The truth about taxes

Double down dude. Now you've gone from being a fucking punk to being a fucking punk liar.

But prove me wrong. Show where I wrote that the poor SHOULD pay no taxes.

But the truth is, the posters on here (like you) that hate the poor and constantly bitch about the poor need to get a job that pays more money. Then maybe people like you wouldn't be so jealous of all those so called wonderful benefits that poor people get.

The so called poor pay no income taxes, you yourself agreed to that statement. If I recall you are against a 10% flat tax because that would be raising taxes on the so called poor. Ergo you are in favor of the poor paying no income taxes.

I haven't bitched about the poor or the rich.

I merely stated the fact that people in this country are poor because they want to be.

I really don't care how much money anyone makes I just want everyone to pay taxes. If there is an income tax then all income should be taxed the same.

Every other tax works just like that. Every gallon of gas is taxed the same, all cigarettes are taxed the same etc.

Why should someone get a tax break because they want to be poor. And realize that under our current tax system almost 50% of the people are deemed too poor to pay income tax.

Why should any dollar earned have a higher percentage of it taken from the earner?

There is no good reason.

So you feel justified in telling someone who may complain about taxes being high to go get another job but you won't tell a so called poor person who pays no income tax and who indeed may receive additional money beyond their withholding to get a better job so they can pay income taxes.

That's hypocritical.

This is the most simple minded bullshit.

Please explain why you aren't rich. :eusa_shifty: :lol:

I'm 42 and semi retired.

I don't have to work anymore if I don't want to.

I am exactly where I wanted to be in my life financially. I have passive income from various rental properties that will provide me more than sufficient income for years to come to support my chosen lifestyle.

You and everyone else for that matter are exactly where you want to be even if you won't admit it.

If you weren't wouldn't you work your ass off to change it?
So grab a self help book and get rich. All this for just $19.99!

Where did I mention the words "get rich" ?

Rich and poor are relative words and therefore meaningless

If you are not exactly where you want to be in your life financially or otherwise then why aren't you doing something about it?

Or is there some plot to keep you down?
You mean situations change over 100 years? Remember when cars weren't to exceed 3 mph.

You're seriously comparing the performance of a car to tax rates?

A car being made faster by technological innovation does not cost you anything unless you choose to buy it.

Taxes are taken from the public under threat of violence.

Taxes are taken from the public FOR the public. You cant pick and choose what you want your taxes to be used for and when you want it. Unless you live in a cave with a wifi connection

The government can however choose who is to be taxed, who isn't, and how much. Take the Amish for example, they use the same public roads do they not? However, they are exempt from paying Federal taxes. They have a strong work ethic and care for their own needs as well as the community they are a part of, without the need to look to government financial assistance. Perhaps the poor should take a few notes from these hard working self reliant Americans? At least they have the kind of work ethic that's far better for this country, than those who rather hold onto those "conveniences" they look to government to provide for them.
So grab a self help book and get rich. All this for just $19.99!

Where did I mention the words "get rich" ?

Rich and poor are relative words and therefore meaningless

If you are not exactly where you want to be in your life financially or otherwise then why aren't you doing something about it?

Or is there some plot to keep you down?

You said Rich people are rich because they want to be rich. I asked you why you weren't rich and you said you didn't want to be because that makes sense.

You can "do something" about anything but that doesn't mean that just because you want it its going to happen. Like a short guy going for the NBA or a small guy wanting to be a Sumo wrestler
So grab a self help book and get rich. All this for just $19.99!

Where did I mention the words "get rich" ?

Rich and poor are relative words and therefore meaningless

If you are not exactly where you want to be in your life financially or otherwise then why aren't you doing something about it?

Or is there some plot to keep you down?

You said Rich people are rich because they want to be rich. I asked you why you weren't rich and you said you didn't want to be because that makes sense.

I never mentioned wanting to be rich or not.

I said I am exactly where I want to be. Bill Gates is exactly where he wants to be

The guy making minimum wage for 30 years is exactly where he wants to be.

You can "do something" about anything but that doesn't mean that just because you want it its going to happen. Like a short guy going for the NBA or a small guy wanting to be a Sumo wrestler

There have been short guys in the NBA. Earl Boykins is only 5' 5" and the shortest player in NBA history was Mugsy Bogues at only 5' 3"

And using pro sports as a metaphor for life is a little off base.

Last time I checked there was no height or weight handicap for success in business.

Why would someone be happy about working 18 hours per day and having 10 of those hours be for free because the money is taken from them so they never actually earn it in the first place. :bang3:

Joe - I know your party is the party of slavery - but it's time to let it go. Slavery is wrong you racist, hateful little liberal. The U.S. recognized this about 150 years ago. Your party - the party of sloth and greed - was so enraged that you declared war on your own country. After you lost that (because you're party is to lazy to do anything) you just figured out a new way to make people your slaves and called it "taxes".

Again, guy, government costs money, and the wealthy benefit more from government than the rest of us do.

That's why they need to pay their fair share and shut the fuck up about it.

Beause as much as they love libertarians, the fact is, the Koch Brothers aren't packing up and moving to Somalia.

Nobody lies like [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION] out of fear that the government gravy train might end.

Joe - sweetie - the rich get nothing from government. Nothing. Not one damn thing. All governemnt does it take and take and take from the wealthy.

It's you parasites that benefit from government more than the rest of us do.

Also, stop with your false narative about Somalia. Somalia isn't the result of Constitutional government. Somalia is the result of fascist control freaks (ie Dumbocrats) who want to dominate and control everyone (hence their Civil War - just like the one you Dumbocrats created when you were told you could no longer have slaves in the U.S. during the 1860's).
40K in was the equivlent to 367,361.60 today...

Someone making that much should pay a 54% rate... and be happy about it. | Inflation Calculator

No one should have 54% of any dollar earned stolen by the crooks in DC.

Again, when you are making nearly 400K, and you get to keep half of that, you are still doing pretty good and should be happy to live in a country that lets you make that much.

"Lets you make that much"? "LETS YOU MAKE THAT MUCH"?!?! Spoken like a true little Adolf Hitler asshole that [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION] actually is...

Guy - you don't get a choice. You don't get to "let" people make anything. That's why this country was founded - to give people FREEDOM from assholes like you.

If that sentence by JoeB isn't an insight into what a flaming asshole this guy is, nothing is....

I've spent 2 years owning Joe like a slave. He's admitted to being a communist so many times I can't count anymore - and this sentence right here proves what a communist fuck'n asshole he is (thinking that the state "lets" people earn a certain wage and that it should be capped). There is no point listening to his lies (like Somalia is the result of Constitutional government :cuckoo:) or his communist drivel any further. You go on block now Joe - enjoy arguing with yourself in the future as nobody wants to discuss real policy with an unhinged, self-admitted communist asshat... :lol:
There are millionaires in Somalia they just stole their money.

All government is supposed to do is protect people's rights. When that is done then anyone can earn as much as they want.

Even a sad sack like you could earn more if you wanted to but you don't really want to you just want to complain.

Actually, I'm on track to have my best year, ever. But I'm having to work three jobs to do it.

And, yeah, I could make more on the primary job. All I have to do is take one of the higher paying ones I get offered about once a month. Of course, I would totally screw over my co-workers, as the geniuses have already cut our department from 8 five years ago to 3 now.

I bet they didn't cover that in "Amazing Spiderman #487".

You problem is that you depend on other people for a job.

You are dependent and you love to complain about it. But you never do anything about it.


When you grow a set let me know.


JoeB is a useless, lazy bum who found it was easier to blame the victim in life than to get up off his couch and do something with his life.
No one should have 54% of any dollar earned stolen by the crooks in DC.

Again, when you are making nearly 400K, and you get to keep half of that, you are still doing pretty good and should be happy to live in a country that lets you make that much.

"Lets you make that much"? "LETS YOU MAKE THAT MUCH"?!?! Spoken like a true little Adolf Hitler asshole that [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION] actually is...

Guy - you don't get a choice. You don't get to "let" people make anything. That's why this country was founded - to give people FREEDOM from assholes like you.

If that sentence by JoeB isn't an insight into what a flaming asshole this guy is, nothing is....

I've spent 2 years owning Joe like a slave. He's admitted to being a communist so many times I can't count anymore - and this sentence right here proves what a communist fuck'n asshole he is (thinking that the state "lets" people earn a certain wage and that it should be capped). There is no point listening to his lies (like Somalia is the result of Constitutional government :cuckoo:) or his communist drivel any further. You go on block now Joe - enjoy arguing with yourself in the future as nobody wants to discuss real policy with an unhinged, self-admitted communist asshat... :lol:

Joe thinks the federal government is doing the rich a favor by not confiscating everything they make. That's how most left-wingers think. They are unable to grok the concept that your income belongs to you. They view all income as welfare. That allows them to salve their bruised egos that are smarting from the knowledge that they produce nothing of value.
Again, when you are making nearly 400K, and you get to keep half of that, you are still doing pretty good and should be happy to live in a country that lets you make that much.

"Lets you make that much"? "LETS YOU MAKE THAT MUCH"?!?! Spoken like a true little Adolf Hitler asshole that [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION] actually is...

Guy - you don't get a choice. You don't get to "let" people make anything. That's why this country was founded - to give people FREEDOM from assholes like you.

If that sentence by JoeB isn't an insight into what a flaming asshole this guy is, nothing is....

I've spent 2 years owning Joe like a slave. He's admitted to being a communist so many times I can't count anymore - and this sentence right here proves what a communist fuck'n asshole he is (thinking that the state "lets" people earn a certain wage and that it should be capped). There is no point listening to his lies (like Somalia is the result of Constitutional government :cuckoo:) or his communist drivel any further. You go on block now Joe - enjoy arguing with yourself in the future as nobody wants to discuss real policy with an unhinged, self-admitted communist asshat... :lol:

Joe thinks the federal government is doing the rich a favor by not confiscating everything they make. That's how most left-wingers think. They are unable to grok the concept that your income belongs to you. They view all income as welfare. That allows them to salve their bruised egos that are smarting from the knowledge that they produce nothing of value.

He's a self-professed communist. Which is also why he absurdly believes that the federal government is doing people a favor by not confiscating what people EARN.

I strongly urge everyone on USMB to just put him on ignore. What's the point of listening to lie after lie after lie in an effort to push communism? Just ignore him and move on to people who have something intelligent to say...
You mean situations change over 100 years? Remember when cars weren't to exceed 3 mph.

You're seriously comparing the performance of a car to tax rates?

A car being made faster by technological innovation does not cost you anything unless you choose to buy it.

Taxes are taken from the public under threat of violence.

Taxes are taken from the public FOR the public. You cant pick and choose what you want your taxes to be used for and when you want it. Unless you live in a cave with a wifi connection

Sure I can - it's called the United States Constitution! And it specifically states that my taxes can be taken for defense. For the patent office. For federal courts and judges. But it also says that they may not be taken for Obamacare. For Social Security. For Welfare.

Facts....they are a bitch, eh CC?
"Lets you make that much"? "LETS YOU MAKE THAT MUCH"?!?! Spoken like a true little Adolf Hitler asshole that [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION] actually is...

Guy - you don't get a choice. You don't get to "let" people make anything. That's why this country was founded - to give people FREEDOM from assholes like you.

If that sentence by JoeB isn't an insight into what a flaming asshole this guy is, nothing is....

I've spent 2 years owning Joe like a slave. He's admitted to being a communist so many times I can't count anymore - and this sentence right here proves what a communist fuck'n asshole he is (thinking that the state "lets" people earn a certain wage and that it should be capped). There is no point listening to his lies (like Somalia is the result of Constitutional government :cuckoo:) or his communist drivel any further. You go on block now Joe - enjoy arguing with yourself in the future as nobody wants to discuss real policy with an unhinged, self-admitted communist asshat... :lol:

Joe thinks the federal government is doing the rich a favor by not confiscating everything they make. That's how most left-wingers think. They are unable to grok the concept that your income belongs to you. They view all income as welfare. That allows them to salve their bruised egos that are smarting from the knowledge that they produce nothing of value.

He's a self-professed communist. Which is also why he absurdly believes that the federal government is doing people a favor by not confiscating what people EARN.

I strongly urge everyone on USMB to just put him on ignore. What's the point of listening to lie after lie after lie in an effort to push communism? Just ignore him and move on to people who have something intelligent to say...

Joe's lies need to be exposed. People like Joe have been running around spouting their propaganda without being challenged for far too long.
You want to talk about "stupid" [MENTION=35352]zeke[/MENTION]? Well, for starters, you are illustrating your profound stupidity with your atrocious grammar. The sentence would be "I take it you think you are taxed too much?". See, "it" is a preposition. We do not end sentences with a preposition you ignorant high school drop out (no wonder you need to live off of the government).

I wasn't going to post in this thread, but where the hell did you learn grammar?

"It" is a pronoun (or very rarely a noun), not a preposition.

Also, you can actually end sentences with prepositions. See: "What did you step on?", "You should leave it off," and "I want to know where he came from." The only time you don't end a sentence with a preposition is when that preposition is actually unnecessary, like "Where are you (at)?".

Geez, if you're going to chastise someone on their grammar, please learn it yourself. Thanks.
You're seriously comparing the performance of a car to tax rates?

A car being made faster by technological innovation does not cost you anything unless you choose to buy it.

Taxes are taken from the public under threat of violence.

Taxes are taken from the public FOR the public. You cant pick and choose what you want your taxes to be used for and when you want it. Unless you live in a cave with a wifi connection

Sure I can - it's called the United States Constitution! And it specifically states that my taxes can be taken for defense. For the patent office. For federal courts and judges. But it also says that they may not be taken for Obamacare. For Social Security. For Welfare.

Facts....they are a bitch, eh CC?

“The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and General Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.”


The Constitution actually specifically states Congress can tax the people for the general welfare of the US. Hint: that includes welfare, social security, and yes, even Obamacare.


Nobody lies like [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION] out of fear that the government gravy train might end.

Joe - sweetie - the rich get nothing from government. Nothing. Not one damn thing. All governemnt does it take and take and take from the wealthy.

It's you parasites that benefit from government more than the rest of us do.

Also, stop with your false narative about Somalia. Somalia isn't the result of Constitutional government. Somalia is the result of fascist control freaks (ie Dumbocrats) who want to dominate and control everyone (hence their Civil War - just like the one you Dumbocrats created when you were told you could no longer have slaves in the U.S. during the 1860's).

Poodle, the Government exists SOLELY to protect the rich and their goodies.

Otherwise the first group of squatters with more guns would take all their shit.

They print the money. Sorry, Rich people don't have piles of Gold like Scrooge McDuck.


They also provide all the services the rich use to maintain their business. And occassional fight wars for oil... very important to rich people.

As for your ignorance of the history of Somalia, the fact is, it's a place where the LIbertarians won. GOvernment vanished, everyone has guns...
No one should have 54% of any dollar earned stolen by the crooks in DC.

Again, when you are making nearly 400K, and you get to keep half of that, you are still doing pretty good and should be happy to live in a country that lets you make that much.

"Lets you make that much"? "LETS YOU MAKE THAT MUCH"?!?! Spoken like a true little Adolf Hitler asshole that [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION] actually is...

Guy - you don't get a choice. You don't get to "let" people make anything. That's why this country was founded - to give people FREEDOM from assholes like you.

If that sentence by JoeB isn't an insight into what a flaming asshole this guy is, nothing is....

I've spent 2 years owning Joe like a slave. He's admitted to being a communist so many times I can't count anymore - and this sentence right here proves what a communist fuck'n asshole he is (thinking that the state "lets" people earn a certain wage and that it should be capped). There is no point listening to his lies (like Somalia is the result of Constitutional government :cuckoo:) or his communist drivel any further. You go on block now Joe - enjoy arguing with yourself in the future as nobody wants to discuss real policy with an unhinged, self-admitted communist asshat... :lol:

You see, Poodle, the biggest problem that you have is you think "Government" is an entity separate from its people. When in fact, the oppossite is true. No government survives without the support of its people.

Most countries do NOT let people become that obscenely rich. They have progressive taxes, fair labor laws, and so on. That's why when Forbes publishes their "100 Richest Douchebags on the Planet" issue, they are all Americans.

Because the Germans and The Japanese figured out, no one is worth 7 or 8 figures.
Actually, I'm on track to have my best year, ever. But I'm having to work three jobs to do it.

And, yeah, I could make more on the primary job. All I have to do is take one of the higher paying ones I get offered about once a month. Of course, I would totally screw over my co-workers, as the geniuses have already cut our department from 8 five years ago to 3 now.

I bet they didn't cover that in "Amazing Spiderman #487".

You problem is that you depend on other people for a job.

You are dependent and you love to complain about it. But you never do anything about it.


When you grow a set let me know.


JoeB is a useless, lazy bum who found it was easier to blame the victim in life than to get up off his couch and do something with his life.

Poodle's talking to his Sock now...
You want to talk about "stupid" [MENTION=35352]zeke[/MENTION]? Well, for starters, you are illustrating your profound stupidity with your atrocious grammar. The sentence would be "I take it you think you are taxed too much?". See, "it" is a preposition. We do not end sentences with a preposition you ignorant high school drop out (no wonder you need to live off of the government).

I wasn't going to post in this thread, but where the hell did you learn grammar?

"It" is a pronoun (or very rarely a noun), not a preposition.

Also, you can actually end sentences with prepositions. See: "What did you step on?", "You should leave it off," and "I want to know where he came from." The only time you don't end a sentence with a preposition is when that preposition is actually unnecessary, like "Where are you (at)?".

Geez, if you're going to chastise someone on their grammar, please learn it yourself. Thanks.

Probably the same place he learned Economics....
Taxes are taken from the public FOR the public. You cant pick and choose what you want your taxes to be used for and when you want it. Unless you live in a cave with a wifi connection

Sure I can - it's called the United States Constitution! And it specifically states that my taxes can be taken for defense. For the patent office. For federal courts and judges. But it also says that they may not be taken for Obamacare. For Social Security. For Welfare.

Facts....they are a bitch, eh CC?

“The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and General Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.”


The Constitution actually specifically states Congress can tax the people for the general welfare of the US. Hint: that includes welfare, social security, and yes, even Obamacare.


Bzzt! The U.S. Constitution outlines 18 enumerated powers of the federal government. Socialism is not one of them. This could not be more cut & dry, even for a buffoon like you.... :eusa_doh:

(and "lay & collect taxes is for one of those eighteen enumerated powers only)
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