The U.S. Has No Conservative Party | Opinion

Good stuff. Many current 'republicans' have mutated into populist magaturds after the dawn of orange darkened their doorstep. Out of control spending and large government overreach are the goals of magaturds. They make democrats seem redundant at this point.
1. Somewhat agree.
2. Trump proved in 2016 that populism has more "GOP" voters than conservatism.
3. We will see in 2025 if the GOP wins sizable majorities in both houses if they really are fiscally conservative. With the current 2-seat majority in the House they really can't push any agenda without just shutting everything down.

We'll see in 2025.
There has not been a conservative party for decades. It took it last breath under Reagan, though it started dying long before that.

The last conservative president we had was a chap named Calvin.
Conservatism loses. Populism wins. Its not that complicated.
Conservatism loses. Populism wins. Its not that complicated.

yep, you are correct. It is not about issues, it is not about standards, it is not about convictions, it is about winning, that is the only thing that matter is for your beloved party to win
DeSantis is pretty close. The closest one on the ballot. But if you want true fiscal and constitutional conservatism, you need to look at guys like Chip Roy, Thomas Massie, Rand Paul (not as much as he was when he got elected, but still in the league). Also Mike Lee.

For an easy example, without having to dig through layers of voting records, I use the New American Freedom index. If they're above 92%, then you could say they're conservative. Anything below 85%, and they're RINO's.
It's not 100%. But very close. It's better than The Liberty Score.
So, in your humble opinion, which party, or philosophy does a better job running the Federal government?
yep, you are correct. It is not about issues, it is not about standards, it is not about convictions, it is about winning, that is the only thing that matter is for your beloved party to win
Stop whining. Look at what VOTERS base their votes on. What can you do to keep winning?
1. competence?
2. am I better off now than I was 4-years ago?
3. right-track or wrong-track?
4. Can I walk the streets and go shopping?
5. Are the borders closed and are we safer or more at risk?
6. Are we going to die on the hill called "abortion"?
Stop whining.

just stating the facts.

1. competence?

has not been an issue this century, none of them have been competent

am I better off now than I was 4-years ago?

there is no 4 year period on my adult life I was not better off than at the start of the 4 years

right-track or wrong-track?

Been on the wrong track for close to 40 years, it never changes no matter who wins

Can I walk the streets and go shopping?

never been an issue in my life

Are the borders closed and are we safer or more at risk?

same as they have been since the days of Reagan.
that is like asking who was the better NFL QB, Ryan Leaf or JaMarcus Russell
So you are saying that Trump's 4-years were the same as Biden's 4-years?
Their policies are like night and day. Their people are totally different.
Don't make me put up faces and names.
Pompeo 1st in his class at West Point
Navarro & Lightheizer
Nikki at the UN
A non-woke military
A real president driving the bus.

Look at senile Biden, his stupid VP, his failed foreign policies, his failed economic policies, his failed energy policies, I could keep going...
This is a good article that explains why us actual conservatives don't like Trump or much of what's going on with the GOP. Republicans run their campaigns on stopping the left and the lefts "out of control spending." But campaigning is about all they do. Once elected, they turn into exactly what they campaign against.

Actual conservatives are voters without a party.

The U.S. Has No Conservative Party | Opinion​

Ideology in the United States is an often muddled subject, not well understood by most, and usually confused with partisanship when people speak about it. In so doing, the common belief is that Democrats are liberal while Republicans are conservative, and each party represents the left and right ends of the spectrum respectively. This belief is so entrenched that most will use the partisan and ideological terms interchangeably, treating them as one and the same. However, the reality is that ideology isn't really a simple one-dimensional spectrum stretching from left to right, and in the United States, we don't really have a conservative party.


Knowing this, it now ought to be easy to see why the United States is truly without a conservative party and has been for decades. Republicans only ever campaign on the principle of limited government in the economy, but that is little more than lip service to a position they have never truly adhered to.

Nowhere is this Republican hypocrisy better evidenced than when it comes to the matter of government spending. In looking to the U.S. budget going as far back as Ronald Regan, we see a nearly four decade pattern of deficit spending under Republican presidents. Blowing up the national debt to finance an ever-growing government is not a conservative position, but it is a consistent result of what happens when a Republican is in the White House.

But they rightly pointed out in section 2:

“The Constitution gave Congress—not the president—the power to control spending”

So, while the president has a budget, the “power of the purse (I don’t really like that term but let’s go with it), rests with Congress.

The president can’t spend any money that Congress doesn’t approve of. So the real people to blame are whoever is in charge of Congress and passes the budget.
So you are saying that Trump's 4-years were the same as Biden's 4-years?
Their policies are like night and day. Their people are totally different.
I don't care which one is worse. They both suck. How hard is that to understand? Neither deserves my vote and neither will get it.
And yet, congressional Repubs sell themselves to their constituents as fiscal conservatives and their constituents buy it. The reality is fiscally conservative Repubs don't have a party because they don't reflect what people want. Their cake and to eat it too.
The Party of Trump is anything BUT conservative

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