The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

The American revolutionaries were not just rebelling against the government and army of Britain, they were rebelling against the long-established Christian idea that governmental authority comes from God. In challenging King George III of Britain, they rejected the idea that God had given him a divine right to rule over them.

Consequently, when it came time to frame the Constitution, the founders began with words that made it clear the former colonies were rejecting the idea that government was ordained by God.

American democracy starts with the presumption that the authority of the government comes not from God but from the consent of the governed, in other words, from "We the people."
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But that's not a ban. Surely you're not suggesting it should be mandatory to use the term Christmas. If people prefer "holidays" for whatever reason, why is that a problem? Does it offend you?

Yes it offends me....once again....Christmas is a NATIONAL that a problem for YOU?

seems to me you FIRST stated that "THEY (evil liberals) are trying to BAN the words MERRY CHRISTMAS"

in fact
I KNOW you said it.

after which a number of us pointed out that YOU had it ASSBACKWARDS

that it was deranged lunatics like you who got OFFENDED any time someone did NOT say MERRY CHRISTMAS but, instead, said HAPPY HOLIDAYS

after which YOU ( LIE....) called me a few names
questioned my sanity
and said that NOBODY (except a few FRINGE FOX news and the 20 million member christian coalition) were trying to BAN all words other than "merry xmas"

and now...
you rip off your whiskers andcreveal the evil underneath!

you ADMIT that you are one of thosecfringe lunatics who gets REALLY FKN ANGRY any time a sane and rational person says "happy holidays" instead of "merry xmas I hate liberals"

christmas is, indeed, a national HOLIDAY

which is why those of us who do not celebrate the birth of a liberal middle eastern trouble maker say "happy HOLIDAYS"

I don't believe in god
I am an atheist
I DO believe in holidays

happy fkn holidays to you my deranged enemy

It is true that liberals would love to remove the verbage that Christians use from the public sector. They are working in that direction, and using atheists mostly to get there. It is mostly atheists who are filing cases against things that spook them. The rest of the liberals are welcoming these cases, and are pushing them.

Yup, that is what is happening. Christians only complain when only one group is allowed, liberals are complaining whenever Christian presence is allowed. It is that simple.

I know because I have been in those fights, and I have not backed down, and it seems that everyone loses when that happens.

At this time, liberals are wrecking this great nation.
Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, James Madision were deists.

Washington is quoted in the Treaty of Tripoli as claiming American is NOT a Christian nation.

Scroll back. I've provided plenty of evidence.

Your evidence does not matter. All of those men considered themselves to be Christians, and their's are the only opinions that matter on that subject, unless you are claiming to speak for God. Psot all the links that you want on other people's opinions, they cannot refute those men's own words on the subject of their beliefs. They did not believe in the Christianity that is orthodox today, but they were Christians by their own words.

You are engaging in the exact same thing that Dominionists do, you are attempting to rewirte history to support your own agenda. If you want to prove them wrong you can not do so by engaging in deception yourself.

You need to make a choice, are you going to stick to the truth and use it, or are you going to stick to lies and be made a fool of by everyone?

Fact: Almost all of the founding fathers considered themselves to be Christian.
Fact: They worked very hard to make sure that the United States would not be a Christian nation because they knew what would happen if it ever became one.

The United States is not a Christian nation, but it was founded by Christian men. Stick to the truth and you will be respected, even by those who disagree with you. Spout lies and you will be ignored, even by those who agree with you.

That's one way to win an argument. Just ignore all evidence to the contrary. Provide some links if you're going to call something a fact. I have linked the words of the men themselves.

I concede that SOME, but not ALL or MOSt of the signers of the Constitution were Christian, but the Constitution is not a God or Christian document.

We have some posters here who claim America is a Christian nation and that the nation was founded on Christian principles. Our nation was founded by men of reason. I agree they had no intention of having the US be a Christian nation.

Now, tell that to the dominionists.

Our country was founded on reason. Thank God for that.

Thomas Jefferson claimed he was a Christian, do you deny this? George Washington believed in the Bible, served as an officer of the church he attended, and received communion in the Episcopal church. If he was a Deists he was also a hypocrite. Benjamin Franklin was a deist who also believed that the teachings of Jesus were the best moral and religious system ever seen.

Why are you trying to insist that all of the were Deists? Or even most of them? Does it hurt your brain to think that Christians are capable of rational thought?
I would point out to you that the basis for our government is "We the People". That means all of us no matter what our political views.
Your evidence does not matter. All of those men considered themselves to be Christians, and their's are the only opinions that matter on that subject, unless you are claiming to speak for God. Psot all the links that you want on other people's opinions, they cannot refute those men's own words on the subject of their beliefs. They did not believe in the Christianity that is orthodox today, but they were Christians by their own words.

You are engaging in the exact same thing that Dominionists do, you are attempting to rewirte history to support your own agenda. If you want to prove them wrong you can not do so by engaging in deception yourself.

You need to make a choice, are you going to stick to the truth and use it, or are you going to stick to lies and be made a fool of by everyone?

Fact: Almost all of the founding fathers considered themselves to be Christian.
Fact: They worked very hard to make sure that the United States would not be a Christian nation because they knew what would happen if it ever became one.

The United States is not a Christian nation, but it was founded by Christian men. Stick to the truth and you will be respected, even by those who disagree with you. Spout lies and you will be ignored, even by those who agree with you.

That's one way to win an argument. Just ignore all evidence to the contrary. Provide some links if you're going to call something a fact. I have linked the words of the men themselves.

I concede that SOME, but not ALL or MOSt of the signers of the Constitution were Christian, but the Constitution is not a God or Christian document.

We have some posters here who claim America is a Christian nation and that the nation was founded on Christian principles. Our nation was founded by men of reason. I agree they had no intention of having the US be a Christian nation.

Now, tell that to the dominionists.

Our country was founded on reason. Thank God for that.

Thomas Jefferson claimed he was a Christian, do you deny this? George Washington believed in the Bible, served as an officer of the church he attended, and received communion in the Episcopal church. If he was a Deists he was also a hypocrite. Benjamin Franklin was a deist who also believed that the teachings of Jesus were the best moral and religious system ever seen.

Why are you trying to insist that all of the were Deists? Or even most of them? Does it hurt your brain to think that Christians are capable of rational thought?

Apparently, you aren't reading my posts and links. Show me your quote from Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson.
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Your evidence does not matter. All of those men considered themselves to be Christians, and their's are the only opinions that matter on that subject, unless you are claiming to speak for God. Psot all the links that you want on other people's opinions, they cannot refute those men's own words on the subject of their beliefs. They did not believe in the Christianity that is orthodox today, but they were Christians by their own words.

You are engaging in the exact same thing that Dominionists do, you are attempting to rewirte history to support your own agenda. If you want to prove them wrong you can not do so by engaging in deception yourself.

You need to make a choice, are you going to stick to the truth and use it, or are you going to stick to lies and be made a fool of by everyone?

Fact: Almost all of the founding fathers considered themselves to be Christian.
Fact: They worked very hard to make sure that the United States would not be a Christian nation because they knew what would happen if it ever became one.

The United States is not a Christian nation, but it was founded by Christian men. Stick to the truth and you will be respected, even by those who disagree with you. Spout lies and you will be ignored, even by those who agree with you.

That's one way to win an argument. Just ignore all evidence to the contrary. Provide some links if you're going to call something a fact. I have linked the words of the men themselves.

I concede that SOME, but not ALL or MOSt of the signers of the Constitution were Christian, but the Constitution is not a God or Christian document.

We have some posters here who claim America is a Christian nation and that the nation was founded on Christian principles. Our nation was founded by men of reason. I agree they had no intention of having the US be a Christian nation.

Now, tell that to the dominionists.

Our country was founded on reason. Thank God for that.

Thomas Jefferson claimed he was a Christian, do you deny this? George Washington believed in the Bible, served as an officer of the church he attended, and received communion in the Episcopal church. If he was a Deists he was also a hypocrite. Benjamin Franklin was a deist who also believed that the teachings of Jesus were the best moral and religious system ever seen.

Why are you trying to insist that all of the were Deists? Or even most of them? Does it hurt your brain to think that Christians are capable of rational thought?

"Does it hurt your brain to think that Christians are capable of rational thought?"

some christians are.

many are not.

the more evangelical the christian the less capable of rational thought
Abraham Lincoln -

"The Bible is not my book, and Christianity is not my religion. I could never give assent to the long, complicated statements of Christian dogma."

That certainly proves that the Founders were not Christians.

That I am not a member of any Christian Church, is true; but I have never denied the truth of the Scriptures; and I have never spoken with intentional disrepect of religion in general, or of any denomination of Christians in particular.

Certainly there is no contending against the Will of God; but still there is some difficulty in ascertaining, and applying it, to particular cases.

Both of those are also Lincoln quotes.
That's one way to win an argument. Just ignore all evidence to the contrary. Provide some links if you're going to call something a fact. I have linked the words of the men themselves.

I concede that SOME, but not ALL or MOSt of the signers of the Constitution were Christian, but the Constitution is not a God or Christian document.

We have some posters here who claim America is a Christian nation and that the nation was founded on Christian principles. Our nation was founded by men of reason. I agree they had no intention of having the US be a Christian nation.

Now, tell that to the dominionists.

Our country was founded on reason. Thank God for that.

Thomas Jefferson claimed he was a Christian, do you deny this? George Washington believed in the Bible, served as an officer of the church he attended, and received communion in the Episcopal church. If he was a Deists he was also a hypocrite. Benjamin Franklin was a deist who also believed that the teachings of Jesus were the best moral and religious system ever seen.

Why are you trying to insist that all of the were Deists? Or even most of them? Does it hurt your brain to think that Christians are capable of rational thought?

Apparently, you aren't reading my posts and links. Show me your quote from Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson.

The posts where you claimed that Washington was a Deist? The one where you claimed Jefferson was?

Apparently you just do not want to admit that Christians are capable of thinking.
"Does it hurt your brain to think that Christians are capable of rational thought?"

some christians are.

many are not.

the more evangelical the christian the less capable of rational thought

Jesus was extremely evangelical, yet he could obviously think. You are generalizing, and that is indicative of lazy thought.
Yes it offends me....once again....Christmas is a NATIONAL that a problem for YOU?

seems to me you FIRST stated that "THEY (evil liberals) are trying to BAN the words MERRY CHRISTMAS"

in fact
I KNOW you said it.

after which a number of us pointed out that YOU had it ASSBACKWARDS

that it was deranged lunatics like you who got OFFENDED any time someone did NOT say MERRY CHRISTMAS but, instead, said HAPPY HOLIDAYS

after which YOU ( LIE....) called me a few names
questioned my sanity
and said that NOBODY (except a few FRINGE FOX news and the 20 million member christian coalition) were trying to BAN all words other than "merry xmas"

and now...
you rip off your whiskers andcreveal the evil underneath!

you ADMIT that you are one of thosecfringe lunatics who gets REALLY FKN ANGRY any time a sane and rational person says "happy holidays" instead of "merry xmas I hate liberals"

christmas is, indeed, a national HOLIDAY

which is why those of us who do not celebrate the birth of a liberal middle eastern trouble maker say "happy HOLIDAYS"

I don't believe in god
I am an atheist
I DO believe in holidays

happy fkn holidays to you my deranged enemy

It offends me that you secularists with your PC complaints are attempting to drum out the saying of Merry Christmas for fear of tripping over your sensitive atheistic toes....but if you want to say happy holidays go right ahead dumbshit....although from the vast number of your complaints i doubt you are very happy...

I have no problems if someone wants to wish me a Merry Christmas...I'm not the one who goes on a screaming tirade about how they are trying to suppress my religion if someone has the NERVE to say Happy Holidays to me. I'm not the one who waves "Merry Christmas" around like it's some kind of weapon.
Yes it offends me....once again....Christmas is a NATIONAL that a problem for YOU?

seems to me you FIRST stated that "THEY (evil liberals) are trying to BAN the words MERRY CHRISTMAS"

in fact
I KNOW you said it.

after which a number of us pointed out that YOU had it ASSBACKWARDS

that it was deranged lunatics like you who got OFFENDED any time someone did NOT say MERRY CHRISTMAS but, instead, said HAPPY HOLIDAYS

after which YOU ( LIE....) called me a few names
questioned my sanity
and said that NOBODY (except a few FRINGE FOX news and the 20 million member christian coalition) were trying to BAN all words other than "merry xmas"

and now...
you rip off your whiskers andcreveal the evil underneath!

you ADMIT that you are one of thosecfringe lunatics who gets REALLY FKN ANGRY any time a sane and rational person says "happy holidays" instead of "merry xmas I hate liberals"

christmas is, indeed, a national HOLIDAY

which is why those of us who do not celebrate the birth of a liberal middle eastern trouble maker say "happy HOLIDAYS"

I don't believe in god
I am an atheist
I DO believe in holidays

happy fkn holidays to you my deranged enemy

It is true that liberals would love to remove the verbage that Christians use from the public sector. They are working in that direction, and using atheists mostly to get there. It is mostly atheists who are filing cases against things that spook them. The rest of the liberals are welcoming these cases, and are pushing them.

Yup, that is what is happening. Christians only complain when only one group is allowed, liberals are complaining whenever Christian presence is allowed. It is that simple.

I know because I have been in those fights, and I have not backed down, and it seems that everyone loses when that happens.

At this time, liberals are wrecking this great nation.

You sound like a Tory...
seems to me you FIRST stated that "THEY (evil liberals) are trying to BAN the words MERRY CHRISTMAS"

in fact
I KNOW you said it.

after which a number of us pointed out that YOU had it ASSBACKWARDS

that it was deranged lunatics like you who got OFFENDED any time someone did NOT say MERRY CHRISTMAS but, instead, said HAPPY HOLIDAYS

after which YOU ( LIE....) called me a few names
questioned my sanity
and said that NOBODY (except a few FRINGE FOX news and the 20 million member christian coalition) were trying to BAN all words other than "merry xmas"

and now...
you rip off your whiskers andcreveal the evil underneath!

you ADMIT that you are one of thosecfringe lunatics who gets REALLY FKN ANGRY any time a sane and rational person says "happy holidays" instead of "merry xmas I hate liberals"

christmas is, indeed, a national HOLIDAY

which is why those of us who do not celebrate the birth of a liberal middle eastern trouble maker say "happy HOLIDAYS"

I don't believe in god
I am an atheist
I DO believe in holidays

happy fkn holidays to you my deranged enemy

It is true that liberals would love to remove the verbage that Christians use from the public sector. They are working in that direction, and using atheists mostly to get there. It is mostly atheists who are filing cases against things that spook them. The rest of the liberals are welcoming these cases, and are pushing them.

Yup, that is what is happening. Christians only complain when only one group is allowed, liberals are complaining whenever Christian presence is allowed. It is that simple.

I know because I have been in those fights, and I have not backed down, and it seems that everyone loses when that happens.

At this time, liberals are wrecking this great nation.

You sound like a Tory...

speaking of Reds...

Yes it offends me....once again....Christmas is a NATIONAL that a problem for YOU?

seems to me you FIRST stated that "THEY (evil liberals) are trying to BAN the words MERRY CHRISTMAS"

in fact
I KNOW you said it.

after which a number of us pointed out that YOU had it ASSBACKWARDS

that it was deranged lunatics like you who got OFFENDED any time someone did NOT say MERRY CHRISTMAS but, instead, said HAPPY HOLIDAYS

after which YOU ( LIE....) called me a few names
questioned my sanity
and said that NOBODY (except a few FRINGE FOX news and the 20 million member christian coalition) were trying to BAN all words other than "merry xmas"

and now...
you rip off your whiskers andcreveal the evil underneath!

you ADMIT that you are one of thosecfringe lunatics who gets REALLY FKN ANGRY any time a sane and rational person says "happy holidays" instead of "merry xmas I hate liberals"

christmas is, indeed, a national HOLIDAY

which is why those of us who do not celebrate the birth of a liberal middle eastern trouble maker say "happy HOLIDAYS"

I don't believe in god
I am an atheist
I DO believe in holidays

happy fkn holidays to you my deranged enemy

It is true that liberals would love to remove the verbage that Christians use from the public sector. They are working in that direction, and using atheists mostly to get there. It is mostly atheists who are filing cases against things that spook them. The rest of the liberals are welcoming these cases, and are pushing them.

Yup, that is what is happening. Christians only complain when only one group is allowed, liberals are complaining whenever Christian presence is allowed. It is that simple.

I know because I have been in those fights, and I have not backed down, and it seems that everyone loses when that happens.

At this time, liberals are wrecking this great nation.

"It is true that liberals would love to remove the verbage that Christians use from the public sector."

certain phrases in particular;


OUR LAWS come from the BIBLE!

liberals are more inclusive
and we believe that America is not JUST for christians

we also have a very healthy and rational fear of the bible being used as a source for laws

" They are working in that direction, and using atheists mostly to get there. It is mostly atheists who are filing cases against things that spook them. The rest of the liberals are welcoming these cases, and are pushing them. "

oh well
That's freedom
That's secular America

deranged hatefilled moronicons get to try and create a christian theocracy
while sane and rational people get to work against it

"Yup, that is what is happening. Christians only complain when only one group is allowed, liberals are complaining whenever Christian presence is allowed. It is that simple. "

to your simple little brain, no doubt

the REALITY is;

CONSERVATIVE christians complain when anyone tries to deny them complete control of the government

liberals merely work diligently to stop them

"I know because I have been in those fights, and I have not backed down, and it seems that everyone loses when that happens. "

if you defended the conservative christian perspective that THEY own this country and THEY have special rights then you were wrong

steadfastly wrong, no doubnt, but still wrong

and I shan't back down either


our laws come from reason and common sense, NOT the christan bible

THAT is the way it IS!

you lose

"At this time, liberals are wrecking this great nation."

only from your perspective

from the liberal perspective we are working to make it greater!

judging by how liberal the country REALLY Is
(women in the military institutes, gays out and about everywhere, states all over reconsidering outdated anit-marijuana laws, interracial romances, sex outside of marriage, divorce is easy to get....we even have a black president and could soon have a woman! gosh...we truly are a liberal nation)
"Does it hurt your brain to think that Christians are capable of rational thought?"

some christians are.

many are not.

the more evangelical the christian the less capable of rational thought

Jesus was extremely evangelical, yet he could obviously think. You are generalizing, and that is indicative of lazy thought.

1 evangelical christian capable of rational thought does NOT automatically disqualify the millions who are not.

to think that would be WORSE than lazy thought

it would be outrageously stupid

should I type slower for you?
Deism was the prevailing philosophy of our founding fathers. It is well documented. Deism is a belief in God based on reason and nature.

Jefferson, Franklin, and the men who framed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were anticlerical Deists.... They created America as an experiment in democracy, freedom and humanism.

They called themselves Christians. No one else, except God, has any right to question their claims about their beliefs. Are you now claiming to speak for Him? If so, I will lump you in with Neubarth and scoff at everything you say.

Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, James Madision were deists.

Washington is quoted in the Treaty of Tripoli as claiming American is NOT a Christian nation.

Scroll back. I've provided plenty of evidence.

You claim that 4 founding fathers that signed the constitution out of 39 were Deists and say that most of them were Diests? How do you make the jump to say this is “most”?
I went through your links you provided and many of them were just providing evidence that the US was not founded as a Christian nation. The fact still remains that most of the founding fathers were Christian, and because of this Christianity had a significant influence on the founding of the United States.

The one link you did provide took cherry-picked quotes from only 5 of the founding fathers. Yes, Franklin on your list was a Diest, however, you cannot claim the others were just because of the cherry-picked quotes in the link you provided. We should look at the full context of why they said those things and look to the other things they have said or written. Like Jefferson, I think many of them saw through the hypocrisy of the established European Christian churches and wanted to return to the basic teachings of Christ. You asked for a quote from Jefferson. Here it is and it proves my point:

I am a Christian, in the only sense in which he (Jesus) wished any one to be; sincerely attached to his doctrines, in preference to all others.
Jefferson's Religious Beliefs - Thomas Jefferson Encyclopedia

Here are some quotes from Franklin:

Franklin, whose life almost spanned the eighteenth century, mutated from defining himself as a deist to saying that deism had “perverted” his friends. In his forties, Franklin commended “the excellency of the Christian religion above all others ancient and modern.” As a senior citizen at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, he suggested in vain that the participants pray for God’s guidance. “The longer I live,” he said, “the more convincing proofs I see of this truth, that God governs the affairs of men.”
Deism : The Colonial Williamsburg Official History Site
"Does it hurt your brain to think that Christians are capable of rational thought?"

some christians are.

many are not.

the more evangelical the christian the less capable of rational thought

Jesus was extremely evangelical, yet he could obviously think. You are generalizing, and that is indicative of lazy thought.

1 evangelical christian capable of rational thought does NOT automatically disqualify the millions who are not.

to think that would be WORSE than lazy thought

it would be outrageously stupid

should I type slower for you?

Would you like a list of all the Evangelical Christians who could easily type you into a corner?

The problem is not that Christians are incapable of thought, or even that many, if not most, do not think, it is that the ones who do think are largely ignored by both sides of the debate. It is a lot easier for one side to pretend, like you, that Christians are stupid and ignorant, and for the other side to resent science and education because they are dominated by people who hold them in contempt.

Why don't you take a look around at what thinking Christians are actually studying and saying before you jump to conclusions? After all, you want to claim you are better than them, so you should act like it. If you choose to be lazy you are certainly free to do so, but it will only win you points with other idiots, not with honest people.

Reconciling God and Science - TIME
You claim that 4 founding fathers that signed the constitution out of 39 were Deists and say that most of them were Diests? How do you make the jump to say this is “most”?
I went through your links you provided and many of them were just providing evidence that the US was not founded as a Christian nation. The fact still remains that most of the founding fathers were Christian, and because of this Christianity had a significant influence on the founding of the United States.

The one link you did provide took cherry-picked quotes from only 5 of the founding fathers. Yes, Franklin on your list was a Diest, however, you cannot claim the others were just because of the cherry-picked quotes in the link you provided. We should look at the full context of why they said those things and look to the other things they have said or written. Like Jefferson, I think many of them saw through the hypocrisy of the established European Christian churches and wanted to return to the basic teachings of Christ. You asked for a quote from Jefferson. Here it is and it proves my point:

I am a Christian, in the only sense in which he (Jesus) wished any one to be; sincerely attached to his doctrines, in preference to all others.
Jefferson's Religious Beliefs - Thomas Jefferson Encyclopedia

Here are some quotes from Franklin:

Franklin, whose life almost spanned the eighteenth century, mutated from defining himself as a deist to saying that deism had “perverted” his friends. In his forties, Franklin commended “the excellency of the Christian religion above all others ancient and modern.” As a senior citizen at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, he suggested in vain that the participants pray for God’s guidance. “The longer I live,” he said, “the more convincing proofs I see of this truth, that God governs the affairs of men.”
Deism : The Colonial Williamsburg Official History Site

No, I claim of the four founding fathers you said were Deists, three of them claimed otherwise, and the last does not meet your definition of a Deist. Please note that this puts the burden of proof on you, not me, because I have demonstrated that you are wrong about them from their own words and actions. Until you address the demonstrated fact that you are misinformed you cannot expect me, or anyone else, to accept your claim that most of the Founders were Deists, and not Christians.

The fact is that Jefferson claimed to be a Christian. The fact that he also believed that the Bible and the teachings of Christendom perverted the teachings of Jesus does not negate that claim, except in the minds of people who refuse to accept that any understanding of the Bible that their's is permissible. You have now proven yourself to be a religious fanatic who thinks that they have the sole right to interpret God's will and the Bible in order to define tho is, and is not, worthy of acceptance of God. Maybe you should join your soulmate Neubarth and condemn everyone who thinks for themselves to Hell.

You have earned my contempt.
"Does it hurt your brain to think that Christians are capable of rational thought?"

some christians are.

many are not.

the more evangelical the christian the less capable of rational thought

Jesus was extremely evangelical, yet he could obviously think. You are generalizing, and that is indicative of lazy thought.

1 evangelical christian capable of rational thought does NOT automatically disqualify the millions who are not.

to think that would be WORSE than lazy thought

it would be outrageously stupid

should I type slower for you?

tch tch your anti-Christian slip is showing...
America was founded more on Freemason (Enlightenment) ideals than Christian ideals. The biggest reason people say America was founded on Christian principles is because many of the first pilgrims who arrived at Plymouth on the Mayflower were Puritans. However, that was the founding of the British colonies, not America.
Jesus was extremely evangelical, yet he could obviously think. You are generalizing, and that is indicative of lazy thought.

1 evangelical christian capable of rational thought does NOT automatically disqualify the millions who are not.

to think that would be WORSE than lazy thought

it would be outrageously stupid

should I type slower for you?

tch tch your anti-Christian slip is showing...

and your ignorance and stupidity is showing

I have maintain


I AM, however, ANTI-right wing evangelical christian

those are 2 different things

this seems to be a constant problem with very stupid people an dwith right wingers (I know I am being redundant)

try to understand the following (you moron)

a person can be opposed to RIGHT WING CHRISTIANS while, at the very same time, NOT being anti-ALL christians

there are plenty of christians who I have no problem with....

garrison keillor, for example

and I have no problem with LIBERAL christians and MODERATE christians.

I DO have a definite distate for HARD CORE EVANGELICAL christians who are actively working to
a. wage CULTURE WAR on everyone else
b. have THEIR religion declared the official religion of America and their laws made the law of the land

I know....
I'm wasting my time trying to explain to you the subtleties...

you are obviously TOO stupid to understand.....

(that must be why you are a conservative....
it has been my experience that the stupider the person
the smarter he thinks he is
and the more likely he/she is a conservative)

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