CDZ The Truth about Separating Kids

The only people who will believe the spin tRump and the republican congress are about to start pushing are the support base. Everyone else knows this was a problem created by tRump's policies and nothing else. Yes, I know you folks here in the conservative echo chamber will be high fiving each other for a few days, but rest assured, it's a hollow victory that will net you nothing.
so no thoughts on a solution?

most Americans want to limit illegal immigration

it will be interesting to see what kind of bill the House winds up passing and what the Senate does with it
Stop separating kids from parents at the border.

How hard was that?

Pretty hard because there is no proof that they are the kid's parents.
Seems folks should be critical of Mexicos failure to protect refugees and illegal minors. Human Rights Watch seems to think so.
Mexico is detaining and deporting at the same levels as the U.S.

Children held in prison like conditions.
Waits to 6 months to hear of refugee status with no legal representation.
Lack of access to Healthcare.
Lack of proper screening to determine refugee status.

Closed Doors | Mexico’s Failure to Protect Central American Refugee and Migrant Children
HRW also states that Mexico has a right to enforce its border including unaccompanied children.

So does the United States.
The only people who will believe the spin tRump and the republican congress are about to start pushing are the support base. Everyone else knows this was a problem created by tRump's policies and nothing else. Yes, I know you folks here in the conservative echo chamber will be high fiving each other for a few days, but rest assured, it's a hollow victory that will net you nothing.
so no thoughts on a solution?

most Americans want to limit illegal immigration

it will be interesting to see what kind of bill the House winds up passing and what the Senate does with it
Stop separating kids from parents at the border.

How hard was that?

Then what do you with the illegal aliens? How do we process them? Do we set up temp housing for them? How do we make sure they aren't trafficking children? How do we get them back to their own countries and deter them from coming to the US illegally?
How are we doing those things now?

Apparently we are doing it all wrong because the left is outraged. I am all for housing the whole family in a detention center and then flying them back to their home country. For majority of children that are trying to come into our country, we need to ship them back to their respective countries and hand them over to the local authorities.

These people should not be allowed to enter into this country illegally, they can follow the same process as those that are entering in legally.
Coming to a border crossing and applying for asylum is legal.

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Seems folks should be critical of Mexicos failure to protect refugees and illegal minors. Human Rights Watch seems to think so.
Mexico is detaining and deporting at the same levels as the U.S.

Children held in prison like conditions.
Waits to 6 months to hear of refugee status with no legal representation.
Lack of access to Healthcare.
Lack of proper screening to determine refugee status.

Closed Doors | Mexico’s Failure to Protect Central American Refugee and Migrant Children
HRW also states that Mexico has a right to enforce its border including unaccompanied children.

So does the United States.
we arent Mexico.
Seems folks should be critical of Mexicos failure to protect refugees and illegal minors. Human Rights Watch seems to think so.
Mexico is detaining and deporting at the same levels as the U.S.

Children held in prison like conditions.
Waits to 6 months to hear of refugee status with no legal representation.
Lack of access to Healthcare.
Lack of proper screening to determine refugee status.

Closed Doors | Mexico’s Failure to Protect Central American Refugee and Migrant Children
HRW also states that Mexico has a right to enforce its border including unaccompanied children.

So does the United States.
we arent Mexico.
Yet, you all jump with glee when they have the gall to criticize America.
The failed nations south of us are not our financial responsibility, but we still send wasted millions of our tax dollars helping these corrupt regimes.
Most crossing both frontiers don't even qualify for refugee status and are seeking economic opportunity. Time to hold these countries accountable for their failures to their own citizens.
so no thoughts on a solution?

most Americans want to limit illegal immigration

it will be interesting to see what kind of bill the House winds up passing and what the Senate does with it
Stop separating kids from parents at the border.

How hard was that?

Then what do you with the illegal aliens? How do we process them? Do we set up temp housing for them? How do we make sure they aren't trafficking children? How do we get them back to their own countries and deter them from coming to the US illegally?
How are we doing those things now?

Apparently we are doing it all wrong because the left is outraged. I am all for housing the whole family in a detention center and then flying them back to their home country. For majority of children that are trying to come into our country, we need to ship them back to their respective countries and hand them over to the local authorities.

These people should not be allowed to enter into this country illegally, they can follow the same process as those that are entering in legally.
Coming to a border crossing and applying for asylum is legal.

Edited for spelling

Not when you first cross the border illegally.....
It is difficult to focus on solutions when the op is set up in such an inflammatory way as if all Dems want open borders and the only are open borders or abusing children.

I've stated possible solutions and just keep getting told I support open borders.

Trump created this unneccessary policy.

IMO illegal immigration isnt our nations top priority. Education, drug addiction, gun violence etc are a higher priority.

That said when it comes to any law enforcement it is never a hundred percent. You do not go after jaywalkers with the same vigor and application of resources that you do rapists. It is the same thing with immigration.

Speed up the deportations of those convicted if violent crimes or trafficking.

Increase the number of immigration judges so we dont have this backlog and people in detention for months.

DO NOT seperate families unkess there is reason to suspect trafficking.

Focus resources on maintaining good cooperation with Mexico at the border. We might have trouble with illegal immigration, they have trouble with illegal guns flowing in to the country.

Focus resources on going after violent offenders and chronic lawbreakers first.

How about going after employers? And msybe increase the number of work visas granted so they can come legally to work and then return.

None of that involves tearing children away from their parents or open borders.

I agree with much of what you say, a few exceptions, if they are caught, they need to be returned to their homeland, we can use more judges to speed them out of the country, I also think a big area to put them in detention so all families are kept together. When a coyote is captured, toss them in jail and have them tried and sentenced to at least 5 years, they are making a lot of money by taking advantage of others.

We need more border guards and staff to hasten the departure of the illegals from the border and returned to their homeland quickly.
so no thoughts on a solution?

most Americans want to limit illegal immigration

it will be interesting to see what kind of bill the House winds up passing and what the Senate does with it
Stop separating kids from parents at the border.

How hard was that?

Then what do you with the illegal aliens? How do we process them? Do we set up temp housing for them? How do we make sure they aren't trafficking children? How do we get them back to their own countries and deter them from coming to the US illegally?
How are we doing those things now?

Apparently we are doing it all wrong because the left is outraged. I am all for housing the whole family in a detention center and then flying them back to their home country. For majority of children that are trying to come into our country, we need to ship them back to their respective countries and hand them over to the local authorities.

These people should not be allowed to enter into this country illegally, they can follow the same process as those that are entering in legally.
Coming to a border crossing and applying for asylum is legal.

To apply sure however the vast majority are trying to come in by illegal means and they need to be sent back immediately.
The only people who will believe the spin tRump and the republican congress are about to start pushing are the support base. Everyone else knows this was a problem created by tRump's policies and nothing else. Yes, I know you folks here in the conservative echo chamber will be high fiving each other for a few days, but rest assured, it's a hollow victory that will net you nothing.
so no thoughts on a solution?

most Americans want to limit illegal immigration

it will be interesting to see what kind of bill the House winds up passing and what the Senate does with it
Stop separating kids from parents at the border.

How hard was that?
Send them back to Mexico and make them walk back home, together.
Stop separating kids from parents at the border.

How hard was that?

Then what do you with the illegal aliens? How do we process them? Do we set up temp housing for them? How do we make sure they aren't trafficking children? How do we get them back to their own countries and deter them from coming to the US illegally?
How are we doing those things now?

Apparently we are doing it all wrong because the left is outraged. I am all for housing the whole family in a detention center and then flying them back to their home country. For majority of children that are trying to come into our country, we need to ship them back to their respective countries and hand them over to the local authorities.

These people should not be allowed to enter into this country illegally, they can follow the same process as those that are entering in legally.
Coming to a border crossing and applying for asylum is legal.

To apply sure however the vast majority are trying to come in by illegal means and they need to be sent back immediately.
Actually not true. The vast majority simply walk up to the gate and ask for asylum. All perfectly legal.
I don't trust the mainstream media at all. The whole thing feels very manipulative to me. There's definitely something more going on than meets the eye.

This article is interesting… If true, then the story is quite a bit different than what we're being told: Giacomino Nicolazzo
The only people who will believe the spin tRump and the republican congress are about to start pushing are the support base. Everyone else knows this was a problem created by tRump's policies and nothing else. Yes, I know you folks here in the conservative echo chamber will be high fiving each other for a few days, but rest assured, it's a hollow victory that will net you nothing.
I'm not the "Trump base."

There will be no high fives.

You are in the clean debate zone.

XXXX -- Mod Edit -- CDZ

Answer the questions.

Why are they coming here?

Why are they border jumping, then demanding asylum?

Why are they sending unnacompanied children?

You know damned well these children are being fed, clothed and receiving extensive medical treatment.

They are being provided better amemities than that which they receive in Mexico or any other country they may "Willingly" avoid to come to America.

I see human trafficking, slavery, child abuse and no doubt that these children are being raped.

Answer the questions.

XXXX -- Mod Edit -- CDZ
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The only people who will believe the spin tRump and the republican congress are about to start pushing are the support base. Everyone else knows this was a problem created by tRump's policies and nothing else. Yes, I know you folks here in the conservative echo chamber will be high fiving each other for a few days, but rest assured, it's a hollow victory that will net you nothing.
Serious question, I'm no expert here: Did this start with Trump, or will we find it only continued with Trump?
That is not his concern.

His concern is to insult, ridicule, and degrade half of the legal citizens of this country becuase he didn't get his way.
The only people who will believe the spin tRump and the republican congress are about to start pushing are the support base. Everyone else knows this was a problem created by tRump's policies and nothing else. Yes, I know you folks here in the conservative echo chamber will be high fiving each other for a few days, but rest assured, it's a hollow victory that will net you nothing.
I'm not the "Trump base."

There will be no high fives.

You are in the clean debate zone.

You are trolling this thread.

Answer the questions.

Why are they coming here?

Why are they border jumping, then demanding asylum?

Why are they sending unnacompanied children?

You know damned well these children are being fed, clothed and receiving extensive medical treatment.

They are being provided better amemities than that which they receive in Mexico or any other country they may "Willingly" avoid to come to America.

I see human trafficking, slavery, child abuse and no doubt that these children are being raped.

Answer the questions.

Insult accusing you of being a moron deleted.
I'm.nkt trolling the thread. I gave my honest assessment of the circumstances laid out in the post I responded to.they are coming here to escape persecution and danger in their old homes. The vast majority of them are not "border jumping" they are walking up to the gates and asking for asylum. They aren't criminals, they're refugees. Trying to save their families.
The only people who will believe the spin tRump and the republican congress are about to start pushing are the support base. Everyone else knows this was a problem created by tRump's policies and nothing else. Yes, I know you folks here in the conservative echo chamber will be high fiving each other for a few days, but rest assured, it's a hollow victory that will net you nothing.
Serious question, I'm no expert here: Did this start with Trump, or will we find it only continued with Trump?
Started with tRump


What about the pic of “children in cages” the media tried to say was happening under Trump when it really happened under Obama? Illegal immigration in the US has been a problem for years. If everything was fine and dandy, why did Obama feel the need to implement a policy such as DACA?

How could you possibly think this all started with Trump? Bc the media says so?
It is trump/sessions "zero tolerance policy" that is the cause of this. To say otherwise Isa flat out lie. Thye are using this issue to pressure Democrats to fund the useless wall.
Wrong again, Slick.

It is the intent to slow illegal immigration.
The only people who will believe the spin tRump and the republican congress are about to start pushing are the support base. Everyone else knows this was a problem created by tRump's policies and nothing else. Yes, I know you folks here in the conservative echo chamber will be high fiving each other for a few days, but rest assured, it's a hollow victory that will net you nothing.
Serious question, I'm no expert here: Did this start with Trump, or will we find it only continued with Trump?
That is not his concern.

His concern is to insult, ridicule, and degrade half of the legal citizens of this country becuase he didn't get his way.
It started with tRump. Every administration chooses how to enforce the laws. This administration is choosing (not required, not forced) to separate those kids from their parents.
The only people who will believe the spin tRump and the republican congress are about to start pushing are the support base. Everyone else knows this was a problem created by tRump's policies and nothing else. Yes, I know you folks here in the conservative echo chamber will be high fiving each other for a few days, but rest assured, it's a hollow victory that will net you nothing.
Serious question, I'm no expert here: Did this start with Trump, or will we find it only continued with Trump?
Started with tRump


What about the pic of “children in cages” the media tried to say was happening under Trump when it really happened under Obama? Illegal immigration in the US has been a problem for years. If everything was fine and dandy, why did Obama feel the need to implement a policy such as DACA?

How could you possibly think this all started with Trump? Bc the media says so?
It is trump/sessions "zero tolerance policy" that is the cause of this. To say otherwise Isa flat out lie. Thye are using this issue to pressure Democrats to fund the useless wall.
Wrong again, Slick.

It is the intent to slow illegal immigration.
I'm sorry but that is incorrect by tRump's own admission.

Trump Finally Admits He's Responsible: "You Have to Take the Children Away"
The only people who will believe the spin tRump and the republican congress are about to start pushing are the support base. Everyone else knows this was a problem created by tRump's policies and nothing else. Yes, I know you folks here in the conservative echo chamber will be high fiving each other for a few days, but rest assured, it's a hollow victory that will net you nothing.
I'm not the "Trump base."

There will be no high fives.

You are in the clean debate zone.

You are trolling this thread.

Answer the questions.

Why are they coming here?

Why are they border jumping, then demanding asylum?

Why are they sending unnacompanied children?

You know damned well these children are being fed, clothed and receiving extensive medical treatment.

They are being provided better amemities than that which they receive in Mexico or any other country they may "Willingly" avoid to come to America.

I see human trafficking, slavery, child abuse and no doubt that these children are being raped.

Answer the questions.

Insult accusing you of being a moron deleted.
I'm.nkt trolling the thread. I gave my honest assessment of the circumstances laid out in the post I responded to.they are coming here to escape persecution and danger in their old homes. The vast majority of them are not "border jumping" they are walking up to the gates and asking for asylum. They aren't criminals, they're refugees. Trying to save their families.
And when they arrive at the border they are processed.

It does not mean they are given entry into the US to just disappear into the population, never to appear in court.

Which is the way it has been, previously.

They are not given access to this country immediately.

Do you actually think you can just demand citizenship, as an American in Mexico, Honduras, Guatamala, or anywhere in the world.

Do you think you will be allowed entry, without question in any of Country in the world?
The only people who will believe the spin tRump and the republican congress are about to start pushing are the support base. Everyone else knows this was a problem created by tRump's policies and nothing else. Yes, I know you folks here in the conservative echo chamber will be high fiving each other for a few days, but rest assured, it's a hollow victory that will net you nothing.
I'm not the "Trump base."

There will be no high fives.

You are in the clean debate zone.

You are trolling this thread.

Answer the questions.

Why are they coming here?

Why are they border jumping, then demanding asylum?

Why are they sending unnacompanied children?

You know damned well these children are being fed, clothed and receiving extensive medical treatment.

They are being provided better amemities than that which they receive in Mexico or any other country they may "Willingly" avoid to come to America.

I see human trafficking, slavery, child abuse and no doubt that these children are being raped.

Answer the questions.

Insult accusing you of being a moron deleted.
I'm.nkt trolling the thread. I gave my honest assessment of the circumstances laid out in the post I responded to.they are coming here to escape persecution and danger in their old homes. The vast majority of them are not "border jumping" they are walking up to the gates and asking for asylum. They aren't criminals, they're refugees. Trying to save their families.
And when they arrive at the border they are processed.

It does not mean they are given entry into the US to just disappear into the population, never to appear in court.

Which is the way it has been, previously.

They are not given access to this country immediately.

Do you actually think you can just demand citizenship, as an American in Mexico, Honduras, Guatamala, or anywhere in the world.

Do you think you will be allowed entry, without question in any of Country in the world?
You are moving the goalposts. If they are not entering the country illegally then what is the justification for taking their children away?

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