The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

Boris Johnson has said that World War II was won by the West and Ukraine.
Johnson is a vivid embodiment of modern European politicians. Filthy lying idiots on a leash of the USA.
Boris Johnson has said that World War II was won by the West and Ukraine.
Johnson is a vivid embodiment of modern European politicians. Filthy lying idiots on a leash of the USA.
So Boris agrees with Khrushchev and Stalin.

Nikita Khrushchev, who led the Soviet Union from 1953 to 1964, agreed with Stalin’s assessment. In his memoirs, Khrushchev described how Stalin stressed the value of Lend-Lease aid: “He stated bluntly that if the United States had not helped us, we would not have won the war.”

Footage has been published of the first strike of the Russian kamikaze drone "Lancet" on the Ukrainian Stridsvagn 122 tank made in Sweden. In total, Ukraine received 10 such vehicles. The Strv 122 tank is a Swedish modification of the German Leopard 2A5 tank. The main change was the addition of armor to the tank, with tungsten, ceramic and plastic elements. A new fire control system was also developed for the tank. As a result of the Lancet drone strike, near Stelmakhovka on the Kupyansk sector of the front, a fire started in the tank.

Russia is preparing new engines for T-80 tanks. In Russia, following the resumption of production of T-80 tanks, the production of GTD-1250 gas turbine engines will also be revived. For now, the Kaluga Engine plant is restoring the engines of T-80 tanks, but preparations are already beginning for the production of new engines for tanks. Presenter Alexey Egorov visited the plant and showed the process of creating parts for new engines, casting molds and creating the impeller of the first stage of a gas turbine engine. Now the plant plans to begin producing engines with a capacity of 1,500 hp by 2025. Tankers love to drive T-80 tanks, as they are powerful, easy to start and allow you to quietly get close to the enemy at a distance of 100 to 200 meters, the sound of the tank at the beginning of the video. There are many opponents of the production of gas turbine engines for tanks, but gas turbine engines are also installed on American M1 Abrams tanks. The fact is that with the same power as a diesel engine, a gas turbine engine has less weight, is reliable and less noisy, and starts better at low temperatures. It is also worth noting tens of times less oil consumption. The disadvantages of these engines are high cost, difficulty of maintenance and high fuel consumption. According to test results, the T-80 tank had 60-80% more fuel consumption than the T-64 and T-72 tanks. Since the appearance of the first T-80 tanks in 1976, they were equipped with GTD-1000T engines with a power of 1000 hp; from 1980 to 1986, modifications of the GTD-1000TF engines were produced for the T-80B and T-80BV tanks with a power of 1100 hp .hp, since 1986, the GTD-1250 modification for T-80U tanks with a power of 1250 hp went into production; this modification is now the main one and is installed on all T-80 tanks. There were also GTD-1400 engines, this is the serial GTD-1250 engine with a short-term power boost to 1400 hp. And the GTD-1500 “product 39” engine with a power of 1500 hp, created using the latest materials. In total, more than 10,000 tanks with GTD-1000T/1250 engines were produced

The production of Kinzhal hypersonic missiles has been increased in Russia. Russia has increased the production of hypersonic Kinzhal missiles; even according to early data, Russia had about 80 Kinzhal missiles in May. Rocket production increased fivefold, to 10 units per month. The 9-S-7760 missile, also called the Kh-47M2, was developed by the Kolomna Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau, probably based on the 9M723 ballistic missile of the Iskander complex. The Kinzhal rocket uses a dual-mode launch-propulsion solid-fuel rocket engine. The missile control system is presumably an autonomous inertial one with correction based on satellite navigation data, possibly with data from a radar map of the area. Target search is carried out by an all-weather homing head. Many experts believe that the Kinzhal missile is equipped with 8 decoys, and because of this and its enormous speed, it is difficult to shoot down the missile. At the moment, there are no facts of interception of this missile. Earlier, Vitali Klitschko reported that the missile was intercepted, but the fragments of the missile resemble the BetAB-500ShP bomb. The missile has a flight range of 3,000 kilometers at speeds of up to 14,000 kilometers per hour, and the probable circular deviation from the missile target is 1 meter. The warhead of the rocket weighs 500 kg, the weight of the rocket is about 5000 kg. The cost of the Kinzhal missile is still unknown; it is presumably comparable to the cost of one or two of the most modern anti-missile missiles.

The production of the Stugna-P ATGM has been increased in Ukraine, an overview of the complex. Ukraine has quadrupled the production of the Stugna-P anti-tank missile system, this was announced by the Minister for Strategic Industries of Ukraine Alexander Kamyshin. The Stugna-P ATGM was adopted by the Ukrainian Army in 2011. We can say this is a successful development of the military industrial complex of Ukraine. The ATGM is exported under the name Skif; it is a Ukrainian-Belarusian development. The ATGM is equipped with a semi-automatic laser beam guidance system. It is also possible to control the rocket from a remote control from a closed position. The missile can be programmed to attack from above the target, from a height of 10 meters, or directly. When attacked from above, the missile may miss, American experts reported this to Forbes. The main advantage of the ATGM is the use of a wired remote control for the missile. The remote control allows the ATGM crew to work from a closed position via a television channel, this is convenient and the ATGM crew is safe. The ATGM flight range, when using 152 mm RK-2M-K missiles, is up to 5500 meters, penetration is up to 1100 mm of homogeneous steel. When using a 130 mm RK-2S missile, armor penetration is about 800 mm. The weight of the ATGM with the missile is 90 kg. The price of the Stugna-P ATGM is about 20 thousand dollars.

So Boris agrees with Khrushchev and Stalin.

Nikita Khrushchev, who led the Soviet Union from 1953 to 1964, agreed with Stalin’s assessment. In his memoirs, Khrushchev described how Stalin stressed the value of Lend-Lease aid: “He stated bluntly that if the United States had not helped us, we would not have won the war.”

Solovyov explains that moscow 🇷🇺 🐐 ulus constantly wages wars because God said so.
Large-scale training of Russian Marine Corps snipers. Personnel training Russian Marine Corps snipers of the Russian Pacific Fleet. Group commander Yary explains the features of tactical and fire training of snipers. Snipers are trained to work at a range of up to 1.5 kilometers. A sniper takes about a month to learn shooting, but training to work competently as a sniper lasts from 3 to 8 years.

A cheap projectile for kamikaze drones was created in Russia. Now in Russia, many companies and individuals are developing FPV kamikaze drones, everyone is trying to reduce the cost of their drones, but no one is trying to reduce the cost of the ammunition that FPV drones use. Drones mainly use PG-7 series ammunition with a penetration of 500 mm of armor, used in the RPG-7 grenade launcher. Russian developers have developed a cheaper projectile for drones, based on unguided aircraft missiles

Assembly of the Russian BMP-3 at the plant. The Kurganmashzavod plant published footage of the assembly of the Russian BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle. Not the entire assembly process is shown, but some of its episodes are visible. The upgraded BMP-3s are equipped with the Cape camouflage system, which reduces the vehicle's visibility in the optical, thermal and radar ranges. Added a modern Sodem sight for the gunner of the vehicle operator. To enhance protection, the vehicles received additional armor screens and grilles. It is possible that dynamic protection is installed based on new 4C24 elements, invisible under the protective cape, we previously talked about them. The BMP body is made of aluminum; after assembly, the vehicle is checked at the test site, the firing of the guns, the operation of the mechanisms and the tightness of the vehicle. It is unknown how many infantry fighting vehicles are assembled per month; after studying the data, it is possible that it is about 20 new ones and about 15 vehicles are being modernized. Now the plant has increased production rates, the plant is working around the clock, the assembly speed of the BMP-3 has increased by 2.5 times.

Strikes of 4 Russian Caliber missiles at the Yuzhmash plant of Ukraine. Footage of Russian Kalibr cruise missiles hitting the Ukrainian Southern Machine-Building Plant in the city of Dnepropetrovsk. According to reports, the plant was hit by four missiles in total; you can see the missile strikes in the video. As a result of the impact, a strong fire broke out at the Yuzhmash plant. This is confirmed by a number of Ukrainian sources with reference to the head of the Dnepropetrovsk regional

The use of the KBA-118 mortar by the Ukrainian army, review. Footage of the use of the KBA-118 mortar by the Ukrainian army has been published. The KBA-118 mortar with a 60-mm caliber was developed at the Kiev design bureau "Artillery Armament" and was first shown in 2013. The KBA-118 mortar is in service with Ukrainian special forces and is also used by airborne units. The maximum firing range of the mortar is 1500 meters, the rate of fire is up to 20 rounds per minute. Mortar weight 12.5 kg. The weight of the mines used is 1.33 kg, the mines and mortar comply with NATO standards.

Russian military plant "Tactical missile weapons". The execution of a state defense order at one of the Russian military enterprises in the Moscow region was checked by the Russian Minister of Defense. The production workshops of the Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation were inspected. The enterprise is quite serious, as it was noticed that the production of the Kh-31PD aircraft anti-radar missile was being carried out. And the 9-A-7759 missile and bomb complex, these are guided and gliding bombs of the “Grom” family. The 9-A-7759 guided missile is based on the Kh-38 multi-purpose missile and can hit targets at a distance of up to 120 km. The company also produces aluminum planning modules for FAB-500 M-62 aerial bombs; more details about them are in the link to the video in the comments to the video. The video shows a worker explaining how planning modules are made for FAB-500 M-62 aerial bombs. The plant is reportedly operating around the clock and production of some missiles has been increased 5-fold.

Russia's strike weapons are FAB-500M62 gliding bombs. Russian aviation began to actively use the FAB-500M62 aerial bomb, equipped with a planning module; it became the main weapon of the Russian army. The advantages of aerial bombs with gliding modules are that the mass of the combat load in the bomb reaches approximately 70% of the launch mass, while in a similar rocket it is only 15-20%. Examples of using a bomb are in the link to the video in the comments to the video. The FAB-500 M62 high-explosive bomb was put into service in 1962 and contains 213 explosives. The bomb is simple in design and made of cast iron, while the cost of the FAB-500 M62 bomb is only 300 thousand rubles or $3,100. The height of bomb release is usually from 570 meters to 12 kilometers, with a release speed from 500 to 1900 km/h. The use of this bomb with a planning module allows for strikes at ranges of up to 70 kilometers. After the bomb explodes, a crater is left up to 8 meters in diameter and 3 meters deep. The radius of the bomb is about 250 meters.

Drone "Gadfly" with homing to targets. The Russian FPV drone "Gadfly" received a target homing system developed using neural networks. Reportedly, the system allows you to attack both static and dynamic targets, the accuracy of its use is about 90%. The updated drone received a new propeller group and software. The cost of the Gadfly drone is about 40 thousand rubles or 480 dollars.

Ukrainian marine drone Sea Baby. The Security Service of Ukraine published photos and videos of its sea drone Sea Baby, which means “Sea Baby” in Russian. At the moment, it turns out that this is already the third type of maritime drones in Ukraine. Apparently, Ukraine has begun to actively develop its naval drones; in the absence of a fleet, this is a completely logical decision. There is practically no information about the drone; it is known that the drone is controlled via satellite Internet and is equipped with 450 kilograms of explosives.


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