The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

Bod's not only ignorant, she's a bigot as well.

It's one of her more endearing troll qualities.
I'm not Allie.

The argument isn't what the Constitution says or doesn't say. The argument is whether this nation was founded on Christian principles. And it was. The Constitution even honors the Christian Sabbath as laid out in Article 1, Section 7, Clause 2, which stated in part, “If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law,”

Lonestar, I do admire your tenacity but your lack of knowledge about how politics works or your failure to admit that even in Colonial days politics was the norm shows once again.
Once again you prove my point.
President Washington was almost arrested in Massachussets one Sunday because travel was banned on Sundays. He was traveling to communicate with opponents and proponents of a bill that he may or may not veto.
The "Sundays excepted" clause was an executive move for it's inclusion in the Presidential veto power clause. The first draft of Artidle 1 Section provided for only 7 days within which the President could veto a bill and did not exclude Sunday.
The final draft gives the President 10 days, and with Sundays excepted, 12 days to veto a bill.
The Presidential veto power is a qualified power, established by the Constitution and limited only by time, NOT by subsequent laws passed by Congress or the courts.
There are NO religous reasons given by any of the Founders at the Convention for the wording of "Sundays excepted" in the official record at the Convention.
Why? Convention members went out of their way taken great pains to not allow any mention of religion from the Constitution they were drafting.
The clause is silent about the purpose of the Sunday exception and does not recognize any day as the Sabbath.
Now there were voices in the states opposing the reigous tests clause in the Constitution. They, just like you, claimed that this country was founded on Christian principles and that the no religous test clause would open up national offices to Jews, Catholics, infidels, etc. Even in his day many believed Jefferson to be an atheist, infidel or worse.

Nice spin. But it doesn't hold water. The fact is the Constitution honors the Christian Sabbath.

Never mentions the Sabbath.
Facts are a real bitch for you. Sorry about that.
History 101 at your community college would help you.
That's not bigotry, it's out and out hatred towards a group of people who employ brutal dehumanizing practices and want to force the rest of the world to do the same.

Or do you like the idea of stoning women and selling them as slaves?
That's not bigotry, it's out and out hatred towards a group of people who employ brutal dehumanizing practices and want to force the rest of the world to do the same.

Or do you like the idea of stoning women and selling them as slaves?

You do. The Founders whipped and beat women for having children out of wedlock and enslaved indentured servants adding extra years of servitude and beating them for getting pregnant.
You claimed these were "Christian principles".
Why would I do that? I never made that claim. As far as I know, nobody has...

OK, then please define who that "group of people" are you stated were "employing brutal dehumanizing practices and want to force the rest of the world to do the same."

Bump for Allie's clarification of who she was really talking about.
That's not bigotry, it's out and out hatred towards a group of people who employ brutal dehumanizing practices and want to force the rest of the world to do the same.

Or do you like the idea of stoning women and selling them as slaves?

Lol oh the world you live in Allie. Where categorizing 1.7 billion people on the actions of the lowest .00000000001% and still believing you aren't a bigot.

You truly are the most entertaining poster on this board.

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