The U.S. Has No Conservative Party | Opinion

We need to get a big enough majority to actually pass significant legislation.
There are always globalist GOP AHs (Like speaker Ryan) who block new initiatives.

That is the carrot they always use with you all, yet it just never seems to happen...but you will keep voting for them because you have been programmed to do so
Good stuff. Many current 'republicans' have mutated into populist magaturds after the dawn of orange darkened their doorstep. Out of control spending and large government overreach are the goals of magaturds. They make democrats seem redundant at this point.
MAGA is not populist. No populist would ever be against unions, no populist would kiss Putin's butt, no populist would favor massive tax cuts for the rich and getting rid of the estate tax. I am a populist, Bernie Sanders is as populist. All my life, 'populism' was seen as a leftist movement, not a right movement. The Green party was populist. Right wing populism is an oxymoron.
Worse case: they are better than a democrat majority.

Well done, you have just parroted what they have been programing into the two sides for the past 30 plus years.

As long as the faithful from both parties believe this, the power of the duopoly is unchallenged.

It is no longer about the good things a party has done, it is not just "well, we are not as bad as them".

This is why we are in the shit we are in, 30 plus years of picking the lesser of two evil has led use to where we are as a country.
Well done, you have just parroted what they have been programing into the two sides for the past 30 plus years.
As long as the faithful from both parties believe this, the power of the duopoly is unchallenged.
It is no longer about the good things a party has done, it is not just "well, we are not as bad as them".
This is why we are in the shit we are in, 30 plus years of picking the lesser of two evil has led use to where we are as a country.
So what's your point? That is how the democracy thing works.
So what's your point? That is how the democracy thing works.

No point at all, I am damn happy for you all that you can be so damn content choosing between being shot or being poisoned.

There are days when I honestly wish I could be like you all, life would be so much more simple.
Like most of the idiots people vote for. We've got to stop falling for the lesser-of-two-evils con. It's killing the nation.
That's the whole point. The political class controls everything so you HAVE no choice. Whichever "candidates" end up vying for office, they are BOTH political class.

Trumps election was an anomaly, but it showed me that we haven't had true choice in decades.
They control spending that's already law. FFS, the president is the one who signs all those spending bills into law to start with.

And the congress can't spend any money that the president doesn't approve of. This is why we have two branches of government overseeing the laws, so one can't completely dominate the other. Unless there's a veto override.

Trump only vetoed 1 spending bill in his entire 4 years. All those others, he signed into law.
Not untrue…so it would appear that both branches share some responsibility.
This is a good article that explains why us actual conservatives don't like Trump or much of what's going on with the GOP. Republicans run their campaigns on stopping the left and the lefts "out of control spending." But campaigning is about all they do. Once elected, they turn into exactly what they campaign against.

Actual conservatives are voters without a party.

The U.S. Has No Conservative Party | Opinion​

Ideology in the United States is an often muddled subject, not well understood by most, and usually confused with partisanship when people speak about it. In so doing, the common belief is that Democrats are liberal while Republicans are conservative, and each party represents the left and right ends of the spectrum respectively. This belief is so entrenched that most will use the partisan and ideological terms interchangeably, treating them as one and the same. However, the reality is that ideology isn't really a simple one-dimensional spectrum stretching from left to right, and in the United States, we don't really have a conservative party.


Knowing this, it now ought to be easy to see why the United States is truly without a conservative party and has been for decades. Republicans only ever campaign on the principle of limited government in the economy, but that is little more than lip service to a position they have never truly adhered to.

Nowhere is this Republican hypocrisy better evidenced than when it comes to the matter of government spending. In looking to the U.S. budget going as far back as Ronald Regan, we see a nearly four decade pattern of deficit spending under Republican presidents. Blowing up the national debt to finance an ever-growing government is not a conservative position, but it is a consistent result of what happens when a Republican is in the White House.
What is conservative?
This is a good article that explains why us actual conservatives don't like Trump or much of what's going on with the GOP. Republicans run their campaigns on stopping the left and the lefts "out of control spending." But campaigning is about all they do. Once elected, they turn into exactly what they campaign against.

Actual conservatives are voters without a party.

The U.S. Has No Conservative Party | Opinion​

Ideology in the United States is an often muddled subject, not well understood by most, and usually confused with partisanship when people speak about it. In so doing, the common belief is that Democrats are liberal while Republicans are conservative, and each party represents the left and right ends of the spectrum respectively. This belief is so entrenched that most will use the partisan and ideological terms interchangeably, treating them as one and the same. However, the reality is that ideology isn't really a simple one-dimensional spectrum stretching from left to right, and in the United States, we don't really have a conservative party.


Knowing this, it now ought to be easy to see why the United States is truly without a conservative party and has been for decades. Republicans only ever campaign on the principle of limited government in the economy, but that is little more than lip service to a position they have never truly adhered to.

Nowhere is this Republican hypocrisy better evidenced than when it comes to the matter of government spending. In looking to the U.S. budget going as far back as Ronald Regan, we see a nearly four decade pattern of deficit spending under Republican presidents. Blowing up the national debt to finance an ever-growing government is not a conservative position, but it is a consistent result of what happens when a Republican is in the White House.
There are very few fiscal conservatives.
What is conservative?

Do I have to explain it again? Seriously, I've already done that many many times.

Fiscal conservatives support a small, limited government that lives within it's means and only does what the constitution, as written, allows. Balanced budgets. Increasing or decreasing the value of the USD and/or taxes to maintain a healthy USD value.

It supports allowing free market capitalism to pick and choose it's own winners and losers. And the government should only provide protections for innocent victims. We support laws to punish those who create economic victims. Not laws or bailouts for those who didn't come out on top because their business failed. (GM, renewable companies & corporate bailouts for example)

We support not paying out so much that the debt ceiling has to be raised. We support balancing the budget NOW. Not kicking the can with one CR after another.

That's my short version.

WIKI's definition is pretty spot on.
Fiscal conservatism or economic conservatism is a political and economic philosophy regarding fiscal policy and fiscal responsibility with an ideological basis in capitalism, individualism, limited government, and laissez-faire economics. Fiscal conservatives advocate tax cuts, reduced government spending, free markets, deregulation, privatization, free trade, and minimal government debt.

Fiscal Conservatism

So what's your point? That is how the democracy thing works.

We're not a democracy or a republic any longer. Our elections may be democratic. But that's about as far as our democracy goes. "We the People" do not have authority over our politicians anymore. The lobbyist do.

And the way our elections are ran and influenced, they're not really elections any longer.
We're not a democracy or a republic any longer. Our elections may be democratic. But that's about as far as our democracy goes. "We the People" do not have authority over our politicians anymore.
We actually do. But we refuse to exercise it. All we have to do is stop voting for them.
We're not a democracy or a republic any longer. Our elections may be democratic. But that's about as far as our democracy goes. "We the People" do not have authority over our politicians anymore. The lobbyist do.
And the way our elections are ran and influenced, they're not really elections any longer.
1. Technically I think we are a constitutional republic, on paper anyway.
2. We still vote our reps in or out, but the info we use is manipulated by the MSM, and those pols.
3. Lobbyists have influence because they pay pols for their policy positions. Money talks.
4. Agree, elections went from bad to worse with mail-in ballots that can be manipulated and "harvested". We need voter IDs and signature matching.
We actually do. But we refuse to exercise it. All we have to do is stop voting for them.

That's like saying "All we have to do is get all 6 numbers right."

Here's how it works in most cases. Using my blue red state for example.

Almost no one here in AR supports omnibus spending bills or CR's. But each and everyone of our US congressmen and Senators vote YES on them, every time they come up. So the solution one might think is to vote them out.
This is where the propaganda and "fear" kicks in. Since there's almost no primary competition for any of these people, they slide right onto into the general election. And since their opponent is going to be a democrat, GOP loyalist are going to re elect the incumbent. Regardless of how left leaning his/her voting record is.
If by chance one of them has a serious primary challenger, the RNC will fund the incumbent, for 1. And 2, send down orders from on high to the local RNC chapters to ignore or dismiss any advances the challenger may present.
Example: Fill the headquarters with the incumbents fliers, bumper stickers and T-shirts. They'll praise the incumbent all the members who show up. They're use propaganda to make out like the challenger may cause them to lose the elections (electability BS)

I've been there, done that. And seen first hand how the local RNC headquarters back stab any GOP competition. It's disgusting.
This is where the propaganda and "fear" kicks in.
Yes, we give in to the propaganda and fear. It's the crux of the lesser-of-two-evils scam. Ranked choice voting will eliminate that, but we won't get that until we "just say no" to the fear-mongering pumped out by the major parties.

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