The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

Here are some of the Ideal tenets our country was founded on.

1. Equality for all (ok, maybe not for all...yet)....NOT a Christian tenet

2. Democracy....NOT a Christian tenet

3. Limited Government...NOT a Christian tenet

4. Rights not given, but protected by government...NOT a Christian tenet

5. Government by the people...NOT a Christian tenet

6. Citizen politicians...NOT a Christian tenet

7. Classless (well, at least not by birth) societ...NOT a Christian tenet

8. No government sanctioned religion...NOT a Christian tenet

9. Impartial judgements with habeas corpus, no ex post facto...NOT a Christian tenet

feel free to contradict or even add to this list...I know it's imcomplete.

Please feel free to explain to us how ANY of those things are not Christian in nature. You posting that they aren't isn't enough.

Seriously you idiot, do you even think before you post, or do you just vomit the first though that comes into your head and try to pretend like it's an intelligent response.

Now I've read a few of your posts, and I know you like to avoid and tap dance when asked questions you don't like, but I won't play that game with you . Either respond and tell me exactly how those 9 items are not Christ like, or admit that your entire stance is a sham.

I suspect the truth is that you are uneducated buffoon who is attempting to make up for inadequacies by posting nonsense on a message board and taking advantage of the fact that there is always an idiot who will agree with anything anyone says to bolster his self confidence. Let me inject some reality into your fantasy world. You are not smart, in fact it is evident that you are an idiot since you don't even know the difference between a nation founded on Christian principles, and a theocracy.

Oh by the way. THE main tenet of our nation is charity. NO ONE can deny that. We are and always have been the most charitable nation on the face of the Earth; and charity is most definitely a Christian tenet.

Don't you know that when this country was founded that every country in Europe was dominated by Christianity and that is what the Founders ran from, didn't want and purposely founded the laws of this nation exactly the opposite of?
If you don't know that then you know no history.
Don't you know that Christian influenced nations all over Europe at that time were founded on the Christian principle of divine right? Do you know what that is and howour country was not founded on that? Explain that and why the Founders opposed that.
Don't you know that the concept of citizen politicians was NOT what the European nations of that time with their monarchies had? Those societies were all closed class societies. No man there could get into government unless he was of the upper class of society. Those were theChristian principles of the day, the full support of the monarchy.
Ya know dude, the folks we fought against and had a revolution against.
You believe the European Christian backed religous divine right monarchies all over Europe had "equality for all"? :lol::lol:
That they had limited government run by the Christian churches in Europe?:lol::lol:
Guess why?
Here are some of the Ideal tenets our country was founded on.

1. Equality for all (ok, maybe not for all...yet)....NOT a Christian tenet

2. Democracy....NOT a Christian tenet

3. Limited Government...NOT a Christian tenet

4. Rights not given, but protected by government...NOT a Christian tenet

5. Government by the people...NOT a Christian tenet

6. Citizen politicians...NOT a Christian tenet

7. Classless (well, at least not by birth) societ...NOT a Christian tenet

8. No government sanctioned religion...NOT a Christian tenet

9. Impartial judgements with habeas corpus, no ex post facto...NOT a Christian tenet

feel free to contradict or even add to this list...I know it's imcomplete.

Please feel free to explain to us how ANY of those things are not Christian in nature. You posting that they aren't isn't enough.

Seriously you idiot, do you even think before you post, or do you just vomit the first though that comes into your head and try to pretend like it's an intelligent response.

Now I've read a few of your posts, and I know you like to avoid and tap dance when asked questions you don't like, but I won't play that game with you . Either respond and tell me exactly how those 9 items are not Christ like, or admit that your entire stance is a sham.

I suspect the truth is that you are uneducated buffoon who is attempting to make up for inadequacies by posting nonsense on a message board and taking advantage of the fact that there is always an idiot who will agree with anything anyone says to bolster his self confidence. Let me inject some reality into your fantasy world. You are not smart, in fact it is evident that you are an idiot since you don't even know the difference between a nation founded on Christian principles, and a theocracy.

Oh by the way. THE main tenet of our nation is charity. NO ONE can deny that. We are and always have been the most charitable nation on the face of the Earth; and charity is most definitely a Christian tenet.

Don't you know that when this country was founded that every country in Europe was dominated by Christianity and that is what the Founders ran from, didn't want and purposely founded the laws of this nation exactly the opposite of?
If you don't know that then you know no history.
Don't you know that Christian influenced nations all over Europe at that time were founded on the Christian principle of divine right? Do you know what that is and howour country was not founded on that? Explain that and why the Founders opposed that.
Don't you know that the concept of citizen politicians was NOT what the European nations of that time with their monarchies had? Those societies were all closed class societies. No man there could get into government unless he was of the upper class of society. Those were theChristian principles of the day, the full support of the monarchy.
Ya know dude, the folks we fought against and had a revolution against.
You believe the European Christian backed religous divine right monarchies all over Europe had "equality for all"? :lol::lol:
That they had limited government run by the Christian churches in Europe?:lol::lol:
Guess why?

You're a dumbass.

Those that fled England was wanting religious freedom. They wanted a chance to worship freely and have an opportunity to choose which religion they wanted to take part in.

Maybe you should read a history book!
Here are some of the Ideal tenets our country was founded on.

1. Equality for all (ok, maybe not for all...yet)....NOT a Christian tenet

2. Democracy....NOT a Christian tenet

3. Limited Government...NOT a Christian tenet

4. Rights not given, but protected by government...NOT a Christian tenet

5. Government by the people...NOT a Christian tenet

6. Citizen politicians...NOT a Christian tenet

7. Classless (well, at least not by birth) societ...NOT a Christian tenet

8. No government sanctioned religion...NOT a Christian tenet

9. Impartial judgements with habeas corpus, no ex post facto...NOT a Christian tenet

feel free to contradict or even add to this list...I know it's imcomplete.

Please feel free to explain to us how ANY of those things are not Christian in nature. You posting that they aren't isn't enough.

Seriously you idiot, do you even think before you post, or do you just vomit the first though that comes into your head and try to pretend like it's an intelligent response.

Now I've read a few of your posts, and I know you like to avoid and tap dance when asked questions you don't like, but I won't play that game with you . Either respond and tell me exactly how those 9 items are not Christ like, or admit that your entire stance is a sham.

I suspect the truth is that you are uneducated buffoon who is attempting to make up for inadequacies by posting nonsense on a message board and taking advantage of the fact that there is always an idiot who will agree with anything anyone says to bolster his self confidence. Let me inject some reality into your fantasy world. You are not smart, in fact it is evident that you are an idiot since you don't even know the difference between a nation founded on Christian principles, and a theocracy.

Oh by the way. THE main tenet of our nation is charity. NO ONE can deny that. We are and always have been the most charitable nation on the face of the Earth; and charity is most definitely a Christian tenet.

Don't you know that when this country was founded that every country in Europe was dominated by Christianity and that is what the Founders ran from, didn't want and purposely founded the laws of this nation exactly the opposite of?
If you don't know that then you know no history.
Don't you know that Christian influenced nations all over Europe at that time were founded on the Christian principle of divine right? Do you know what that is and howour country was not founded on that? Explain that and why the Founders opposed that.
Don't you know that the concept of citizen politicians was NOT what the European nations of that time with their monarchies had? Those societies were all closed class societies. No man there could get into government unless he was of the upper class of society. Those were theChristian principles of the day, the full support of the monarchy.
Ya know dude, the folks we fought against and had a revolution against.
You believe the European Christian backed religous divine right monarchies all over Europe had "equality for all"? :lol::lol:
That they had limited government run by the Christian churches in Europe?:lol::lol:
Guess why?

You are wrong about a few historical facts my friend.

The founding fathers were not running from Christianity, they were running from a state sponsored religion. Can you not see that they are not the same thing?

Also, by the time the pilgrims came to America England, you know the nation most of us descended from , had in fact already recognized a little document, you may know it, The Magna Carta, which essentially gave rights to all. Well all whites male adults anyway, but that was a sign of a backwards people, not one of religion.

Again, you are completely mixing two ideas here, and unlike some you seem like a pretty smart guy, so I'm confused.

Yes, if you are saying we were not founded as a Christian theocracy, you are absolutely correct. The founding fathers made it abundantly clear that they wanted nothing to do with a government that told them how to worship or even if they COULD worship.

But they also made it clear that we the people recognize that there is a God and that He has given us certain principle and morals that we should live by and that we as a nation would abide by those laws.

Acknowledging the latter does not mean we reject the former.

This idea that Christians want anyone to admit that we are a nation formed on Christian principles so that we can turn this country into a Christian theocracy is laughable.

I'm happy to debate the historical aspect of this all day long with you, but ONLY if you can admit certain facts which are indisputable. Just as I wouldn't expect you to debate me on this if I were insisting that we are a Christian theocracy.
Please feel free to explain to us how ANY of those things are not Christian in nature. You posting that they aren't isn't enough.

Seriously you idiot, do you even think before you post, or do you just vomit the first though that comes into your head and try to pretend like it's an intelligent response.

Now I've read a few of your posts, and I know you like to avoid and tap dance when asked questions you don't like, but I won't play that game with you . Either respond and tell me exactly how those 9 items are not Christ like, or admit that your entire stance is a sham.

I suspect the truth is that you are uneducated buffoon who is attempting to make up for inadequacies by posting nonsense on a message board and taking advantage of the fact that there is always an idiot who will agree with anything anyone says to bolster his self confidence. Let me inject some reality into your fantasy world. You are not smart, in fact it is evident that you are an idiot since you don't even know the difference between a nation founded on Christian principles, and a theocracy.

Oh by the way. THE main tenet of our nation is charity. NO ONE can deny that. We are and always have been the most charitable nation on the face of the Earth; and charity is most definitely a Christian tenet.

Don't you know that when this country was founded that every country in Europe was dominated by Christianity and that is what the Founders ran from, didn't want and purposely founded the laws of this nation exactly the opposite of?
If you don't know that then you know no history.
Don't you know that Christian influenced nations all over Europe at that time were founded on the Christian principle of divine right? Do you know what that is and howour country was not founded on that? Explain that and why the Founders opposed that.
Don't you know that the concept of citizen politicians was NOT what the European nations of that time with their monarchies had? Those societies were all closed class societies. No man there could get into government unless he was of the upper class of society. Those were theChristian principles of the day, the full support of the monarchy.
Ya know dude, the folks we fought against and had a revolution against.
You believe the European Christian backed religous divine right monarchies all over Europe had "equality for all"? :lol::lol:
That they had limited government run by the Christian churches in Europe?:lol::lol:
Guess why?

You're a dumbass.

Those that fled England was wanting religious freedom. They wanted a chance to worship freely and have an opportunity to choose which religion they wanted to take part in.

Maybe you should read a history book!

Come on bro, he's wrong, but he's being semi reasonable, no reason to attack him in such a way. Now that pirate thing? Attack away, he's illogical and stupid.
Here are some of the Ideal tenets our country was founded on.

1. Equality for all (ok, maybe not for all...yet)....NOT a Christian tenet

2. Democracy....NOT a Christian tenet

3. Limited Government...NOT a Christian tenet

4. Rights not given, but protected by government...NOT a Christian tenet

5. Government by the people...NOT a Christian tenet

6. Citizen politicians...NOT a Christian tenet

7. Classless (well, at least not by birth) societ...NOT a Christian tenet

8. No government sanctioned religion...NOT a Christian tenet

9. Impartial judgements with habeas corpus, no ex post facto...NOT a Christian tenet

feel free to contradict or even add to this list...I know it's imcomplete.

Please feel free to explain to us how ANY of those things are not Christian in nature. You posting that they aren't isn't enough.

Seriously you idiot, do you even think before you post, or do you just vomit the first though that comes into your head and try to pretend like it's an intelligent response.

Now I've read a few of your posts, and I know you like to avoid and tap dance when asked questions you don't like, but I won't play that game with you . Either respond and tell me exactly how those 9 items are not Christ like, or admit that your entire stance is a sham.

I suspect the truth is that you are uneducated buffoon who is attempting to make up for inadequacies by posting nonsense on a message board and taking advantage of the fact that there is always an idiot who will agree with anything anyone says to bolster his self confidence. Let me inject some reality into your fantasy world. You are not smart, in fact it is evident that you are an idiot since you don't even know the difference between a nation founded on Christian principles, and a theocracy.

Oh by the way. THE main tenet of our nation is charity. NO ONE can deny that. We are and always have been the most charitable nation on the face of the Earth; and charity is most definitely a Christian tenet.

Don't you know that when this country was founded that every country in Europe was dominated by Christianity and that is what the Founders ran from, didn't want and purposely founded the laws of this nation exactly the opposite of?
If you don't know that then you know no history.
Don't you know that Christian influenced nations all over Europe at that time were founded on the Christian principle of divine right? Do you know what that is and howour country was not founded on that? Explain that and why the Founders opposed that.
Don't you know that the concept of citizen politicians was NOT what the European nations of that time with their monarchies had? Those societies were all closed class societies. No man there could get into government unless he was of the upper class of society. Those were theChristian principles of the day, the full support of the monarchy.
Ya know dude, the folks we fought against and had a revolution against.
You believe the European Christian backed religous divine right monarchies all over Europe had "equality for all"? :lol::lol:
That they had limited government run by the Christian churches in Europe?:lol::lol:
Guess why?

I'm gonna guess without peeking that you will be negged or insulted for that post....but NOT disproven.
Please feel free to explain to us how ANY of those things are not Christian in nature. You posting that they aren't isn't enough.

Seriously you idiot, do you even think before you post, or do you just vomit the first though that comes into your head and try to pretend like it's an intelligent response.

Now I've read a few of your posts, and I know you like to avoid and tap dance when asked questions you don't like, but I won't play that game with you . Either respond and tell me exactly how those 9 items are not Christ like, or admit that your entire stance is a sham.

I suspect the truth is that you are uneducated buffoon who is attempting to make up for inadequacies by posting nonsense on a message board and taking advantage of the fact that there is always an idiot who will agree with anything anyone says to bolster his self confidence. Let me inject some reality into your fantasy world. You are not smart, in fact it is evident that you are an idiot since you don't even know the difference between a nation founded on Christian principles, and a theocracy.

Oh by the way. THE main tenet of our nation is charity. NO ONE can deny that. We are and always have been the most charitable nation on the face of the Earth; and charity is most definitely a Christian tenet.

Don't you know that when this country was founded that every country in Europe was dominated by Christianity and that is what the Founders ran from, didn't want and purposely founded the laws of this nation exactly the opposite of?
If you don't know that then you know no history.
Don't you know that Christian influenced nations all over Europe at that time were founded on the Christian principle of divine right? Do you know what that is and howour country was not founded on that? Explain that and why the Founders opposed that.
Don't you know that the concept of citizen politicians was NOT what the European nations of that time with their monarchies had? Those societies were all closed class societies. No man there could get into government unless he was of the upper class of society. Those were theChristian principles of the day, the full support of the monarchy.
Ya know dude, the folks we fought against and had a revolution against.
You believe the European Christian backed religous divine right monarchies all over Europe had "equality for all"? :lol::lol:
That they had limited government run by the Christian churches in Europe?:lol::lol:
Guess why?

You're a dumbass.

I win! :clap2::clap2:

Those that fled England was wanting religious freedom. They wanted a chance to worship freely and have an opportunity to choose which religion they wanted to take part in.

WITHOUT government Gadawg said. (Except for the Puritans who ran a theocracy for a time and really turned people off to religion in government)

Maybe you should read a history book!

May I suggest you read a history book AND read his post? You pretty much confirmed what he said about how our founders felt about government running religion and religion in government.
:lol::lol::lol: You pwn'd yourself this time.
Please feel free to explain to us how ANY of those things are not Christian in nature. You posting that they aren't isn't enough.

Seriously you idiot, do you even think before you post, or do you just vomit the first though that comes into your head and try to pretend like it's an intelligent response.

Now I've read a few of your posts, and I know you like to avoid and tap dance when asked questions you don't like, but I won't play that game with you . Either respond and tell me exactly how those 9 items are not Christ like, or admit that your entire stance is a sham.

I suspect the truth is that you are uneducated buffoon who is attempting to make up for inadequacies by posting nonsense on a message board and taking advantage of the fact that there is always an idiot who will agree with anything anyone says to bolster his self confidence. Let me inject some reality into your fantasy world. You are not smart, in fact it is evident that you are an idiot since you don't even know the difference between a nation founded on Christian principles, and a theocracy.

Oh by the way. THE main tenet of our nation is charity. NO ONE can deny that. We are and always have been the most charitable nation on the face of the Earth; and charity is most definitely a Christian tenet.

Don't you know that when this country was founded that every country in Europe was dominated by Christianity and that is what the Founders ran from, didn't want and purposely founded the laws of this nation exactly the opposite of?
If you don't know that then you know no history.
Don't you know that Christian influenced nations all over Europe at that time were founded on the Christian principle of divine right? Do you know what that is and howour country was not founded on that? Explain that and why the Founders opposed that.
Don't you know that the concept of citizen politicians was NOT what the European nations of that time with their monarchies had? Those societies were all closed class societies. No man there could get into government unless he was of the upper class of society. Those were theChristian principles of the day, the full support of the monarchy.
Ya know dude, the folks we fought against and had a revolution against.
You believe the European Christian backed religous divine right monarchies all over Europe had "equality for all"? :lol::lol:
That they had limited government run by the Christian churches in Europe?:lol::lol:
Guess why?

You are wrong about a few historical facts my friend.

The founding fathers were not running from Christianity, they were running from a state sponsored religion. Can you not see that they are not the same thing?

Also, by the time the pilgrims came to America England, you know the nation most of us descended from , had in fact already recognized a little document, you may know it, The Magna Carta, which essentially gave rights to all. Well all whites male adults anyway, but that was a sign of a backwards people, not one of religion.

Again, you are completely mixing two ideas here, and unlike some you seem like a pretty smart guy, so I'm confused.

Yes, if you are saying we were not founded as a Christian theocracy, you are absolutely correct. The founding fathers made it abundantly clear that they wanted nothing to do with a government that told them how to worship or even if they COULD worship.

But they also made it clear that we the people recognize that there is a God and that He has given us certain principle and morals that we should live by and that we as a nation would abide by those laws.

Acknowledging the latter does not mean we reject the former.

This idea that Christians want anyone to admit that we are a nation formed on Christian principles so that we can turn this country into a Christian theocracy is laughable.

I'm happy to debate the historical aspect of this all day long with you, but ONLY if you can admit certain facts which are indisputable. Just as I wouldn't expect you to debate me on this if I were insisting that we are a Christian theocracy. it didn't. It gave some rights (due process) to a very select few....the nobility and freemen....and some very interesting religious clauses in ther about jews and the independence of the English church (not to be confused with the Church of England formed centuries later)
Don't you know that when this country was founded that every country in Europe was dominated by Christianity and that is what the Founders ran from, didn't want and purposely founded the laws of this nation exactly the opposite of?
If you don't know that then you know no history.
Don't you know that Christian influenced nations all over Europe at that time were founded on the Christian principle of divine right? Do you know what that is and howour country was not founded on that? Explain that and why the Founders opposed that.
Don't you know that the concept of citizen politicians was NOT what the European nations of that time with their monarchies had? Those societies were all closed class societies. No man there could get into government unless he was of the upper class of society. Those were theChristian principles of the day, the full support of the monarchy.
Ya know dude, the folks we fought against and had a revolution against.
You believe the European Christian backed religous divine right monarchies all over Europe had "equality for all"? :lol::lol:
That they had limited government run by the Christian churches in Europe?:lol::lol:
Guess why?

You're a dumbass.

I win! :clap2::clap2:

Those that fled England was wanting religious freedom. They wanted a chance to worship freely and have an opportunity to choose which religion they wanted to take part in.

WITHOUT government Gadawg said. (Except for the Puritans who ran a theocracy for a time and really turned people off to religion in government)

Maybe you should read a history book!

May I suggest you read a history book AND read his post? You pretty much confirmed what he said about how our founders felt about government running religion and religion in government.
:lol::lol::lol: You pwn'd yourself this time.

I read his post and he's as wrong as you are ugly.

This nation was built on Christian principles by men of faith. That is a fact and no amount of your whining will change that.
This topic can't be argued intelligently here because the principal posters will not deal in fact.

Whether or not the US was founded upon Christian principle is the debate. Bod and most others who claim that it is not are also equating, either intentionally or not, a Christian foundation with a theocracy. The fact that they cannot frame the actual question in the first place, or even reflect what is being debated accurately, means there is no way to debate intelligently with them. They refuse to talk about the actual debate topic, and instead keep picking up different topics (some real, some completely crazy stuff from their own heads) and talking to THOSE points....and then claiming that they are actually addressing the actual issue.

When you have people who just ignore fact consistently (Bod, pick any post of hers and I'll show you a lie or a complete disregard for the truth) you can't have an intelligent convo with them. They will pretend it's happening, they'll claim they are winning, they will completely lie about things that were discussed (or not) two seconds ago, and pretend that's the truth.

bod saying she didn't say something...that is actually quoted and and referenced in the very same post she's denying it.

Bod claiming that I don't provide verification or links, and blithely stating the same lie over and over, even as a reply to posts that have quotations and links embedded.

someone stating something as a fact/truth that is patently untrue....For example, bod running around from thread to thread, posting insane tripe like, "Why are you so disappointed that Osama is dead?" "All the rightwing is really upset that Osama is dead"...when not one rightwing person has given any indication of that.

I don't even know what that's about. I think it's just disturbing.

Anyway, there's no way to argue intelligently with someone who is like that. Sky was the same. It's pure, unadulterated craziness. I've been around a lot of crazy, manipulative and just nutso people and that's exactly the way they function. Nothing that comes out of their mouths is sane, true, or even useful, in most cases. Sometimes they are intentionally lying, and sometimes they really believe the stuff they say..after all,they live in an alternate universe.

But you can never make them face a fact or accept a truth that they don't like. They won't do it. It's part of being schizo. You change reality...sometimes to something you like better, sometimes to something worse. But you don't understand reality, and it's impossible to debate a person like that.
Don't you know that when this country was founded that every country in Europe was dominated by Christianity and that is what the Founders ran from, didn't want and purposely founded the laws of this nation exactly the opposite of?
If you don't know that then you know no history.
Don't you know that Christian influenced nations all over Europe at that time were founded on the Christian principle of divine right? Do you know what that is and howour country was not founded on that? Explain that and why the Founders opposed that.
Don't you know that the concept of citizen politicians was NOT what the European nations of that time with their monarchies had? Those societies were all closed class societies. No man there could get into government unless he was of the upper class of society. Those were theChristian principles of the day, the full support of the monarchy.
Ya know dude, the folks we fought against and had a revolution against.
You believe the European Christian backed religous divine right monarchies all over Europe had "equality for all"? :lol::lol:
That they had limited government run by the Christian churches in Europe?:lol::lol:
Guess why?

You're a dumbass.

Those that fled England was wanting religious freedom. They wanted a chance to worship freely and have an opportunity to choose which religion they wanted to take part in.

Maybe you should read a history book!

Come on bro, he's wrong, but he's being semi reasonable, no reason to attack him in such a way. Now that pirate thing? Attack away, he's illogical and stupid.

Pearls before swine. Gadawg is not the person to waste niceties on.
This topic can't be argued intelligently here because the principal posters will not deal in fact.

Whether or not the US was founded upon Christian principle is the debate. Bod and most others who claim that it is not are also equating, either intentionally or not, a Christian foundation with a theocracy. The fact that they cannot frame the actual question in the first place, or even reflect what is being debated accurately, means there is no way to debate intelligently with them. They refuse to talk about the actual debate topic, and instead keep picking up different topics (some real, some completely crazy stuff from their own heads) and talking to THOSE points....and then claiming that they are actually addressing the actual issue.

When you have people who just ignore fact consistently (Bod, pick any post of hers and I'll show you a lie or a complete disregard for the truth) you can't have an intelligent convo with them. They will pretend it's happening, they'll claim they are winning, they will completely lie about things that were discussed (or not) two seconds ago, and pretend that's the truth.

bod saying she didn't say something...that is actually quoted and and referenced in the very same post she's denying it.

Bod claiming that I don't provide verification or links, and blithely stating the same lie over and over, even as a reply to posts that have quotations and links embedded.

someone stating something as a fact/truth that is patently untrue....For example, bod running around from thread to thread, posting insane tripe like, "Why are you so disappointed that Osama is dead?" "All the rightwing is really upset that Osama is dead"...when not one rightwing person has given any indication of that.

I don't even know what that's about. I think it's just disturbing.

Anyway, there's no way to argue intelligently with someone who is like that. Sky was the same. It's pure, unadulterated craziness. I've been around a lot of crazy, manipulative and just nutso people and that's exactly the way they function. Nothing that comes out of their mouths is sane, true, or even useful, in most cases. Sometimes they are intentionally lying, and sometimes they really believe the stuff they say..after all,they live in an alternate universe.

But you can never make them face a fact or accept a truth that they don't like. They won't do it. It's part of being schizo. You change reality...sometimes to something you like better, sometimes to something worse. But you don't understand reality, and it's impossible to debate a person like that.

Which is exactly why I stopped responding to that dude Bode you say? He's completely irrational, not very smart, and just plain argumentative with no basis for being so. Sad guy if you ask me.
You're a dumbass.

Those that fled England was wanting religious freedom. They wanted a chance to worship freely and have an opportunity to choose which religion they wanted to take part in.

Maybe you should read a history book!

Come on bro, he's wrong, but he's being semi reasonable, no reason to attack him in such a way. Now that pirate thing? Attack away, he's illogical and stupid.

Pearls before swine. Gadawg is not the person to waste niceties on.

Gadawg has been decent to me, so I shall return the civility. What others think of a person is irrelevant to my own feelings towards them.
You're a dumbass.

I win! :clap2::clap2:

WITHOUT government Gadawg said. (Except for the Puritans who ran a theocracy for a time and really turned people off to religion in government)

Maybe you should read a history book!

May I suggest you read a history book AND read his post? You pretty much confirmed what he said about how our founders felt about government running religion and religion in government.
:lol::lol::lol: You pwn'd yourself this time.

I read his post and he's as wrong as you are ugly.

I win again! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

This nation was built on Christian principles by men of faith. That is a fact and no amount of your whining will change that.

What were those Christian principles then....maybe YOU can enlighten us.

And what faith were those men of faith? What church did they regularly attend?
That's like the 150th time you've asked a question that has already been answered, many, many times.

When someone has no retention, they're either lying, or they suffer brain damage.
I win! :clap2::clap2:

WITHOUT government Gadawg said. (Except for the Puritans who ran a theocracy for a time and really turned people off to religion in government)

May I suggest you read a history book AND read his post? You pretty much confirmed what he said about how our founders felt about government running religion and religion in government.
:lol::lol::lol: You pwn'd yourself this time.

I read his post and he's as wrong as you are ugly.

I win again! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

This nation was built on Christian principles by men of faith. That is a fact and no amount of your whining will change that.

What were those Christian principles then....maybe YOU can enlighten us.

And what faith were those men of faith? What church did they regularly attend?

YAY!!! :clap2::clap2::clap2: Allie comes thru again. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Same time tomorrow, old girl?
That's like the 150th time you've asked a question that has already been answered, many, many times.

When someone has no retention, they're either lying, or they suffer brain damage.

No that question has not been answered. You know it, I know it...but it IS kind of cute how you are trying to rescue Lonestar_Logic from actually having to provide us with some of those "Christian Principles." I was under the impression he could handle himself......maybe not? :eusa_eh:
It's been posted. And reposted. Along with the statements from the Supreme Court and the founding fathers that prove, beyond any doubt, that the US was founded on Christian tenets. There's no guessing here, the founding fathers said it, over and over. The Supreme Court said it. Abraham Lincoln and Obama said it.

Why do you feel compelled to lie about something that isn't even ambiguous?
Please feel free to explain to us how ANY of those things are not Christian in nature. You posting that they aren't isn't enough.

Seriously you idiot, do you even think before you post, or do you just vomit the first though that comes into your head and try to pretend like it's an intelligent response.

Now I've read a few of your posts, and I know you like to avoid and tap dance when asked questions you don't like, but I won't play that game with you . Either respond and tell me exactly how those 9 items are not Christ like, or admit that your entire stance is a sham.

I suspect the truth is that you are uneducated buffoon who is attempting to make up for inadequacies by posting nonsense on a message board and taking advantage of the fact that there is always an idiot who will agree with anything anyone says to bolster his self confidence. Let me inject some reality into your fantasy world. You are not smart, in fact it is evident that you are an idiot since you don't even know the difference between a nation founded on Christian principles, and a theocracy.

Oh by the way. THE main tenet of our nation is charity. NO ONE can deny that. We are and always have been the most charitable nation on the face of the Earth; and charity is most definitely a Christian tenet.

Don't you know that when this country was founded that every country in Europe was dominated by Christianity and that is what the Founders ran from, didn't want and purposely founded the laws of this nation exactly the opposite of?
If you don't know that then you know no history.
Don't you know that Christian influenced nations all over Europe at that time were founded on the Christian principle of divine right? Do you know what that is and howour country was not founded on that? Explain that and why the Founders opposed that.
Don't you know that the concept of citizen politicians was NOT what the European nations of that time with their monarchies had? Those societies were all closed class societies. No man there could get into government unless he was of the upper class of society. Those were theChristian principles of the day, the full support of the monarchy.
Ya know dude, the folks we fought against and had a revolution against.
You believe the European Christian backed religous divine right monarchies all over Europe had "equality for all"? :lol::lol:
That they had limited government run by the Christian churches in Europe?:lol::lol:
Guess why?

You're a dumbass.

Those that fled England was wanting religious freedom. They wanted a chance to worship freely and have an opportunity to choose which religion they wanted to take part in.

Maybe you should read a history book!

So those that fled England were the ones that wrote the Constitution and were the Founding Fathers?:cuckoo:
And you claim that I am the dumbass.:lol:
You are off about 300 years there Lonestar. Better luck next time.

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