The truth about Truman’s bombing Japan

Americans need to come to the realization that the bombings of civilians was really mass murder, not unlike what Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were guilty of.

Great column on the subject.

The Atomic Bombing of Japan, Reconsidered
By Alan Mosley

January 2, 2019

Russia’s move, in fact, compelled the Japanese to consider unconditional surrender; until then, they were only open to a conditional surrender that left their Emperor Hirohito some dignity and protections from war-crimes trials. Ward concludes that, as in the European theatre, Truman didn’t beat Japan; Stalin did.

Harry Truman never expressed regret publicly over his decision to use the atomic bombs. However, he did order an independent study on the state of the war effort leading up to August of 1945, and the strategic value of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. In 1946, the U.S. Bombing Survey published its findings, which concluded as follows: “Based on a detailed investigation of all the facts and supported by the testimony of the surviving Japanese leaders involved, it is the Survey’s opinion that certainly prior to 31 December 1945 and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.” This is an intensive condemnation of Truman’s decision, seeing as Russia did enter the war, and that plans for an invasion had been developed.

As Timothy P. Carney writes for the Washington Examiner, the fog of war can be a tricky thing. But if we’re forced to side with Truman, or Eisenhower and the other dissenting military leaders, the Eisenhower position isn’t merely valid; it actually aligns better with some fundamental American values. Given all the uncertainty, both at the time and with modern historical revisionism, it’s better to look to principle rather than fortune-telling. One principle that should be near the top of everyone’s list is this: it’s wrong to target civilians with weapons of mass destruction. The deliberate killing of innocent men, women, and children by the hundreds of thousands cannot be justified under any circumstances, much less the ambiguous ones Truman encountered. Whether his decision was motivated by indignation toward Japanese “ pigheadedness” or concern for his troops, Truman’s use of such devastating weapons against non-combatants should not be excused. Americans must strive for complete and honest analysis of the past (and present) conflicts. And if she is to remain true to her own ideals, America must strive for more noble and moral ends—in all conflicts, domestic and foreign—guided by our most cherished first principles, such as the Golden Rule. At the very least, Americans should not try so hard to justify mass murder.

The Atomic Bombing of Japan - LewRockwell
Compares with Nazi Germany? Really?
Yes. Mass murder is mass murder whether in a gas chamber or by fire bombing and a-bombing cities full of women and children.
I can't defend a horrible act of war, no one should especially with hindsight.

I'd still say there is quite a difference between a tough call on a bombing you know will kill people while wanting to reduce the death toll of your own while in a war, and a systemic plan of ethnic cleansing/genocide. One evil is far worse than the other imho.

The leaders of the United States wanted to end the war without more casualties on their side. The leaders of Nazi Germany started a war with intent of eliminating classes and races of people by the tens of millions.

If you can't see the difference I don't know what to tell you.
That is logical, but wrong in this instance. Japan sought surrender terms well before Truman committed his criminal act. Logic would dictate that you accept their surrender, ending the slaughter and destruction. Sadly, logic was not implemented.
America was fighting a war for survival unlike any war ever fought before or since. We are not in a position to judge the generation who fought that war, until we face a crisis of equal proportions.
BS. We never should have entered WWII. Had we not had a criminal in FDR as POTUS, we might have avoided that war entirely and saved hundreds of thousands of lives.
Americans need to come to the realization that the bombings of civilians was really mass murder, not unlike what Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were guilty of.

Great column on the subject.

The Atomic Bombing of Japan, Reconsidered
By Alan Mosley

January 2, 2019

Russia’s move, in fact, compelled the Japanese to consider unconditional surrender; until then, they were only open to a conditional surrender that left their Emperor Hirohito some dignity and protections from war-crimes trials. Ward concludes that, as in the European theatre, Truman didn’t beat Japan; Stalin did.

Harry Truman never expressed regret publicly over his decision to use the atomic bombs. However, he did order an independent study on the state of the war effort leading up to August of 1945, and the strategic value of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. In 1946, the U.S. Bombing Survey published its findings, which concluded as follows: “Based on a detailed investigation of all the facts and supported by the testimony of the surviving Japanese leaders involved, it is the Survey’s opinion that certainly prior to 31 December 1945 and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.” This is an intensive condemnation of Truman’s decision, seeing as Russia did enter the war, and that plans for an invasion had been developed.

As Timothy P. Carney writes for the Washington Examiner, the fog of war can be a tricky thing. But if we’re forced to side with Truman, or Eisenhower and the other dissenting military leaders, the Eisenhower position isn’t merely valid; it actually aligns better with some fundamental American values. Given all the uncertainty, both at the time and with modern historical revisionism, it’s better to look to principle rather than fortune-telling. One principle that should be near the top of everyone’s list is this: it’s wrong to target civilians with weapons of mass destruction. The deliberate killing of innocent men, women, and children by the hundreds of thousands cannot be justified under any circumstances, much less the ambiguous ones Truman encountered. Whether his decision was motivated by indignation toward Japanese “ pigheadedness” or concern for his troops, Truman’s use of such devastating weapons against non-combatants should not be excused. Americans must strive for complete and honest analysis of the past (and present) conflicts. And if she is to remain true to her own ideals, America must strive for more noble and moral ends—in all conflicts, domestic and foreign—guided by our most cherished first principles, such as the Golden Rule. At the very least, Americans should not try so hard to justify mass murder.

The Atomic Bombing of Japan - LewRockwell
Compares with Nazi Germany? Really?
Yes. Mass murder is mass murder whether in a gas chamber or by fire bombing and a-bombing cities full of women and children.
War is hell. We should pass laws abolishing all conflicts, the sad thing is that most nations make wars according to their own well being.
Wrong again. All wars are banker’s war. War is always about the health of the State.
Americans need to come to the realization that the bombings of civilians was really mass murder, not unlike what Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were guilty of.

Great column on the subject.

The Atomic Bombing of Japan, Reconsidered
By Alan Mosley

January 2, 2019

Russia’s move, in fact, compelled the Japanese to consider unconditional surrender; until then, they were only open to a conditional surrender that left their Emperor Hirohito some dignity and protections from war-crimes trials. Ward concludes that, as in the European theatre, Truman didn’t beat Japan; Stalin did.

Harry Truman never expressed regret publicly over his decision to use the atomic bombs. However, he did order an independent study on the state of the war effort leading up to August of 1945, and the strategic value of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. In 1946, the U.S. Bombing Survey published its findings, which concluded as follows: “Based on a detailed investigation of all the facts and supported by the testimony of the surviving Japanese leaders involved, it is the Survey’s opinion that certainly prior to 31 December 1945 and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.” This is an intensive condemnation of Truman’s decision, seeing as Russia did enter the war, and that plans for an invasion had been developed.

As Timothy P. Carney writes for the Washington Examiner, the fog of war can be a tricky thing. But if we’re forced to side with Truman, or Eisenhower and the other dissenting military leaders, the Eisenhower position isn’t merely valid; it actually aligns better with some fundamental American values. Given all the uncertainty, both at the time and with modern historical revisionism, it’s better to look to principle rather than fortune-telling. One principle that should be near the top of everyone’s list is this: it’s wrong to target civilians with weapons of mass destruction. The deliberate killing of innocent men, women, and children by the hundreds of thousands cannot be justified under any circumstances, much less the ambiguous ones Truman encountered. Whether his decision was motivated by indignation toward Japanese “ pigheadedness” or concern for his troops, Truman’s use of such devastating weapons against non-combatants should not be excused. Americans must strive for complete and honest analysis of the past (and present) conflicts. And if she is to remain true to her own ideals, America must strive for more noble and moral ends—in all conflicts, domestic and foreign—guided by our most cherished first principles, such as the Golden Rule. At the very least, Americans should not try so hard to justify mass murder.

The Atomic Bombing of Japan - LewRockwell
Compares with Nazi Germany? Really?
Yes. Mass murder is mass murder whether in a gas chamber or by fire bombing and a-bombing cities full of women and children.
I can't defend a horrible act of war, no one should especially with hindsight.

I'd still say there is quite a difference between a tough call on a bombing you know will kill people while wanting to reduce the death toll of your own while in a war, and a systemic plan of ethnic cleansing/genocide. One evil is far worse than the other imho.

The leaders of the United States wanted to end the war without more casualties on their side. The leaders of Nazi Germany started a war with intent of eliminating classes and races of people by the tens of millions.

If you can't see the difference I don't know what to tell you.
That is logical, but wrong in this instance. Japan sought surrender terms well before Truman committed his criminal act. Logic would dictate that you accept their surrender, ending the slaughter and destruction. Sadly, logic was not implemented.
What? "surrender terms" does not equal surrender. They didn't surrender even after the first bomb was dropped!
Americans need to come to the realization that the bombings of civilians was really mass murder, not unlike what Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were guilty of.

Great column on the subject.

The Atomic Bombing of Japan, Reconsidered
By Alan Mosley

January 2, 2019

Russia’s move, in fact, compelled the Japanese to consider unconditional surrender; until then, they were only open to a conditional surrender that left their Emperor Hirohito some dignity and protections from war-crimes trials. Ward concludes that, as in the European theatre, Truman didn’t beat Japan; Stalin did.

Harry Truman never expressed regret publicly over his decision to use the atomic bombs. However, he did order an independent study on the state of the war effort leading up to August of 1945, and the strategic value of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. In 1946, the U.S. Bombing Survey published its findings, which concluded as follows: “Based on a detailed investigation of all the facts and supported by the testimony of the surviving Japanese leaders involved, it is the Survey’s opinion that certainly prior to 31 December 1945 and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.” This is an intensive condemnation of Truman’s decision, seeing as Russia did enter the war, and that plans for an invasion had been developed.

As Timothy P. Carney writes for the Washington Examiner, the fog of war can be a tricky thing. But if we’re forced to side with Truman, or Eisenhower and the other dissenting military leaders, the Eisenhower position isn’t merely valid; it actually aligns better with some fundamental American values. Given all the uncertainty, both at the time and with modern historical revisionism, it’s better to look to principle rather than fortune-telling. One principle that should be near the top of everyone’s list is this: it’s wrong to target civilians with weapons of mass destruction. The deliberate killing of innocent men, women, and children by the hundreds of thousands cannot be justified under any circumstances, much less the ambiguous ones Truman encountered. Whether his decision was motivated by indignation toward Japanese “ pigheadedness” or concern for his troops, Truman’s use of such devastating weapons against non-combatants should not be excused. Americans must strive for complete and honest analysis of the past (and present) conflicts. And if she is to remain true to her own ideals, America must strive for more noble and moral ends—in all conflicts, domestic and foreign—guided by our most cherished first principles, such as the Golden Rule. At the very least, Americans should not try so hard to justify mass murder.

The Atomic Bombing of Japan - LewRockwell
Compares with Nazi Germany? Really?
Yes. Mass murder is mass murder whether in a gas chamber or by fire bombing and a-bombing cities full of women and children.
I can't defend a horrible act of war, no one should especially with hindsight.

I'd still say there is quite a difference between a tough call on a bombing you know will kill people while wanting to reduce the death toll of your own while in a war, and a systemic plan of ethnic cleansing/genocide. One evil is far worse than the other imho.

The leaders of the United States wanted to end the war without more casualties on their side. The leaders of Nazi Germany started a war with intent of eliminating classes and races of people by the tens of millions.

If you can't see the difference I don't know what to tell you.
That is logical, but wrong in this instance. Japan sought surrender terms well before Truman committed his criminal act. Logic would dictate that you accept their surrender, ending the slaughter and destruction. Sadly, logic was not implemented.
What? "surrender terms" does not equal surrender. They didn't surrender even after the first bomb was dropped!
He originally c;laimed that all the Japanese Government ask for was a promise that we would not hang the Emperor. Of course that is a bald faced lie. And when called on it he has stopped claiming it. What they are talking about him and Unk is an attempt by the Japanese Navy, which did not control the Government, to float an idea of a ceasefire, return to 41 start lines, no concessions in China, no occupation and no disarmament. At no time did the ACTUAL government of Japan offer to surrender, not even after 2 ATOMIC bombs. The Emperor had to over rule the army which controlled the Government order a surrender and then the Army staged a Coup to try and stop that.
Americans need to come to the realization that the bombings of civilians was really mass murder, not unlike what Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were guilty of.

Great column on the subject.

The Atomic Bombing of Japan, Reconsidered
By Alan Mosley

January 2, 2019

Russia’s move, in fact, compelled the Japanese to consider unconditional surrender; until then, they were only open to a conditional surrender that left their Emperor Hirohito some dignity and protections from war-crimes trials. Ward concludes that, as in the European theatre, Truman didn’t beat Japan; Stalin did.

Harry Truman never expressed regret publicly over his decision to use the atomic bombs. However, he did order an independent study on the state of the war effort leading up to August of 1945, and the strategic value of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. In 1946, the U.S. Bombing Survey published its findings, which concluded as follows: “Based on a detailed investigation of all the facts and supported by the testimony of the surviving Japanese leaders involved, it is the Survey’s opinion that certainly prior to 31 December 1945 and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.” This is an intensive condemnation of Truman’s decision, seeing as Russia did enter the war, and that plans for an invasion had been developed.

As Timothy P. Carney writes for the Washington Examiner, the fog of war can be a tricky thing. But if we’re forced to side with Truman, or Eisenhower and the other dissenting military leaders, the Eisenhower position isn’t merely valid; it actually aligns better with some fundamental American values. Given all the uncertainty, both at the time and with modern historical revisionism, it’s better to look to principle rather than fortune-telling. One principle that should be near the top of everyone’s list is this: it’s wrong to target civilians with weapons of mass destruction. The deliberate killing of innocent men, women, and children by the hundreds of thousands cannot be justified under any circumstances, much less the ambiguous ones Truman encountered. Whether his decision was motivated by indignation toward Japanese “ pigheadedness” or concern for his troops, Truman’s use of such devastating weapons against non-combatants should not be excused. Americans must strive for complete and honest analysis of the past (and present) conflicts. And if she is to remain true to her own ideals, America must strive for more noble and moral ends—in all conflicts, domestic and foreign—guided by our most cherished first principles, such as the Golden Rule. At the very least, Americans should not try so hard to justify mass murder.

The Atomic Bombing of Japan - LewRockwell
Democrats are just plain evil.
Compares with Nazi Germany? Really?
Yes. Mass murder is mass murder whether in a gas chamber or by fire bombing and a-bombing cities full of women and children.
I can't defend a horrible act of war, no one should especially with hindsight.

I'd still say there is quite a difference between a tough call on a bombing you know will kill people while wanting to reduce the death toll of your own while in a war, and a systemic plan of ethnic cleansing/genocide. One evil is far worse than the other imho.

The leaders of the United States wanted to end the war without more casualties on their side. The leaders of Nazi Germany started a war with intent of eliminating classes and races of people by the tens of millions.

If you can't see the difference I don't know what to tell you.
That is logical, but wrong in this instance. Japan sought surrender terms well before Truman committed his criminal act. Logic would dictate that you accept their surrender, ending the slaughter and destruction. Sadly, logic was not implemented.
What? "surrender terms" does not equal surrender. They didn't surrender even after the first bomb was dropped!
He originally c;laimed that all the Japanese Government ask for was a promise that we would not hang the Emperor. Of course that is a bald faced lie. And when called on it he has stopped claiming it. What they are talking about him and Unk is an attempt by the Japanese Navy, which did not control the Government, to float an idea of a ceasefire, return to 41 start lines, no concessions in China, no occupation and no disarmament. At no time did the ACTUAL government of Japan offer to surrender, not even after 2 ATOMIC bombs. The Emperor had to over rule the army which controlled the Government order a surrender and then the Army staged a Coup to try and stop that.
Excellent post, thank you.
Yes. Mass murder is mass murder whether in a gas chamber or by fire bombing and a-bombing cities full of women and children.
I can't defend a horrible act of war, no one should especially with hindsight.

I'd still say there is quite a difference between a tough call on a bombing you know will kill people while wanting to reduce the death toll of your own while in a war, and a systemic plan of ethnic cleansing/genocide. One evil is far worse than the other imho.

The leaders of the United States wanted to end the war without more casualties on their side. The leaders of Nazi Germany started a war with intent of eliminating classes and races of people by the tens of millions.

If you can't see the difference I don't know what to tell you.
That is logical, but wrong in this instance. Japan sought surrender terms well before Truman committed his criminal act. Logic would dictate that you accept their surrender, ending the slaughter and destruction. Sadly, logic was not implemented.
What? "surrender terms" does not equal surrender. They didn't surrender even after the first bomb was dropped!
He originally c;laimed that all the Japanese Government ask for was a promise that we would not hang the Emperor. Of course that is a bald faced lie. And when called on it he has stopped claiming it. What they are talking about him and Unk is an attempt by the Japanese Navy, which did not control the Government, to float an idea of a ceasefire, return to 41 start lines, no concessions in China, no occupation and no disarmament. At no time did the ACTUAL government of Japan offer to surrender, not even after 2 ATOMIC bombs. The Emperor had to over rule the army which controlled the Government order a surrender and then the Army staged a Coup to try and stop that.
Excellent post, thank you.

They initially thought FDR was not serious about his murderous unconditional surrender requirement. When they put out feelers threw third parties asking for surrender terms IN 1943, FDR responded with fuck you. They continued asking for surrender terms in 44 and 45. Only to get the same response. Naturally, they concluded that FDR and Truman wanted to exterminate all of Japan. Thus resulting in the despite and suicidal efforts of the army and Air Force.

I can't defend a horrible act of war, no one should especially with hindsight.

I'd still say there is quite a difference between a tough call on a bombing you know will kill people while wanting to reduce the death toll of your own while in a war, and a systemic plan of ethnic cleansing/genocide. One evil is far worse than the other imho.

The leaders of the United States wanted to end the war without more casualties on their side. The leaders of Nazi Germany started a war with intent of eliminating classes and races of people by the tens of millions.

If you can't see the difference I don't know what to tell you.
That is logical, but wrong in this instance. Japan sought surrender terms well before Truman committed his criminal act. Logic would dictate that you accept their surrender, ending the slaughter and destruction. Sadly, logic was not implemented.
What? "surrender terms" does not equal surrender. They didn't surrender even after the first bomb was dropped!
He originally c;laimed that all the Japanese Government ask for was a promise that we would not hang the Emperor. Of course that is a bald faced lie. And when called on it he has stopped claiming it. What they are talking about him and Unk is an attempt by the Japanese Navy, which did not control the Government, to float an idea of a ceasefire, return to 41 start lines, no concessions in China, no occupation and no disarmament. At no time did the ACTUAL government of Japan offer to surrender, not even after 2 ATOMIC bombs. The Emperor had to over rule the army which controlled the Government order a surrender and then the Army staged a Coup to try and stop that.
Excellent post, thank you.

They initially thought FDR was not serious about his murderous unconditional surrender requirement. When they put out feelers threw third parties asking for surrender terms IN 1943, FDR responded with fuck you. They continued asking for surrender terms in 44 and 45. Only to get the same response. Naturally, they concluded that FDR and Truman wanted to exterminate all of Japan. Thus resulting in the despite and suicidal efforts of the army and Air Force.


Is there a reason why you do not provide a link to back up your wild claims about Japan being a peace-seeking nation led by reasonable good and civilized people seeking while America was led by demonic evil warmongers? Just asking.
Americans need to come to the realization that the bombings of civilians was really mass murder, not unlike what Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were guilty of.

Great column on the subject.

The Atomic Bombing of Japan, Reconsidered
By Alan Mosley

January 2, 2019

Russia’s move, in fact, compelled the Japanese to consider unconditional surrender; until then, they were only open to a conditional surrender that left their Emperor Hirohito some dignity and protections from war-crimes trials. Ward concludes that, as in the European theatre, Truman didn’t beat Japan; Stalin did.

Harry Truman never expressed regret publicly over his decision to use the atomic bombs. However, he did order an independent study on the state of the war effort leading up to August of 1945, and the strategic value of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. In 1946, the U.S. Bombing Survey published its findings, which concluded as follows: “Based on a detailed investigation of all the facts and supported by the testimony of the surviving Japanese leaders involved, it is the Survey’s opinion that certainly prior to 31 December 1945 and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.” This is an intensive condemnation of Truman’s decision, seeing as Russia did enter the war, and that plans for an invasion had been developed.

As Timothy P. Carney writes for the Washington Examiner, the fog of war can be a tricky thing. But if we’re forced to side with Truman, or Eisenhower and the other dissenting military leaders, the Eisenhower position isn’t merely valid; it actually aligns better with some fundamental American values. Given all the uncertainty, both at the time and with modern historical revisionism, it’s better to look to principle rather than fortune-telling. One principle that should be near the top of everyone’s list is this: it’s wrong to target civilians with weapons of mass destruction. The deliberate killing of innocent men, women, and children by the hundreds of thousands cannot be justified under any circumstances, much less the ambiguous ones Truman encountered. Whether his decision was motivated by indignation toward Japanese “ pigheadedness” or concern for his troops, Truman’s use of such devastating weapons against non-combatants should not be excused. Americans must strive for complete and honest analysis of the past (and present) conflicts. And if she is to remain true to her own ideals, America must strive for more noble and moral ends—in all conflicts, domestic and foreign—guided by our most cherished first principles, such as the Golden Rule. At the very least, Americans should not try so hard to justify mass murder.

The Atomic Bombing of Japan - LewRockwell
Compares with Nazi Germany? Really?
Yes. Mass murder is mass murder whether in a gas chamber or by fire bombing and a-bombing cities full of women and children.
I can't defend a horrible act of war, no one should especially with hindsight.

I'd still say there is quite a difference between a tough call on a bombing you know will kill people while wanting to reduce the death toll of your own while in a war, and a systemic plan of ethnic cleansing/genocide. One evil is far worse than the other imho.

The leaders of the United States wanted to end the war without more casualties on their side. The leaders of Nazi Germany started a war with intent of eliminating classes and races of people by the tens of millions.

If you can't see the difference I don't know what to tell you.
That is logical, but wrong in this instance. Japan sought surrender terms well before Truman committed his criminal act. Logic would dictate that you accept their surrender, ending the slaughter and destruction. Sadly, logic was not implemented.
sure they did--that's why they surrendered long before 15 Aug 1945
That is logical, but wrong in this instance. Japan sought surrender terms well before Truman committed his criminal act. Logic would dictate that you accept their surrender, ending the slaughter and destruction. Sadly, logic was not implemented.
What? "surrender terms" does not equal surrender. They didn't surrender even after the first bomb was dropped!
He originally c;laimed that all the Japanese Government ask for was a promise that we would not hang the Emperor. Of course that is a bald faced lie. And when called on it he has stopped claiming it. What they are talking about him and Unk is an attempt by the Japanese Navy, which did not control the Government, to float an idea of a ceasefire, return to 41 start lines, no concessions in China, no occupation and no disarmament. At no time did the ACTUAL government of Japan offer to surrender, not even after 2 ATOMIC bombs. The Emperor had to over rule the army which controlled the Government order a surrender and then the Army staged a Coup to try and stop that.
Excellent post, thank you.

They initially thought FDR was not serious about his murderous unconditional surrender requirement. When they put out feelers threw third parties asking for surrender terms IN 1943, FDR responded with fuck you. They continued asking for surrender terms in 44 and 45. Only to get the same response. Naturally, they concluded that FDR and Truman wanted to exterminate all of Japan. Thus resulting in the despite and suicidal efforts of the army and Air Force.


Is there a reason why you do not provide a link to back up your wild claims about Japan being a peace-seeking nation led by reasonable good and civilized people seeking while America was led by demonic evil warmongers? Just asking.
he's living in fairytale-make -believe land
That is logical, but wrong in this instance. Japan sought surrender terms well before Truman committed his criminal act. Logic would dictate that you accept their surrender, ending the slaughter and destruction. Sadly, logic was not implemented.
What? "surrender terms" does not equal surrender. They didn't surrender even after the first bomb was dropped!
He originally c;laimed that all the Japanese Government ask for was a promise that we would not hang the Emperor. Of course that is a bald faced lie. And when called on it he has stopped claiming it. What they are talking about him and Unk is an attempt by the Japanese Navy, which did not control the Government, to float an idea of a ceasefire, return to 41 start lines, no concessions in China, no occupation and no disarmament. At no time did the ACTUAL government of Japan offer to surrender, not even after 2 ATOMIC bombs. The Emperor had to over rule the army which controlled the Government order a surrender and then the Army staged a Coup to try and stop that.
Excellent post, thank you.

They initially thought FDR was not serious about his murderous unconditional surrender requirement. When they put out feelers threw third parties asking for surrender terms IN 1943, FDR responded with fuck you. They continued asking for surrender terms in 44 and 45. Only to get the same response. Naturally, they concluded that FDR and Truman wanted to exterminate all of Japan. Thus resulting in the despite and suicidal efforts of the army and Air Force.


Is there a reason why you do not provide a link to back up your wild claims about Japan being a peace-seeking nation led by reasonable good and civilized people seeking while America was led by demonic evil warmongers? Just asking.
Done it a dozen times over the years here. Search my posts and you will be enlightened, but only if you can accept the truth.

It amazes me how small minded some Americans are. They just accept their lying government’s word.
That is logical, but wrong in this instance. Japan sought surrender terms well before Truman committed his criminal act. Logic would dictate that you accept their surrender, ending the slaughter and destruction. Sadly, logic was not implemented.
What? "surrender terms" does not equal surrender. They didn't surrender even after the first bomb was dropped!
He originally c;laimed that all the Japanese Government ask for was a promise that we would not hang the Emperor. Of course that is a bald faced lie. And when called on it he has stopped claiming it. What they are talking about him and Unk is an attempt by the Japanese Navy, which did not control the Government, to float an idea of a ceasefire, return to 41 start lines, no concessions in China, no occupation and no disarmament. At no time did the ACTUAL government of Japan offer to surrender, not even after 2 ATOMIC bombs. The Emperor had to over rule the army which controlled the Government order a surrender and then the Army staged a Coup to try and stop that.
Excellent post, thank you.

They initially thought FDR was not serious about his murderous unconditional surrender requirement. When they put out feelers threw third parties asking for surrender terms IN 1943, FDR responded with fuck you. They continued asking for surrender terms in 44 and 45. Only to get the same response. Naturally, they concluded that FDR and Truman wanted to exterminate all of Japan. Thus resulting in the despite and suicidal efforts of the army and Air Force.


Is there a reason why you do not provide a link to back up your wild claims about Japan being a peace-seeking nation led by reasonable good and civilized people seeking while America was led by demonic evil warmongers? Just asking.
...and you have some nerve asking me for links, when I have been trying to educate you for a decade now. Do you come to this forum NEW every day?
What? "surrender terms" does not equal surrender. They didn't surrender even after the first bomb was dropped!
He originally c;laimed that all the Japanese Government ask for was a promise that we would not hang the Emperor. Of course that is a bald faced lie. And when called on it he has stopped claiming it. What they are talking about him and Unk is an attempt by the Japanese Navy, which did not control the Government, to float an idea of a ceasefire, return to 41 start lines, no concessions in China, no occupation and no disarmament. At no time did the ACTUAL government of Japan offer to surrender, not even after 2 ATOMIC bombs. The Emperor had to over rule the army which controlled the Government order a surrender and then the Army staged a Coup to try and stop that.
Excellent post, thank you.

They initially thought FDR was not serious about his murderous unconditional surrender requirement. When they put out feelers threw third parties asking for surrender terms IN 1943, FDR responded with fuck you. They continued asking for surrender terms in 44 and 45. Only to get the same response. Naturally, they concluded that FDR and Truman wanted to exterminate all of Japan. Thus resulting in the despite and suicidal efforts of the army and Air Force.


Is there a reason why you do not provide a link to back up your wild claims about Japan being a peace-seeking nation led by reasonable good and civilized people seeking while America was led by demonic evil warmongers? Just asking.
Done it a dozen times over the years here. Search my posts and you will be enlightened, but only if you can accept the truth.

It amazes me how small minded some Americans are. They just accept their lying government’s word.
Just admit these are conspiracy theories rolling around in your delusional mind and you are unable to provide any real or reliable links to your preposterous claims designed to bad mouth and bash America and some American leaders you hate.

America decided that with the development of a superweapon, the atomic bomb, they would not risk losing one more American life, and certainly not hundreds of thousands or a million defeating the enemy that began the war in a surprise attack.
What? "surrender terms" does not equal surrender. They didn't surrender even after the first bomb was dropped!
He originally c;laimed that all the Japanese Government ask for was a promise that we would not hang the Emperor. Of course that is a bald faced lie. And when called on it he has stopped claiming it. What they are talking about him and Unk is an attempt by the Japanese Navy, which did not control the Government, to float an idea of a ceasefire, return to 41 start lines, no concessions in China, no occupation and no disarmament. At no time did the ACTUAL government of Japan offer to surrender, not even after 2 ATOMIC bombs. The Emperor had to over rule the army which controlled the Government order a surrender and then the Army staged a Coup to try and stop that.
Excellent post, thank you.

They initially thought FDR was not serious about his murderous unconditional surrender requirement. When they put out feelers threw third parties asking for surrender terms IN 1943, FDR responded with fuck you. They continued asking for surrender terms in 44 and 45. Only to get the same response. Naturally, they concluded that FDR and Truman wanted to exterminate all of Japan. Thus resulting in the despite and suicidal efforts of the army and Air Force.


Is there a reason why you do not provide a link to back up your wild claims about Japan being a peace-seeking nation led by reasonable good and civilized people seeking while America was led by demonic evil warmongers? Just asking.
...and you have some nerve asking me for links, when I have been trying to educate you for a decade now. Do you come to this forum NEW every day?
You have NEVER .linked to anything except a book that is not proof of anything. At least Unk linked to a verifiable source document even if it does not say what he claims it says.
He originally c;laimed that all the Japanese Government ask for was a promise that we would not hang the Emperor. Of course that is a bald faced lie. And when called on it he has stopped claiming it. What they are talking about him and Unk is an attempt by the Japanese Navy, which did not control the Government, to float an idea of a ceasefire, return to 41 start lines, no concessions in China, no occupation and no disarmament. At no time did the ACTUAL government of Japan offer to surrender, not even after 2 ATOMIC bombs. The Emperor had to over rule the army which controlled the Government order a surrender and then the Army staged a Coup to try and stop that.
Excellent post, thank you.

They initially thought FDR was not serious about his murderous unconditional surrender requirement. When they put out feelers threw third parties asking for surrender terms IN 1943, FDR responded with fuck you. They continued asking for surrender terms in 44 and 45. Only to get the same response. Naturally, they concluded that FDR and Truman wanted to exterminate all of Japan. Thus resulting in the despite and suicidal efforts of the army and Air Force.


Is there a reason why you do not provide a link to back up your wild claims about Japan being a peace-seeking nation led by reasonable good and civilized people seeking while America was led by demonic evil warmongers? Just asking.
Done it a dozen times over the years here. Search my posts and you will be enlightened, but only if you can accept the truth.

It amazes me how small minded some Americans are. They just accept their lying government’s word.
Just admit these are conspiracy theories rolling around in your delusional mind and you are unable to provide any real or reliable links to your preposterous claims designed to bad mouth and bash America and some American leaders you hate.

America decided that with the development of a superweapon, the atomic bomb, they would not risk losing one more American life, and certainly not hundreds of thousands or a million defeating the enemy that began the war in a surprise attack.
See? You consider the truth a conspiracy theory. sad. Very sad.
He originally c;laimed that all the Japanese Government ask for was a promise that we would not hang the Emperor. Of course that is a bald faced lie. And when called on it he has stopped claiming it. What they are talking about him and Unk is an attempt by the Japanese Navy, which did not control the Government, to float an idea of a ceasefire, return to 41 start lines, no concessions in China, no occupation and no disarmament. At no time did the ACTUAL government of Japan offer to surrender, not even after 2 ATOMIC bombs. The Emperor had to over rule the army which controlled the Government order a surrender and then the Army staged a Coup to try and stop that.
Excellent post, thank you.

They initially thought FDR was not serious about his murderous unconditional surrender requirement. When they put out feelers threw third parties asking for surrender terms IN 1943, FDR responded with fuck you. They continued asking for surrender terms in 44 and 45. Only to get the same response. Naturally, they concluded that FDR and Truman wanted to exterminate all of Japan. Thus resulting in the despite and suicidal efforts of the army and Air Force.


Is there a reason why you do not provide a link to back up your wild claims about Japan being a peace-seeking nation led by reasonable good and civilized people seeking while America was led by demonic evil warmongers? Just asking.
...and you have some nerve asking me for links, when I have been trying to educate you for a decade now. Do you come to this forum NEW every day?
You have NEVER .linked to anything except a book that is not proof of anything. At least Unk linked to a verifiable source document even if it does not say what he claims it says.
Linked dozens and dozens and dozens of times. The proof is easy to find, but when you are dumb, statist, and a pussy, the truth is too much for you to accept.
Excellent post, thank you.

They initially thought FDR was not serious about his murderous unconditional surrender requirement. When they put out feelers threw third parties asking for surrender terms IN 1943, FDR responded with fuck you. They continued asking for surrender terms in 44 and 45. Only to get the same response. Naturally, they concluded that FDR and Truman wanted to exterminate all of Japan. Thus resulting in the despite and suicidal efforts of the army and Air Force.


Is there a reason why you do not provide a link to back up your wild claims about Japan being a peace-seeking nation led by reasonable good and civilized people seeking while America was led by demonic evil warmongers? Just asking.
...and you have some nerve asking me for links, when I have been trying to educate you for a decade now. Do you come to this forum NEW every day?
You have NEVER .linked to anything except a book that is not proof of anything. At least Unk linked to a verifiable source document even if it does not say what he claims it says.
Linked dozens and dozens and dozens of times. The proof is easy to find, but when you are dumb, statist, and a pussy, the truth is too much for you to accept.
You have NEVER linked to anything other then a book with no evidence no citations no source documents just hearsay. Meanwhile I linked to ACTUAL source documents from Japan and the US. Unk did too..... of course his link does not support his claim at all but at least he found a source that is verifiable and fact based.
Excellent post, thank you.

They initially thought FDR was not serious about his murderous unconditional surrender requirement. When they put out feelers threw third parties asking for surrender terms IN 1943, FDR responded with fuck you. They continued asking for surrender terms in 44 and 45. Only to get the same response. Naturally, they concluded that FDR and Truman wanted to exterminate all of Japan. Thus resulting in the despite and suicidal efforts of the army and Air Force.


Is there a reason why you do not provide a link to back up your wild claims about Japan being a peace-seeking nation led by reasonable good and civilized people seeking while America was led by demonic evil warmongers? Just asking.
...and you have some nerve asking me for links, when I have been trying to educate you for a decade now. Do you come to this forum NEW every day?
You have NEVER .linked to anything except a book that is not proof of anything. At least Unk linked to a verifiable source document even if it does not say what he claims it says.
Linked dozens and dozens and dozens of times. The proof is easy to find, but when you are dumb, statist, and a pussy, the truth is too much for you to accept.
If reliable realistic scholarly and historically accepted links are so easy to find why don't you post them?

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