The truth about Truman’s bombing Japan

Having lived in Japan and developing an understanding of Japanese culture, I believe that the U.S. put them in a position of dying or accepting extreme dishonor. 99% of Japanese people would not consider that a choice. Honor above life EVERY FUCKING TIME!!!

They make it a point to NOT dishonor each other in society or in the workplace. EVERYBODY knows who fucked up at work. There's no need to call attention to it and make the fuck-up feel a sense of duty to restore his/her honor by jumping in front of a train.

Had we allowed them to have some minor concessions to allow them to keep their honor, no bombs would have been necessary.

This fundamental lack of cultural understanding has reared it's ugly head other times as well:

Engineer Who Inspected Plane Before Crash Commits Suicide

That resolve is why I am glad they are now one of our best allies.

By July 1945, all they asked was don’t hang the Emperor. Truman said fuck you, mass murdered thousands of women and children, and then said okay you can keep your Emperor. So much for unconditional surrender.

Truman’s actions were the epitome of a war crime.
That simply is NOT true The Japanese Army demanded that to end the war all they would accept was a cease fire return to 41 start lines except no concessions in China, no occupation and for the Allies to go away. They repeated this demand after the first atomic bomb and then refused to surrender after the second atomic bomb, I linked to the ACTUAL Japanese documents from them. You can lie all you want about what they really wanted I have the ACTUAL documents and what they ACTUALLY offered.
All Truman needed to do was accept their surrender terms, which only asked that the US leave the Emperor alone. Then no need to drop those bombs. Truman dropped the bombs then left the Emperor alone.

Does that make sense to you?
You are a bald faced liar that is NOT what they offered they demanded a ceasefire a return to 41 start lines no occupation and no concessions in China.
Good god you’re slow.
I have the ACTUAL Japanese Government communications and have linked to them, what do you have? The Japanese Government did NOT just say don't hang the emperor you lying piece of Human excrement.

By July 1945, all they asked was don’t hang the Emperor. Truman said fuck you, mass murdered thousands of women and children, and then said okay you can keep your Emperor. So much for unconditional surrender.

Truman’s actions were the epitome of a war crime.
That simply is NOT true The Japanese Army demanded that to end the war all they would accept was a cease fire return to 41 start lines except no concessions in China, no occupation and for the Allies to go away. They repeated this demand after the first atomic bomb and then refused to surrender after the second atomic bomb, I linked to the ACTUAL Japanese documents from them. You can lie all you want about what they really wanted I have the ACTUAL documents and what they ACTUALLY offered.
All Truman needed to do was accept their surrender terms, which only asked that the US leave the Emperor alone. Then no need to drop those bombs. Truman dropped the bombs then left the Emperor alone.

Does that make sense to you?
You are a bald faced liar that is NOT what they offered they demanded a ceasefire a return to 41 start lines no occupation and no concessions in China.
Good god you’re slow.
I have the ACTUAL Japanese Government communications and have linked to them, what do you have? The Japanese Government did NOT just say don't hang the emperor you lying piece of Human excrement.
You idiot. I have posted this several times. By July 1945, all they asked was don’t hang the Emperor. This is a fact. Accept it you dumbass statist.
That simply is NOT true The Japanese Army demanded that to end the war all they would accept was a cease fire return to 41 start lines except no concessions in China, no occupation and for the Allies to go away. They repeated this demand after the first atomic bomb and then refused to surrender after the second atomic bomb, I linked to the ACTUAL Japanese documents from them. You can lie all you want about what they really wanted I have the ACTUAL documents and what they ACTUALLY offered.
All Truman needed to do was accept their surrender terms, which only asked that the US leave the Emperor alone. Then no need to drop those bombs. Truman dropped the bombs then left the Emperor alone.

Does that make sense to you?
You are a bald faced liar that is NOT what they offered they demanded a ceasefire a return to 41 start lines no occupation and no concessions in China.
Good god you’re slow.
I have the ACTUAL Japanese Government communications and have linked to them, what do you have? The Japanese Government did NOT just say don't hang the emperor you lying piece of Human excrement.
You idiot. I have posted this several times. By July 1945, all they asked was don’t hang the Emperor. This is a fact. Accept it you dumbass statist.
You are LYING. I have DIRECT link to ACTUAL communications from the Japanese Government and they NEVER made such an offer. I repeat link us to where you CLAIM this came from. The Japanese Government never made that demand alone even after the bombs were dropped. And after the Emperor surrendered the Army tried a COUP to stop him from surrendering. All documented in my link by SOURCE DOCUMENTS.
Americans need to come to the realization that the bombings of civilians was really mass murder, not unlike what Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were guilty of.

Great column on the subject.

The Atomic Bombing of Japan, Reconsidered
By Alan Mosley

January 2, 2019

Russia’s move, in fact, compelled the Japanese to consider unconditional surrender; until then, they were only open to a conditional surrender that left their Emperor Hirohito some dignity and protections from war-crimes trials. Ward concludes that, as in the European theatre, Truman didn’t beat Japan; Stalin did.

Harry Truman never expressed regret publicly over his decision to use the atomic bombs. However, he did order an independent study on the state of the war effort leading up to August of 1945, and the strategic value of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. In 1946, the U.S. Bombing Survey published its findings, which concluded as follows: “Based on a detailed investigation of all the facts and supported by the testimony of the surviving Japanese leaders involved, it is the Survey’s opinion that certainly prior to 31 December 1945 and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.” This is an intensive condemnation of Truman’s decision, seeing as Russia did enter the war, and that plans for an invasion had been developed.

As Timothy P. Carney writes for the Washington Examiner, the fog of war can be a tricky thing. But if we’re forced to side with Truman, or Eisenhower and the other dissenting military leaders, the Eisenhower position isn’t merely valid; it actually aligns better with some fundamental American values. Given all the uncertainty, both at the time and with modern historical revisionism, it’s better to look to principle rather than fortune-telling. One principle that should be near the top of everyone’s list is this: it’s wrong to target civilians with weapons of mass destruction. The deliberate killing of innocent men, women, and children by the hundreds of thousands cannot be justified under any circumstances, much less the ambiguous ones Truman encountered. Whether his decision was motivated by indignation toward Japanese “ pigheadedness” or concern for his troops, Truman’s use of such devastating weapons against non-combatants should not be excused. Americans must strive for complete and honest analysis of the past (and present) conflicts. And if she is to remain true to her own ideals, America must strive for more noble and moral ends—in all conflicts, domestic and foreign—guided by our most cherished first principles, such as the Golden Rule. At the very least, Americans should not try so hard to justify mass murder.

The Atomic Bombing of Japan - LewRockwell
Having lived in Japan and developing an understanding of Japanese culture, I believe that the U.S. put them in a position of dying or accepting extreme dishonor. 99% of Japanese people would not consider that a choice. Honor above life EVERY FUCKING TIME!!!

They make it a point to NOT dishonor each other in society or in the workplace. EVERYBODY knows who fucked up at work. There's no need to call attention to it and make the fuck-up feel a sense of duty to restore his/her honor by jumping in front of a train.

Had we allowed them to have some minor concessions to allow them to keep their honor, no bombs would have been necessary.

This fundamental lack of cultural understanding has reared it's ugly head other times as well:

Engineer Who Inspected Plane Before Crash Commits Suicide

That resolve is why I am glad they are now one of our best allies.

By July 1945, all they asked was don’t hang the Emperor. Truman said fuck you, mass murdered thousands of women and children, and then said okay you can keep your Emperor. So much for unconditional surrender.

Truman’s actions were the epitome of a war crime.
That simply is NOT true The Japanese Army demanded that to end the war all they would accept was a cease fire return to 41 start lines except no concessions in China, no occupation and for the Allies to go away. They repeated this demand after the first atomic bomb and then refused to surrender after the second atomic bomb, I linked to the ACTUAL Japanese documents from them. You can lie all you want about what they really wanted I have the ACTUAL documents and what they ACTUALLY offered.
All Truman needed to do was accept their surrender terms, which only asked that the US leave the Emperor alone. Then no need to drop those bombs. Truman dropped the bombs then left the Emperor alone.

Does that make sense to you?
You are a bald faced liar that is NOT what they offered they demanded a ceasefire a return to 41 start lines no occupation and no concessions in China.

Wrong, rain man. You are going to keep repeating whatever it is the medicine is essentially forcing you to keep repeating, but mountains and mountains of evidence has been presented that very different outcomes were available. Maybe you feel guilty, maybe you’re just too stupid to think beyond one simple idea, or maybe at your age you just got little birdies circling and circling inside your head. In any case it was not, no matter how guilty it makes people feel to think otherwise, necessary to annihilate so many innocent civilians including women and children and the elderly. What happened happened, and cannot be undone, but the excuse of having no choice or saving so many lives is completely false.
Having lived in Japan and developing an understanding of Japanese culture, I believe that the U.S. put them in a position of dying or accepting extreme dishonor. 99% of Japanese people would not consider that a choice. Honor above life EVERY FUCKING TIME!!!

They make it a point to NOT dishonor each other in society or in the workplace. EVERYBODY knows who fucked up at work. There's no need to call attention to it and make the fuck-up feel a sense of duty to restore his/her honor by jumping in front of a train.

Had we allowed them to have some minor concessions to allow them to keep their honor, no bombs would have been necessary.

This fundamental lack of cultural understanding has reared it's ugly head other times as well:

Engineer Who Inspected Plane Before Crash Commits Suicide

That resolve is why I am glad they are now one of our best allies.

By July 1945, all they asked was don’t hang the Emperor. Truman said fuck you, mass murdered thousands of women and children, and then said okay you can keep your Emperor. So much for unconditional surrender.

Truman’s actions were the epitome of a war crime.
That simply is NOT true The Japanese Army demanded that to end the war all they would accept was a cease fire return to 41 start lines except no concessions in China, no occupation and for the Allies to go away. They repeated this demand after the first atomic bomb and then refused to surrender after the second atomic bomb, I linked to the ACTUAL Japanese documents from them. You can lie all you want about what they really wanted I have the ACTUAL documents and what they ACTUALLY offered.
All Truman needed to do was accept their surrender terms, which only asked that the US leave the Emperor alone. Then no need to drop those bombs. Truman dropped the bombs then left the Emperor alone.

Does that make sense to you?
You are a bald faced liar that is NOT what they offered they demanded a ceasefire a return to 41 start lines no occupation and no concessions in China.

Wrong, rain man. You are going to keep repeating whatever it is the medicine is essentially forcing you to keep repeating, but mountains and mountains of evidence has been presented that very different outcomes were available. Maybe you feel guilty, maybe you’re just too stupid to think beyond one simple idea, or maybe at your age you just got little birdies circling and circling inside your head. In any case it was not, no matter how guilty it makes people feel to think otherwise, necessary to annihilate so many innocent civilians including women and children and the elderly. What happened happened, and cannot be undone, but the excuse of having no choice or saving so many lives is completely false.
And yet you nor Gipper can actually link to a real source. I have the ACTUAL Government documents from both the US and Japan you have NOTHING.

By July 1945, all they asked was don’t hang the Emperor. Truman said fuck you, mass murdered thousands of women and children, and then said okay you can keep your Emperor. So much for unconditional surrender.

Truman’s actions were the epitome of a war crime.
That simply is NOT true The Japanese Army demanded that to end the war all they would accept was a cease fire return to 41 start lines except no concessions in China, no occupation and for the Allies to go away. They repeated this demand after the first atomic bomb and then refused to surrender after the second atomic bomb, I linked to the ACTUAL Japanese documents from them. You can lie all you want about what they really wanted I have the ACTUAL documents and what they ACTUALLY offered.
All Truman needed to do was accept their surrender terms, which only asked that the US leave the Emperor alone. Then no need to drop those bombs. Truman dropped the bombs then left the Emperor alone.

Does that make sense to you?
You are a bald faced liar that is NOT what they offered they demanded a ceasefire a return to 41 start lines no occupation and no concessions in China.

Wrong, rain man. You are going to keep repeating whatever it is the medicine is essentially forcing you to keep repeating, but mountains and mountains of evidence has been presented that very different outcomes were available. Maybe you feel guilty, maybe you’re just too stupid to think beyond one simple idea, or maybe at your age you just got little birdies circling and circling inside your head. In any case it was not, no matter how guilty it makes people feel to think otherwise, necessary to annihilate so many innocent civilians including women and children and the elderly. What happened happened, and cannot be undone, but the excuse of having no choice or saving so many lives is completely false.
And yet you nor Gipper can actually link to a real source. I have the ACTUAL Government documents from both the US and Japan you have NOTHING.
You are such a duped statist that you are unable to understand how stupid your post is.
That simply is NOT true The Japanese Army demanded that to end the war all they would accept was a cease fire return to 41 start lines except no concessions in China, no occupation and for the Allies to go away. They repeated this demand after the first atomic bomb and then refused to surrender after the second atomic bomb, I linked to the ACTUAL Japanese documents from them. You can lie all you want about what they really wanted I have the ACTUAL documents and what they ACTUALLY offered.
All Truman needed to do was accept their surrender terms, which only asked that the US leave the Emperor alone. Then no need to drop those bombs. Truman dropped the bombs then left the Emperor alone.

Does that make sense to you?
You are a bald faced liar that is NOT what they offered they demanded a ceasefire a return to 41 start lines no occupation and no concessions in China.

Wrong, rain man. You are going to keep repeating whatever it is the medicine is essentially forcing you to keep repeating, but mountains and mountains of evidence has been presented that very different outcomes were available. Maybe you feel guilty, maybe you’re just too stupid to think beyond one simple idea, or maybe at your age you just got little birdies circling and circling inside your head. In any case it was not, no matter how guilty it makes people feel to think otherwise, necessary to annihilate so many innocent civilians including women and children and the elderly. What happened happened, and cannot be undone, but the excuse of having no choice or saving so many lives is completely false.
And yet you nor Gipper can actually link to a real source. I have the ACTUAL Government documents from both the US and Japan you have NOTHING.
You are such a duped statist that you are unable to understand how stupid your post is.
And yet no proof none what so ever.....
Time for either of you to actually show proof of your claims. You two have made up a story and backed it with nothing but hot air. None of your claims have a basis in fact as evidenced by your inability to link to a single verifiable source for your claims.
Time for either of you to actually show proof of your claims. You two have made up a story and backed it with nothing but hot air. None of your claims have a basis in fact as evidenced by your inability to link to a single verifiable source for your claims.
The following statements are lies, but statists don’t know it.
  1. Wars are fought against evil.
  2. Wars are fought in defense.
  3. Wars are waged out of generosity.
  4. Wars are unavoidable.
  5. Warriors are heroes.
  6. War makers have noble motives.
  7. Wars are prolonged for the good of the soldiers.
  8. Wars are fought on battlefields.
  9. Wars are won by enlarging them.
  10. War news comes from disinterested observers.
  11. War brings security.
  12. War is sustainable.
  13. War can be both carefully planned for and avoided.
] upload_2019-2-6_17-29-22.jpeg
Please read it.
Still waiting for a single link to a verifiable source that shows these attempts by Japan to surrender with only one condition that being the emperor is not hung.
Americans need to come to the realization that the bombings of civilians was really mass murder, not unlike what Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were guilty of.

Great column on the subject.

The Atomic Bombing of Japan, Reconsidered
By Alan Mosley

January 2, 2019

Russia’s move, in fact, compelled the Japanese to consider unconditional surrender; until then, they were only open to a conditional surrender that left their Emperor Hirohito some dignity and protections from war-crimes trials. Ward concludes that, as in the European theatre, Truman didn’t beat Japan; Stalin did.

Harry Truman never expressed regret publicly over his decision to use the atomic bombs. However, he did order an independent study on the state of the war effort leading up to August of 1945, and the strategic value of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. In 1946, the U.S. Bombing Survey published its findings, which concluded as follows: “Based on a detailed investigation of all the facts and supported by the testimony of the surviving Japanese leaders involved, it is the Survey’s opinion that certainly prior to 31 December 1945 and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.” This is an intensive condemnation of Truman’s decision, seeing as Russia did enter the war, and that plans for an invasion had been developed.

As Timothy P. Carney writes for the Washington Examiner, the fog of war can be a tricky thing. But if we’re forced to side with Truman, or Eisenhower and the other dissenting military leaders, the Eisenhower position isn’t merely valid; it actually aligns better with some fundamental American values. Given all the uncertainty, both at the time and with modern historical revisionism, it’s better to look to principle rather than fortune-telling. One principle that should be near the top of everyone’s list is this: it’s wrong to target civilians with weapons of mass destruction. The deliberate killing of innocent men, women, and children by the hundreds of thousands cannot be justified under any circumstances, much less the ambiguous ones Truman encountered. Whether his decision was motivated by indignation toward Japanese “ pigheadedness” or concern for his troops, Truman’s use of such devastating weapons against non-combatants should not be excused. Americans must strive for complete and honest analysis of the past (and present) conflicts. And if she is to remain true to her own ideals, America must strive for more noble and moral ends—in all conflicts, domestic and foreign—guided by our most cherished first principles, such as the Golden Rule. At the very least, Americans should not try so hard to justify mass murder.

The Atomic Bombing of Japan - LewRockwell

Annnnd there is ample evidence that the Japanese were going to fight the Marines on the beaches with their civilian population in an attempt to bleed the invasion forces. They were creating pole bayonets to arm the civilians and there was even a coup attempt to try and prevent the surrender. You can "reconsider" all you wish, but those are unarguable facts. Facts trump opinions every day of the week.


"This is an exceedingly rare WWII Japanese pole bayonet. Although not designed to be attached to the rifle, these were made to be lashed onto bamboo poles for the defense of the main island of Japan against the Allied invasion. This bayonet is complete with wooden scabbard. Slab sided blade is in great condition. Markings looks like a Jinsen Rikugun Zoheisho Arsenal and an unknown star inside of a flower."

Americans need to come to the realization that the bombings of civilians was really mass murder, not unlike what Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were guilty of.

Great column on the subject.

The Atomic Bombing of Japan, Reconsidered
By Alan Mosley

January 2, 2019

Russia’s move, in fact, compelled the Japanese to consider unconditional surrender; until then, they were only open to a conditional surrender that left their Emperor Hirohito some dignity and protections from war-crimes trials. Ward concludes that, as in the European theatre, Truman didn’t beat Japan; Stalin did.

Harry Truman never expressed regret publicly over his decision to use the atomic bombs. However, he did order an independent study on the state of the war effort leading up to August of 1945, and the strategic value of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. In 1946, the U.S. Bombing Survey published its findings, which concluded as follows: “Based on a detailed investigation of all the facts and supported by the testimony of the surviving Japanese leaders involved, it is the Survey’s opinion that certainly prior to 31 December 1945 and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.” This is an intensive condemnation of Truman’s decision, seeing as Russia did enter the war, and that plans for an invasion had been developed.

As Timothy P. Carney writes for the Washington Examiner, the fog of war can be a tricky thing. But if we’re forced to side with Truman, or Eisenhower and the other dissenting military leaders, the Eisenhower position isn’t merely valid; it actually aligns better with some fundamental American values. Given all the uncertainty, both at the time and with modern historical revisionism, it’s better to look to principle rather than fortune-telling. One principle that should be near the top of everyone’s list is this: it’s wrong to target civilians with weapons of mass destruction. The deliberate killing of innocent men, women, and children by the hundreds of thousands cannot be justified under any circumstances, much less the ambiguous ones Truman encountered. Whether his decision was motivated by indignation toward Japanese “ pigheadedness” or concern for his troops, Truman’s use of such devastating weapons against non-combatants should not be excused. Americans must strive for complete and honest analysis of the past (and present) conflicts. And if she is to remain true to her own ideals, America must strive for more noble and moral ends—in all conflicts, domestic and foreign—guided by our most cherished first principles, such as the Golden Rule. At the very least, Americans should not try so hard to justify mass murder.

The Atomic Bombing of Japan - LewRockwell

Annnnd there is ample evidence that the Japanese were going to fight the Marines on the beaches with their civilian population in an attempt to bleed the invasion forces. They were creating pole bayonets to arm the civilians and there was even a coup attempt to try and prevent the surrender. You can "reconsider" all you wish, but those are unarguable facts. Facts trump opinions every day of the week.


"This is an exceedingly rare WWII Japanese pole bayonet. Although not designed to be attached to the rifle, these were made to be lashed onto bamboo poles for the defense of the main island of Japan against the Allied invasion. This bayonet is complete with wooden scabbard. Slab sided blade is in great condition. Markings looks like a Jinsen Rikugun Zoheisho Arsenal and an unknown star inside of a flower."

No need to invade, unless you are an imperialist. They wanted surrender long before Okinawa. Smart people would accept their surrender and leave. Imagine all the lives saved.
Still waiting for a single link to a verifiable source that shows these attempts by Japan to surrender with only one condition that being the emperor is not hung.
No need to wait. I did it in the OP, but your lack of intelligence forces you to deny all proof and only accept what Uncle tells you. So sorry. I really hate ignorance.
Americans need to come to the realization that the bombings of civilians was really mass murder, not unlike what Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were guilty of.

Great column on the subject.

The Atomic Bombing of Japan, Reconsidered
By Alan Mosley

January 2, 2019

Russia’s move, in fact, compelled the Japanese to consider unconditional surrender; until then, they were only open to a conditional surrender that left their Emperor Hirohito some dignity and protections from war-crimes trials. Ward concludes that, as in the European theatre, Truman didn’t beat Japan; Stalin did.

Harry Truman never expressed regret publicly over his decision to use the atomic bombs. However, he did order an independent study on the state of the war effort leading up to August of 1945, and the strategic value of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. In 1946, the U.S. Bombing Survey published its findings, which concluded as follows: “Based on a detailed investigation of all the facts and supported by the testimony of the surviving Japanese leaders involved, it is the Survey’s opinion that certainly prior to 31 December 1945 and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.” This is an intensive condemnation of Truman’s decision, seeing as Russia did enter the war, and that plans for an invasion had been developed.

As Timothy P. Carney writes for the Washington Examiner, the fog of war can be a tricky thing. But if we’re forced to side with Truman, or Eisenhower and the other dissenting military leaders, the Eisenhower position isn’t merely valid; it actually aligns better with some fundamental American values. Given all the uncertainty, both at the time and with modern historical revisionism, it’s better to look to principle rather than fortune-telling. One principle that should be near the top of everyone’s list is this: it’s wrong to target civilians with weapons of mass destruction. The deliberate killing of innocent men, women, and children by the hundreds of thousands cannot be justified under any circumstances, much less the ambiguous ones Truman encountered. Whether his decision was motivated by indignation toward Japanese “ pigheadedness” or concern for his troops, Truman’s use of such devastating weapons against non-combatants should not be excused. Americans must strive for complete and honest analysis of the past (and present) conflicts. And if she is to remain true to her own ideals, America must strive for more noble and moral ends—in all conflicts, domestic and foreign—guided by our most cherished first principles, such as the Golden Rule. At the very least, Americans should not try so hard to justify mass murder.

The Atomic Bombing of Japan - LewRockwell

Annnnd there is ample evidence that the Japanese were going to fight the Marines on the beaches with their civilian population in an attempt to bleed the invasion forces. They were creating pole bayonets to arm the civilians and there was even a coup attempt to try and prevent the surrender. You can "reconsider" all you wish, but those are unarguable facts. Facts trump opinions every day of the week.


"This is an exceedingly rare WWII Japanese pole bayonet. Although not designed to be attached to the rifle, these were made to be lashed onto bamboo poles for the defense of the main island of Japan against the Allied invasion. This bayonet is complete with wooden scabbard. Slab sided blade is in great condition. Markings looks like a Jinsen Rikugun Zoheisho Arsenal and an unknown star inside of a flower."

No need to invade, unless you are an imperialist. They wanted surrender long before Okinawa. Smart people would accept their surrender and leave. Imagine all the lives saved.

And imagine having to fight them all over again 20 years later.
Still waiting for a single link to a verifiable source that shows these attempts by Japan to surrender with only one condition that being the emperor is not hung.
No need to wait. I did it in the OP, but your lack of intelligence forces you to deny all proof and only accept what Uncle tells you. So sorry. I really hate ignorance.

LOL. "Proof"

Still ignoring me, snowflake?
Still waiting for a single link to a verifiable source that shows these attempts by Japan to surrender with only one condition that being the emperor is not hung.
No need to wait. I did it in the op long ago and in other threads you and I have crossed paths. Sadly, You can’t handle the truth.

Still waiting for a single link to a verifiable source that shows these attempts by Japan to surrender with only one condition that being the emperor is not hung.
No need to wait. I did it in the OP, but your lack of intelligence forces you to deny all proof and only accept what Uncle tells you. So sorry. I really hate ignorance.

LOL. "Proof"

Still ignoring me, snowflake?
Still waiting for a single link to a verifiable source that shows these attempts by Japan to surrender with only one condition that being the emperor is not hung.
No need to wait. I did it in the OP, but your lack of intelligence forces you to deny all proof and only accept what Uncle tells you. So sorry. I really hate ignorance.

LOL. "Proof"

Still ignoring me, snowflake?


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