The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

How about a truce? The United States was founded by people that were Christians. Good Christians.
They, as good Christians had a positive influence on all of American society.
However, they all agreed that their religion had no influence and place in government.
There, we have it. Every one knows that is fact.

Actually, not everyone does know that is fact because it's not. They wanted government to have no effect on religion, not vice versa.
How about a truce? The United States was founded by people that were Christians. Good Christians.
They, as good Christians had a positive influence on all of American society.
However, they all agreed that their religion had no influence and place in government.
There, we have it. Every one knows that is fact.

Actually, not everyone does know that is fact because it's not. They wanted government to have no effect on religion, not vice versa.

After what the Founders ran from in Europe, are you claiming that they wanted religion to have influence in our new government?
You are shitting us, right? I thought so. Good joke.
Well, I am trying to understand your satire so I will follow along and laugh.
The Founders wanting our new government to be influenced by religon yet offering NOTHING anywhere to support that conclusion. Nothing in Constitution or ANY law anywhere.
Very funny.
How about a truce? The United States was founded by people that were Christians. Good Christians.
They, as good Christians had a positive influence on all of American society.
However, they all agreed that their religion had no influence and place in government.
There, we have it. Every one knows that is fact.

Actually, not everyone does know that is fact because it's not. They wanted government to have no effect on religion, not vice versa.

BS...I'm not even a Yank and even I know they didn't want religious influence on the govt. And even if they DIDN'T say that then, who gives a shit. It matters now....
Truce? Dream on ...they'd rather die than agree to any part of Christianity in our nation's conception. What is so odd is that we all seem to agree that Christianity was intentionally left out of our government for reasons that we have extensively death actually. And it seems like we all have the same idea that God, Jesus and the holy grail were purposefully left out of the constitution to protect religious freedom or the freedom to ignore religion altogether if that's your choosing. Where we seem to be locked up is on the fact that these men were indeed, by self proclamation, Christian in their faith. So while the grand ol' America may not have been born out of Christianity...there would appear, from all the links provided here that support the notion, that Christianity and the acknowledgment of Christ as the Son of God, did indeed guide these men in their endeavor to form a more perfect union as ONE NATION....UNDER GOD
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Fighting Tyranny under any mask or disguise, is what it is. Pay attention, do what you can. Action brings the players into consciousness. Bring specific grievance into light.
What a lovely thought....what does it have to do with the Price of Turnips?

Sort of like you firing a 12 gauge into a crowd because somebody said something you didn't like. Takes care of one problem, but creates more than it solves. You want to tackle injustice, be surgical, it beats being blind folded. Collateral damage creates more than it solves. Stick to the truth, limit to the truth. There were allot of things going on in the world during the times of which you speak.

Another interesting post...still not seeing your point here...obtuse on purpose?
Someone skipped on their medications again today? Let's double the Thorazine. You are hallucinating a bit. ;) Don't forget to check under your bed and in your closet. :lol:

here's a little known fact for ya

in the summer of 2001 (before 9/11)

I was watching pat robertson (tis well to know what tunes the devil is playing)
and he said;

"we (evangelical christians) have MORE in common with evangelical muslims than we do with liberal or moderate christians"
Pat Robertson has always been an idiot. He was trashed by Evangelical Christians when he said this, something you would point out if you were honest.

Really? Who trashed him? I was on another message board where many many people said he was spot on.
Truce? Dream on ...they'd rather die than agree to any part of Christianity in our nation's conception. What is so odd is that we all seem to agree that Christianity was intentionally left out of our government for reasons that we have extensively death actually. And it seems like we all have the same idea that God, Jesus and the holy grail were purposefully left out of the constitution to protect religious freedom or the freedom to ignore religion altogether if that's your choosing. Where we seem to be locked up is on the fact that these men were indeed, by self proclamation, Christian in their faith. So while the grand ol' America may not have been born out of Christianity...there would appear, from all the links provided here that support the notion, that Christianity and the acknowledgment of Christ as the Son of God, did indeed guide these men in their endeavor to form a more perfect union as ONE NATION....UNDER GOD

Respectfully, I strongly disagree with you Tex. I like reading your posts but I believe you need to take a good long look and study your argument. Tex, religion has no place in government. Sincerely, I believe YOU KNOW that yet are in denial due to your religous beliefs. Tex, think hard. Your religous beliefs are stronger than your political beliefs. I think the same way. They have no place in government. That is the law and the Founders laid it.
How about a truce? The United States was founded by people that were Christians. Good Christians.
They, as good Christians had a positive influence on all of American society.
However, they all agreed that their religion had no influence and place in government.
There, we have it. Every one knows that is fact.

Truth....they knew that religion had no business in government...they'd see that disaster.
You claim that 4 founding fathers that signed the constitution out of 39 were Deists and say that most of them were Diests? How do you make the jump to say this is “most”?
I went through your links you provided and many of them were just providing evidence that the US was not founded as a Christian nation. The fact still remains that most of the founding fathers were Christian, and because of this Christianity had a significant influence on the founding of the United States.

The one link you did provide took cherry-picked quotes from only 5 of the founding fathers. Yes, Franklin on your list was a Diest, however, you cannot claim the others were just because of the cherry-picked quotes in the link you provided. We should look at the full context of why they said those things and look to the other things they have said or written. Like Jefferson, I think many of them saw through the hypocrisy of the established European Christian churches and wanted to return to the basic teachings of Christ. You asked for a quote from Jefferson. Here it is and it proves my point:

I am a Christian, in the only sense in which he (Jesus) wished any one to be; sincerely attached to his doctrines, in preference to all others.
Jefferson's Religious Beliefs - Thomas Jefferson Encyclopedia

Here are some quotes from Franklin:

Franklin, whose life almost spanned the eighteenth century, mutated from defining himself as a deist to saying that deism had “perverted” his friends. In his forties, Franklin commended “the excellency of the Christian religion above all others ancient and modern.” As a senior citizen at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, he suggested in vain that the participants pray for God’s guidance. “The longer I live,” he said, “the more convincing proofs I see of this truth, that God governs the affairs of men.”
Deism : The Colonial Williamsburg Official History Site

No, I claim of the four founding fathers you said were Deists, three of them claimed otherwise, and the last does not meet your definition of a Deist. Please note that this puts the burden of proof on you, not me, because I have demonstrated that you are wrong about them from their own words and actions. Until you address the demonstrated fact that you are misinformed you cannot expect me, or anyone else, to accept your claim that most of the Founders were Deists, and not Christians.

The fact is that Jefferson claimed to be a Christian. The fact that he also believed that the Bible and the teachings of Christendom perverted the teachings of Jesus does not negate that claim, except in the minds of people who refuse to accept that any understanding of the Bible that their's is permissible. You have now proven yourself to be a religious fanatic who thinks that they have the sole right to interpret God's will and the Bible in order to define tho is, and is not, worthy of acceptance of God. Maybe you should join your soulmate Neubarth and condemn everyone who thinks for themselves to Hell.

You have earned my contempt.

Please re-read my post. It was in response to SkyDancer. I actually agree with your position.
Bullshit. Your argument is the usual, stupid blah, blah, blah. Our laws and morals have always been based on Judeo-Christian beliefs. Until 92, anyway.

No they have fact many of our laws, our bill of rights, our other amendments fly in the face of Judeo-Christian beliefs.

much of what the christians woud enact as laws are
a. unconstitutional and

the 10 commandments, for example, are mostly unconstitutional

and christian laws like anti-homosexual or anti-wiccan are both unconstitutional AND bad.

I know that many of our deviously deceptive conservative friends on this board INSIST that
a. evangelical christians don't exist and
b. they would NEVER EVER criminalize wiccans or homosexuals or atheists..

they either lie to themselves
or just lie to us
or both

I have no doubt that should people like GLENN BECK and BILL OREILLY ever achieve enough influence to help get evangelical christians elected to enough political and judicial
positions the round-up of homosexuals, wiccans, atheists, (liberals? feminists? democrats?)
woud be item number 2 on the agenda...

rounding up "the abortionists" and the women who have had abortions would be item number 1

and then
as hero-to-conservaytives newt gingrich said....
"we must change the laws of the land to reflect our christian religious beliefs and then see to it that they can NEVER be changed again"

talk about tyrannical theocracy

ok cons

time for you to tell us how we are paranoid and that right wing evangelicals don't actually exist....

so deranged....

right wing evangelical are EVERYWHERE (on tv, in the media, on the radio)
and cons INSIST they don't exist!


there is NO evidence of a god....
but god they believe in.....!

I thank the gods that I don't believe in that I am NOT a loony tune conservative

Answer this...

Whose opinion should we listen to in order to make the laws (within the Constitutional framework of course) in this country....?

An Atheist's opinion?
An Agnostic's opinion?
An Anglican's opinion?
A Baptist's opinion?
Catholic's opinion?
Confucian's opinion?
Deist's opinion?
Evangelical's opinion?
and so get the idea...
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When did evangelical Christians denounce Pat Robertson. I missed it.

Why on earth does it matter?

It matters just as much as when the world's muslims don't condemn Al Q...enough, I guess.

Evangelical Christians don't denouce Robertson because he's doing nothing to hurt people, he's not calling for anybody's death, he isn't funding the killing of innocents or recruiting innocents to kill themselves in the commission of murder, and he doesn't violate human rights.

Pretty simple.
You claim that 4 founding fathers that signed the constitution out of 39 were Deists and say that most of them were Diests? How do you make the jump to say this is “most”?
I went through your links you provided and many of them were just providing evidence that the US was not founded as a Christian nation. The fact still remains that most of the founding fathers were Christian, and because of this Christianity had a significant influence on the founding of the United States.

The one link you did provide took cherry-picked quotes from only 5 of the founding fathers. Yes, Franklin on your list was a Diest, however, you cannot claim the others were just because of the cherry-picked quotes in the link you provided. We should look at the full context of why they said those things and look to the other things they have said or written. Like Jefferson, I think many of them saw through the hypocrisy of the established European Christian churches and wanted to return to the basic teachings of Christ. You asked for a quote from Jefferson. Here it is and it proves my point:

Jefferson's Religious Beliefs - Thomas Jefferson Encyclopedia

Here are some quotes from Franklin:

Deism : The Colonial Williamsburg Official History Site

No, I claim of the four founding fathers you said were Deists, three of them claimed otherwise, and the last does not meet your definition of a Deist. Please note that this puts the burden of proof on you, not me, because I have demonstrated that you are wrong about them from their own words and actions. Until you address the demonstrated fact that you are misinformed you cannot expect me, or anyone else, to accept your claim that most of the Founders were Deists, and not Christians.

The fact is that Jefferson claimed to be a Christian. The fact that he also believed that the Bible and the teachings of Christendom perverted the teachings of Jesus does not negate that claim, except in the minds of people who refuse to accept that any understanding of the Bible that their's is permissible. You have now proven yourself to be a religious fanatic who thinks that they have the sole right to interpret God's will and the Bible in order to define tho is, and is not, worthy of acceptance of God. Maybe you should join your soulmate Neubarth and condemn everyone who thinks for themselves to Hell.

You have earned my contempt.

Please re-read my post. It was in response to SkyDancer. I actually agree with your position.

Apologies. I was responding to SkyDancer so often I missed who was posting.
No they have fact many of our laws, our bill of rights, our other amendments fly in the face of Judeo-Christian beliefs.

much of what the christians woud enact as laws are
a. unconstitutional and

the 10 commandments, for example, are mostly unconstitutional

and christian laws like anti-homosexual or anti-wiccan are both unconstitutional AND bad.

I know that many of our deviously deceptive conservative friends on this board INSIST that
a. evangelical christians don't exist and
b. they would NEVER EVER criminalize wiccans or homosexuals or atheists..

they either lie to themselves
or just lie to us
or both

I have no doubt that should people like GLENN BECK and BILL OREILLY ever achieve enough influence to help get evangelical christians elected to enough political and judicial
positions the round-up of homosexuals, wiccans, atheists, (liberals? feminists? democrats?)
woud be item number 2 on the agenda...

rounding up "the abortionists" and the women who have had abortions would be item number 1

and then
as hero-to-conservaytives newt gingrich said....
"we must change the laws of the land to reflect our christian religious beliefs and then see to it that they can NEVER be changed again"

talk about tyrannical theocracy

ok cons

time for you to tell us how we are paranoid and that right wing evangelicals don't actually exist....

so deranged....

right wing evangelical are EVERYWHERE (on tv, in the media, on the radio)
and cons INSIST they don't exist!


there is NO evidence of a god....
but god they believe in.....!

I thank the gods that I don't believe in that I am NOT a loony tune conservative

Answer this...

Whose opinion should we listen to in order to make the laws (within the Constitutional framework of course) in this country....?

An Atheist's opinion?
An Agnostic's opinion?
An Anglican's opinion?
A Baptist's opinion?
Catholic's opinion?
Confucian's opinion?
Deist's opinion?
Evangelical's opinion?
and so get the idea...

Are you trying to say that some of those opinions are invalid? What if the atheist is a construction worker who thinks that blacks are subhuman, and the Evangelical Christian is a renowned Constitutional scholar who believes that Universal health Care is a God given duty imposed on the government?
The "Christian victim mentality" is a direct product of the anti-Christian agenda growing within our country

Name me one law that is designed to punish Christians?

Show me where saying Merry Christmas is banned by law.

I never said saying Merry Christmas is banned by LAW...secularists are pushing the banning of Merry Christmas by making complaints and pushing their "political correctness" crap...substituting "happy holidays", etc.

I think you don't know what the word 'ban' actually means. Complaining to an organization doesn't force them to do anything it's just exercising free speech rights.

The ACLU is a secular organization which is spearheading much of the anti-Christian shennanigans....are you aware of this?

Oh not this crap again

The ACLU Fights for Christians

Your link lists as a source the ACLU's policy guide but that's not open to the public so I'm suspicious of them. I can't even check if their list is accurate because their source is either a document not open to the public or is something from 1988 (and if it is then it sure as hell doesn't prove they do it recently).
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No they have fact many of our laws, our bill of rights, our other amendments fly in the face of Judeo-Christian beliefs.

much of what the christians woud enact as laws are
a. unconstitutional and

the 10 commandments, for example, are mostly unconstitutional

and christian laws like anti-homosexual or anti-wiccan are both unconstitutional AND bad.

I know that many of our deviously deceptive conservative friends on this board INSIST that
a. evangelical christians don't exist and
b. they would NEVER EVER criminalize wiccans or homosexuals or atheists..

they either lie to themselves
or just lie to us
or both

I have no doubt that should people like GLENN BECK and BILL OREILLY ever achieve enough influence to help get evangelical christians elected to enough political and judicial
positions the round-up of homosexuals, wiccans, atheists, (liberals? feminists? democrats?)
woud be item number 2 on the agenda...

rounding up "the abortionists" and the women who have had abortions would be item number 1

and then
as hero-to-conservaytives newt gingrich said....
"we must change the laws of the land to reflect our christian religious beliefs and then see to it that they can NEVER be changed again"

talk about tyrannical theocracy

ok cons

time for you to tell us how we are paranoid and that right wing evangelicals don't actually exist....

so deranged....

right wing evangelical are EVERYWHERE (on tv, in the media, on the radio)
and cons INSIST they don't exist!


there is NO evidence of a god....
but god they believe in.....!

I thank the gods that I don't believe in that I am NOT a loony tune conservative

Answer this...

Whose opinion should we listen to in order to make the laws (within the Constitutional framework of course) in this country....?

An Atheist's opinion?
An Agnostic's opinion?
An Anglican's opinion?
A Baptist's opinion?
Catholic's opinion?
Confucian's opinion?
Deist's opinion?
Evangelical's opinion?
and so get the idea...

Perhaps you are not clear on the FACT that there is to be NO religious test in serving this country politically or law making etc. You seem to disagree with the Constitution on that.
Why on earth does it matter?

It matters just as much as when the world's muslims don't condemn Al Q...enough, I guess.

Evangelical Christians don't denouce Robertson because he's doing nothing to hurt people, he's not calling for anybody's death, he isn't funding the killing of innocents or recruiting innocents to kill themselves in the commission of murder, and he doesn't violate human rights.

Pretty simple.

Ah...interesting in a hypocritical way.
Why on earth does it matter?

It matters just as much as when the world's muslims don't condemn Al Q...enough, I guess.

Evangelical Christians don't denouce Robertson because he's doing nothing to hurt people, he's not calling for anybody's death, he isn't funding the killing of innocents or recruiting innocents to kill themselves in the commission of murder, and he doesn't violate human rights.

Pretty simple.

Once again
you are completely wrong

to put you in your place (though I have no doubt that you will just close your eyes, your mind and DNEY DENY DENY.....)

you (stupidly, not knowing anything at all about what you were talking about...) vomitted;

"Evangelical Christians don't denouce Robertson because he's doing nothing to hurt people, he's not calling for anybody's death, he isn't funding the killing of innocents or recruiting innocents to kill themselves in the commission of murder, and he doesn't violate human rights."

here's a little bit of all of those things for you to ignore;

pat robertson quotes;

summer 2001 "we have more in common with islamic fundamentalists than we do with liberal or even moderate christians"

How can there be peace when drunkards, drug dealers, communists, atheists, New Age worshipers of Satan, secular humanists, oppressive dictators, greedy money changers, revolutionary assassins, adulterers, and homosexuals are on top?
-- Pat Robertson, The New World Order, p. 227

9. "Just like what Nazi Germany did to the Jews, so liberal America is now doing to the evangelical Christians. It's no different. It is the same thing. It is happening all over again. It is the Democratic Congress, the liberal-based media and the homosexuals who want to destroy the Christians. Wholesale abuse and discrimination and the worst bigotry directed toward any group in America today. More terrible than anything suffered by any minority in history." –Pat Robertson

7. "(T)he feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians." –Pat Robertson

I read your book. When you get through, you [a reader] say, "If I could just get a nuclear device inside Foggy Bottom, I think that's the answer." I mean, you get through this, and you say, "We've got to blow that thing up." I mean, is it as bad as you say?
-- Pat Robertson, to syndicated columnist Joel Mowbray, author of Dangerous Diplomacy: How the State Department Endangers National Security; the US Department of State is located in Foggy Bottom, a Washington, DC, neighborhood; "Foggy Bottom" is sometimes used as a synonym for Washington, DC, quoted from AANEWS (October, 2003)

2. "You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it. It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war ... We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability. We don't need another $200 billion war to get rid of one, you know, strong-arm dictator. It's a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then get it over with." –Pat Robertson, calling for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez

I have a zero tolerance for sanctimonious morons who try to scare people.
Pat Robertson

It is the Democratic Congress, the liberal-biased media and the homosexuals who want to destroy all Christians.
Pat Robertson

Many of those people involved in Adolf Hitler were Satanists, many were homosexuals - the two things seem to go together.
Pat Robertson

6. "I know this is painful for the ladies to hear, but if you get married, you have accepted the headship of a man, your husband. Christ is the head of the household and the husband is the head of the wife, and that's the way it is, period." –Pat Robertson

We at the Christian Coalition are raising an army who cares. We are training people to be effective -- to be elected to school boards, to city councils, to state legislatures, and to key positions in political parties.... By the end of this decade, if we work and give and organize and train, THE CHRISTIAN COALITION WILL BE THE MOST POWERFUL POLITICAL ORGANIZATION IN AMERICA
-- Pat Robertson, in a fundraising letter, July 4, 1991

We have enough votes to run the country. And when the people say, "We've had enough," we are going to take over.
-- Pat Robertson, speech given to the April, 1980 "Washington for Jesus" rally, quoted from Robert Boston, The Most Dangerous Man in America, p. 29

If Christian people work together, they can succeed during this decade in winning back control of the institutions that have been taken from them over the past 70 years. Expect confrontations that will be not only unpleasant but at times physically bloody.... This decade will not be for the faint of heart, but the resolute. Institutions will be plunged into wrenching change. We will be living through one of the most tumultuous periods of human history. When it is over, I am convinced God's people will emerge victorious.
-- Pat Robertson, Pat Robertson's Perspective Oct-Nov 1992


Only Christians and Jews in Government

Individual Christians are the only ones really -- and Jewish people, those who trust God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob -- are the only ones that are qualified to have the reign, because hopefully, they will be governed by God and submit to Him.
-- Pat Robertson, The 700 Club television program, January 11, 1985, defending his stance that only Christians and Jews are fit to hold public office

I never said that in my life ... I never said only Christians and Jews. I never said that.
-- Pat Robertson, Time magazine, after having been confronted regarding his statement on The 700 Club of January 11, 1985

When I said during my presidential bid that I would only bring Christians and Jews into the government, I hit a firestorm. "What do you mean?" the media challenged me. "You're not going to bring atheists into the government? How dare you maintain that those who believe in the Judeo-Christian values are better qualified to govern America than Hindus and Muslims?" My simple answer is, "Yes, they are."
-- Pat Robertson, The New World Order, p. 218

Immunity from Prosecution: 'God Told Me to Do It'

Gerard Thomas Straub
Writer and TV Executive, former The 700 Club producer

"Here is another example of the way Robertson would mix church and state, rather than keep them separate. Let's say that a Christian thinks God is directing him or her to blow up an abortion clinic or kill a doctor who performs abortions, and this Christian does in fact commit such a crime. In a September of 1984 edition of The 700 Club, Robertson suggested that special church tribunals could be called upon to discern if a believer had in fact received an authentic word from God which compelled him to break a civil law. According to Robertson, if this church tribunal did determine the believer had in fact received an authentic message from God -- how they could reach this conclusion without issuing God a suboena wasn't made clear -- then, Robertson said, the church tribunal would have the civil authority to provide the believer with immunity from prosecution."
-- Gerard Thomas Straub, speech before the San Fernando Valley Chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, September 11, 1995, quoted from Harry Schwartzbart, "Pat Robertson Proposes Immunity From Prosecution For Criminals Who Commit Crimes On Instructions From God"


Biblical Slaughter of Midianites Justified

• Load This File and Section with Frames Index

Audience Participant: "I've been reading through the Book of Numbers recently, and come across that passage in Chapter 31 about the destruction of the Midianites. How do you explain that apparent travesty of the destruction of that people with the just and holy God?"

Pat Robertson: The wars of extermination have given a lot of people trouble unless they understand fully what was going on. The people in the land of Palestine were very wicked. They were given over to idolatry. They sacrificed their children. They had all kinds of abominable sex practices. They were having sex apparently with animals. They were having sex men with men and women with women. They were committing adultery and fornication. They were serving idols. As I say, they were offering their children up, and they were forsaking God.

God told the Israelites to kill them all: men, women and children; to destroy them. And that seems like a terrible thing to do. Is it or isn't it? Well, let us assume that there were two thousand of them or ten thousand of them living in the land, or whatever number, I don't have the exact number, but pick a number. And God said, "Kill them all." Well, that would seem hard, wouldn't it? But that would be 10,000 people who probably would go to hell. But if they stayed and reproduced, in thirty, forty or fifty or sixty or a hundred more years there could conceivably be ... ten thousand would grow to a hundred, a hundred thousand conceivably could grow to a million, and there would be a million people who would have to spend an eternity in Hell! And it is far more merciful to take away a few than to see in the future a hundred years down the road, and say, "Well, I'll have to take away a million people, that will be forever apart from God because the abomination is there." It's like a contagion. God saw that there was no cure for it. It wasn't going to change, and all they would do is cause trouble for the Israelites and pull the Israelites away from God and prevent the truth of God from reaching the earth. And so God in love -- and that was a loving thing -- took away a small number that he might not have to take away a large number.


The Stoning of -- UFO Enthusiasts!?

The Bible says the Earth belongs to man, but the heavens belong to the Lord. He has given us the Earth. He also warned, way back when Moses was writing down not only what is the Ten Commandments, but Deuteronomy, which is almost the Second Law.

Here is what he said to the children of Israel about this whole matter:

"If there is found among you, within any of your gates which the Lord your God gives you, a man or a woman who has been wicked in the sight of the Lord your God, in transgressing His covenant, who has gone and served other gods and worshipped them, either the sun or moon or any of the hosts of heaven which I have not commanded you, and you hear of it, then you shall inquire diligently. And if it is indeed true and certain that such an abomination has been committed in Israel, then you shall bring out to your gates that man or woman who has committed that wicked thing, and stone to death that man or woman with stones." (Deuteronomy 17:2-5, NKJV)

Now, that's what Moses said to the children of Israel about those who worship the sun and the moon and the hosts of heaven, because these things, at best, are lifeless nothings, or, if they are intelligent, they're demonic. And, yes, there is a host of heaven. There are angels and there are fallen angels. There is no question about it.

Can a demon appear as a slanty-eyed, funny-looking creature? Of course he can, or it can. Of course they can deceive people. And if they can lead somebody away from the true God, or away from Jesus Christ, anyway it happens, it doesn't matter, you will lose your salvation. It doesn't matter how they get you. The question is, did they get you, and under what guise?

This is man in rebellion against God, who refuses to take God's Law. And God says, "My covenant says you won't do this. And if I find anybody in Israel," -- which is his pure nation -- "If I find anybody in Israel that's doing this sort of thing, then I want you to take him out and dispose of him."

It's a clear violation of God's word.
-- Pat Robertson, excerpted verbatim from "Robertson Advocates Stoning for UFO Enthusiasts" by Skipp Porteous, Freedom Writer Magazine



what it all boils down to is;

robertson accuses liberals (and atheists, homosexuals, feminists, etc)
of doing the DEVILS WORK
and trying to DESTROY christianity and America (you believe this, too,)


since liberals are so EVIL
and since he JUSTIFIES MURDER of gods enemies
then, ipso facto, he is basically stating "it is OUR CHRISTIAN DUTY to KILL LIBERALS....."

AND he wants HIS people to be ALLOWED to commit murder without consequences!

you are just too brainwashed AND stupid to see it....

of course...
there is always the possibility that you agree with robertson....

do you?

do you think that liberals are SO evil that killing them is justified?

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