The U.S. Continues to pay for the Mistakes of The Bush Administration

It's annoying isn't it. When, just because someone disagrees, they accuse you of 'faux' outrage, or 'astroturf'.... I like to call it 'what goes around, comes around.'

If our rage is 'faux', then so is yours - life with it.

And stop whining.


Telling me how I supposedly feel and a rally that has been built up by certain groups is two different things. However, you once again just enter this thread to attack myself and go off-topic.

I'm not whining, if Obama did something like this you'd be bitching from here to Kingdom Come. I suggest you take a long hard look in the mirror.

Note: Consistency - Get some.
“I hope every woman in this country, whether they agree with Roe or they disagree with Roe, whether they themselves would make one decision or another, will come together and say: Pro-choice means that the Government respects the individual, and isn't that really what our country is all about?”
Sen. Barbara Boxer

"Roe vs. Wade is based on a woman's fundamental right to privacy, a value that all Americans cherish. It established that decisions about whether to have a child do not and should not rest with the government. A woman -- in consultation with her family, her physician, and her faith -- is best qualified to make that decision. (2005) " Nancy Pelosi

The reason why I put those there is to show that when people point fingers and act put off as has Nancy Pelosi has when it comes to those that express their 1st Amendment rights especially on the healthcare legislation and then make statements like the one above it would seem that they should start with themselves before pointing those fingers.
“I hope every woman in this country, whether they agree with Roe or they disagree with Roe, whether they themselves would make one decision or another, will come together and say: Pro-choice means that the Government respects the individual, and isn't that really what our country is all about?”
Sen. Barbara Boxer

"Roe vs. Wade is based on a woman's fundamental right to privacy, a value that all Americans cherish. It established that decisions about whether to have a child do not and should not rest with the government. A woman -- in consultation with her family, her physician, and her faith -- is best qualified to make that decision. (2005) " Nancy Pelosi

The reason why I put those there is to show that when people point fingers and act put off as has Nancy Pelosi has when it comes to those that express their 1st Amendment rights especially on the healthcare legislation and then make statements like the one above it would seem that they should start with themselves before pointing those fingers.

In other words? Ploy to get the spotlight off themselves...the word I belive is projection, and phrase is 'slight of hand'. It is so wonderfully practiced.

Pay attention to what I say, but NOT what I do as in their case. Sad that too many fall for it.
The Dems fixed Bush by outspending him, and staying in Iraq and Afghanistan, in addition to trying to shove the healthcare ripoff down our throats. Saw a NH breakdown of the stimulus, 2000 government jobs, and 150 jobs for the shovel ready crew. That's it. Guess what? Now the state taxpayers are responsible for the additional teachers and government employees future salaries. Yeehaa! Glad to see GM walk away from their environmental hazard sites, and guess what, the taxpayer now owns the cleanup, GM off scot-free. Please, just keep the Obama good news coming. Can we borrow more money from China? 10% unemployment and rising, gee, thanks Obama.
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In other words? Ploy to get the spotlight off themselves...the word I belive is projection, and phrase is 'slight of hand'. It is so wonderfully practiced.

Pay attention to what I say, but NOT what I do as in their case. Sad that too many fall for it.

I'm pretty sure we all got what he said the first time. :eusa_whistle:
Threads like dogbreath's is why I say there's nothing left to talk about. I'm polarized against idiot's like him, and he's polarized against America and Her Freedom's. We'll never agree, and the only cure for America is to rid it's self from these idiot's for good.
I wonder at what point does this retro-active look back at Bush ends or is it that the election in 2000 is so part of the minds of the average democrat that even the word Bush has become a bad word now? While republicans spent time on Clinton they eventually got over the Clinton issues and now look on him as a figure of history much like the "former" president is now. As what point do democrats take ownership as they have been in power in both houses now for several years and in the White House for almost a year. It does appear that some democrats might be happier with bush back in office because it would at least give them something to complain about? So can we stop the "blame Bush" for everything from uncooked fries to a flat tire on your car and move now?

it won't end. it the ongoing song of the rabid America hating lunatic left.

I try to figure out why you say those things.

There was a time when American stood for freedom and people saw America as THE example for rule of law.

After invading Iraq and turning it into a right wing theocratic extremist religious country. After failing to get Bin Laden. After the rendition (or kidnapping) of more than 3,000 foreign nationals that included torture, the rest of the world grew afraid of the US.

That automatically makes us less safe. When others are afraid of you, you become less safe, it's just common sense.

How can those on the right complain that the left hates America when the right turned American from a beacon of freedom to a bully other countries have become "afraid" of?

Every time someone on the right says, "Screw those other countries, we don't care what they think", they prove that they understand what they have done. What kind of people are they? To have changed America so much, that proves it is THEY who hate America. They want a different kind of America.
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Threads like dogbreath's is why I say there's nothing left to talk about. I'm polarized against idiot's like him, and he's polarized against America and Her Freedom's. We'll never agree, and the only cure for America is to rid it's self from these idiot's for good.

So you're saying I should be killed then? And I'm not against America and her Freedoms. In fact, I'm defending them in this case.
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Threads like dogbreath's is why I say there's nothing left to talk about. I'm polarized against idiot's like him, and he's polarized against America and Her Freedom's. We'll never agree, and the only cure for America is to rid it's self from these idiot's for good.

So you're saying I should be killed then? And I'm not against America and her Freedoms. In fact, I'm defending them in this case.

Don't we all love to paint each other as the extremist? Now I'm a coward, because I didn't salivate, waiting for your learned rebuttal? My chance to again say ... what did I say?
Why do you have the perspicacity of VA. Yank?:eusa_hand:
OtterCreek is a coward. Do you wish to have Dogbert and others "eliminated" because they disagree with you, and have the majority to enact the people's will?

You lost the election. Elections have consequences. And this is yours.
Don't we all love to paint each other as the extremist? Now I'm a coward, because I didn't salivate, waiting for your learned rebuttal? My chance to again say ... what did I say?
Why do you have the perspicacity of VA. Yank?:eusa_hand:

You just said the cure for America is to rid itself of idiots and said I was a idiot. So therefore, you want to see me killed. Either step up and admit it or go back to watching youtube videos about your batshit insane conspiracy theories.

I'm defending America's freedoms, you want to see me killed for doing so. :eusa_eh:
OtterCreek is a coward. Do you wish to have Dogbert and others "eliminated" because they disagree with you, and have the majority to enact the people's will?

You lost the election. Elections have consequences. And this is yours.

It's a extreme form of "I'm taking my toys and going home" statement. Instead of taking their toys, they want to shoot the person that people that made it possible for them to lose their leadership.
OtterCreek is a coward. Do you wish to have Dogbert and others "eliminated" because they disagree with you, and have the majority to enact the people's will?

You lost the election. Elections have consequences. And this is yours.

It's a extreme form of "I'm taking my toys and going home" statement. Instead of taking their toys, they want to shoot the person that people that made it possible for them to lose their leadership.

With you, I think a sock and some duct tape would work just fine, Dogbert. :lol:
With you, I think a sock and some duct tape would work just fine, Dogbert. :lol:

If I had said I wish people like Sarah Palin should be killed, you'd be in the thread bitching so fast.
America ridding it's self of Idiot's like dogbreath and jake fashion has nothing to do with shooting people. That's just the way you paint your opposition to circle jerk your hate America agenda.
A man who abuses his wife, thinks he's doing it for just cause, but in the end is just a hateful P.O.S. that needs to be locked up, like you.
America ridding it's self of Idiot's like dogbreath and jake fashion has nothing to do with shooting people. That's just the way you paint your opposition to circle jerk your hate America agenda.
A man who abuses his wife, thinks he's doing it for just cause, but in the end is just a hateful P.O.S. that needs to be locked up, like you.

I was quoting you, I wasn't making shit up.

So now you compare me to a domestic abuser and that I should be locked up?

For someone who's so much about our freedoms, you seem so quick to want to take away my 1st amendment freedom of speech. Not only that, but you highly distort my views.

So what is it? You want to see me thrown in jail and think I'm at the level of a man who beats his wife or you want to see me killed? Make up your mind.
Threads like dogbreath's is why I say there's nothing left to talk about. I'm polarized against idiot's like him, and he's polarized against America and Her Freedom's. We'll never agree, and the only cure for America is to rid it's self from these idiot's for good.

So you're saying I should be killed then? And I'm not against America and her Freedoms. In fact, I'm defending them in this case.

oh just where in the hell did she anything even remotely like "kill" DUmmie!
oh just where in the hell did she anything even remotely like "kill" DUmmie!

Threads like dogbreath's is why I say there's nothing left to talk about. I'm polarized against idiot's like him, and he's polarized against America and Her Freedom's. We'll never agree, and the only cure for America is to rid it's self from these idiot's for good.

"Rid it's self from these idiot's for good". Sounds like killing to me.
The U.S. Continues to pay for the Mistakes of The Bush Administration

America certainly is paying a huge cost for the mistakes of the Bush Administration. The highest cost is Obama. We'll be paying for that mistake for decades to come.

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