The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

It is true that liberals would love to remove the verbage that Christians use from the public sector. They are working in that direction, and using atheists mostly to get there. It is mostly atheists who are filing cases against things that spook them. The rest of the liberals are welcoming these cases, and are pushing them.

Yup, that is what is happening. Christians only complain when only one group is allowed, liberals are complaining whenever Christian presence is allowed. It is that simple.

I know because I have been in those fights, and I have not backed down, and it seems that everyone loses when that happens.

At this time, liberals are wrecking this great nation.

You sound like a Tory...

speaking of Reds...


Deflecting from the topic to a totally different zip code? Yeah...I suppose that's one option for those who have nothing to debate legitimately with...

Is that a Christian trait, or just yours?
America was founded more on Freemason (Enlightenment) ideals than Christian ideals. The biggest reason people say America was founded on Christian principles is because many of the first pilgrims who arrived at Plymouth on the Mayflower were Puritans. However, that was the founding of the British colonies, not America.

Actually, the Pilgrims were not the Puritans...they were Separatists. But their colony was later absorbed by the Puritan colony of Massachusetts Bay. The Puritans were know for the witch trials, exiling Anne Hutchenson and Roger Williams and hanging Quakers. They were a colony whose government was run by the Religious Authorities.
I don't believe in 'our nation of Christians'. We have a nation that has religious freedom and that was the founders intention. Fundamentalists want to rewrite history in an attempt to make our country a Christian theocracy. America was not founded on Christianity. It was founded on European Enlightenment philosophy designed by John Locke, Voltaire, and Montesquieu. It was not founded by Christians, but rather by Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin. It was called the last best hope for humanity for a reason: That in the darkness of Christian domination of Europe, a country was born that was not founded on Biblical supremacism but rather on reason and intelligence. And it is intelligence, and not Christianity, that made possible for America to rise as high as it did.

The Constitution does not mention God or religion, except for Article 6 which prohibits religious tests for public office. Article 6 meant that any free, propertied man, religious or nonreligious, Christian or non-Christian, could vote and hold public office. If the framers, had wanted to declare a special place for Christianity in governance and society, they would have done so. But they didn't. The Christian nationalists have to engage in some rather spectacular evasions to get around this inescapable fact. - The Website of Political Research Associates

So your real problem is you hate fundamentalists...?

Then you might also keep your eye on those fundamentalist muslims...can't get much more fundamental than them....seems to me they are heck more of a danger to this country than those know...the kind of fundamentalists that come here to kill people...and to establish sharia law...

Absolutely...hard core fundamentalists. Fundamentalist Christians are just the other side of the coin from fundamentalist Muslims. They both would kill or torture those who don't toe their line if they could get away with it. Right now, in the ME, fundamentalist Muslims can, in some countries, get away with it. What makes you think fundamentalist Christians wouldn't do the same thing if they had a government that backed them? (For an example, look to what the Puritans did to others when they had a Church run government in the Massachusetts Bay Colony)

Someone skipped on their medications again today? Let's double the Thorazine. You are hallucinating a bit. ;) Don't forget to check under your bed and in your closet. :lol:
So your real problem is you hate fundamentalists...?

Then you might also keep your eye on those fundamentalist muslims...can't get much more fundamental than them....seems to me they are heck more of a danger to this country than those know...the kind of fundamentalists that come here to kill people...and to establish sharia law...

Absolutely...hard core fundamentalists. Fundamentalist Christians are just the other side of the coin from fundamentalist Muslims. They both would kill or torture those who don't toe their line if they could get away with it. Right now, in the ME, fundamentalist Muslims can, in some countries, get away with it. What makes you think fundamentalist Christians wouldn't do the same thing if they had a government that backed them? (For an example, look to what the Puritans did to others when they had a Church run government in the Massachusetts Bay Colony)

Someone skipped on their medications again today? Let's double the Thorazine. You are hallucinating a bit. ;) Don't forget to check under your bed and in your closet. :lol:

here's a little known fact for ya

in the summer of 2001 (before 9/11)

I was watching pat robertson (tis well to know what tunes the devil is playing)
and he said;

"we (evangelical christians) have MORE in common with evangelical muslims than we do with liberal or moderate christians"
Absolutely...hard core fundamentalists. Fundamentalist Christians are just the other side of the coin from fundamentalist Muslims. They both would kill or torture those who don't toe their line if they could get away with it. Right now, in the ME, fundamentalist Muslims can, in some countries, get away with it. What makes you think fundamentalist Christians wouldn't do the same thing if they had a government that backed them? (For an example, look to what the Puritans did to others when they had a Church run government in the Massachusetts Bay Colony)

Someone skipped on their medications again today? Let's double the Thorazine. You are hallucinating a bit. ;) Don't forget to check under your bed and in your closet. :lol:

here's a little known fact for ya

in the summer of 2001 (before 9/11)

I was watching pat robertson (tis well to know what tunes the devil is playing)
and he said;

"we (evangelical christians) have MORE in common with evangelical muslims than we do with liberal or moderate christians"

How much of your life is based on Pat Robertson????

So who is still trying to package God, put him in a box for all to see??? Who has learned better???? Christianity is not about brand. It is about reconciliation, redemption, and salvation. What is political about that????
Someone skipped on their medications again today? Let's double the Thorazine. You are hallucinating a bit. ;) Don't forget to check under your bed and in your closet. :lol:

here's a little known fact for ya

in the summer of 2001 (before 9/11)

I was watching pat robertson (tis well to know what tunes the devil is playing)
and he said;

"we (evangelical christians) have MORE in common with evangelical muslims than we do with liberal or moderate christians"

How much of your life is based on Pat Robertson????

So who is still trying to package God, put him in a box for all to see??? Who has learned better???? Christianity is not about brand. It is about reconciliation, redemption, and salvation. What is political about that????


he controls a lot of tv and radio statsiosn all over the country
(how many do you own or control?)

and he broadcasts his nonsense from them
(how much air time do you get?)

and during the bush years (all 8 years) his representatives met with bush every thursday, every week, for 8 years....(how often did you meet with bush?)

and he claims to have 20-30 million followers....(how many do you have?)

obviously, your question is just the type of taunting and ridicule I would expect from a monkey

what next....gonna throw your feces at me?

the hard core evangelical right wing christians in America are well organized
(despite your denial)
and they are working toplace THEIR people in judicial, legal,politcial and education positions all over the country (despite your denial)

you may scoff and ignore them (why not...they have no problem with you, nor do you have a problem with them....)
buit they are a farce to be recognized and watched
So your real problem is you hate fundamentalists...?

Then you might also keep your eye on those fundamentalist muslims...can't get much more fundamental than them....seems to me they are heck more of a danger to this country than those know...the kind of fundamentalists that come here to kill people...and to establish sharia law...

Absolutely...hard core fundamentalists. Fundamentalist Christians are just the other side of the coin from fundamentalist Muslims. They both would kill or torture those who don't toe their line if they could get away with it. Right now, in the ME, fundamentalist Muslims can, in some countries, get away with it. What makes you think fundamentalist Christians wouldn't do the same thing if they had a government that backed them? (For an example, look to what the Puritans did to others when they had a Church run government in the Massachusetts Bay Colony)

Someone skipped on their medications again today? Let's double the Thorazine. You are hallucinating a bit. ;) Don't forget to check under your bed and in your closet. :lol:

I am absolutely correct and history proves me out...any religion give state power will abuse that power in the most horrible of ways. But feel free to divert from debating my comments and attacking me personally....just answer it a Christian trait to go personal instead of sticking to debate? OR is it just what you do?
Someone skipped on their medications again today? Let's double the Thorazine. You are hallucinating a bit. ;) Don't forget to check under your bed and in your closet. :lol:

here's a little known fact for ya

in the summer of 2001 (before 9/11)

I was watching pat robertson (tis well to know what tunes the devil is playing)
and he said;

"we (evangelical christians) have MORE in common with evangelical muslims than we do with liberal or moderate christians"

How much of your life is based on Pat Robertson????

So who is still trying to package God, put him in a box for all to see??? Who has learned better???? Christianity is not about brand. It is about reconciliation, redemption, and salvation. What is political about that????

Christianity is supposed to be about that...but very little about the structure of Christian organizations are really like that. And if they were to get state power like the Catholic Church did in Spain, like the Puritan Church did in Massachusetts, like John Knox's form of Protestantism did in out anyone who doesn't toe their line.....just like what the Muslim fundamentalists get away with in some ME countries.
here's a little known fact for ya

in the summer of 2001 (before 9/11)

I was watching pat robertson (tis well to know what tunes the devil is playing)
and he said;

"we (evangelical christians) have MORE in common with evangelical muslims than we do with liberal or moderate christians"

How much of your life is based on Pat Robertson????

So who is still trying to package God, put him in a box for all to see??? Who has learned better???? Christianity is not about brand. It is about reconciliation, redemption, and salvation. What is political about that????


he controls a lot of tv and radio statsiosn all over the country
(how many do you own or control?)

and he broadcasts his nonsense from them
(how much air time do you get?)

and during the bush years (all 8 years) his representatives met with bush every thursday, every week, for 8 years....(how often did you meet with bush?)

and he claims to have 20-30 million followers....(how many do you have?)

obviously, your question is just the type of taunting and ridicule I would expect from a monkey

what next....gonna throw your feces at me?

the hard core evangelical right wing christians in America are well organized
(despite your denial)
and they are working toplace THEIR people in judicial, legal,politcial and education positions all over the country (despite your denial)

you may scoff and ignore them (why not...they have no problem with you, nor do you have a problem with them....)
buit they are a farce to be recognized and watched

You might want to tone down son and take care of that diaper while your at it. ;)
I guess Psychotics come in all brands and flavors....huh.

Still we are all better off living our own lives rather than spending our time harnessing others. Thank God for those principles that laid down the foundation of this great Nation. So great are those principles, that they are applied through persuasion and example, not force or decree. That was the whole point, just so you know. Don't let that interfere with your rant though. Teething is a bitch, I get it. ;)
here's a little known fact for ya

in the summer of 2001 (before 9/11)

I was watching pat robertson (tis well to know what tunes the devil is playing)
and he said;

"we (evangelical christians) have MORE in common with evangelical muslims than we do with liberal or moderate christians"

How much of your life is based on Pat Robertson????

So who is still trying to package God, put him in a box for all to see??? Who has learned better???? Christianity is not about brand. It is about reconciliation, redemption, and salvation. What is political about that????

Christianity is supposed to be about that...but very little about the structure of Christian organizations are really like that. And if they were to get state power like the Catholic Church did in Spain, like the Puritan Church did in Massachusetts, like John Knox's form of Protestantism did in out anyone who doesn't toe their line.....just like what the Muslim fundamentalists get away with in some ME countries.

Fighting Tyranny under any mask or disguise, is what it is. Pay attention, do what you can. Action brings the players into consciousness. Bring specific grievance into light.
How much of your life is based on Pat Robertson????

So who is still trying to package God, put him in a box for all to see??? Who has learned better???? Christianity is not about brand. It is about reconciliation, redemption, and salvation. What is political about that????

Christianity is supposed to be about that...but very little about the structure of Christian organizations are really like that. And if they were to get state power like the Catholic Church did in Spain, like the Puritan Church did in Massachusetts, like John Knox's form of Protestantism did in out anyone who doesn't toe their line.....just like what the Muslim fundamentalists get away with in some ME countries.

Fighting Tyranny under any mask or disguise, is what it is. Pay attention, do what you can. Action brings the players into consciousness. Bring specific grievance into light.
What a lovely thought....what does it have to do with the Price of Turnips?
Absolutely...hard core fundamentalists. Fundamentalist Christians are just the other side of the coin from fundamentalist Muslims. They both would kill or torture those who don't toe their line if they could get away with it. Right now, in the ME, fundamentalist Muslims can, in some countries, get away with it. What makes you think fundamentalist Christians wouldn't do the same thing if they had a government that backed them? (For an example, look to what the Puritans did to others when they had a Church run government in the Massachusetts Bay Colony)

Someone skipped on their medications again today? Let's double the Thorazine. You are hallucinating a bit. ;) Don't forget to check under your bed and in your closet. :lol:

I am absolutely correct and history proves me out...any religion give state power will abuse that power in the most horrible of ways. But feel free to divert from debating my comments and attacking me personally....just answer it a Christian trait to go personal instead of sticking to debate? OR is it just what you do?

Lighten up? You are assuming allot there. Maybe I'm trying to get a laugh out of you?

Seriously, concerning fundamentalism, when it concerns the individual, internally, externally, that is between them and our maker. When anyone establishes law, here, it is supposed to be about reason, function, not dogma. When dogma interferes with reason, fairness, justice, there is a legal remedy. Fundamentalist's can be brought to light and understanding, just like the rest of us. They are not a mortal enemy. We are all going through the changes, as in on the path, but not there yet. that said, anyone comparing them literally to Jihadist's seems to have strayed pretty far from the path. I could have either taken offense at what you said or laughed about it. I chose to laugh about it.
The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity
Many Christian's who think of America as founded upon Christianity usually present the Declaration of Independence as "proof" of a Christian America. ...
The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity - Cached - Similar

Our Founding Fathers Were NOT Christians They were men of The Enlightenment, not men of Christianity. .... Thirteen governments [of the original states] thus founded on the natural .... He led the men who turned America from an English colony into a self-governing nation. ...
Thomas Jefferson - John Adams - Benjamin Franklin - Thomas - Cached - Similar

Another one? *yawn*

The US was founded on Judeo-Christianity. Like it or not. Deny all you want. Twist all you want. You libs can't even read the second in english.

The US was not founded on religion. Just because the religion of the founders was Christianity in no way makes this nation founded on religion.
Baseball was founded in America. Baseball was not founded on Judeo-Christianity.

Bullshit. Your argument is the usual, stupid blah, blah, blah. Our laws and morals have always been based on Judeo-Christian beliefs. Until 92, anyway.
Another one? *yawn*

The US was founded on Judeo-Christianity. Like it or not. Deny all you want. Twist all you want. You libs can't even read the second in english.

The US was not founded on religion. Just because the religion of the founders was Christianity in no way makes this nation founded on religion.
Baseball was founded in America. Baseball was not founded on Judeo-Christianity.

Bullshit. Your argument is the usual, stupid blah, blah, blah. Our laws and morals have always been based on Judeo-Christian beliefs. Until 92, anyway.

No they have fact many of our laws, our bill of rights, our other amendments fly in the face of Judeo-Christian beliefs.
Christianity is supposed to be about that...but very little about the structure of Christian organizations are really like that. And if they were to get state power like the Catholic Church did in Spain, like the Puritan Church did in Massachusetts, like John Knox's form of Protestantism did in out anyone who doesn't toe their line.....just like what the Muslim fundamentalists get away with in some ME countries.

Fighting Tyranny under any mask or disguise, is what it is. Pay attention, do what you can. Action brings the players into consciousness. Bring specific grievance into light.
What a lovely thought....what does it have to do with the Price of Turnips?

Sort of like you firing a 12 gauge into a crowd because somebody said something you didn't like. Takes care of one problem, but creates more than it solves. You want to tackle injustice, be surgical, it beats being blind folded. Collateral damage creates more than it solves. Stick to the truth, limit to the truth. There were allot of things going on in the world during the times of which you speak.
Absolutely...hard core fundamentalists. Fundamentalist Christians are just the other side of the coin from fundamentalist Muslims. They both would kill or torture those who don't toe their line if they could get away with it. Right now, in the ME, fundamentalist Muslims can, in some countries, get away with it. What makes you think fundamentalist Christians wouldn't do the same thing if they had a government that backed them? (For an example, look to what the Puritans did to others when they had a Church run government in the Massachusetts Bay Colony)

Someone skipped on their medications again today? Let's double the Thorazine. You are hallucinating a bit. ;) Don't forget to check under your bed and in your closet. :lol:

here's a little known fact for ya

in the summer of 2001 (before 9/11)

I was watching pat robertson (tis well to know what tunes the devil is playing)
and he said;

"we (evangelical christians) have MORE in common with evangelical muslims than we do with liberal or moderate christians"
Pat Robertson has always been an idiot. He was trashed by Evangelical Christians when he said this, something you would point out if you were honest.
The US was not founded on religion. Just because the religion of the founders was Christianity in no way makes this nation founded on religion.
Baseball was founded in America. Baseball was not founded on Judeo-Christianity.

Bullshit. Your argument is the usual, stupid blah, blah, blah. Our laws and morals have always been based on Judeo-Christian beliefs. Until 92, anyway.

No they have fact many of our laws, our bill of rights, our other amendments fly in the face of Judeo-Christian beliefs.

much of what the christians woud enact as laws are
a. unconstitutional and

the 10 commandments, for example, are mostly unconstitutional

and christian laws like anti-homosexual or anti-wiccan are both unconstitutional AND bad.

I know that many of our deviously deceptive conservative friends on this board INSIST that
a. evangelical christians don't exist and
b. they would NEVER EVER criminalize wiccans or homosexuals or atheists..

they either lie to themselves
or just lie to us
or both

I have no doubt that should people like GLENN BECK and BILL OREILLY ever achieve enough influence to help get evangelical christians elected to enough political and judicial
positions the round-up of homosexuals, wiccans, atheists, (liberals? feminists? democrats?)
woud be item number 2 on the agenda...

rounding up "the abortionists" and the women who have had abortions would be item number 1

and then
as hero-to-conservaytives newt gingrich said....
"we must change the laws of the land to reflect our christian religious beliefs and then see to it that they can NEVER be changed again"

talk about tyrannical theocracy

ok cons

time for you to tell us how we are paranoid and that right wing evangelicals don't actually exist....

so deranged....

right wing evangelical are EVERYWHERE (on tv, in the media, on the radio)
and cons INSIST they don't exist!


there is NO evidence of a god....
but god they believe in.....!

I thank the gods that I don't believe in that I am NOT a loony tune conservative
How about a truce? The United States was founded by people that were Christians. Good Christians.
They, as good Christians had a positive influence on all of American society.
However, they all agreed that their religion had no influence and place in government.
There, we have it. Every one knows that is fact.

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