The Ukraine Has Stopped Major Offensive Operations.

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

Putin claims that they know that they can't win. This will not be the end of the war, it will bring an escalation by America.

There isn't a win in this war for either America or Russia. But there is no victory possible either.
Disagree that Moscow will not win -- that is ,claim back three or four more regions .What can stop them ? Certainly not F 16s -- huge problems with using them and details another time if appropriate.
Disagree that Moscow will not win -- that is ,claim back three or four more regions .What can stop them ? Certainly not F 16s -- huge problems with using them and details another time if appropriate.
America can't accept the loss and that's what prompts me to say that Russia can't win.

Once everybody comes to accept that this an American led war against Russia, the discussion can take place on a more rational level.

Russia is finished if they don't repel the threat but they definitely can repel the threat if Russia turns to the use of their nuclear weapons. They will if that's what it takes.

America knows that this is its final opportunity to defeat Russia and stop the coming China/Russia/Brics military alliance. America can't afford to not win the war.

It needs to be spelled out in those terms and it doesn't call for any bias to accept it.

It's hard to be optimistic in thinking that a Russian demonstration of tactical nuclear force won't be answered by America.

It's easier to be optimistic on America coming to understand that it attempted a bridge too far when it attempted to eliminate the Russian superpower.
America can't accept the loss and that's what prompts me to say that Russia can't win.

Once everybody comes to accept that this an American led war against Russia, the discussion can take place on a more rational level.

Russia is finished if they don't repel the threat but they definitely can repel the threat if Russia turns to the use of their nuclear weapons. They will if that's what it takes.

America knows that this is its final opportunity to defeat Russia and stop the coming China/Russia/Brics military alliance. America can't afford to not win the war.

It needs to be spelled out in those terms and it doesn't call for any bias to accept it.

It's hard to be optimistic in thinking that a Russian demonstration of tactical nuclear force won't be answered by America.

It's easier to be optimistic on America coming to understand that it attempted a bridge too far when it attempted to eliminate the Russian superpower.
Do you read b who is Moon ofAlabama and Simplicius . They give you chapter and verse on reserves for all
Involved parties and both are as impartial as
you will get from anybody . I still assume that when Moscow has the other four regions they will halt but extract humiliation from NATO which is essentially the US . And unless the crackpots escalate absurdly , there is nothing to stop them . Next few weeks could be key if NATO are badly repulsed yet again and Russia decides to take Kharkov to the north and Odessa to the south . The berserk Neocons will be apoplectic.
Do you read b who is Moon ofAlabama and Simplicius . They give you chapter and verse on reserves for all
Involved parties and both are as impartial as
you will get from anybody . I still assume that when Moscow has the other four regions they will halt but extract humiliation from NATO which is essentially the US . And unless the crackpots escalate absurdly , there is nothing to stop them . Next few weeks could be key if NATO are badly repulsed yet again and Russia decides to take Kharkov to the north and Odessa to the south . The berserk Neocons will be apoplectic.
I rely on other sources such as Ritter, Macgregor, Hedges, Sachs, Larry Johnson, and a few others. I've found them to be reliable on their predictions.

Yes, Nato is the US. My sources are saying that Nato won't survive this US led war.

I should also say that I rely on Putin's predictions when it comes to the use of nuclear weapons.

Also be aware that Russia didn't ever want this war and didn't regard the Ukrainians as an enemy.
The American conservatives' support for Russia and its lawless war of aggression render them again on the wrong side of history.
The American conservatives' support for Russia and its lawless war of aggression render them again on the wrong side of history.
Maybe not.

The House Foreign Affairs Committee passed a resolution Wednesday calling for the Biden administration to supply Ukraine with long-range missiles, upping the pressure on the White House and Pentagon to provide a key piece of advanced weaponry U.S. officials have long resisted sending.

The resolution calls for the U.S. to immediately provide the Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) to Ukraine, which would allow Ukrainian forces to strike at targets up to 200 miles away.

It also calls for the transfer of similar weapons systems from the U.S. and its allies to Ukraine, saying the failure to provide long-range missiles will prolong the war against Russia.

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), the chairman of the committee, said, “ATACMS are critical to Ukraine’s success in the counteroffensive.”

“There’s no reason to give Ukraine just enough to bleed but not enough to win,” he said. “It’s been my criticism all along — if we’re going to be helping them, either go all in or get out.”

Maybe not.

The House Foreign Affairs Committee passed a resolution Wednesday calling for the Biden administration to supply Ukraine with long-range missiles, upping the pressure on the White House and Pentagon to provide a key piece of advanced weaponry U.S. officials have long resisted sending.

The resolution calls for the U.S. to immediately provide the Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) to Ukraine, which would allow Ukrainian forces to strike at targets up to 200 miles away.

It also calls for the transfer of similar weapons systems from the U.S. and its allies to Ukraine, saying the failure to provide long-range missiles will prolong the war against Russia.

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), the chairman of the committee, said, “ATACMS are critical to Ukraine’s success in the counteroffensive.”

“There’s no reason to give Ukraine just enough to bleed but not enough to win,” he said. “It’s been my criticism all along — if we’re going to be helping them, either go all in or get out.”

Why not just send in a couple of corps right now, Cheney?

Putin claims that they know that they can't win. This will not be the end of the war, it will bring an escalation by America.

There isn't a win in this war for either America or Russia. But there is no victory possible either.'s a normal operational pause to examine what is working vx what is working and WHY.
This is asymmetrical's not like the smaller army go with ONE plan and either fail or succeed with it.

Russian troops are in fixed locations which is ALWAYS a losing idea. It's failed every time since war existed. The Romans prided themselves on building some of the largest siege ramps.

Russian technology is also "behind" in a lot of ways. Their Electronic warfare is good but not impervious. Especially against measures meant to focus on it.
Also Even though Russia has more artillery its fixed in positions....meaning targetable. Russia is also using and adhering to the same field manual from 1937. Meaning their forward stations are formed exactly the same way with the same spacing even if you can't see the whole of them.'s a normal operational pause to examine what is working vx what is working and WHY.
This is asymmetrical's not like the smaller army go with ONE plan and either fail or succeed with it.

Russian troops are in fixed locations which is ALWAYS a losing idea. It's failed every time since war existed. The Romans prided themselves on building some of the largest siege ramps.

Russian technology is also "behind" in a lot of ways. Their Electronic warfare is good but not impervious. Especially against measures meant to focus on it.
Also Even though Russia has more artillery its fixed in positions....meaning targetable. Russia is also using and adhering to the same field manual from 1937. Meaning their forward stations are formed exactly the same way with the same spacing even if you can't see the whole of them.
All contributions to the discussion should be heard.
I don't contribute with my own armchair war, on account of my opinion that Russia/Putin will stop at nothing to save their country.

I'm sure Biden will do the same.
All contributions to the discussion should be heard.
I don't contribute with my own armchair war, on account of my opinion that Russia/Putin will stop at nothing to save their country.

I'm sure Biden will do the same.
There are several wars ongoing in Ukraine at the same time.

One involves guns, one involves politicians/diplomats, and one involves propaganda.

Currently Russia is losing two out of the three and is likely going to lose the third.

The world wide sanctions placed on Russia means that the diplomatic/political fight has been lost. The wealth of the world is aimed at Russia. This has never created a successful campaign before and that fact has been dismissed by Russia.

The propaganda campaigns of Russia are also losers because Russia is trying to defend themselves constantly to a world that couldn't find Ukraine on a map in 2020. Nobody has been angry or afraid of Ukraine but plenty of nations have reasons to be angry with Russia. Also Russian propaganda has been a load of blatant lies...not even slightly wrong...blatant out and out reversal of all facts. Making it hilarious.

The actual battle itself?
Currently Russia has dug themselves into fixed positions hoping for atritional warfare against a smaller army. But time is on the smaller army's side with world wealth supporting them and taking the cash from the larger army...who definitely has a clock ticking against them and their cash reserves. (Running out rapidly and has very few options for credit...if any at all)
There are several wars ongoing in Ukraine at the same time.

One involves guns, one involves politicians/diplomats, and one involves propaganda.

Currently Russia is losing two out of the three and is likely going to lose the third.

The world wide sanctions placed on Russia means that the diplomatic/political fight has been lost. The wealth of the world is aimed at Russia. This has never created a successful campaign before and that fact has been dismissed by Russia.

The propaganda campaigns of Russia are also losers because Russia is trying to defend themselves constantly to a world that couldn't find Ukraine on a map in 2020. Nobody has been angry or afraid of Ukraine but plenty of nations have reasons to be angry with Russia. Also Russian propaganda has been a load of blatant lies...not even slightly wrong...blatant out and out reversal of all facts. Making it hilarious.

The actual battle itself?
Currently Russia has dug themselves into fixed positions hoping for atritional warfare against a smaller army. But time is on the smaller army's side with world wealth supporting them and taking the cash from the larger army...who definitely has a clock ticking against them and their cash reserves. (Running out rapidly and has very few options for credit...if any at all)
I'm fully aware of America's talking points, and so I'll just say that there are; contrary opinions being expressed against all of them.
There are several wars ongoing in Ukraine at the same time.

One involves guns, one involves politicians/diplomats, and one involves propaganda.
Can you explain further?
I can't relate to it being suggested that there are three wars.

My opinion has always been that it's America's war against Russia, and it's for all the marbles this time. This is not just a replay of America's 35+ wars against small 3rd. world countries!
Can you explain further?
I can't relate to it being suggested that there are three wars.

My opinion has always been that it's America's war against Russia, and it's for all the marbles this time. This is not just a replay of America's 35+ wars against small 3rd. world countries!
I did an in depth analysis and explanation located under the initial statement.

There are ALWAYS 3 wars anytime there is a major war. Russia has lost 2/3 wars already....the third is coming as 13 of the 15 brigades of Ukrainian soldiers are just waiting to go forward....but I believe that three need more training before they can be deployed. Currently only 2 brigades are involved in counter-offensive attacks....and we have seen some gains for the Ukrainians from that. Now Ukraine as a whole has had an "operational pause" but attack dogs are sometimes hard to even though there is a "pause" some platoons keep advancing when they see a weakness.

What I do know is that the leashe on Poland won't hold if Ukraine fails. Poland has a 500k man army....and the vast majority of Ukrainian's hardware has come from Poland. It won't take much for France to enter the fray either as they are over the top upset about "Russian electronic warfare" (propaganda aimed at the French government)

Russia had a fine line to walk in order to pull this off....and they have blown it. It's all over but the fat lady.

Putin claims that they know that they can't win. This will not be the end of the war, it will bring an escalation by America.

There isn't a win in this war for either America or Russia. But there is no victory possible either.
For NATO (and America) preventing russian annexation of ukraine is a win

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