The truth about taxes

The simple fact is that people are making exactly what they want to make.

If they weren't wouldn't they do something about it?

The problem is that people love to complain but they don't like to do anything about it.
No one should have 54% of any dollar earned stolen by the crooks in DC.

Again, when you are making nearly 400K, and you get to keep half of that, you are still doing pretty good and should be happy to live in a country that lets you make that much.

The country doesn't "let" someone make money.

If it did then you and the rest of the people who barely get by should be pissed off at the country for not "letting" you make more.

Actually, it does, Comic Book Guy...

That's why you don't have Somali Millionaires.

And, yeah, I am pissed that the government helps the rich screw over working folks with right to work, free trade, and bailouts for Wall Street.

What people make is a reflection of their value to their employer.

It really isn't much more complicated than that.

If you want to make more, fortunately you have options:

1. Find an employer to whom you are worth more
2. Increase your skill level, which would increase your value
3. Start your own business, I hear it's really easy, since you don't have to "build that"

The simple fact is that people are making exactly what they want to make.

If they weren't wouldn't they do something about it?

The problem is that people love to complain but they don't like to do anything about it.

Okay, some day when you grow up past the stage where you learn from Comic Books, you'll deal with the real world, and find out that the reason most people aren't rich is because they are basically decent human beings who don't need to enrich themselves by fucking over others.

The other reason I'm all for taxing the shit out of the rich. Most of them are douchebags.
Again, when you are making nearly 400K, and you get to keep half of that, you are still doing pretty good and should be happy to live in a country that lets you make that much.

The country doesn't "let" someone make money.

If it did then you and the rest of the people who barely get by should be pissed off at the country for not "letting" you make more.

Actually, it does, Comic Book Guy...

That's why you don't have Somali Millionaires.

And, yeah, I am pissed that the government helps the rich screw over working folks with right to work, free trade, and bailouts for Wall Street.

There are millionaires in Somalia they just stole their money.

All government is supposed to do is protect people's rights. When that is done then anyone can earn as much as they want.

Even a sad sack like you could earn more if you wanted to but you don't really want to you just want to complain.

What people make is a reflection of their value to their employer.

It really isn't much more complicated than that.

If you want to make more, fortunately you have options:

1. Find an employer to whom you are worth more
2. Increase your skill level, which would increase your value
3. Start your own business, I hear it's really easy, since you don't have to "build that"


Again, it's like telling rape victims they need to go out and get a strap on and show us all how to do it "right".

Yeah, the philosophical point you make would be great if employers were moral paragons.

They are like, the total opposite of that.

I've seen employees fired for being gay, fired for getting pregnant, fired because the boss made a mistake and they needed a scapegoat.

Not to mention, my own life changing experience when I got let go because I had run up too many medical bills.

So, seriously. Fuck employers. At every oppurtunity, and make them pay their fucking taxes.


What people make is a reflection of their value to their employer.

It really isn't much more complicated than that.

If you want to make more, fortunately you have options:

1. Find an employer to whom you are worth more
2. Increase your skill level, which would increase your value
3. Start your own business, I hear it's really easy, since you don't have to "build that"


Again, it's like telling rape victims they need to go out and get a strap on and show us all how to do it "right".

Yeah, the philosophical point you make would be great if employers were moral paragons.

They are like, the total opposite of that.

I've seen employees fired for being gay, fired for getting pregnant, fired because the boss made a mistake and they needed a scapegoat.

Not to mention, my own life changing experience when I got let go because I had run up too many medical bills.

So, seriously. Fuck employers. At every oppurtunity, and make them pay their fucking taxes.


You appear to ignoring Option #3.

Why is that?

The country doesn't "let" someone make money.

If it did then you and the rest of the people who barely get by should be pissed off at the country for not "letting" you make more.

Actually, it does, Comic Book Guy...

That's why you don't have Somali Millionaires.

And, yeah, I am pissed that the government helps the rich screw over working folks with right to work, free trade, and bailouts for Wall Street.

There are millionaires in Somalia they just stole their money.

All government is supposed to do is protect people's rights. When that is done then anyone can earn as much as they want.

Even a sad sack like you could earn more if you wanted to but you don't really want to you just want to complain.

Actually, I'm on track to have my best year, ever. But I'm having to work three jobs to do it.

And, yeah, I could make more on the primary job. All I have to do is take one of the higher paying ones I get offered about once a month. Of course, I would totally screw over my co-workers, as the geniuses have already cut our department from 8 five years ago to 3 now.

I bet they didn't cover that in "Amazing Spiderman #487".

What people make is a reflection of their value to their employer.

It really isn't much more complicated than that.

If you want to make more, fortunately you have options:

1. Find an employer to whom you are worth more
2. Increase your skill level, which would increase your value
3. Start your own business, I hear it's really easy, since you don't have to "build that"


Again, it's like telling rape victims they need to go out and get a strap on and show us all how to do it "right".

Yeah, the philosophical point you make would be great if employers were moral paragons.

They are like, the total opposite of that.

I've seen employees fired for being gay, fired for getting pregnant, fired because the boss made a mistake and they needed a scapegoat.

Not to mention, my own life changing experience when I got let go because I had run up too many medical bills.

So, seriously. Fuck employers. At every oppurtunity, and make them pay their fucking taxes.


You appear to ignoring Option #3.

Why is that?


Go back to my point about the strap-on. That's pretty much describing the "Start your own business" crowd.

The country worked a lot better when the rich paid their fair share and working people had strong rights. Even Republicans like Ike and Nixon used to get that.
The simple fact is that people are making exactly what they want to make.

If they weren't wouldn't they do something about it?

The problem is that people love to complain but they don't like to do anything about it.

Okay, some day when you grow up past the stage where you learn from Comic Books, you'll deal with the real world, and find out that the reason most people aren't rich is because they are basically decent human beings who don't need to enrich themselves by fucking over others.

The other reason I'm all for taxing the shit out of the rich. Most of them are douchebags.

Where did I say anything about being rich?

I know this might be hard for a little man with a persecution complex to understand but the simple fact is that you are exactly where you want to be whether you'll admit it or not.

No one is stopping you from making more money you just admitted that you don't want to because you think making more money would make you a douche bag.

So you choose to be where you are financially and you like to complain about others who don't hold your limited view

You are just like 95% of the population.

You remind me of an old story

There was a farmer who had an old hound dog that wold lay on the porch all day. Every now and again the dog would pick up his head and howl. A friend of the farmer asked why the dog did that and the farmer told him that the dos was lying on a nail sticking up through the porch floor.

"Why doesn't he move" the friend asked.

"Because it doesn't hurt enough for him to do anything about just enough to make him complain" replied the farmer.

Oh and if you couldn't figure it out I am comparing you to the hound dog.

Where did I say anything about being rich?

I know this might be hard for a little man with a persecution complex to understand but the simple fact is that you are exactly where you want to be whether you'll admit it or not.

No one is stopping you from making more money you just admitted that you don't want to because you think making more money would make you a douche bag.

So you choose to be where you are financially and you like to complain about others who don't hold your limited view

You are just like 95% of the population.


You're right. 95% of the population are not douchebags. They don't go around fucking each other over to get ahead. Thank C'Thulhu for that. It's be kind of horrible if everyone was like that.

Yes, quitting right now and sticking the other two people in my department with a heavier workload would be a pretty douchy thing to do. Of course, eventually, I may have no choice.
Actually, it does, Comic Book Guy...

That's why you don't have Somali Millionaires.

And, yeah, I am pissed that the government helps the rich screw over working folks with right to work, free trade, and bailouts for Wall Street.

There are millionaires in Somalia they just stole their money.

All government is supposed to do is protect people's rights. When that is done then anyone can earn as much as they want.

Even a sad sack like you could earn more if you wanted to but you don't really want to you just want to complain.

Actually, I'm on track to have my best year, ever. But I'm having to work three jobs to do it.

And, yeah, I could make more on the primary job. All I have to do is take one of the higher paying ones I get offered about once a month. Of course, I would totally screw over my co-workers, as the geniuses have already cut our department from 8 five years ago to 3 now.

I bet they didn't cover that in "Amazing Spiderman #487".

You problem is that you depend on other people for a job.

You are dependent and you love to complain about it. But you never do anything about it.


When you grow a set let me know.

You problem is that you depend on other people for a job.

You are dependent and you love to complain about it. But you never do anything about it.


When you grow a set let me know.

Guy, everyone is dependent on everyone else. It's called "living in a civilized society".

I deal with small businessmen every day. They are dependent on me keeping them as vendors. I've fired vendors who preceeded to go out of business.

The problem with your Ayn Rand Comic Book is that it puts some of us over the rest, based on their own arrogance.

If you get more out of living in a civilized society, you need to PAY more for the privilage. Sounds fair to me.

You problem is that you depend on other people for a job.

You are dependent and you love to complain about it. But you never do anything about it.


When you grow a set let me know.

Guy, everyone is dependent on everyone else. It's called "living in a civilized society".

You couldn't be more wrong. I am not dependent on anyone and haven't been since I was 17 and became an emancipated minor. The only time it's OK to be dependent on people is when you're a child. You just haven't grown up yet.
I deal with small businessmen every day. They are dependent on me keeping them as vendors. I've fired vendors who preceeded to go out of business.

You must feel so powerful and yet you complain so much. Why is that?

The problem with your Ayn Rand Comic Book is that it puts some of us over the rest, based on their own arrogance

I never read Atlas Shrugged but you probably did.

If you get more out of living in a civilized society, you need to PAY more for the privilage. Sounds fair to me.

With a flat tax people who make more would pay more.

You problem is that you depend on other people for a job.

You are dependent and you love to complain about it. But you never do anything about it.


So you are telling me you grow all your own food, earn money without interacting with another human being, provide your own shelter, and so on.

Um, no, guy. You live in a society where other people do things so you don't have to.

Guy, everyone is dependent on everyone else. It's called "living in a civilized society".

You couldn't be more wrong. I am not dependent on anyone and haven't been since I was 17 and became an emancipated minor. The only time it's OK to be dependent on people is when you're a child. You just haven't grown up yet.

I'm 51, and I've been working since I was 16. And, yeah, I realize that the world doesn't work like "Atlas Shrugged", we live in a society where we all depend on each other to do our fucntion, and more important, NOT ACT LIKE A DOUCHEBAG. Some of that is too difficult for some people, apparently.

You must feel so powerful and yet you complain so much. Why is that?

I don't. I feel horrible when I have to fire a vendor. But when they screw up, they screw up.

If you get more out of living in a civilized society, you need to PAY more for the privilage. Sounds fair to me.

With a flat tax people who make more would pay more.

They wouldn't be paying their fair share, though. That's the point.

Country worked a lot better when the rich paid their fair share.
So you are telling me you grow all your own food, earn money without interacting with another human being, provide your own shelter, and so on.

Um, no, guy. You live in a society where other people do things so you don't have to.

Guy, everyone is dependent on everyone else. It's called "living in a civilized society".

You couldn't be more wrong. I am not dependent on anyone and haven't been since I was 17 and became an emancipated minor. The only time it's OK to be dependent on people is when you're a child. You just haven't grown up yet.

I'm 51, and I've been working since I was 16. And, yeah, I realize that the world doesn't work like "Atlas Shrugged", we live in a society where we all depend on each other to do our fucntion, and more important, NOT ACT LIKE A DOUCHEBAG. Some of that is too difficult for some people, apparently.

Our function?

Just what is that? Last time I checked no one was telling anyone what their function was.

You can do whatever you want as long as you do not violate the rights of others in the process.

Why can't you take responsibility for where you are in life instead of blaming others and wanting to punish them for your situation?

Were you abused a child? Did someone steal your lunch money in grade school?

FYI there are a lot of people who had it truly hard in life and don't complain at all so sack up.
This thread is beyond stupid. Matter of fact the entire right winger PRAYERFUL WISH that we all be taxed at 10% is beyond stupid as well.

Quit whining Rotty. You think? you are taxed (Federal payroll taxes) to much I take it. And by being taxed to much you are hurting because you can't pay your bills. I understand that. Then go out and get a fucking job that allows you to make enough money to live on AND pay your societal responsibilities ie TAXES. With out bitching about it.

And quit worrying about the ultra rich paying more. They ain't bitching and the don't need a dumb Rotty to carry the water for them. The ultra rich have lobbyists and attorneys and brokers and politicians to take care of them.

Who you got looking out for you Rotty? Do you have an lobbyist, attorneys, politicians and brokers on your staff?

What you advocate is completely trashing our economy by reducing revenue to the point where we really would be bankrupt. That's pretty stupid when you could just go out and get a higher paying job.

You and all the other flat tax whiners out there. If you don't make enough money to live, quit begging that you get a raise by reducing your taxes. Get a better paying job.

That's hilarious coming from you.

Now tell me are you telling the nearly 50% of the population that does not pay any income tax to sack up get a better job so they can pay some taxes?

Fucking hypocrite

If everyone payed 10 cents of every dollar made to the government then we'd all be paying our "fair share"

Are you really as stupid as you act on here spider? To bad if so.

In case you missed it, if you have a job that doesn't have you being paid under the table, then taxes are withheld from your paycheck. True statement. I know it doesn't comport with your warped ideas of the world, but there it is. Poor people with jobs pay federal income taxes.

Re read that statement a few times.

Now at tax filing time, thanks to the Repubs in Congress who had to bribe Dems to go along with the Rethugs tax cuts for ultra wealthy, Dems had to get something for their constituents, so the Rethugs allowed the expansion of the earned income tax credit.

Now poor people can get more in tax refunds than they paid in.


You spider act like the poor went to Washington and got this tax credit all on their own
by threatening to shut down the government.

Only rethugs do that.

Do ultra rich people get favorable tax treatment from their friends in Washington? Sure they do. Do you fault the rich for taking advantage of the tax treatment they paid for? No you don't.

So quit picking on the poor.

And if YOU don't have enough money to live on and pay your taxes without bitching, go out and get a fuking higher paying job.

The ultra rich are not gonna give you any money of theirs and the poor don't have any money to get. It is all on you dude. Quit begging the government to quit taxing you. Hell you probably don't pay more than 15% tax now. If you have a job.

Our function?

Just what is that? Last time I checked no one was telling anyone what their function was.

You can do whatever you want as long as you do not violate the rights of others in the process.

Why can't you take responsibility for where you are in life instead of blaming others and wanting to punish them for your situation?

Were you abused a child? Did someone steal your lunch money in grade school?

FYI there are a lot of people who had it truly hard in life and don't complain at all so sack up.

Why is asking someone to live up to their obligations "punishing them", exactly?

You live in a civilized society where people won't slit your throat in the middle of the night for your lunch money. That costs money to maintain. The wealthy get more out of that society than the rest of us do, they need to pony up.

No sympathy for rich people after 2008 when they wrecked the economy and asked the rest of us for a bailout.
This thread is beyond stupid. Matter of fact the entire right winger PRAYERFUL WISH that we all be taxed at 10% is beyond stupid as well.

Quit whining Rotty. You think? you are taxed (Federal payroll taxes) to much I take it. And by being taxed to much you are hurting because you can't pay your bills. I understand that. Then go out and get a fucking job that allows you to make enough money to live on AND pay your societal responsibilities ie TAXES. With out bitching about it.

And quit worrying about the ultra rich paying more. They ain't bitching and the don't need a dumb Rotty to carry the water for them. The ultra rich have lobbyists and attorneys and brokers and politicians to take care of them.

Who you got looking out for you Rotty? Do you have an lobbyist, attorneys, politicians and brokers on your staff?

What you advocate is completely trashing our economy by reducing revenue to the point where we really would be bankrupt. That's pretty stupid when you could just go out and get a higher paying job.

You and all the other flat tax whiners out there. If you don't make enough money to live, quit begging that you get a raise by reducing your taxes. Get a better paying job.

That's hilarious coming from you.

Now tell me are you telling the nearly 50% of the population that does not pay any income tax to sack up get a better job so they can pay some taxes?

Fucking hypocrite

If everyone payed 10 cents of every dollar made to the government then we'd all be paying our "fair share"

Are you really as stupid as you act on here spider? To bad if so.

In case you missed it, if you have a job that doesn't have you being paid under the table, then taxes are withheld from your paycheck. True statement. I know it doesn't comport with your warped ideas of the world, but there it is. Poor people with jobs pay federal income taxes.

No they have taxes withheld then they get it all back and in some cases because of refundable tax credits they get back more than was actually withheld.

Why don't you learn about the tax code so you don't sound like an idiot?

Do ultra rich people get favorable tax treatment from their friends in Washington? Sure they do. Do you fault the rich for taking advantage of the tax treatment they paid for? No you don't.

Which is why a simplified tax code with no loopholes is needed.

So quit picking on the poor.

And if YOU don't have enough money to live on and pay your taxes without bitching, go out and get a fuking higher paying job.

Again you can't see how hypocritical that is? People are poor because they want to be and yet you don't tell them to get a better job do you?

Another chronic complainer like Joe.

If your life is so bad the get off your ass and do something about it.

Our function?

Just what is that? Last time I checked no one was telling anyone what their function was.

You can do whatever you want as long as you do not violate the rights of others in the process.

Why can't you take responsibility for where you are in life instead of blaming others and wanting to punish them for your situation?

Were you abused a child? Did someone steal your lunch money in grade school?

FYI there are a lot of people who had it truly hard in life and don't complain at all so sack up.

Why is asking someone to live up to their obligations "punishing them", exactly?

They have no obligations other than to abide by the law. And our form of government allows the public to petition for laws to be created, changed or abolished. So advocating for a simplified loophole free tax code is within our rights.
Taking a higher percentage of earned money from some and not others is punishment.

You live in a civilized society where people won't slit your throat in the middle of the night for your lunch money. That costs money to maintain. The wealthy get more out of that society than the rest of us do, they need to pony up.

Here we go the implication that people who want simplified taxes and smaller government want no government at all.

And you say all I read is comics.

And the so called wealthy use less government services not more.

No sympathy for rich people after 2008 when they wrecked the economy and asked the rest of us for a bailout.
No company should ever get a bail out. I'll agree there and that includes GM.

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