepret the revelations of the past according to our own knowledge and understanding. It makes absolutely no sense.

The Holy Spirit hasnt contradicted anything. You keep quoting Timothy as if it somehow proves your point. The Book of Mormon is scripture. The verse you quote in Timothy Encompasses all scripture. It encompasses all scripture we have now and all that will be revealed in the future.

And we are given all things that pertain unto life and godliness when we recieve the Gift of the Holy Ghost. But when you deny that gift. When you deny the power of the Revelator. When you deny the gifts He gives because of your lack of faith, you are not included in the "us" because you are in a state of rebellion against God. Have you repented and been baptized? Have you recieved the Laying on of hands, Then you dont have all things that pertain unto life and godliness.

The Bible is pointing you somewhere. All scripture is. But its useless unless you actually go to God and let Him take you where it's pointing.

Because arent made perfect by the Old and New Testament. We are made perfect through Jesus Christ. and God has given us more records to learn about the Savior, about our Fallen condition, about the Atonement. And quite frankly, if God wants to reveal some new truth about Jesus Christ, I am going to listen to Him. Because Christ is the Word of God. And while you have the right to do what you want, I am not going to tell God what He can and cant do.

The Book of Mormon was revealed to prove to both Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, the Savior of the world. The Book of Mormon was revealed to provide a second witness along with the Bible that Jesus lives for our stiffnecked and unbelieving generation. The Book of Mormon was revealed to show the children of men that God remembers His covenants and make His arm bear in the last days to redeem His people from the horrors that are to come.

That is why the Book of Mormon was revealed. That is why there were 12 witnesses called to testify of its power. That is why Elijah came to turn the hearts of the children to their fathers. Its why 12 Apostles were called and given the keys of the Kingdom. It's why men have power to do Gods work in the present as they had in the past.

If you think the Holy Spirit is subjective opinion, then you really don't know the Spirit. We don't know a fraction of what God has revealed to man.

What Mormonism would have you believe is that you dont have to rely on the witness of anyone else. You can go to God and learn from yourself. What Mormonism would have you believe is that the Lord still gives gifts to His Children. What Mormonism would have you believe is that Jesus Christ lives and loves us. And there is so much more to learn about Him that we need to go to God and learn from Him personally.

I challenge you to read the Book of Mormon for yourself. Dont look to what others have said about it. Not even me. I can promise you if you read it and ask the Lord with real intent and faith, If you ask in humility and with a sincere desire to serve the Lord no matter what the answer, that you will be told by the Holy Ghost that the Book of Mormon is true. That it's testimony of Christ is true. That He does live. And He does work in the world today. He is not silent. nor will He ever be. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
And when the Spirit speaks to you directly, you will have no doubts. You will have undisputed proof that this is God's work.

I feel impressed to end my post here with the words of Nephi:

So many much falsehood needing only one passage of truth to debunk, "Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of OUR COMMON SALVATION, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should EARNESTLY CONTEND FOR THE FAITH..................."THAT WAS (such a little word that holds so much truth and power)............ONCE..............DELIVERED unto the saints." -- Jude 3

Now we hear from a false prophet that denies the truth of such a simple statement. THE FAITH OF CHRISTIANITY was delivered only one time and that FAITH which was ONCE delivered (clearly before the drafting of the passage which was inspired by the Holy Spirit of Truth) should be EARNESTLY CONTENDED or sought after with that FAITH which has been demonstrated by other scripture to be PERFECT/COMPLETE ( 2 Tim. 3-16-17, 1 Cor. 13:10, James 1:25) as recorded in the original Greek.

Clearly this FALSE PROPHET is calling the source that inspired theses passages "The Holy Spirit of Truth" a he is now informing us that the faith that was ONCE DELIVERED by the SAINTS in the first Century (Jude 3), was not COMPLETE/PERFECT..........1. ) Is not a PERFECT/COMPLETE source of DOCTRINE to have the MAN OF GOD THROUGHLY furnished unto ALL GOOD WORKS of RIGHTEOUSNESS, that we need MORE than perfect or complete knowledge, WE NEED THE BOOK OF MORMON ( 2 Tim 3:16-17) as HE...the Holy Spirit of Truth....has informed us that

2.) When that which is PERFECT/Complete comes......that which is in part......divine revelation, that was not inspired of EVERYONE....shall cease ( 1 Cor. 13:10). And a list of that which is in part is listed, the gifts of supernatural (Prophecy, Tongues, and Supernatural knowledge)....all shall cease, when the PERFECT/COMPLETE has arrived. But clearly This is in complete contradiction of the false doctrine of Mormonism....they still claim all these SUPERNATURAL GIFTS......but if they were supernatural.....would the product of that Supernatural Prophecy...THE BOOK of filled with errors and lies of both Science and History, and contradictions of the revealed word of truth from the Holy Spirit of Truth?

3.) James, under the same divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit of Truth informs us that we now have the "PERFECT LAW OF LIBERTY" in the form of the New Testament of Grace (James 1:25)....with the exact same original Greek word used to indicate that which is PERFECT or COMPLETE....OR made whole is referenced in both authors words (James 1:25, 1 Cor. 13:10)....but clearly

4.) Some wish to call the Holy Spirit of Truth a liar while denying the Command of the Christ Himself to worship in SPIRIT and in "TRUTH" (John 4:24).......and lie to themselves and the world and continue to attempt and PLAY LIKE they are INFANT CHRISTIANS of the kingdom of God still needing the TIT MILK of DIVINE GUIDANCE from the Holy Spirit of TRUTH....and PRETEND to have NEW REVELATIONS from God

But the Inspired Apostle informed us there would come a time when we, the Christian, would be ready for hard truth and MEAT in our diet of divine knowledge because we would be on our own with a COMPLETE REVELATION of GOD in consideration of this KINGDOM...and we were to, STOP acting like Children, "When I was a Child (comparing the infant kingdom/church in its new birth), I understood as a child (needed divine guidance in doctrine, feed to them like a mother allowing a child to nurse on her breast), I thought as a Child, (had not wisdom, because it had not yet been established): but, when I became a Man (the church was given the PERFECT/COMPLETE revelation of God concerning church/kingdom doctrine, no longer requiring to be nursed by our divine parent)..........I PUT AWAY CHILDISH THINGS." -- 1 Cor. 13:11)

No some wish to remain as that child while refusing to mature and take responsibility for his/her own action in this life.......and falsely expect the continued TIT NURSING from our HEAVENLY parent. Just like children...they do not worship in TRUTH, but PRETEND to have some divine gift of the Spirit...which we were directly informed would cease......once that which was PERFECT/COMPLETE came........THE PERFECT LAW OF, they even pretend to receive more revelation form HEAVEN in pretense that can easily be debunked by the revealed word of God.......Physical Science........and History Actual.

As I said......there comes a time when we must GROW UP, and stop acting like children while pretending to be something that clearly we are not. And use the REMAINING GIFTS of the SPIRIT that help and guide us through this path that we call life........" Faith, Hope, and Charity/love.........with LOVE the greatest of these gifts." -- 1 Cor. 13:13

We shall stand back and simply allow the CHILDREN TO the expense of their souls and the souls of their loved ones. We have attempted to feed them the strong meat of TRUTH, but they cannot digest it.......I fear they shall starve to death......IN SPIRIT as long as refuse to accept the TRUTH that was ONCE DELIVERED to the Saints of the 1st century. LOVE and HOPE, Ralph

If you interpret "ONCE DELIVERED" to mean that God will never cause holy writings to be written, then go ahead. But you are wasting time trying to convince me to adopt your view. It doesn't make sense to me or Avatar. So go on being happy with your intepretation and we will go on believing ours.

Interpret? Again.....that is the duty of the prophet.......all the believer has to do is believe the prophet. As this is where OUR FAITH comes from, the revealed word of God, " cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God." -- Romans 10:17 After.......he comprehends what the prophet has REVEALED. There aren't many interpretations of a single revealed prophecy, OR PRIVATE INTERPRETATIONS THEREOF. It is your admonished, to ".....STUDY to shew thyself approved of God, A WORKMAN that neeth not to be ashamed, RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH." -- 2 Tim. 2:15. And that word of truth is divided to be comprehend in a way that does not pit one passage of scripture against another........implying that one is correct and the other errant, as they all were inspired by the same source.......God (2 Tim. 3:16). When the Sum/total of Gods words are considered in their entirety -- Ps. 119:160......and everlasting truth is established.

The Apostles "CONFIRMED" that truth of prophecy......all we need do is walk therein. "And so we have the prophetic word CONFIRMED, WHICH YOU DO WELL TO HEED as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your heart (the morning STAR, a clear reference that represents the Arisen Christ --Rev. 22:16).........KNOWING THIS FIRST, that NO PROPHECY OF SCRIPTURE is of any private interpretation, for prophecy NEVER CAME BY THE WILL OF MAN, but holy men of God spoke as they where moved by the Holy Spirit (of truth)." -- 2 Peter 1:19:21 As you can see....THE "MORNING STAR" is referenced as rising in YOUR HEART....because it was the MORNING STAR that informed all of us of just where the kingdom of God can be located, "......the kingdom of God cometh not with OBSERVATION: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or Lo there! for, BEHOLD.......THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN..........YOU (my friend)." -- Luke 17:20-21 It IS NOT located in SALT LAKE CITY UTAH. Thus, it is up to YOU and you alone to build that kingdom on the faith that was delivered by accepting the revealed word of TRUTH....NOT rejecting it, so that you might attempt to mold your own private INTERPRETATION. You will never know the truth, if you continue to deny the WORD, as revealed....for that is the only source of TRUTH, and we are admonished to be sanctified therein. -- John 17:17

Thus......there is no interpretation required to comprehend the revealed word, simply allow the word to be accepted as delivered by the prophet. JUST HOW IS ANYONE going to declare "ONCE" mean this time and ANOTHER TIME, 1900 years later? The only way for you to do as much is to inject YOUR SUBJECTIVE OPINION into a place where it has NO BUSINESS being inserted...or as the Inspired Peter declared, ".......thou hast neither lot nor part in this matter;" -- Acts 8:21

By the way.........say hello to my little friends while you are in NEVER, NEVER LAND......."Big Bird", and "Barney".......for they hold as much truth of Doctrine as does the Mormon church, as ALL was gestated in the same place......BETWEEN THE EARS OF MAN.
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Nice rant. The reason I won't argue with you is not because I don't have ample ammunition to combat you scripturally. It's simply that I'm not interested in arguing.:eusa_whistle: You say I am twisting the scriptures to mean something subjective. I laugh :lol:to myself and think you are a victim of the same thing. I agree with all those scriptures you posted. I believe what they say. I believe what they actually mean.

You think they mean one thing and I think they mean exactly what they read as. So we are at an impass.:eusa_think: That is why an argument between the two of us is juvenile. I refuse to argue points of doctrine with you.:blahblah: Your mind is made up and so is mine. So what is the point of arguing?:confused:

I repeat. I only want people to know what it IS that we believe. If you don't like it, then fantastic.:woohoo: At least you have something YOU believe in. I'm just warning you that if you try to tear down or argue with me to convince me over to YOUR point of view, you will be frustrated, because I don't care.:blahblah: Your insults do nothing but diminish your own credibility and make you look like a sanctimonious zealot.:omg:

All I care is that people know what it is we ACTUALLY stand for. Then people can intelligently make their mind up about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Capish?:neutral:

I'll be waiting for a respectful dialogue out of you.:popcorn:
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So many much falsehood needing only one passage of truth to debunk, "Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of OUR COMMON SALVATION, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should EARNESTLY CONTEND FOR THE FAITH..................."THAT WAS (such a little word that holds so much truth and power)............ONCE..............DELIVERED unto the saints." -- Jude 3

Now we hear from a false prophet that denies the truth of such a simple statement. THE FAITH OF CHRISTIANITY was delivered only one time and that FAITH which was ONCE delivered (clearly before the drafting of the passage which was inspired by the Holy Spirit of Truth) should be EARNESTLY CONTENDED or sought after with that FAITH which has been demonstrated by other scripture to be PERFECT/COMPLETE ( 2 Tim. 3-16-17, 1 Cor. 13:10, James 1:25) as recorded in the original Greek.

Clearly this FALSE PROPHET is calling the source that inspired theses passages "The Holy Spirit of Truth" a he is now informing us that the faith that was ONCE DELIVERED by the SAINTS in the first Century (Jude 3), was not COMPLETE/PERFECT..........1. ) Is not a PERFECT/COMPLETE source of DOCTRINE to have the MAN OF GOD THROUGHLY furnished unto ALL GOOD WORKS of RIGHTEOUSNESS, that we need MORE than perfect or complete knowledge, WE NEED THE BOOK OF MORMON ( 2 Tim 3:16-17) as HE...the Holy Spirit of Truth....has informed us that

2.) When that which is PERFECT/Complete comes......that which is in part......divine revelation, that was not inspired of EVERYONE....shall cease ( 1 Cor. 13:10). And a list of that which is in part is listed, the gifts of supernatural (Prophecy, Tongues, and Supernatural knowledge)....all shall cease, when the PERFECT/COMPLETE has arrived. But clearly This is in complete contradiction of the false doctrine of Mormonism....they still claim all these SUPERNATURAL GIFTS......but if they were supernatural.....would the product of that Supernatural Prophecy...THE BOOK of filled with errors and lies of both Science and History, and contradictions of the revealed word of truth from the Holy Spirit of Truth?

3.) James, under the same divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit of Truth informs us that we now have the "PERFECT LAW OF LIBERTY" in the form of the New Testament of Grace (James 1:25)....with the exact same original Greek word used to indicate that which is PERFECT or COMPLETE....OR made whole is referenced in both authors words (James 1:25, 1 Cor. 13:10)....but clearly

4.) Some wish to call the Holy Spirit of Truth a liar while denying the Command of the Christ Himself to worship in SPIRIT and in "TRUTH" (John 4:24).......and lie to themselves and the world and continue to attempt and PLAY LIKE they are INFANT CHRISTIANS of the kingdom of God still needing the TIT MILK of DIVINE GUIDANCE from the Holy Spirit of TRUTH....and PRETEND to have NEW REVELATIONS from God

But the Inspired Apostle informed us there would come a time when we, the Christian, would be ready for hard truth and MEAT in our diet of divine knowledge because we would be on our own with a COMPLETE REVELATION of GOD in consideration of this KINGDOM...and we were to, STOP acting like Children, "When I was a Child (comparing the infant kingdom/church in its new birth), I understood as a child (needed divine guidance in doctrine, feed to them like a mother allowing a child to nurse on her breast), I thought as a Child, (had not wisdom, because it had not yet been established): but, when I became a Man (the church was given the PERFECT/COMPLETE revelation of God concerning church/kingdom doctrine, no longer requiring to be nursed by our divine parent)..........I PUT AWAY CHILDISH THINGS." -- 1 Cor. 13:11)

No some wish to remain as that child while refusing to mature and take responsibility for his/her own action in this life.......and falsely expect the continued TIT NURSING from our HEAVENLY parent. Just like children...they do not worship in TRUTH, but PRETEND to have some divine gift of the Spirit...which we were directly informed would cease......once that which was PERFECT/COMPLETE came........THE PERFECT LAW OF, they even pretend to receive more revelation form HEAVEN in pretense that can easily be debunked by the revealed word of God.......Physical Science........and History Actual.

As I said......there comes a time when we must GROW UP, and stop acting like children while pretending to be something that clearly we are not. And use the REMAINING GIFTS of the SPIRIT that help and guide us through this path that we call life........" Faith, Hope, and Charity/love.........with LOVE the greatest of these gifts." -- 1 Cor. 13:13

We shall stand back and simply allow the CHILDREN TO the expense of their souls and the souls of their loved ones. We have attempted to feed them the strong meat of TRUTH, but they cannot digest it.......I fear they shall starve to death......IN SPIRIT as long as refuse to accept the TRUTH that was ONCE DELIVERED to the Saints of the 1st century. LOVE and HOPE, Ralph

So you are simply going to regurgitate everything you've already said before pretending as though it hasnt been addressed and declare yourself victor?

Thing is I'm not trying to win anything. I am just telling you the truth. I gave you the reasons why your interpretation of Revelation 22 is not valid. And you still havent answered any of the questions Ive asked.

What your saying is that revelation and prophecy have ceased correct? That there will never be any left?

Forget the scriptures. I know what the scriptures say. What do you say.
And Just what is it that you would like to know about "magic underwear"?

Your religion has magic underwear??? :rofl:

Please do explain.

Ah Fresh new greenies! I see you started by reading the first of these 110 pages. Continue reading and you will get the answer to that strange question as you catch up.
Your religion has magic underwear??? :rofl:

Please do explain.

Ah Fresh new greenies! I see you started by reading the first of these 110 pages. Continue reading and you will get the answer to that strange question as you catch up.

Only a moron would read all 110 pages, c'mon gimme the short and skinny on the magic underwear. I might want a pair...

btw, how many times have YOU read all 110 pages? :eusa_whistle:

A Moron or a mormon:lol: Plus I only needed to read them once. I guess someone who really wants to know the answers to all the mormon questions. I already responded to that one in the 2nd or 3rd page, so you really don't have to read that much. If you knew much about this thread, I'm sorta done repeating myself. It gets tiring after a while. Plus it seems like you are more interested in making fun of us than learning about us.
Your religion has magic underwear??? :rofl:

Please do explain.

Ah Fresh new greenies! I see you started by reading the first of these 110 pages. Continue reading and you will get the answer to that strange question as you catch up.

Only a moron would read all 110 pages, c'mon gimme the short and skinny on the magic underwear. I might want a pair...

btw, how many times have YOU read all 110 pages? :eusa_whistle:

Mimi: Here is a non-Mormon webpage on their underware/garments.
Temple garment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Temple garment circa 1879

Post-1979 two-piece temple garments end just above the knee for both sexes. Women's garment have a rounded or sweetheart neckline with cap sleeves. Male tops are available in tee-shirt styles
For our youngest sons wedding, my wife made all the bride's maid's dresses, one of the bride's maids was Mormon. My wife had to fashion the upper part of her dress differently from the other girls so that her Mormon underware sleeves and neckline wouldn't show. It was most apparent during the wedding. There wasn't much that could be done. The underware had to be worn no matter what, and her bride's maid dress ended up standing out as much different.

All the other bride's maids were dressed modestly, but not according to Mormon standards.
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Ah Fresh new greenies! I see you started by reading the first of these 110 pages. Continue reading and you will get the answer to that strange question as you catch up.

Only a moron would read all 110 pages, c'mon gimme the short and skinny on the magic underwear. I might want a pair...

btw, how many times have YOU read all 110 pages? :eusa_whistle:

Mimi: Here is a non-Mormon webpage on their underware/garments.
Temple garment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Temple garment circa 1879

Post-1979 two-piece temple garments end just above the knee for both sexes. Women's garment have a rounded or sweetheart neckline with cap sleeves. Male tops are available in tee-shirt styles
For our youngest sons wedding, my wife made all the bride's maid's dresses, one of the bride's maids was Mormon. My wife had to fashion the upper part of her dress differently from the other girls so that her Mormon underware sleeves and neckline wouldn't show. It was most apparent during the wedding. There wasn't much that could be done. The underware had to be worn no matter what, and her bride's maid dress ended up standing out as much different.

All the other bride's maids were dressed modestly, but not according to Mormon standards.

Who cares what the bridesmaids think? It's all about the Bride on the big day anyway.
By the way, 8-Ball, it is more disrespectful to post such pictures than it is to cuss me out. If you truly respected anyone's religion(which you don't) then you would honor their requests to not discuss or show sacred objects.

Now that you've posted these pictures, you see they are nothing amazing to look at. The sacred meaning these garments hold is special to us and out of reverence for God, we do not display them. There is a reason why we don't show them. We don't want to draw attention to ourselves about why we wear them.

Please respect our wishes and delete the pictures. It is extremely offensive.
By the way, 8-Ball, it is more disrespectful to post such pictures than it is to cuss me out. If you truly respected anyone's religion(which you don't) then you would honor their requests to not discuss or show sacred objects.

Now that you've posted these pictures, you see they are nothing amazing to look at. The sacred meaning these garments hold is special to us and out of reverence for God, we do not display them. There is a reason why we don't show them. We don't want to draw attention to ourselves about why we wear them.

Please respect our wishes and delete the pictures. It is extremely offensive.

Take up your libel suit with Wikipedia. It is available to public domain.

You own Mormon sponsored websites on Mormon Undergarments takes up the majority of Web Engine hits, with pictures of and definitions galor.

Take it up with your own members and their little LDS sub-organizations that have posted by the thousands, articles on their undergarments.

If you understood the "grace" and covering power of God, you'd know that underware doesn't do anything for protection except in one's mind.

Again, don't try to corner me on some emotional affront about the privacy of your underware, and again thousands upon thousands of Mormon sights are on the web engines going even further into your church's doctrinal stance concerning the undergarments.

If anyone should be apologized-too it should be me, as you lied your eye-balls out saying that the undergarment issue is a private one.

Tell that to your fellow members who have advertised it all over the web, including online Mormon owned stores that sell these undergarments!!

Truthspeaker, your really doing a feeble attempt at being a "victim".
By the way, 8-Ball, it is more disrespectful to post such pictures than it is to cuss me out. If you truly respected anyone's religion(which you don't) then you would honor their requests to not discuss or show sacred objects.

Now that you've posted these pictures, you see they are nothing amazing to look at. The sacred meaning these garments hold is special to us and out of reverence for God, we do not display them. There is a reason why we don't show them. We don't want to draw attention to ourselves about why we wear them.

Please respect our wishes and delete the pictures. It is extremely offensive.

Take up your libel suit with Wikipedia. It is available to public domain.

You own Mormon sponsored websites on Mormon Undergarments takes up the majority of Web Engine hits, with pictures of and definitions galor.

Take it up with your own members and their little LDS sub-organizations that have posted by the thousands, articles on their undergarments.

If you understood the "grace" and covering power of God, you'd know that underware doesn't do anything for protection except in one's mind.

Again, don't try to corner me on some emotional affront about the privacy of your underware, and again thousands upon thousands of Mormon sights are on the web engines going even further into your church's doctrinal stance concerning the undergarments.

If anyone should be apologized-too it should be me, as you lied your eye-balls out saying that the undergarment issue is a private one.

Tell that to your fellow members who have advertised it all over the web, including online Mormon owned stores that sell these undergarments!!

Truthspeaker, your really doing a feeble attempt at being a "victim".

spoken like an ignorant, arrogant, jerk. I was going to say a few meaner words, but that just wouldn't be proper:cool:

You know that no self respecting member of our church would post such pictures for gain. Such sellouts do so on their own conscience and are in serious trouble come judgment day. Those who make a covenant with God not to disclose sacred information and break that covenant for monetary gain and internet hits will be held accountable for such action.

You know that our church would never back such a sin. There are plenty of bad individuals in every church. Judas was a member of Jesus' Church. He sold out too.

But don't pretend our church leaders and faithful members support this. It makes us cringe. You are a disrespectful person and your mother should be ashamed of you.
Take up your libel suit with Wikipedia. It is available to public domain.

You own Mormon sponsored websites on Mormon Undergarments takes up the majority of Web Engine hits, with pictures of and definitions galor.

Take it up with your own members and their little LDS sub-organizations that have posted by the thousands, articles on their undergarments.

If you understood the "grace" and covering power of God, you'd know that underware doesn't do anything for protection except in one's mind.

Again, don't try to corner me on some emotional affront about the privacy of your underware, and again thousands upon thousands of Mormon sights are on the web engines going even further into your church's doctrinal stance concerning the undergarments.

If anyone should be apologized-too it should be me, as you lied your eye-balls out saying that the undergarment issue is a private one.

Tell that to your fellow members who have advertised it all over the web, including online Mormon owned stores that sell these undergarments!!

Truthspeaker, your really doing a feeble attempt at being a "victim".

I have to say Im actually disappointed with you here. Didnt you say a day or so ago:

Hey, I'm not Mormon, and don't agree one bit with their anti-biblical doctrine, but your post adds nothing to this thread.

It reeks of disrespect towards the LDS/Mormons, and that's not what this discussion is about.

And then you turn around and say the post im responding to.

No one has asked you to agree with mormonism. No one has accusd you of libel. All we've ever asked is that you treat us with respect as we discuss our differences. In your post the other day, you seemed to be on board with that. Now suddenly changed your tune. And honestly, I dont see why.

You posts on such topics are done in a way to sensationalize the discussion. They arent done with respect. They add absolutely nothing to the thread. And the fact that you are trying to justify being disrespectful by saying other people do it is ridiculous.

You are a Christian. You profess to follow Christ. Disciples of Christ dont sin and justify their sins by saying others do it too. They are supposed to be better than that.

I know we have our differences. We may never see eye to eye. But I think your advice the other day was sound and I encourage you to practice what you preach. I am not offended when others profess the sacred, I expect some people to do that, because its human nature to do so. I think letting people offend you when no offense is meant is foolish and being offended when people mean offense is even more foolish because it gives them power over you. I am just rather disappointed to see you turn back on your own words so quickly.
spoken like an ignorant, arrogant, jerk. I was going to say a few meaner words, but that just wouldn't be proper:cool:

You know that no self respecting member of our church would post such pictures for gain. Such sellouts do so on their own conscience and are in serious trouble come judgment day. Those who make a covenant with God not to disclose sacred information and break that covenant for monetary gain and internet hits will be held accountable for such action.

You know that our church would never back such a sin. There are plenty of bad individuals in every church. Judas was a member of Jesus' Church. He sold out too.

But don't pretend our church leaders and faithful members support this. It makes us cringe. You are a disrespectful person and your mother should be ashamed of you.

Dont let him goad you. He is trying to get this reaction from you. Thats all people ever do when they act this way and giving him what they want does nothing for you by remove the Spirit of God and replace it with the Spirit of contention. Contention is not of God. We are taught to forgive all men. And replace contention with the Spirit of peace.

Name calling isnt going to do anything. Even if you think he deserves it. You are called to be a Saint of God. Many are called but few are chosen. And why are they not chosen? I think you can answer that. I suggest you reread that section quite a bit and ponder it. Your intentions are good, and in a way his intentions are good too. But you have to remember your calling. You are alittle rough around the edges, and you need to be polished smooth. Much like anyone who is called of God.
By the way, 8-Ball, it is more disrespectful to post such pictures than it is to cuss me out. If you truly respected anyone's religion(which you don't) then you would honor their requests to not discuss or show sacred objects.

Now that you've posted these pictures, you see they are nothing amazing to look at. The sacred meaning these garments hold is special to us and out of reverence for God, we do not display them. There is a reason why we don't show them. We don't want to draw attention to ourselves about why we wear them.

Please respect our wishes and delete the pictures. It is extremely offensive.

Take up your libel suit with Wikipedia. It is available to public domain.

You own Mormon sponsored websites on Mormon Undergarments takes up the majority of Web Engine hits, with pictures of and definitions galor.

Take it up with your own members and their little LDS sub-organizations that have posted by the thousands, articles on their undergarments.

If you understood the "grace" and covering power of God, you'd know that underware doesn't do anything for protection except in one's mind.

Again, don't try to corner me on some emotional affront about the privacy of your underware, and again thousands upon thousands of Mormon sights are on the web engines going even further into your church's doctrinal stance concerning the undergarments.

If anyone should be apologized-too it should be me, as you lied your eye-balls out saying that the undergarment issue is a private one.

Tell that to your fellow members who have advertised it all over the web, including online Mormon owned stores that sell these undergarments!!

Truthspeaker, your really doing a feeble attempt at being a "victim".
Take up your libel suit with Wikipedia. It is available to public domain.

You own Mormon sponsored websites on Mormon Undergarments takes up the majority of Web Engine hits, with pictures of and definitions galor.

Take it up with your own members and their little LDS sub-organizations that have posted by the thousands, articles on their undergarments.

If you understood the "grace" and covering power of God, you'd know that underware doesn't do anything for protection except in one's mind.

Again, don't try to corner me on some emotional affront about the privacy of your underware, and again thousands upon thousands of Mormon sights are on the web engines going even further into your church's doctrinal stance concerning the undergarments.

If anyone should be apologized-too it should be me, as you lied your eye-balls out saying that the undergarment issue is a private one.

Tell that to your fellow members who have advertised it all over the web, including online Mormon owned stores that sell these undergarments!!

Truthspeaker, your really doing a feeble attempt at being a "victim".

Whats the point of reposting that?
spoken like an ignorant, arrogant, jerk. I was going to say a few meaner words, but that just wouldn't be proper:cool:

You know that no self respecting member of our church would post such pictures for gain. Such sellouts do so on their own conscience and are in serious trouble come judgment day. Those who make a covenant with God not to disclose sacred information and break that covenant for monetary gain and internet hits will be held accountable for such action.

You know that our church would never back such a sin. There are plenty of bad individuals in every church. Judas was a member of Jesus' Church. He sold out too.

But don't pretend our church leaders and faithful members support this. It makes us cringe. You are a disrespectful person and your mother should be ashamed of you.

Dont let him goad you. He is trying to get this reaction from you. Thats all people ever do when they act this way and giving him what they want does nothing for you by remove the Spirit of God and replace it with the Spirit of contention. Contention is not of God. We are taught to forgive all men. And replace contention with the Spirit of peace.

Name calling isnt going to do anything. Even if you think he deserves it. You are called to be a Saint of God. Many are called but few are chosen. And why are they not chosen? I think you can answer that. I suggest you reread that section quite a bit and ponder it. Your intentions are good, and in a way his intentions are good too. But you have to remember your calling. You are alittle rough around the edges, and you need to be polished smooth. Much like anyone who is called of God.

I suppose if I didn't use the work jerk and subsituted it with spiteful individual, it would have been more appropriate.

Hey even we members of the church are not perfect. Well you should have seen the original post I made. I reread it and had to change a lot of words because even I said "Whoa! that's just too much. However much he may deserve it."

As for contention, I'm done contending. I state our position on a doctrine and others try to tell me how we are wrong for our beliefs, but I don't care. I'm not here to debate my view over anothers. I'm just stating our view.
spoken like an ignorant, arrogant, jerk. I was going to say a few meaner words, but that just wouldn't be proper:cool:

You know that no self respecting member of our church would post such pictures for gain. Such sellouts do so on their own conscience and are in serious trouble come judgment day. Those who make a covenant with God not to disclose sacred information and break that covenant for monetary gain and internet hits will be held accountable for such action.

You know that our church would never back such a sin. There are plenty of bad individuals in every church. Judas was a member of Jesus' Church. He sold out too.

But don't pretend our church leaders and faithful members support this. It makes us cringe. You are a disrespectful person and your mother should be ashamed of you.

Dont let him goad you. He is trying to get this reaction from you. Thats all people ever do when they act this way and giving him what they want does nothing for you by remove the Spirit of God and replace it with the Spirit of contention. Contention is not of God. We are taught to forgive all men. And replace contention with the Spirit of peace.

Name calling isnt going to do anything. Even if you think he deserves it. You are called to be a Saint of God. Many are called but few are chosen. And why are they not chosen? I think you can answer that. I suggest you reread that section quite a bit and ponder it. Your intentions are good, and in a way his intentions are good too. But you have to remember your calling. You are alittle rough around the edges, and you need to be polished smooth. Much like anyone who is called of God.

I suppose if I didn't use the work jerk and subsituted it with spiteful individual, it would have been more appropriate.

Hey even we members of the church are not perfect. Well you should have seen the original post I made. I reread it and had to change a lot of words because even I said "Whoa! that's just too much. However much he may deserve it."

As for contention, I'm done contending. I state our position on a doctrine and others try to tell me how we are wrong for our beliefs, but I don't care. I'm not here to debate my view over anothers. I'm just stating our view.

It's heartening and nice to know that our resident Mormon Tag Team is still healthy and kicking. ;)

Note: Wikipedia presented an unbiased explanation of the Mormon sacred undergarment both of the early style and the present day accepted configuration.

It is on public domain.

Also take note that when typing in "Mormon Undergarment's" into Yahoo's search engine, that roughly 3,990 websites discussing the undergarments or mentioning them in some context exists.

Of that 3,990, the greatest majority are Mormon-run websites or stores that sell Mormon religion wares of various sorts.

Mimi wanted to know about the undergarments, and I picked an unbiased site, as I figured I'd not get flak from the "tag team" for taking that consideration.

Didn't help one bit.
You OP'd this thread, as an alleged Mormon religion informational site. I don't agree with your stated premise of it strictly being a means to inform others of your religion. Never the less........ As for your thread coming under the protection of the 1st Amendment, it does, and I'll fight for your right to present it here or anywhere, against any foe. Even though it would be a "Jerk" who's fighting to defend your right. ;)
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It's heartening and nice to know that our resident Mormon Tag Team is still healthy and kicking.

Note: Wikipedia presented an unbiased explanation of the Mormon sacred undergarment both of the early style and the present day accepted configuration.

It is on public domain.

Also take note that when tying in "Mormon Undergarment's" into Yahoo's search engine, that roughly 3,990 websites discussing the undergarments or mentioning them in some context exists.

Of that 3,990, the greatest majority are Mormon-run websites or stores that sell Mormon religion wares of various sorts.

Mimi wanted to know about the undergarments, and I picked an unbiased site, as I figured I'd get flak from the "tag team".

Didn't help one bit.

Evidence demands a verdict.

You OP'd this thread, as an alleged Mormon religion informational site. That is hogwash, and you know what your true intentions/agenda was. As for your thread coming under the protection of the 1st Amendment, it does, and I'll fight for your right to present it here or anywhere, against any foe. Even though it would be a "Jerk" who's fighting to defend your right.

Of course this is an informational thread. Thanks to you, I've had an opportunity to address many of the common lies that are spread about us. Thanks to you I have had a chance to learn patience. God sent you to me to strengthen my faith and ability to endure criticism. I am glad I have stood the test and weathered the storm.

What you don't realize is that the information Wikipedia posted was gained from ex-members or anti-Mormons who remember a lot about the temple ceremonies and instructions, but there is still more sacred information they left out. Much is still misunderstood about the reason we wear sacred undergarments. I am glad to see that not all of the information has been leaked.

People who truly want to know all the meanings of what goes on in our temples must qualify to get a temple recommend and go through the ceremonies themselves, fasting and praying along the way to gain maximum enlightenment.

It cannot be gained on US MessageBoard.
Also your statement of "Mormon Run" websites putting out this information is debatable. I haven't seen a source from you yet except Wikipedia. sources are only "Mormon Run" if they are from, or Because those are the authorized Church mouthpieces.
Also your statement of "Mormon Run" websites putting out this information is debatable. I haven't seen a source from you yet except Wikipedia. sources are only "Mormon Run" if they are from, or Because those are the authorized Church mouthpieces.

Since your such a prolific typer/poster on this thread, what has stopped you from typing in "Mormon Undergarments" into Yahoo, Google, etc.. and see for yourself.

Why question my statement when you didn't even check it out for yourself?

Again, 3990 hits for that two word nown.

Would you like a myriad of Mormon websites covering the topic?

= Church, Beliefs, & Religion - MormonWiki
=]Mormon Underwear Garments
=]Mormon Underwear
=]Mormon Underwear
=]Mormon Underwear
=]The Mormon Temple Garment | Mormon Beliefs

Just a brief sampling from 1 1/2 pages of yahoo search engine pages using "Mormon Undergarments" as the submitted phrase with quotes on each side. All are pro-Mormon sites. I'd say that 75%+ of the sites listed on the search engine are pro-Mormon. So your hardly misrepresentedj/unbalanced by those that disagree or have critical questions about the topic; when they comprise a few protestant church sites, and some independent biblica Christian apolgetics sites, and our probably much less that 25% of the web sites.

As you can see, though sacred to the Mormon/church, it is far from secretive in nature. Actually my hit count is over 4,000 for this topic on Yahoo.

Forum List
