The two ends of the political spectrum are killing us

I wouldn't say that although I do understand your feeling on the two party's....Too many times in the recent past Republican's have either caved to spending measures in order to claim bi partisanship. They haven't stuck to core conservative principles such as less taxation, less regulation, and reducing the size, and scope of the federal government....At the same time you have admire the Democrats for playing the long game.

They (Dems) have never backed away from continuing to spend freely for their own agenda, while at the same time labeling Republican's as the obstructers....

All we can do is continue to hold the politician's we vote for accountable at the ballot box, that is our role...We didn't get into this mess overnight, it won't be solved overnight...

As a Constitutional Conservative, I am for less government, lower taxation, strong, well funded military, and less regulation that allows business to continue to provide the opportunity that made the American dream great...

I have come to respect your opinion over time, not because you're against both parties, but rather because unlike some others in here, who claim to be where you are, but focus their attacks at only one faction of one party, you have posted at BOTH sides....That is what an independent should do.

Anyway, I hope that makes sense....
Thank you and I agree with most of that but not all. I believe our ridiculous military spending and numerous foreign interventions will be our demise, just as has happened to all prior militaristic empires.
your apathy is just another GOP brainwash I fear. Who do you actually vote for? of course we could make progress and help the middle class and the working class again after 42 years of GOP giveaway to the rich. Do you think a living wage cheap college health care taxing rich their fair share great infrastructure and vacations make no difference? we are all socialists now And the only thing left to do is decide to do that for a change. Socialism is simply fair capitalism and always democratic for you brainwashed GOP base idiots whoops oops..... Every Socialist in the world and every socialist party in every democracy has always been that. don't believe what the Nazis and communists say LOL.

Oh please you silly nitwit ... I don't like the Republicans any more than the Democrats.
The apathy comes from the fact that in most cases ... I know the candidate I vote for will lose ... Or even worse ...
Facilitate the possibility of ending up with the worst possible candidate actually winning ... Because I didn't vote for their opposition.

I am not worried about a living wage ... And would never advise anyone to pursue a meager existence.
I am about as far from a Socialist as anyone can get ... I am damn sure not a Modern Conservative though ...
Because they aren't very Conservative.

I can be altruistic ... But I don't waste money sending it through Government to get where it needs to go ...
just so shitstains can feel better about themselves because they voted for someone.
And ... You don't need to explain Capitalism to me.

How about you just go be a good little Democrat or Progressive and get in line ...
Hold out your soup bowl dreaming about something delicious ... Someone will fill it for you ...
You'll learn to love it and sing their praises.

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It's always very possible to misjudge anybody and I certainly don't see all your posts, but I have honestly never seen a post by you in which you objected to or condemned or didn't support a pro Democrat statement or policy or piece of legislation. If I missed something pertinent to the contrary I will acknowledge that.

Conversely I have never seen any post by you in which you approved or praised or supported a Republican or Patriot (the two are not interchangeable) in any statement or policy or piece of legislation unless they were trashing a fellow Republican or Patriot. And you are quick to criticize or label people like me in very partisan and/or personal ways.

And that is why I reasonably infer a situation in which you are on the left while I am pretty solidly on the right side of the political spectrum.

And my posts on this thread have focused on concepts, values, laws, liberty vs government control, etc. I am a classical liberal meaning I am opposed to most leftist initatives. Like Black Sand I am a constructionist and constitutionalist and also a Patriot in that I share a common goal and vision of a strong, free, secure, prosperous America with tens of millions of other people whether or not I agree with them on every policy or opinion.

P.S. The Democrat Party pretty much supports everything defeating that goal and vision and the Republican Party has not been entirely supportive or helpful either. But the GOP platform is so much closer to that Patriot goal and vision than are the Democrats, most Patriots do register as Republican though many register Libertarian or Independent.
Yes yes, we know you are a brainwashed functional moron typical GOP base voter, Tax the rich again and invest in America again and end total GOP crap like the election steel vaccine hoax global warming hoax pedophilia Etcetera Etcetera Etcetera Etcetera, hater dupe...


Oh please you silly nitwit ... I don't like the Republicans any more than the Democrats.
The apathy comes from the fact that in most cases ... I know the candidate I vote for will lose ... Or even worse ...
Facilitate the possibility of ending up with the worst possible candidate actually winning ... Because I didn't vote for their opposition.

I am not worried about a living wage ... And would never advise anyone to pursue a meager existence.
I am about as far from a Socialist as anyone can get ... I am damn sure not a Modern Conservative though ...
Because they aren't very Conservative.

I can be altruistic ... But I don't waste money sending it through Government to get where it needs to go ...
So shitstains can feel better about themselves because they voted for someone.
And ... You don't need to explain Capitalism to me.

How about you just go be a good little Democrat or Progressive and get in line ...
Hold out your soup bowl dreaming about something delicious ... Someone will fill it for you ...
You'll learn to love it and sing their praises.

blah blah blah. at any rate you don't vote Democratic So you are misinformed and voting against your own interests have those of your family and friends. Are you old enough to even remember the 60s, the last time the Democrats had power real power. The GOP is pure giveaway to the rich and bs... The economy does better under the Democrats. All we have today is a GOP Mess
the problem is that Fox and Internet conspiracy nuts, the GOP propaganda machine, have a whole other universe based on total BS. There was no election steal, vaccine hoax, global warming hoax, pedophilia et cetera et cetera- everything the GOP base knows is pure imaginary garbage from people that don't even believe what they're saying, as we just found out. And when I say we I mean people who watch actual news and live in the real world
Yes, there is a lot of truth in what you say. In any war, both sides exaggerate the evils of the enemy.

And in the US, the base of the Right is 'low-information'. There are a lot of grifters preying on them. A good analysis of this situation, by someone on the Right, can be found here, in the essay "Liberals read, conservatives watch TV" [ Liberals Read, Conservatives Watch TV ]

However, it's not as simple as smart Lefties and dumb Righties.

First of all, those who follow, or even were on, the Left for the last 50 years know that the 'left-of-liberals-Left' (say, The Nation magazine leftwards) have always claimed that the government lies, and the mainstream media back up the government.

That's how we got into Vietnam ('Tonkin Gulf incident' [ Gulf of Tonkin incident - Wikipedia ], and how the invasion of Iraq was justified. For nearly 20 years, we were told that we were making steady progress in Afghanistan. So it's ironic to hear Lefties saying that we should now believe the government and MSM.

You list four issues where the Right believes nonsense:
election steal, vaccine hoax, global warming hoax, pedophilia

I don't think the 2020 national election (or the 2022 Arizona election) was stolen. However, it's understandable for ordinary Trump voters to be skeptical about mainstream media assurances on this: they saw massive Trump rallies, and anemic Biden rallies.

And there were some unusual statistical anomalies around that election, reported here:
[ Biden’s Inexplicable Victory - Chronicles ]

The problem is, we KNOW the the Mainstream Media is partisan in the stories they choose to report (including all the hoaxes, from those Catholic boys in Washington to Jesse Smollet), and the stories they choose to cover up.

It's like the little boy who cried wolf. So when the liberal media and liberal 'fact-checkers' obsessively attach the word 'baseless' to Trump's claims, they don't have the convincing power they once would have had. This is too bad, but it's not our fault.

As for Covid and the vaccine, note that originally anyone who raised the possibility that the virus was a 'leak' from a Chinese bio-warfare lab was dismissed with sneering contempt by 'the establishment'. The scientific evidence was 'overwhelming', etc etc. Here's the 'fact checker' Snopes:

Since SARS-CoV-2 was first named in January 2020 and subsequently declared a pandemic, conspiracy theorists [ COVID-19 Is a Serious Threat ... But So Are Memes Claiming It's NOT ] have peddled notions [ Was the COVID-19 Pandemic Planned in Rockefeller's 'Operation Lockstep'? ] that the virus was made in a lab [ Misinformation on coronavirus is proving highly contagious ] and intentionally released as a biological weapon [ The Origins and Scientific Failings of the COVID-19 'Bioweapon' Conspiracy Theory ] despite rigorous scientific research [ The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2 - Nature Medicine ] proving otherwise.

So ... only kooky rightwing "conspiracy theorists" thought the virus might be made in a lab. There was "rigorous scientific research proving otherwise."

But now, evidently the FBI and CIA have become kooky rightwing conspiracy theorists.

Do you understand why people on the Right might not be blindly trusting of the Official Line anymore?

I have not followed closely the arguments about vaccine effectiveness, whether children should have been vaccinated (and kept out of school), whether lockdowns were justified, the efficacy of masks, and vaccine injury. I did find the Swedish response interesting.

However, I don't think that skepticism about the 'official line' in the US is at all unjustified. For example, there seems to be a re-appraisal going on now about whether the extent of the measures taken was justified.

Of course, mixed in with various degrees of skepticism about vaccine effectiveness, the cost-benefit ratio of extreme lockdown measures, vaccine danger ... is the nutty stuff about Bill Gates and the WEF plotting to depopulate the world. It's a shame that we cannot trust the government for reliable information, but it's where we are.

As for anthropogenic global warming. Again, there seems to be a lot of room for rational skepticism -- not about the raw fact of warming, but about its cause, its extent and above all projections of what will happen based as the century wears on, based on computer models.

Are all AGW skeptics slack-jawed redneck Trump supporters, who couldn't tell a second-order partial differential equation from the label on their beer bottle?

Well, here's one of them, physicist Steven Koonin:

Born in Brooklyn, New York City, Koonin graduated from high school at the age of 16, received his Bachelor of Science from the California Institute of Technology and his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology under the supervision of Arthur Kerman in the MIT Center for Theoretical Physics. In 1975, Koonin joined the faculty of the California Institute of Technology as an assistant professor of theoretical physics becoming one of their youngest ever faculty, and served as the institute's provost from 1995 to 2004.

In 2004, Koonin joined BP as their chief scientist, where he was responsible for guiding the company's long-range technology strategy, particularly in alternative and renewable energy sources. He was tapped for the position of Under Secretary for Science at the United States Department of Energy by Steven Chu, Obama's Secretary of Energy, and served from May 19, 2009, to November 18, 2011. Koonin left in November 2011 for a position at the Institute for Defense Analyses. In 2012, he was appointed the founding director of NYU's Center for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP).[

He has served on numerous advisory bodies for the National Science Foundation, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Energy and its various national laboratories, such as the JASON defense advisory group, which he has chaired. Koonin's research interests have included theoretical nuclear, many-body, and computational physics, nuclear astrophysics, and global environmental science.

Here's a book by him, for anyone interested in a serious examination of the other side of the AGW argument:
Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn't, and Why It Matters.
(I'm reading this book right now. I looked for serious critical reviews of it before I started, but couldn't find any. If anyone knows of one (or more), I'd be grateful for the links.)

Finally, as for paedophilia. Certainly, there are plenty of loony conspiracy theories circulating on the Right. In another post, I mentioned a particularly crazy one involving 'Red Shoes' made from the flesh of children.

But ... there is no doubt that there is a tendency on the Left working to destroy what they see as the final taboo of capitalist society, all of whose other beliefs are, as they see it, just a reflection of power relations designed and implemented to keep the ruling elite in power.

Thus, a US Socialist Workers Party activist, the late David Thorstad, started the North American Man Boy Love Association [NAMBLA] in the late 1970s, and a similar group, the Paedophile Information Exchange [PIE], was started in the UK.

NAMBLA was accepted as a member of the International Gay and Lesbian Association, which has consultative status with the UN. However, many gay people changed their mind about co operating with paedophiles, and the IGLA expelled NAMBLA in 1994. In the UK, a similar evolution happened with PIE: at first acceptance on the Left, but later rejection.

These people are still around, just not as visible. They're not stupid, and learned something from their original 'coming out' forty years ago. Now they work step by step, behind the scenes. "Drag Queen Story Hour" is just a first step towards the sexualization of children.

Note: there is an excellent organization working against these people: Gays Against Groomers.They don't think that concern about paedophiles is just a Fox News fantasy pushed out to an audience of gullible Trump supporters. Here's what they say:

Gays Against Groomers is a coalition of gay people who oppose the recent trend of indoctrinating, sexualizing and medicalizing children under the guise of “LGBTQIA+”​

Our community that once preached love and acceptance of others has been hijacked by radical activists who are now pushing extreme concepts onto society, specifically targeting children in recent years.

The overwhelming majority of gay people are against what the community has transformed into, and we do not accept the political movement pushing their agenda in our name.

Gays Against Groomers directly opposes the sexualization and indoctrination of children. This includes drag queen story hours, drag shows involving children, the transitioning and medicalization of minors, and gender theory being taught in the classroom.

The activists, backed by school boards, government, woke media, and corporations, have been speaking on our behalf for too long. When fighting for equality, our goal was to successfully integrate ourselves into society, but now these radicals aim to restructure it entirely in order to accommodate a fringe minority, as well as seek to indoctrinate children into their ideology.
[ Gays Against Groomers ]

So, in summary. Yes, the Right has a problem with unfounded nutty theories believed by a lot of its base.

But these theories have not sprung out of nowhere. They're based on a well-justified skepticism about the veracity of what the Deep State/Work Corporations/Mainstream Media tell us about important issues.

That's the problem with lying. Once you realize someone has told you one lie, you stop automatically believing anything they say, even if it's true.
In war, you have to think with your brain, not your intestines.

The US allied with Communists to destroy Nazis.

It allied with one kind of Communist to oppose another kind. We even trained Communist pilots to fly our fighter jets, which we gave to these Communists.

[ Yugoslav Air Force - Wikipedia ]

In war, you do what you have to do in order to win.

You look for contradictions in the enemy camp and try to open them up. You try to pull neutrals into being allies, even weak allies. You try to pull the enemy's allies into neutrality.

The Left is not monolithic. There are millions of rank and file Democrats who are deeply uneasy about the direction the Democratic Party is taking with respect to our culture. They like trade unions and workers compensation and Obamacare, but don't want their children interfered with by sexual deviants.

There are Black people who want their children to go to decent schools, and know that School Choice is the only way this is going to happen.

We can win them. You'll probably recognize the names of a couple of Democrats who defected to the Republican side in the past : One starts with "R" and ends with "N". The other starts with "T" and ends with "P".

There are also people who are conscious hard Leftists, but who are at odds with various aspects of Democratic policy: for example, over the war in Ukraine. Others don't like the Left's attack on free speech. Others don't like its attacks on the idea of reason and science and objective truth..

We need to seek ways to work with these people. We have to do whatever it takes to win.

Uh, not really.

Mac has been on this "Democrats are too far to the left" when Hillary was the candidate, and has even tried to portray her loss as "The left going too far". (When in fact, the reality was that too many people voted third party as a protest vote thinking everyone else wouldn't be stupid enough to let Trump win.)

The reality is, the best success Democrats had is when they ran Obama who was unashamedly leftist. You do better when you stand for something. The same can be said of Republicans, their best performance in recent years has been when they ran someone (Bush Jr.) who was unapologetically right wing.

Do the Partisans dominate both parties too much? Yes. But as Woody Allen once said, "90% of success is showing up." The partisans have say because they are the ones who contribute, who volunteer for campaigns, who walk a precinct getting the vote out, who drive the nice old lady next door to the polling place.

reasonable good at taking care of more pressing concerns.

Pretty good post for a radical.
I Take huge exception to the quoted part. They are an illegitimately installed regime (Voter fraud 2020) now sending us off a Fiscal cliff (we all know it). A Tyrannical regime.
Very short-sighted of you, long-term is very bleak.
It has no literally become "ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO NEST IN DC" yet you and your kind say "good job"? huh? The enemies of America have won the war without firing a shot.
Congratulations, they used you and your KLAN to do it. How can you look at American kids playing in the park knowing what you have set for their future?
Yes, there is a lot of truth in what you say. In any war, both sides exaggerate the evils of the enemy.

And in the US, the base of the Right is 'low-information'. There are a lot of grifters preying on them. A good analysis of this situation, by someone on the Right, can be found here, in the essay "Liberals read, conservatives watch TV" [ Liberals Read, Conservatives Watch TV ]

However, it's not as simple as smart Lefties and dumb Righties.

First of all, those who follow, or even were on, the Left for the last 50 years know that the 'left-of-liberals-Left' (say, The Nation magazine leftwards) have always claimed that the government lies, and the mainstream media back up the government.

That's how we got into Vietnam ('Tonkin Gulf incident' [ Gulf of Tonkin incident - Wikipedia ], and how the invasion of Iraq was justified. For nearly 20 years, we were told that we were making steady progress in Afghanistan. So it's ironic to hear Lefties saying that we should now believe the government and MSM.

You list four issues where the Right believes nonsense:

I don't think the 2020 national election (or the 2022 Arizona election) was stolen. However, it's understandable for ordinary Trump voters to be skeptical about mainstream media assurances on this: they saw massive Trump rallies, and anemic Biden rallies.

And there were some unusual statistical anomalies around that election, reported here:
[ Biden’s Inexplicable Victory - Chronicles ]

The problem is, we KNOW the the Mainstream Media is partisan in the stories they choose to report (including all the hoaxes, from those Catholic boys in Washington to Jesse Smollet), and the stories they choose to cover up.

It's like the little boy who cried wolf. So when the liberal media and liberal 'fact-checkers' obsessively attach the word 'baseless' to Trump's claims, they don't have the convincing power they once would have had. This is too bad, but it's not our fault.

As for Covid and the vaccine, note that originally anyone who raised the possibility that the virus was a 'leak' from a Chinese bio-warfare lab was dismissed with sneering contempt by 'the establishment'. The scientific evidence was 'overwhelming', etc etc. Here's the 'fact checker' Snopes:

So ... only kooky rightwing "conspiracy theorists" thought the virus might be made in a lab. There was "rigorous scientific research proving otherwise."

But now, evidently the FBI and CIA have become kooky rightwing conspiracy theorists.

Do you understand why people on the Right might not be blindly trusting of the Official Line anymore?

I have not followed closely the arguments about vaccine effectiveness, whether children should have been vaccinated (and kept out of school), whether lockdowns were justified, the efficacy of masks, and vaccine injury. I did find the Swedish response interesting.

However, I don't think that skepticism about the 'official line' in the US is at all unjustified. For example, there seems to be a re-appraisal going on now about whether the extent of the measures taken was justified.

Of course, mixed in with various degrees of skepticism about vaccine effectiveness, the cost-benefit ratio of extreme lockdown measures, vaccine danger ... is the nutty stuff about Bill Gates and the WEF plotting to depopulate the world. It's a shame that we cannot trust the government for reliable information, but it's where we are.

As for anthropogenic global warming. Again, there seems to be a lot of room for rational skepticism -- not about the raw fact of warming, but about its cause, its extent and above all projections of what will happen based as the century wears on, based on computer models.

Are all AGW skeptics slack-jawed redneck Trump supporters, who couldn't tell a second-order partial differential equation from the label on their beer bottle?

Well, here's one of them, physicist Steven Koonin:

Here's a book by him, for anyone interested in a serious examination of the other side of the AGW argument:
Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn't, and Why It Matters.
(I'm reading this book right now. I looked for serious critical reviews of it before I started, but couldn't find any. If anyone knows of one (or more), I'd be grateful for the links.)

Finally, as for paedophilia. Certainly, there are plenty of loony conspiracy theories circulating on the Right. In another post, I mentioned a particularly crazy one involving 'Red Shoes' made from the flesh of children.

But ... there is no doubt that there is a tendency on the Left working to destroy what they see as the final taboo of capitalist society, all of whose other beliefs are, as they see it, just a reflection of power relations designed and implemented to keep the ruling elite in power.

Thus, a US Socialist Workers Party activist, the late David Thorstad, started the North American Man Boy Love Association [NAMBLA] in the late 1970s, and a similar group, the Paedophile Information Exchange [PIE], was started in the UK.

NAMBLA was accepted as a member of the International Gay and Lesbian Association, which has consultative status with the UN. However, many gay people changed their mind about co operating with paedophiles, and the IGLA expelled NAMBLA in 1994. In the UK, a similar evolution happened with PIE: at first acceptance on the Left, but later rejection.

These people are still around, just not as visible. They're not stupid, and learned something from their original 'coming out' forty years ago. Now they work step by step, behind the scenes. "Drag Queen Story Hour" is just a first step towards the sexualization of children.

Note: there is an excellent organization working against these people: Gays Against Groomers.They don't think that concern about paedophiles is just a Fox News fantasy pushed out to an audience of gullible Trump supporters. Here's what they say:

[ Gays Against Groomers ]

So, in summary. Yes, the Right has a problem with unfounded nutty theories believed by a lot of its base.

But these theories have not sprung out of nowhere. They're based on a well-justified skepticism about the veracity of what the Deep State/Work Corporations/Mainstream Media tell us about important issues.

That's the problem with lying. Once you realize someone has told you one lie, you stop automatically believing anything they say, even if it's true.

I don't think the 2020 national election (or the 2022 Arizona election) was stolen.
Stop reading here. file this guy in the loony bin like another MAC. Do you wear a dress too? Go into 12 yr. old girls bathrooms? you would have to be a complete Imbecile not to have seen the statistical analysis or the ATL video or AZ, PA, MI, WISC stories. 2020 & 2022.
not re-hasing it again.
No one is forcing anyone to take African American studies or... how many drag Queens do you think there are. so far you're actually talking about parents taking their kids to see drag musicals which have nothing to do with sex. real people too and not pedophiles anymore than bigots are LOL. you're propaganda is so hateful and stupid it is total disgrace...
I think you must be replying to someone else. I didn't mention 'African American studies'.

As for 'Drag Queen Story Hour', you literally don't know what you're talking about.
I've discussed the advance of paedophiles within the Left in another post. I suggest you have a look at this website -- Gays Against Groomers .

In the meantime, think about this. Twenty years ago, unthinkable. Today, a fringe event. Ten years from now, the norm.


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the establishment media is better known as journalism and reality even if it is Corporate and No real defense against Republicans.... all the TV networks and newspapers around the world also agree with the facts as seen by CNN&MSNBC and absolutely decry the election steal and all the other conspiracies about vaccines and global warming, and misinformation about how much the rich pay in taxes.
You like state run media. Lol.
Has it occurred to you that the reason why the country can worry about the Karashians is because government is reasonable good at taking care of more pressing concerns.
You're a statist douchebag, to be sure, but that's actually a good point. I've always seen voter apathy as a good sign. In fact, the high voter turnout in the last couple of elections is a strong indicator of just how bad things are.
Stop reading here. file this guy in the loony bin like another MAC. Do you wear a dress too? Go into 12 yr. old girls bathrooms? you would have to be a complete Imbecile not to have seen the statistical analysis or the ATL video or AZ, PA, MI, WISC stories. 2020 & 2022.
not re-hasing it again.
This is a self-refuting post. Perhaps you're letting your repressed desires inject themselves into your writings.

As for the 'stolen election'. I believe that if there was serious evidence that it was stolen, we would have had 500 Republican lawyers on the case. But they had a look at the evidence and realized it was nonsense.

What happened, I believe, is that Trump -- a repulsive and unintelligent narcissist (although I do understand that for some people, precisely these qualities make them feel that finally, their kind is being represented), repelled a lot of Republican voters. So they didn't vote for him -- perhaps even voted Democratic -- but did vote Republican down-ticket.

In Arizona, Kari Lake told McCain Republicans to "get out". So they did. They voted Republican down ticket, and didn't vote for her.

Our side represents -- not "is" -- the bottom half of America, the people whom globalization is destroying -- good Americans, but without the benefits, such as they are, of a college education. Liberals sneer at them. The 'woke' college kids positively hate them -- pure class war stuff. But their instincts are sound. Our country is being destroyed from within and they see that.

Unfortunately, we have some low-IQ people in the mix, with all the bigotry and aggressive stupidity that the Left attribute to all of us. Although they are unaware of it, they're one of the Left's secret weapons within our ranks -- sort of the equivalent of the followers of Al Sharpton on the other side. It's people like this that eagerly took the bait on 6 January and helped the Left win a huge victory.

Never mind! Every just cause in history has had a few such albatrosses around its neck.
That's the problem with lying. Once you realize someone has told you one lie, you stop automatically believing anything they say, even if it's true.
I stopped listening to our government decades ago for this very reason

There is no dif in my mind betwixt Trump or Biden, AOC or MTG

Given their history , it's hard for me to read the partisan kool aid

But hey, it's still a free country......mmmmaybe......
I stopped listening to our government decades ago for this very reason

There is no dif in my mind betwixt Trump or Biden, AOC or MTG

Given their history , it's hard for me to read the partisan kool aid

But hey, it's still a free country......mmmmaybe......
What patriots need to do, first, is to individually, personally, prepare to be able to get through a catastrophic failure of the system, however it's caused. We're very dependent on a complex 'supply chain' -- we need to be able to survive its disruption for a few weeks.
Lots of good websites on this, although really, it's common sense: water, food, heat if necessary, prescription medicine reserve, your own source of electricity for small things like a radio. You and your family. Some plans -- what to do if one of you is at work when TSHTF, etc. And of course a cordless 5.56 drill or two, and a few filled magazines.

Then ... organize with like-minded neighbors. Everybody gets a couple of Baofengs and practices using them. There's a good Youtube video on how. Then practice ... just being able to communicate among everyone in the group without the phone system is a step forward. Then do some necesary collective things: first aid course, inventory of who's got what specialize kit -- chain saw, cutting torch, etc.

If you can get up to 25 people who can meet regularly, you're away. Start specializing: medical, comms, engineering, transport, logistics, intel. And plan, plan, plan. What will we do if ...

Something is better than nothing. And don't let the best be the enemy of the good.

The people at United States County Preparedness Teams seem to know what they're doing. Lots of free resources there as well.

The great enemy is 'Normalcy Bias' -- the assumption we make that because today is like yesterday, this Sunday is like last Sunday ... that this will continue indefinitely. It may, but a look at human history shows that there has ALWAYS been some sort of severe disruption of normalcy after a period of time.

Americans have been lucky -- our disruptions have been localized -- riots, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods. Since they were localized, the enormous resources of the surrounding, undisrupted society could be focussed on the area needing help. But what if we're all hit at once?
I don't agree with your opinions on the Left and the economy. My 22+ years in the industry tell me something different. Yes, I put more blame on the Left for the border issue.

You don't understand my opposition to Trumpism, and given your behavior so far, I'm not inclined to get into it again. I already know what to expect, and that would be one boring conversation for me.

I think someone like you would be better off dealing with a hardcore left winger, so that the two of you can trade lies and personal insults.

Run away then, thanks for admitting you can't answer the questions brought in your own thread. Maybe you should quit wasting everyone's time?

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