The truth about taxes

Hey spider man, when you remove a part of what someone else has written so that you think you can make your point (like you removed that part I wrote about how the poor getting a large refund ie the EIC)
I have a name for what you did.

It's called being a fucking punk. Yep when you do what you did, you are a fucking punk.

Our function?

Just what is that? Last time I checked no one was telling anyone what their function was.

You can do whatever you want as long as you do not violate the rights of others in the process.

Why can't you take responsibility for where you are in life instead of blaming others and wanting to punish them for your situation?

Were you abused a child? Did someone steal your lunch money in grade school?

FYI there are a lot of people who had it truly hard in life and don't complain at all so sack up.

Why is asking someone to live up to their obligations "punishing them", exactly?

They have no obligations other than to abide by the law. And our form of government allows the public to petition for laws to be created, changed or abolished. So advocating for a simplified loophole free tax code is within our rights.
Taking a higher percentage of earned money from some and not others is punishment.

No, it's making them pay their fair share. Guy, this argument was had and lost. Only tiny minds believe in a flat tax.

You live in a civilized society where people won't slit your throat in the middle of the night for your lunch money. That costs money to maintain. The wealthy get more out of that society than the rest of us do, they need to pony up.

Here we go the implication that people who want simplified taxes and smaller government want no government at all.

And you say all I read is comics.

And the so called wealthy use less government services not more.

I'm sure you want the parts of government that benefit you. You just want the parts that benefit the other guy slashed. Civilized societies don't work that way.

No sympathy for rich people after 2008 when they wrecked the economy and asked the rest of us for a bailout.
No company should ever get a bail out. I'll agree there and that includes GM.

Except if we hadn't bailed them out they'd have taken the whole rest of the economy down with them. Last three companies I've worked for have had GM as a major customer. (It's that whole interedependency thingee I was talking about earlier.)
Hey spider man, when you remove a part of what someone else has written so that you think you can make your point (like you removed that part I wrote about how the poor getting a large refund ie the EIC)
I have a name for what you did.

It's called being a fucking punk. Yep when you do what you did, you are a fucking punk.

It's also against the rules...
Why is asking someone to live up to their obligations "punishing them", exactly?

They have no obligations other than to abide by the law. And our form of government allows the public to petition for laws to be created, changed or abolished. So advocating for a simplified loophole free tax code is within our rights.
Taking a higher percentage of earned money from some and not others is punishment.

No, it's making them pay their fair share. Guy, this argument was had and lost. Only tiny minds believe in a flat tax.

I'm sure you want the parts of government that benefit you. You just want the parts that benefit the other guy slashed. Civilized societies don't work that way.

The only part of government that anyone needs is the one that protects their rights.

And I'm all for that part. You're not.

No sympathy for rich people after 2008 when they wrecked the economy and asked the rest of us for a bailout.
No company should ever get a bail out. I'll agree there and that includes GM.

Except if we hadn't bailed them out they'd have taken the whole rest of the economy down with them. Last three companies I've worked for have had GM as a major customer. (It's that whole interedependency thingee I was talking about earlier.)


So the argument that bailing AIG out would save the economy was OK?

Yet you say you're not for bail outs.

Make up your mind.
Hey spider man, when you remove a part of what someone else has written so that you think you can make your point (like you removed that part I wrote about how the poor getting a large refund ie the EIC)
I have a name for what you did.

It's called being a fucking punk. Yep when you do what you did, you are a fucking punk.

So you say so called poor people gat taxes withheld and you use that to refute the statement I made that nearly 50% pay no income taxes then you admit they get it all back and then some?

Just what the fuck are you arguing about then?

Like I said the so called poor in this country are poor because they want to be and you don't tell them to sack up and get a better job so they can actually pay taxes do you?
Hey spider man, when you remove a part of what someone else has written so that you think you can make your point (like you removed that part I wrote about how the poor getting a large refund ie the EIC)
I have a name for what you did.

It's called being a fucking punk. Yep when you do what you did, you are a fucking punk.

When you tel people to go out and get a better job so they can afford their taxes and yet then say the so called poor should not pay taxes you are a fucking hypocrite and I didn't need to read further to call you out on it.

Nice bizarro planet hater dupes inhabit- stupidest voters in the modern world, maybe ANYWHERE. PATHETIC.

The only part of government that anyone needs is the one that protects their rights.

And I'm all for that part. You're not.[/quote]

Usually, when a conservatard talks about "rights", it means his ability to act like a douchebag.

Sorry, I like clean air and clean water and good roads and knowing that when I'm too old to work anymore, I'm not going to be allowed to starve in the streets. And I'm all for taxing the snot out of rich people to pay for it.

So the argument that bailing AIG out would save the economy was OK?

Yet you say you're not for bail outs.

Make up your mind.

I would say it was necessary. the lax oversight the allowed them to get into so much trouble was the problem. So was paying out huge bonuses after the bailout, which was wrong.
Yeah - they are called welfare queens. Parasites like you who refuse to work.

Holy Jesus are you just burying yourself in this thread. Dude, when the IRS knocks on your door tomorrow, don't even think about blaming me. You did this to yourself.... :eusa_doh:

And how would you know about my employment status.

From your attitude of "lets raise taxes on working people, fuck working people, etc.". See, if you actually had to work for a living, you wouldn't want people taking your money. And if you wanted to help people, you wouldn't want governments taking your money to do it - you would help people directly and eliminate the wasteful middleman (ie the federal government).

Funny thing about Dumbocrats - they claim they want to see people get help and insist on the federal government doing it. But if they really wanted to help people, they would insist on the federal government not doing it as the federal government wastes over $800 billion per year through fraud and abuse. Can you imagine what this nation would look like if that money actually reached the people who needed it? $800 billion would feed, house, and provide healthcare for ever every single American who didn't have those things.

But Dumbocrats don't give a fuck about anybody but their greedy selves.

Why do you attribute something in quotations to me, that I never said? And why do you accuse me of being a democrat, critical of this administration and party as I am? And why do you think I wouldn't be interested in a program to clean up 800 billion dollars worth of WF&A in the nations welfare program? You really don't know shit, and are probably confusing me with another poster, or worse.

The only part of government that anyone needs is the one that protects their rights.

And I'm all for that part. You're not.

Usually, when a conservatard talks about "rights", it means his ability to act like a douchebag.

Sorry, I like clean air and clean water and good roads and knowing that when I'm too old to work anymore, I'm not going to be allowed to starve in the streets. And I'm all for taxing the snot out of rich people to pay for it.

So you are incapable of saving money to secure your financial future so you won't be a burden on others?

THAT is being a douche bag.

So the argument that bailing AIG out would save the economy was OK?

Yet you say you're not for bail outs.

Make up your mind.

I would say it was necessary. the lax oversight the allowed them to get into so much trouble was the problem. So was paying out huge bonuses after the bailout, which was wrong.

We would have recovered from a couple companies going belly up and would have actually been stronger for it.

Instead we have an anemic economy.
Hey spider man, when you remove a part of what someone else has written so that you think you can make your point (like you removed that part I wrote about how the poor getting a large refund ie the EIC)
I have a name for what you did.

It's called being a fucking punk. Yep when you do what you did, you are a fucking punk.

When you tel people to go out and get a better job so they can afford their taxes and yet then say the so called poor should not pay taxes you are a fucking hypocrite and I didn't need to read further to call you out on it.

Double down dude. Now you've gone from being a fucking punk to being a fucking punk liar.

But prove me wrong. Show where I wrote that the poor SHOULD pay no taxes.

But the truth is, the posters on here (like you) that hate the poor and constantly bitch about the poor need to get a job that pays more money. Then maybe people like you wouldn't be so jealous of all those so called wonderful benefits that poor people get.
The only part of government that anyone needs is the one that protects their rights.

And I'm all for that part. You're not.

Usually, when a conservatard talks about "rights", it means his ability to act like a douchebag.

Sorry, I like clean air and clean water and good roads and knowing that when I'm too old to work anymore, I'm not going to be allowed to starve in the streets. And I'm all for taxing the snot out of rich people to pay for it.

Why are those who don't "learn" to set aside for their OWN retirement, want to place their lives always being dependent upon someone else to provide for their basic necessities when they get to old to work? Doesn't sound like someone who's really thought things through, and is content being enslaved to [dependent upon] someone else for how they are to live the remaining years of their life. I don't know if I equate that more to poor planning or just simply being to lazy to care.
But the truth is, the posters on here (like you) that hate the poor and constantly bitch about the poor need to get a job that pays more money. Then maybe people like you wouldn't be so jealous of all those so called wonderful benefits that poor people get.

Do you feel that those among the poor who turn away from a free public education, or drop out to pursue after their own interests, should be supported by the government if they later are unable to support themselves based upon their OWN personal choices they made? Is it not far better that they be encouraged and held responsible to pursue FREE public education and learn to be productive members of society, rather than have them live off government assistance programs whereby the government themselves becomes the "ENABLER" and not the solution? Where exactly is it written that government performs the role of a charity institution of those who refuse to take steps to care for and better themselves? It appears that the poor is free to USE government as a crutch to suit their own needs, while a certain party gladly accepts this dependency as a means to guarantee votes to maintain their political power in government.
Hey spider man, when you remove a part of what someone else has written so that you think you can make your point (like you removed that part I wrote about how the poor getting a large refund ie the EIC)
I have a name for what you did.

It's called being a fucking punk. Yep when you do what you did, you are a fucking punk.

When you tel people to go out and get a better job so they can afford their taxes and yet then say the so called poor should not pay taxes you are a fucking hypocrite and I didn't need to read further to call you out on it.

Double down dude. Now you've gone from being a fucking punk to being a fucking punk liar.

But prove me wrong. Show where I wrote that the poor SHOULD pay no taxes.

But the truth is, the posters on here (like you) that hate the poor and constantly bitch about the poor need to get a job that pays more money. Then maybe people like you wouldn't be so jealous of all those so called wonderful benefits that poor people get.

The so called poor pay no income taxes, you yourself agreed to that statement. If I recall you are against a 10% flat tax because that would be raising taxes on the so called poor. Ergo you are in favor of the poor paying no income taxes.

I haven't bitched about the poor or the rich.

I merely stated the fact that people in this country are poor because they want to be.

I really don't care how much money anyone makes I just want everyone to pay taxes. If there is an income tax then all income should be taxed the same.

Every other tax works just like that. Every gallon of gas is taxed the same, all cigarettes are taxed the same etc.

Why should someone get a tax break because they want to be poor. And realize that under our current tax system almost 50% of the people are deemed too poor to pay income tax.

Why should any dollar earned have a higher percentage of it taken from the earner?

There is no good reason.

So you feel justified in telling someone who may complain about taxes being high to go get another job but you won't tell a so called poor person who pays no income tax and who indeed may receive additional money beyond their withholding to get a better job so they can pay income taxes.

That's hypocritical.
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And how would you know about my employment status.

From your attitude of "lets raise taxes on working people, fuck working people, etc.". See, if you actually had to work for a living, you wouldn't want people taking your money. And if you wanted to help people, you wouldn't want governments taking your money to do it - you would help people directly and eliminate the wasteful middleman (ie the federal government).

Funny thing about Dumbocrats - they claim they want to see people get help and insist on the federal government doing it. But if they really wanted to help people, they would insist on the federal government not doing it as the federal government wastes over $800 billion per year through fraud and abuse. Can you imagine what this nation would look like if that money actually reached the people who needed it? $800 billion would feed, house, and provide healthcare for ever every single American who didn't have those things.

But Dumbocrats don't give a fuck about anybody but their greedy selves.

Why do you attribute something in quotations to me, that I never said? And why do you accuse me of being a democrat, critical of this administration and party as I am? And why do you think I wouldn't be interested in a program to clean up 800 billion dollars worth of WF&A in the nations welfare program? You really don't know shit, and are probably confusing me with another poster, or worse.

Don't take it personally. Rottweiler's pathetic mental bandwidth only allows two options in any characterization. If you're not a Republican, you must be a Democrat. If you're not a laissez faire capitalist, you must be a communist. If you're not rich, you must be poor. And another thing you'll figure out is that he's too fucking stupid to argue with.
From your attitude of "lets raise taxes on working people, fuck working people, etc.". See, if you actually had to work for a living, you wouldn't want people taking your money. And if you wanted to help people, you wouldn't want governments taking your money to do it - you would help people directly and eliminate the wasteful middleman (ie the federal government).

Funny thing about Dumbocrats - they claim they want to see people get help and insist on the federal government doing it. But if they really wanted to help people, they would insist on the federal government not doing it as the federal government wastes over $800 billion per year through fraud and abuse. Can you imagine what this nation would look like if that money actually reached the people who needed it? $800 billion would feed, house, and provide healthcare for ever every single American who didn't have those things.

But Dumbocrats don't give a fuck about anybody but their greedy selves.

Why do you attribute something in quotations to me, that I never said? And why do you accuse me of being a democrat, critical of this administration and party as I am? And why do you think I wouldn't be interested in a program to clean up 800 billion dollars worth of WF&A in the nations welfare program? You really don't know shit, and are probably confusing me with another poster, or worse.

Don't take it personally. Rottweiler's pathetic mental bandwidth only allows two options in any characterization. If you're not a Republican, you must be a Democrat. If you're not a laissez faire capitalist, you must be a communist. If you're not rich, you must be poor. And another thing you'll figure out is that he's too fucking stupid to argue with.

Funny seems to me most of you so called liberals think everyone else is either a republican or an anarchist.

When the progressive income tax was introduced in 1913 at a top rate of 7%, it was to never exceed 10%. We all see how that worked out. Never ever trust lying progressives.

You mean situations change over 100 years? Remember when cars weren't to exceed 3 mph.
When the progressive income tax was introduced in 1913 at a top rate of 7%, it was to never exceed 10%. We all see how that worked out. Never ever trust lying progressives.

You mean situations change over 100 years? Remember when cars weren't to exceed 3 mph.

You're seriously comparing the performance of a car to tax rates?

A car being made faster by technological innovation does not cost you anything unless you choose to buy it.

Taxes are taken from the public under threat of violence.
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When you tel people to go out and get a better job so they can afford their taxes and yet then say the so called poor should not pay taxes you are a fucking hypocrite and I didn't need to read further to call you out on it.

Double down dude. Now you've gone from being a fucking punk to being a fucking punk liar.

But prove me wrong. Show where I wrote that the poor SHOULD pay no taxes.

But the truth is, the posters on here (like you) that hate the poor and constantly bitch about the poor need to get a job that pays more money. Then maybe people like you wouldn't be so jealous of all those so called wonderful benefits that poor people get.

The so called poor pay no income taxes, you yourself agreed to that statement. If I recall you are against a 10% flat tax because that would be raising taxes on the so called poor. Ergo you are in favor of the poor paying no income taxes.

I haven't bitched about the poor or the rich.

I merely stated the fact that people in this country are poor because they want to be.

I really don't care how much money anyone makes I just want everyone to pay taxes. If there is an income tax then all income should be taxed the same.

Every other tax works just like that. Every gallon of gas is taxed the same, all cigarettes are taxed the same etc.

Why should someone get a tax break because they want to be poor. And realize that under our current tax system almost 50% of the people are deemed too poor to pay income tax.

Why should any dollar earned have a higher percentage of it taken from the earner?

There is no good reason.

So you feel justified in telling someone who may complain about taxes being high to go get another job but you won't tell a so called poor person who pays no income tax and who indeed may receive additional money beyond their withholding to get a better job so they can pay income taxes.

That's hypocritical.

This is the most simple minded bullshit.

Please explain why you aren't rich. :eusa_shifty: :lol:
When the progressive income tax was introduced in 1913 at a top rate of 7%, it was to never exceed 10%. We all see how that worked out. Never ever trust lying progressives.

You mean situations change over 100 years? Remember when cars weren't to exceed 3 mph.

You're seriously comparing the performance of a car to tax rates?

A car being made faster by technological innovation does not cost you anything unless you choose to buy it.

Taxes are taken from the public under threat of violence.

Taxes are taken from the public FOR the public. You cant pick and choose what you want your taxes to be used for and when you want it. Unless you live in a cave with a wifi connection

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