The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

What triggered this war is unwillingness of Russian 'elites' to recognize a fact that instead of 'borderlands', a Russian periphery, fake nations and artificial states there are sovereign states in Eastern Europe with their rights on existence.
Jesus are you uninformed, but I knew that.

No NATO for Ukraine. No war in Ukraine. It’s really that simple you simpleton.
What triggered this war is unwillingness of Russian 'elites' to recognize a fact that instead of 'borderlands', a Russian periphery, fake nations and artificial states there are sovereign states in Eastern Europe with their rights on existence.
The following is lengthy and difficult for a Nazi Neocon to read, but will get you informed.

The Neocon project to topple Putin and Nulandize Russia has backfired terribly. The plan began with engineering the Kiev coup and installing an obedient govt the Neocons could control.

They then armed Ukraine to the teeth and just let nazionalists do what comes to nazionalists naturally, which is persecute and slaughter disobedient minorities. Soon after grabbing power they began conducting provocations against the ethnic Russian population in eastern Ukraine. That population wanted nothing to do with the nazionalists running the country, so they broke away and declared independence.

The Donetsk and Luhansk breakaway humiliated the nazionalists terribly, so Kiev mounted a military campaign to suppress them. That didn't go well, and ultimately, over the better part of decade, with aid from Russia, the separatists prevailed. Crimea fared much better thanks to geography, holding a vote and reuniting with the Russian Federation in a whirlwind process.

Then in late 2021, early 2022, the nazionalists were gearing up for an operation to overthrow the separatist governments, having amassed a force of 60,000 near Donbass for the job. The nazionalists didn't want the actual population and would have been fine with just killing everyone and/or deporting them all, but rightfully it was ethnic Russian land and the residents were going to fight for it.

Putin was stuck between a rock and a hard place. The Russian public had been demanding the Kremlin to do something about the plight of Donbass people for many years, and if Putin had not come to their defense his reputation would have suffered badly, and indeed was suffering.

The pivotal event in this history was the Kiev coup, of which Nuland played the key role. The Neocon plot all along has been to destabilize Russia, topple Putin, engineer a "Moscow Maidan," and repeat what they did to Ukraine. Russia is an incredibly resource wealthy country and the Neocons have been lusting after it ever since the collapse of the USSR.

The Neocons knew that poking the bear would eventually draw a response and finally it worked. That was the signal to trigger the massive sanctions regime, which the Neocons were absolutely certain would result in the destabilization of Russia, the overthrow of Putin and a death blow to the economy. What they didn't count on was Russia insulating itself from the effects of sanctions, a process that started in 2014 after the annexation of Crimea. While the sanctions did give Russia some trouble, the pain was quickly dealt with and Russia was able to rapidly shift markets. Probably nobody is surprised how well it went more than Putin himself.

Now 430,000 Ukrainian corpses (and counting) are pushing up daisies and experiencing the eternal dirt nap, and no single person in history has done more damage to Ukraine than Neocon utensil Victoria Nuland. The Neocon's lust to "get Putin" has resulted in the biggest crisis in Europe in a generation and the destruction of a country.

If there ever was a person who should rot behind bars for the rest of her life, it's Miss Piggy.

What triggered this war is unwillingness of Russian 'elites' to recognize a fact that instead of 'borderlands', a Russian periphery, fake nations and artificial states there are sovereign states in Eastern Europe with their rights on existence.
Do you have wet dreams of Victoria Nuland?
Not necessarily - fact is that Russia since 2014 and especially since 2022 has turned into an authoritarian state. Many people try to cover up the issue of their own countries being fake democracies (factually ruled/controlled by fascist minded groups) and therefore love to use the term Fascist onto authoritarian ruled countries (makes them feel better and more righteous).

Which is okay by me, since I consider e.g. China and India to be authoritarian states as well.
Aside from a single country on this planet "Switzerland" all other countries are either fake democracies or authoritarian ruled countries.
I disagree with much of your post but I'm not going to pick through the whole thing pointing out what I agree with and what I don't. I do want to say that I agree wholeheartedly with your sentence that I have marked in bold text, however, they are officially called "Full Democracies" (of which only one really is), "Flawed Democracies", and downright "Shitholes".
As for:

The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.​

Everyone knows that to be true - especially those who deny it.
You have no arguement from me.
German freelance journalist Anna Loll, who works for the ZDF TV channel (the second "button" in Germany), called the residents of the Donetsk People's Republic "subhumans" (Untermenschen).

The ZDF journalist interviewed her former compatriot Alina Lipp, who moved to Russia in 2021 and now runs a bilingual Telegram channel about life in Donbass (the channel has about 200,000 subscribers). Frau Loll outlined her vision of the situation in eastern Ukraine in the conversation:

"You talk about this war and suffering. But why does this suffering exist? Who is killing these subhumans and why are they being killed? Of course, it is unacceptable that they are dying. But you have to keep in mind that the backstory is this: there was a Russian occupation of the administrative buildings. This is what served as the trigger for almost the entire conflict."
Alina Lipp responded to the German journalist:

"It is quite obvious that you have false information, because first there was a coup in the Ukrainian government."
Already after the conversation, Alina Lipp expressed herself as follows:

"Germany after the Second World War diligently proved to the whole world the rejection of the ideology of fascism and the fight against it. But when an employee of a state channel in a normal conversation easily applies the fascist term "subhumans" to the definition of the people of Donbass, the question arises: who has Germany actually educated all this time inside its society, and what ideology does it impose on Germans?"
EADaily adds that in 1936, the Third Reich issued a pamphlet by Reichsfuehrer SS Himmler titled "Guard Units as a Combat Anti-Bolshevik Organization," which for the first time said:

"We will make sure that never again in Germany, the heart of Europe, can the Jewish-Bolshevik revolution of the subhumans (German: jüdisch-bolschewistische Revolution des Untermenschen) be ignited from within or through emissaries from outside."
And in propaganda bulletin No. 112, issued by the propaganda department of the Wehrmacht in June 1941 immediately after the attack on the USSR, the goals of the blitzkrieg were stated as follows:

"It is necessary to liquidate the Red subhumans together with their Kremlin dictators. The German people will have to fulfill the greatest task in its history, and the world will hear that this task will be accomplished to the end".
Hmm, why only the inhabitants of Donbass are untermenschen? Last time, in the 1940s, the Übermensch called all russians and jews that....
Ukraine's diplomacy takes a new high
Ukraine's ambassador to Israel Korniychuk said that Israel sees Ukraine as a competitor and therefore is in no hurry to support its war of liberation.
"Israel used to be the only country that suffered from the Holocaust wars and it turns out that there are other such countries.
German freelance journalist Anna Loll, who works for the ZDF TV channel (the second "button" in Germany), called the residents of the Donetsk People's Republic "subhumans" (Untermenschen).

The ZDF journalist interviewed her former compatriot Alina Lipp, who moved to Russia in 2021 and now runs a bilingual Telegram channel about life in Donbass (the channel has about 200,000 subscribers). Frau Loll outlined her vision of the situation in eastern Ukraine in the conversation:

"You talk about this war and suffering. But why does this suffering exist? Who is killing these subhumans and why are they being killed? Of course, it is unacceptable that they are dying. But you have to keep in mind that the backstory is this: there was a Russian occupation of the administrative buildings. This is what served as the trigger for almost the entire conflict."
Alina Lipp responded to the German journalist:

"It is quite obvious that you have false information, because first there was a coup in the Ukrainian government."
Already after the conversation, Alina Lipp expressed herself as follows:

"Germany after the Second World War diligently proved to the whole world the rejection of the ideology of fascism and the fight against it. But when an employee of a state channel in a normal conversation easily applies the fascist term "subhumans" to the definition of the people of Donbass, the question arises: who has Germany actually educated all this time inside its society, and what ideology does it impose on Germans?"
EADaily adds that in 1936, the Third Reich issued a pamphlet by Reichsfuehrer SS Himmler titled "Guard Units as a Combat Anti-Bolshevik Organization," which for the first time said:

"We will make sure that never again in Germany, the heart of Europe, can the Jewish-Bolshevik revolution of the subhumans (German: jüdisch-bolschewistische Revolution des Untermenschen) be ignited from within or through emissaries from outside."
And in propaganda bulletin No. 112, issued by the propaganda department of the Wehrmacht in June 1941 immediately after the attack on the USSR, the goals of the blitzkrieg were stated as follows:

"It is necessary to liquidate the Red subhumans together with their Kremlin dictators. The German people will have to fulfill the greatest task in its history, and the world will hear that this task will be accomplished to the end".
Hmm, why only the inhabitants of Donbass are untermenschen? Last time, in the 1940s, the Übermensch called all russians and jews that....
You are doing neither yourself nor the so called pro "Russian side" any favor by propagating an article that you knowingly or unknowingly took out of context.

Anna Loll is a very well known - radical (formerly a Green) and now a pro-Russian influencer running her own channel "News from Russia"- and is considered to be an expert in running disinformation campaigns. and certainly doesn't work for the ZDF. But has numerously been interviewed by the ZDF.
She intentionally referred to the Donbas people as being sub-humans - to highlight Russian radical views - proclaiming that Ukey Nazis are terming the Donbas people as such. And or trying to paint the German government that is supporting Kiev as being Nazi's.

I do not know as to where you got this quoted article from, nor it's true content.

Footage of the damaged Russian large landing ship "Minsk", project 775/II, has been published; we have technical information about these ships on our channel. The ship was damaged after an attack on Sevastopol by Ukrainian Storm Shadow cruise missiles, manufactured in Great Britain; information about these missiles is also available on the channel. As you can see in the video, the ship received significant damage and it will take a long time to restore it. On the same day, the diesel submarine B-237 "Rostov-on-Don" of project 636.3 "Varshavyanka" was also damaged; it was in dry dock for repairs. It is not yet known what damage the submarine received, most likely minor since it is protected by a durable hull. Despite the severe damage to the Minsk landing ship, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported that both ships would be repaired.

Footage of an attack by two Ukrainian FPV drones on a Russian T-72B3 tank, this is a modernization of the tank created in 2011. FPV drones were equipped with warheads from RKG-3EM hand-held cumulative grenades; the RKG-3EM series grenade is capable of penetrating up to 220 mm of armor. RKG-3 grenades were actively used in the Soviet army before the advent of the RPG-18 grenade launcher. Reportedly, this attack occurred in the Krasnolimansky direction, where two tanks stormed a stronghold of the Ukrainian army; for an unknown reason, the grenades mounted on the drones did not work. The video has been shortened.

The use of the Russian T-80BV tank as an artillery installation in Ukraine. As you know, there are practically no tank battles with each other in Ukraine; both sides use tanks as mobile artillery. The crew of the Russian T-80BV tank told how the tank works from closed firing positions, adjusting fire from a UAV.

When another liberal starts telling you how wonderful the Bandera people are, how civilized they are, and how they wear nazi symbols just for beauty, remember that we are talking about beasts who drowned a British idiot who came to fight for them.
Testing Russian tank protection against electronic warfare drones Breakwater. Presenter Alexey Egorov showed a video of tests of a new Russian system for protecting tanks from drones, the Volnorez electronic warfare system. Previously, we talked about the electronic warfare "Breakfast"; it has already entered service with the troops, but technical information about it is still not provided. The tests are carried out on a DJI civilian quadcopter, which is most often used for surveillance and reconnaissance, but the developers and presenter say that the Volnorez electronic warfare system also protects tanks from FPV drones. As can be seen from the video, the complex is working and the drone loses contact with the operator.

The Ukrainian fleet received British minesweepers Sandown, review of ships. Two former British minesweepers of the Sandown project, transferred to the Ukrainian fleet in 2021, have been accepted into the Ukrainian Navy. The ceremony took place on the day of celebration of the Ukrainian Navy. The commissioning ceremony of two mine defense ships M310 Chernigov and M311 Cherkasy was held in the UK in Glasgow. The Sandown type minesweepers began to be built in 1988; they are now in the fleets of Britain, Estonia and now Ukraine. The minesweepers continue to be in Britain and participated in the Sea Breeze 2023 exercise; they cannot arrive in Ukraine. Minesweepers of the "Sandown" type are designed to search and destroy sea mines using remotely controlled search vehicles; minesweepers do not have devices for minesweeping. To reduce magnetism, the ship's hull is made of reinforced fiberglass. The ship's mechanisms are isolated from the hull by mounting on shock absorbers. The ships are armed with a 30 mm combat module and three 12.7 mm machine guns. The crew of each ship is 45 people. The length of the minesweepers is 52.6 meters, displacement is 465 tons, speed is up to 13 knots with a diesel power plant. Cruising range 3000 miles.

An attempt to attack an MT-LB armored vehicle with a German DM-22 mine in Ukraine. The Russian MT-LB armored personnel carrier was almost hit by a German DM-22 mine from the Ukrainian army. Judging by the video, the mine fired at the wrong time, apparently due to an error by its operator or incorrect installation; the mine fired earlier and did not hit the MT-LB armored vehicle. The DM-22 anti-tank mine is usually installed along roads

A video of the use of the FAB-500M62 air bomb by Russian aviation has been published. A FAB-500 gliding bomb was struck by a temporary station for the Ukrainian army in Berislav.

The following is lengthy and difficult for a Nazi Neocon to read, but will get you informed.

The Neocon project to topple Putin and Nulandize Russia has backfired terribly. The plan began with engineering the Kiev coup and installing an obedient govt the Neocons could control.

They then armed Ukraine to the teeth and just let nazionalists do what comes to nazionalists naturally, which is persecute and slaughter disobedient minorities. Soon after grabbing power they began conducting provocations against the ethnic Russian population in eastern Ukraine. That population wanted nothing to do with the nazionalists running the country, so they broke away and declared independence.

The Donetsk and Luhansk breakaway humiliated the nazionalists terribly, so Kiev mounted a military campaign to suppress them. That didn't go well, and ultimately, over the better part of decade, with aid from Russia, the separatists prevailed. Crimea fared much better thanks to geography, holding a vote and reuniting with the Russian Federation in a whirlwind process.

Then in late 2021, early 2022, the nazionalists were gearing up for an operation to overthrow the separatist governments, having amassed a force of 60,000 near Donbass for the job. The nazionalists didn't want the actual population and would have been fine with just killing everyone and/or deporting them all, but rightfully it was ethnic Russian land and the residents were going to fight for it.

Putin was stuck between a rock and a hard place. The Russian public had been demanding the Kremlin to do something about the plight of Donbass people for many years, and if Putin had not come to their defense his reputation would have suffered badly, and indeed was suffering.

The pivotal event in this history was the Kiev coup, of which Nuland played the key role. The Neocon plot all along has been to destabilize Russia, topple Putin, engineer a "Moscow Maidan," and repeat what they did to Ukraine. Russia is an incredibly resource wealthy country and the Neocons have been lusting after it ever since the collapse of the USSR.

The Neocons knew that poking the bear would eventually draw a response and finally it worked. That was the signal to trigger the massive sanctions regime, which the Neocons were absolutely certain would result in the destabilization of Russia, the overthrow of Putin and a death blow to the economy. What they didn't count on was Russia insulating itself from the effects of sanctions, a process that started in 2014 after the annexation of Crimea. While the sanctions did give Russia some trouble, the pain was quickly dealt with and Russia was able to rapidly shift markets. Probably nobody is surprised how well it went more than Putin himself.

Now 430,000 Ukrainian corpses (and counting) are pushing up daisies and experiencing the eternal dirt nap, and no single person in history has done more damage to Ukraine than Neocon utensil Victoria Nuland. The Neocon's lust to "get Putin" has resulted in the biggest crisis in Europe in a generation and the destruction of a country.

If there ever was a person who should rot behind bars for the rest of her life, it's Miss Piggy.

View attachment 828780
It's not over, there's much more to the pathology. Hunter Biden introduced Metabiota to Burisma.

Huff gets is wrong and references Dilyana Gaytandzhieva (blacklisted by Bulgaria) who gets it right. Recall The Pentagon's black marionette traveling to Bulgaria just as Putin sent a Kinzhal into the Lviv region.

'DTRA's Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP) is the program that funded the biological labs in Ukraine....There is a fair amount of what appears to be foreign propaganda mixed into Ukrainian US funded biolab discourse. One of these examples includes a DTRA CBEP Biological Threat Reduction Program on past tick exposure, which is hardly nefarious and is well intended, in my opinion (120).

(120) Dilyana Gaytandzhieva "Documents Expose US Biological Experiments On Allied Soldiers in Ukraine and Georgia," 25 Jan 2022
(Huff, The Truth About Wuhan, pp. 151 & 281)

Huff seems unaware of key points.

1.) Georgia is representative of a country whereby the proven vector of SARS1, raccoon dogs, has increased in population since it entered the country.

2.) The tick connection is not simply for raccoon dogs. Furin-like cleavage motifs have been found in ticks on Long Island, just south of where Huff was employed by Eco Health Alliance.

3.) The first human in the world to sequence SARS2 was Beijing CDC's Yong-Zhen Zhang, who also published on the fatal ticks of China, including the ones that vector SFTS (severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome) virus.

4.) The SFTS tick link is the Heartland virus (fatal in Missouri and Tennessee).

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