The truth about taxes

It's set out in the format of

Congress has the power to X (collect taxes for defense and welfare);

To Y (borrow money);

To Z (regulate commerce);

To Q (coin money);

To R (establish post offices);


That's why there are semi-colons and not colons.

Please, learn how to read.

What?!? This has to be the most incoherent "explanation" ever... :lmao:

Your saying that semicolons (one word, genius) is what "implies" in the Constitution that the federal government is authorized to steal from one group of people and give a portion of the stolen money to another group of people? Really? The semicolon? :lmao:

Hey stupid, semicolons are a break and essentially mean "more is coming". That's why there is no semicolon at the end of the final sentence in Section 8. :eusa_whistle:

Game. Set. Match. You lose..


no I'm saying it's your lack of understanding of the format of the constitution that causes you to interpret this section so idiotically

it's called "listing"; have you heard of it?

Congress has the power to collect taxes; to borrow money; to establish post offices; etc.

And yes, there's no semicolon at the end of the sentence. Duh. Even a third grader would notice that. Semicolons aren't ever meant to end anything you idiot.

Man, you are really desperate now that you've been backed into a corner with the full text of that section of the Constitution, aren't you sweetie? :lol:

What does hiding behind "listings" have to do with your indefensible position that the Constitution grants the federal government to punish one portion of the population and reward the other? I've asked a very clear question that you can't answer, so you've gone off unhinged on "semicolons" and "listings" :lmao:

It clearly lists the powers of the federal government and where taxes apply. Obamacare is not one of them (nor is welfare, Medicaid, etc.).

You lose..

no I'm saying it's your lack of understanding of the format of the constitution that causes you to interpret this section so idiotically

By the way - the U.S. Constitution is a legal document written in black & white and passed into law. Only people who abhor it feel the need to attempt to "interpret" it. I don't "interpret" shit. I read the Constitution. It says exactly what is says chief. You lose....
the truth is that the rich used to pay much higher marginal rates years ago.

You mean like during the depression when the economy was in the shitter?

Or during WWII and the decades that followed where we had unprecedented prosperity.

To say the boom after WWII was due to tax policy is short sighted.

The manufacturing capabilities of most European countries were devastated leaving large holes to be filled. Since there was no fighting on our home soil and out manufacturing capabilities were 100% in tact we were the only ones left to fill the void.

THAT is what was responsible for the swift rise of the American economy after WWII
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You mean like during the depression when the economy was in the shitter?

Or during WWII and the decades that followed where we had unprecedented prosperity.

To say the boom after WWII was due to tax policy is short sighted.

The manufacturing capabilities of most European countries were decimated leaving large a hole to be filled. Since there was no fighting on our home soil and out manufacturing capabilities were 100% in tact we were the only ones left to fill the void.

THAT is what was responsible for the swift rise of the American economy after WWII

Well, that was PART of it.

But here's the thing. We helped the Europeans and Japanese rebuild their industrial capability.

(Pssst, I also think you don't actually know what "decimated" means.)

What gave us an advantage was that we used our high tax rate and reinvested in things to make us more competitive.

For instance, the Interstate Highway program under Ike was a copy of the German Autobahn system, and had initial military considerations, (being able to evacuate large cities quickly, moving military units quickly across country), but it contributed greatly to improving our ability to move goods and people.

Similarly, the billions we spent on R&D for military and space exploration had huge impacts on economic development. The INternet was initially developed for the military's computers to communicate with each other.
yes, but they had more access to deductions.

We have more deductions and tax credits today than ever before.

No, actually, we really don't.

You need to look up the Tax Reform Act of 1986, which eliminated a lot of the deductions people claimed, including a tax credit for credit card debt.

It wasn't a tax credit you used to be able to deduct interest expenses

Maybe you should learn the difference between a tax credit and a deduction.
We have more deductions and tax credits today than ever before.

No, actually, we really don't.

You need to look up the Tax Reform Act of 1986, which eliminated a lot of the deductions people claimed, including a tax credit for credit card debt.

It wasn't a tax credit you used to be able to deduct interest expenses

Maybe you should learn the difference between a tax credit and a deduction.

You knew exactly what I meant, so I'm not sure why you are parsing words.

Unless you are just trying to avoid the point that Reagan's "Tax Reform" shifted the tax burden from the wealthy to the middle class.

Yeah, that's probably it.
No, actually, we really don't.

You need to look up the Tax Reform Act of 1986, which eliminated a lot of the deductions people claimed, including a tax credit for credit card debt.

It wasn't a tax credit you used to be able to deduct interest expenses

Maybe you should learn the difference between a tax credit and a deduction.

You knew exactly what I meant, so I'm not sure why you are parsing words.

Unless you are just trying to avoid the point that Reagan's "Tax Reform" shifted the tax burden from the wealthy to the middle class.

Yeah, that's probably it.

Parsing words like you did when I used decimate.

You knew what I meant but yet you had to parse words.

And what makes you think I am a fan of Reagan? He was one of the worst perpetrators of out of control government growth ever.
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“The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and General Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.”


The Constitution actually specifically states Congress can tax the people for the general welfare of the US. Hint: that includes welfare, social security, and yes, even Obamacare.


However, if you look to the preamble to the United States Constitution, it very specifically reads:

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare

There is a vastly HUGE difference between the words provide and "promote". Had they truly wanted government to provide for the general welfare, the Founders would have been consistent in specifically saying so. Now add to the fact that during Lincoln's Presidency, Federal Income Tax was ALSO ruled unConstitutional by the United States Supreme Court, only further restricts the original intent for the role of government.


Preamble says promote, Article I Section 8 says provide. It's almost like you're cherry-picking the parts of the constitution you want to follow! (Hint: you are)

If you want to play more semantics though, it says "We the people of the United States, in order to...promote the general welfare", not "We the government of the United States, in order to...promote the general welfare". Whereas I-8 clearly specifies the power of Congress to lay and collect taxes to provide for the general welfare.

Nice try.

If I was to play more semantics, the power is in the people to regulate and control government, never the other way around as in health care. Which is why, if you ever bothered to actually "read" the Constitution, the Founders also gave the people the right to abolish government should it become destructive to these ends.

Interesting you bypassed the point where the Supreme Court had stated that Federal Income Tax was unConstitutional, when President Lincoln tried to establish it as a permanent form of government revenue. You're not going to win this argument, no matter what tantrum or semantics you like to use to attempt to cling onto those entitlement programs you hold so dear.
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It wasn't a tax credit you used to be able to deduct interest expenses

Maybe you should learn the difference between a tax credit and a deduction.

You knew exactly what I meant, so I'm not sure why you are parsing words.

Unless you are just trying to avoid the point that Reagan's "Tax Reform" shifted the tax burden from the wealthy to the middle class.

Yeah, that's probably it.

Parsing words like you did when I used decimate.

You knew what I meant but yet you had to parse words.

And what makes you think I am a fan of Reagan? He was one of the worst perpetrators of out of control government growth ever.

No, he was the worst perpetrator of irresponsible fiscal policies.

Nothing wrong with increasing spending the way he did. It got us out of the 1981 Recession and rebuilt a demoralized military.

It was giving huge tax breaks to the rich and tripling the national debt that was the problem.

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
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This is an epic beat down here. Epic. Facts documented from Dumbocrats favorite cites like CNN, Bloomberg, and HuffPo!

Owning Dumbocrats by exposing their hypocrisy since 2009...

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

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I can only imagine the aneurism [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION] is having right now having all of his lies exposed by indisputable facts. Owning Dumbocrats by exposing their hypocrisy since 2011...

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

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I can only imagine the aneurism [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION] is having right now having all of his lies exposed by indisputable facts. THE DEBATE IS OVER. Owning Dumbocrats by exposing their hypocrisy since 2011...

“Look at the U.K., where the exact Obama tax-the-rich “solution” has already been tried... and proven a failure. The U.K. created a special “millionaires tax.” Since it was enacted, two thirds of all the millionaires have disappeared. They’ve either left England, retired . . . or simply stopped working so hard. Result: tax revenues plunged and the U.K. economy was hurt. Now U.K. politicians are busy undoing the damage by bringing tax rates for “the rich” back down. In the end, they learned that high taxes don’t increase revenues, they depress them.”

Two thirds of all millionaires have disappeared from the UK? Wow. Can you say "Who Is John Galt"? :eusa_whistle:

UK millionaires flee UK over tax hikes

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

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