The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

What Christian principles was this nation founded on?
Indendtured servitude?
Selling your own offspring from the slaves you knocked up?
Beating the unwed mothers in your community?

Our country was founded on NONE of those things. I suspect you know that.

How odd that they were all there and most sanctioned by the government from the founding.

No one else is responsible for your refusal to educate yourself if this is what you truly took away from both our history and the words of our Constitution honey. You totally missed it and most of us know it was a deliberate choice that you did -because the truth just doesn't serve that agenda of yours, does it?

While no people are perfect and therefore cannot possibly create a perfect system of government or possess a "perfect" history -unlike the vast majority of nations on this planet, our founders did create the peaceful means for all future generations to correct those mistakes as they became aware they were mistakes. It is far more important that a people have the means to fix any mistakes as they come to see them as errors -than it is to be stuck with them forever or rely on the use of violence to change them. What mental defect do you have that led you to believe whatever social ills existed at the time were actually our founding "principles" -you MORON. Get real.

You seem to be under the impression that our history is among the worst when stacked up against the rest of the world -which only tells me you are ignorant of world history on top of everything else. Our history stacks up quite favorably when compared to that of other nations and better than most. But of course you actually have to study that history to find that out and its pretty obvious you haven't. You seem to suffer from some delusion that all other nations must have moved seamlessly from cavemen to being the "wonderful and far more superior to the US" nations you want to pretend they all are today -with no pit stops of less than stellar events in their history! Aside from the total waste of time it is to judge past societies by today's current morals, let's just totally ignore something far more significant -say the more than one billion people slaughtered by their OWN governments in just the last 80 years or so. Many of which I have no doubt you think still do it better than the US! LOL Because we all know its far more important to pretend that because it existed at the time as a common means of repaying debt, indentured servitude was a founding principle of our country? Are you for real? You obviously have a deep seated NEED to view the US in as poor a light as possible for your own dark reasons and want to pretend the US is the cause of all the world's ill when in reality our very existence has prevented far more wars than we have engaged in, ignore the fact we feed about 1/4 the world's population -nearly all of it with no strings attached and NO other people on the planet and certainly no government on the planet comes close to matching the donations coming straight from Americans' pockets to those hit by disasters. If we got it wrong and we do it all wrong - why is it no other people and no government on the planet comes close to matching what Americans PERSONALLY donate out of their own pockets to those in need elsewhere on the planet? Surely people and countries who do it better than the US would surely do that better too. If you think you found someplace that does it better and people you'd rather be with -then Americans being the generous people they really are, would tell you -MOVE THERE and be happy! And don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. Whereas nearly half of all countries on the planet would imprison or even kill you if you tried.

What you chose to pretend actually represented the principles of our founding in reality said something far more important but nothing good about you -and nothing about our founding principles whatsoever. I don't know why anyone is wasting their time -you are clearly an ideologue incapable of being reached by full facts and instead want to pretend that the current social ills -social ills that were not confined to just this country by the way since they were not our inventions - were somehow also the "principles" behind its foundation. That goes way beyond intellectual dishonesty. Gee, doesn't that mean since smallpox was common back then and we now know its spread is associated with the kind of less than hygienic living conditions of the time also mean poor personal hygiene was also a "founding principle" of this nation? LOL This kind of bullshit may serve your own agenda -but it doesn't serve the truth one bit.
What Christian principles was this nation founded on?
Indendtured servitude?
Selling your own offspring from the slaves you knocked up?
Beating the unwed mothers in your community?

Our country was founded on NONE of those things. I suspect you know that.

No kidding.
Now tell us what principles we were founded on.
And which laws have their foundation in RELIGION?
Religion has nothing to do with the writing of The Constitution.
Many tried to inject religion into it.
That side lost. We don't do it that way. Our nation was founded ON LAW, not men and their various religous beliefs.
I'm just glad Allie has come to grips with her bigotry, she's seen the light. She's spent the last few posts justifying it, she's had no desire whatsoever to deny being a bigot.

TheBrain also, another proud bigot.

This is why it confuses me that you see the word bigot as an insult, Allie you're a loud and proud one.
I firmly believe that if Allie was sat long enough, was focused on objectivity and history and would admit the difference between a nation that was predominantly Christian and the nation wanting to get away from the European model of religous influences in government she would grasp it.
Probably the same with Brain but don't know him well.
Allie's problem is the blinders are one and she is a fighter.
Of course the USA was not founded on Christiantity.

It is a founded on the principles of a SECULAR STATE.
Here are some of the Ideal tenets our country was founded on.

1. Equality for all (ok, maybe not for all...yet)....NOT a Christian tenet

2. Democracy....NOT a Christian tenet

3. Limited Government...NOT a Christian tenet

4. Rights not given, but protected by government...NOT a Christian tenet

5. Government by the people...NOT a Christian tenet

6. Citizen politicians...NOT a Christian tenet

7. Classless (well, at least not by birth) societ...NOT a Christian tenet

8. No government sanctioned religion...NOT a Christian tenet

9. Impartial judgements with habeas corpus, no ex post facto...NOT a Christian tenet

feel free to contradict or even add to this list...I know it's imcomplete.
Of course the USA was not founded on Christiantity.

It is a founded on the principles of a SECULAR STATE.

So the founding fathers were lying when they said otherwise.


Even more and Bod think you *know better* than the founding fathers.
Here are some of the Ideal tenets our country was founded on.

1. Equality for all (ok, maybe not for all...yet)....NOT a Christian tenet

2. Democracy....NOT a Christian tenet

3. Limited Government...NOT a Christian tenet

4. Rights not given, but protected by government...NOT a Christian tenet

5. Government by the people...NOT a Christian tenet

6. Citizen politicians...NOT a Christian tenet

7. Classless (well, at least not by birth) societ...NOT a Christian tenet

8. No government sanctioned religion...NOT a Christian tenet

9. Impartial judgements with habeas corpus, no ex post facto...NOT a Christian tenet

feel free to contradict or even add to this list...I know it's imcomplete.

Another retard who thinks she is better versed than the founding fathers on what the country was founded on.

Here are some of the Ideal tenets our country was founded on.

1. Equality for all (ok, maybe not for all...yet)....NOT a Christian tenet

2. Democracy....NOT a Christian tenet

3. Limited Government...NOT a Christian tenet

4. Rights not given, but protected by government...NOT a Christian tenet

5. Government by the people...NOT a Christian tenet

6. Citizen politicians...NOT a Christian tenet

7. Classless (well, at least not by birth) societ...NOT a Christian tenet

8. No government sanctioned religion...NOT a Christian tenet

9. Impartial judgements with habeas corpus, no ex post facto...NOT a Christian tenet

feel free to contradict or even add to this list...I know it's imcomplete.

Another retard who thinks she is better versed than the founding fathers on what the country was founded on.


I fail to see you refute or contradict any of those things, Allie. At least I listed the tenets I think this country is founded can't seem to list anything. All you can do is make vague comments, lie, hide, neg, lie, vague comments, insult, lie, neg, hide, make vague comments, lie, hide, insult, hide, neg, and insult.
I don't bother contradicting most of the garbage you spew, bod. What's the point in arguing with a liar?
Here are some of the Ideal tenets our country was founded on.

1. Equality for all (ok, maybe not for all...yet)....NOT a Christian tenet

2. Democracy....NOT a Christian tenet

3. Limited Government...NOT a Christian tenet

4. Rights not given, but protected by government...NOT a Christian tenet

5. Government by the people...NOT a Christian tenet

6. Citizen politicians...NOT a Christian tenet

7. Classless (well, at least not by birth) societ...NOT a Christian tenet

8. No government sanctioned religion...NOT a Christian tenet

9. Impartial judgements with habeas corpus, no ex post facto...NOT a Christian tenet

feel free to contradict or even add to this list...I know it's imcomplete.

Please feel free to explain to us how ANY of those things are not Christian in nature. You posting that they aren't isn't enough.

Seriously you idiot, do you even think before you post, or do you just vomit the first though that comes into your head and try to pretend like it's an intelligent response.

Now I've read a few of your posts, and I know you like to avoid and tap dance when asked questions you don't like, but I won't play that game with you . Either respond and tell me exactly how those 9 items are not Christ like, or admit that your entire stance is a sham.

I suspect the truth is that you are uneducated buffoon who is attempting to make up for inadequacies by posting nonsense on a message board and taking advantage of the fact that there is always an idiot who will agree with anything anyone says to bolster his self confidence. Let me inject some reality into your fantasy world. You are not smart, in fact it is evident that you are an idiot since you don't even know the difference between a nation founded on Christian principles, and a theocracy.

Oh by the way. THE main tenet of our nation is charity. NO ONE can deny that. We are and always have been the most charitable nation on the face of the Earth; and charity is most definitely a Christian tenet.
Here are some of the Ideal tenets our country was founded on.

1. Equality for all (ok, maybe not for all...yet)....NOT a Christian tenet

2. Democracy....NOT a Christian tenet

3. Limited Government...NOT a Christian tenet

4. Rights not given, but protected by government...NOT a Christian tenet

5. Government by the people...NOT a Christian tenet

6. Citizen politicians...NOT a Christian tenet

7. Classless (well, at least not by birth) societ...NOT a Christian tenet

8. No government sanctioned religion...NOT a Christian tenet

9. Impartial judgements with habeas corpus, no ex post facto...NOT a Christian tenet

feel free to contradict or even add to this list...I know it's imcomplete.

Please feel free to explain to us how ANY of those things are not Christian in nature. You posting that they aren't isn't enough.

That is proving a negative....tell you us where ANY of those things are in scripture as a tenet of good Christianity. That would be a good start, don't you think?

Seriously you idiot, do you even think before you post, or do you just vomit the first though that comes into your head and try to pretend like it's an intelligent response.

Ah, I see you've been to the Allie Baba School of "attack the poster rather than address the post content cause I've got nothing."

Now I've read a few of your posts, and I know you like to avoid and tap dance when asked questions you don't like, but I won't play that game with you . Either respond and tell me exactly how those 9 items are not Christ like, or admit that your entire stance is a sham.

Such as?

I suspect the truth is that you are uneducated buffoon

Pretty ironic (and funny) that.

who is attempting to make up for inadequacies by posting nonsense on a message board and taking advantage of the fact that there is always an idiot who will agree with anything anyone says to bolster his self confidence. Let me inject some reality into your fantasy world. You are not smart, in fact it is evident that you are an idiot since you don't even know the difference between a nation founded on Christian principles, and a theocracy.

Way to address the content of my assertions on American's founding tenets, Buckaroo. :clap2::clap2:

Oh by the way. THE main tenet of our nation is charity. NO ONE can deny that. We are and always have been the most charitable nation on the face of the Earth; and charity is most definitely a Christian tenet.
Where is it in the Constitution? In our founding documents? I look forward to the evidence in that regard. Thanks in advance.
Of course the USA was not founded on Christiantity.

It is a founded on the principles of a SECULAR STATE.

So the founding fathers were lying when they said otherwise.


Even more and Bod think you *know better* than the founding fathers.

You are the one claiming that THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION is a lie.
That document is what founded this nation, not words for political gain.
Show me one word or sentence the Founders stated that has been used as a foundation of the laws of this nation.
Show me one word or sentence the Founders used about God, religion, Christianity that has stood the test of time and has been a foundation in the laws and construction ofour government and nation.
Just one.
Words are cheap. THE LAW is what this nation was founded on. THE LAW is what protects you from the words of TYRANTS be they Christian or otherwise.
Shame on you for taking your freedom for granted. Men died for it protecting the rights of others and you turn your back on it and lay your claims on words instead of THE LAW that rules the land, protects you and was the foundation of America.
Here are some of the Ideal tenets our country was founded on.

1. Equality for all (ok, maybe not for all...yet)....NOT a Christian tenet

2. Democracy....NOT a Christian tenet

3. Limited Government...NOT a Christian tenet

4. Rights not given, but protected by government...NOT a Christian tenet

5. Government by the people...NOT a Christian tenet

6. Citizen politicians...NOT a Christian tenet

7. Classless (well, at least not by birth) societ...NOT a Christian tenet

8. No government sanctioned religion...NOT a Christian tenet

9. Impartial judgements with habeas corpus, no ex post facto...NOT a Christian tenet

feel free to contradict or even add to this list...I know it's imcomplete.

Please feel free to explain to us how ANY of those things are not Christian in nature. You posting that they aren't isn't enough.

That is proving a negative....tell you us where ANY of those things are in scripture as a tenet of good Christianity. That would be a good start, don't you think?

Ah, I see you've been to the Allie Baba School of "attack the poster rather than address the post content cause I've got nothing."

Such as?

Pretty ironic (and funny) that.

who is attempting to make up for inadequacies by posting nonsense on a message board and taking advantage of the fact that there is always an idiot who will agree with anything anyone says to bolster his self confidence. Let me inject some reality into your fantasy world. You are not smart, in fact it is evident that you are an idiot since you don't even know the difference between a nation founded on Christian principles, and a theocracy.

Way to address the content of my assertions on American's founding tenets, Buckaroo. :clap2::clap2:

Oh by the way. THE main tenet of our nation is charity. NO ONE can deny that. We are and always have been the most charitable nation on the face of the Earth; and charity is most definitely a Christian tenet.
Where is it in the Constitution? In our founding documents? I look forward to the evidence in that regard. Thanks in advance.

Yep, the old dance of the uneducated. I didn't ask you to prove a negative moron. You made 9 claims, I asked you back any SINGLE one of them up.

What a dishonest piece of shit you are.

I won't address you further in this thread unless and until you respond to requests for proof of your claims. So probably never.

Good day

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