The ultimate guide to the Biden laptop - 630 pages. 2,020 footnotes. 459 fully-documented crimes

If Hunter was treated like anyone else he'd be in jail for multiple counts of tax evasion going back years and years!

Would he? Jail time for tax evasion is rare. Heck, the reason why Al Capone's sentence is considered exceptional is that everyone knew they couldn't get him on bootlegging, murder and prostitution, but they got him on the Tax Evasion.

But here’s the reality: Very few taxpayers go to jail for tax evasion. In 2015, the IRS indicted only 1,330 taxpayers out of 150 million for legal-source tax evasion (as opposed to illegal activity or narcotics).

The IRS mainly targets people who understate what they owe. Tax evasion cases mostly start with taxpayers who:

  • Misreport income, credits, and/or deductions on tax returns
  • Don’t file a required tax return
The IRS doesn’t pursue many tax evasion cases for people who can’t pay their taxes. But, if you conceal assets and income that you should use to pay your back taxes, that’s a different story.

Gee, I wonder why? Maybe because the FBI under Merrick Garland won't investigate the son of Joe Biden no matter how much evidence of wrong doing comes to light?

Just so you know, Winger? When it comes to need to prove you're innocent...the IRS doesn't need to prove you're guilty!

Here's the problem. People in Hunter's tax bracket almost never prepare their own taxes. So if there are problems on his returns, he can honestly claim that he he thought he was signing off on a legitimate return. When it was pointed out he hadn't, he immediately filed a corrected return, paid the balance and penalties.

It's hilarious that the party of Tax Breaks for Millionaires is suddenly upset a millionaire didn't pay his taxes.
Yes, straight forward and pretty much impossible to prove he was lying unless there was evidence at the time he was signing the questionnaire. He could have had drug problems in the past and claim he was over them. The question doesn’t ask about his past. He could get the gun go home and use drugs and it still wouldn’t be probable that he lied in the form because he could claim he relapse after the signed the questionnaire.

So gator is right. It near impossible to prove somebody lied on that question with the way it is written.
I believe his
Would he? Jail time for tax evasion is rare. Heck, the reason why Al Capone's sentence is considered exceptional is that everyone knew they couldn't get him on bootlegging, murder and prostitution, but they got him on the Tax Evasion.

But here’s the reality: Very few taxpayers go to jail for tax evasion. In 2015, the IRS indicted only 1,330 taxpayers out of 150 million for legal-source tax evasion (as opposed to illegal activity or narcotics).

The IRS mainly targets people who understate what they owe. Tax evasion cases mostly start with taxpayers who:

  • Misreport income, credits, and/or deductions on tax returns
  • Don’t file a required tax return
The IRS doesn’t pursue many tax evasion cases for people who can’t pay their taxes. But, if you conceal assets and income that you should use to pay your back taxes, that’s a different story.

Here's the problem. People in Hunter's tax bracket almost never prepare their own taxes. So if there are problems on his returns, he can honestly claim that he he thought he was signing off on a legitimate return. When it was pointed out he hadn't, he immediately filed a corrected return, paid the balance and penalties.

It's hilarious that the party of Tax Breaks for Millionaires is suddenly upset a millionaire didn't pay his taxes.
It's hilarious that you think Hunter Biden didn't KNOW that he wasn't reporting all of the "income" that he was raking in from influence peddling overseas! It's doubly hilarious that the Party of TAX THE RICH!!! doesn't seem to have a problem with someone who got rich selling political influence not reporting his income!
It's hilarious that you think Hunter Biden didn't KNOW that he wasn't reporting all of the "income" that he was raking in from influence peddling overseas! It's doubly hilarious that the Party of TAX THE RICH!!! doesn't seem to have a problem with someone who got rich selling political influence not reporting his income!

Except no real evidence he did that... in fact, he took the overseas jobs because he couldn't work as a lobbyist when his Dad was VP.

Oddly, Hunter hasn't been indicted, but Trump is in trouble in NY, GA, and DC.
Except no real evidence he did that... in fact, he took the overseas jobs because he couldn't work as a lobbyist when his Dad was VP.

Oddly, Hunter hasn't been indicted, but Trump is in trouble in NY, GA, and DC.
It's not "odd", Joe...there have been two sets of laws in this country for quite some time now!

As for Hunter? He's been cashing in on his Dad's power from the second he graduated from college. Do you even know about MBNA? What wet behind the ears college graduate becomes Executive Vice President of a company that big in two years? The answer to that is about as obvious as they get. You give Hunter a high paying job...Joe goes to bat for you with legislation!
It's not "odd", Joe...there have been two sets of laws in this country for quite some time now!

As for Hunter? He's been cashing in on his Dad's power from the second he graduated from college. Do you even know about MBNA? What wet behind the ears college graduate becomes Executive Vice President of a company that big in two years? The answer to that is about as obvious as they get. You give Hunter a high paying job...Joe goes to bat for you with legislation!

Um, yeah, so?
Whenever Democrats have proposed stricter lobbying rules to include family members, it's always Republicans who shoot it down.
Um, yeah, so?
Whenever Democrats have proposed stricter lobbying rules to include family members, it's always Republicans who shoot it down.
Yeah, you mean like Nancy Pelosi proposing stricter insider trading rules for Congress, Joey? Don't make me laugh, Dude!
Yeah, you mean like Nancy Pelosi proposing stricter insider trading rules for Congress, Joey? Don't make me laugh, Dude!


If they prosecuted every one of the hundred million gun owners who used drugs, we would have to build a million new prisons

Rarely prosecuted, expect a fine

As to his tax issues, every business owner involved in international sales has something questionable on their taxes.

Expect another fine
ya, no reasonable prosecutor, right
If they prosecuted every one of the hundred million gun owners who used drugs, we would have to build a million new prisons

Rarely prosecuted, expect a fine

As to his tax issues, every business owner involved in international sales has something questionable on their taxes.

Expect another fine
Go say that over at big boy and see what kind of response ya get


It's amusing watching you hold up Joe Biden as a "champion" of fighting dark money in politics when his family has benefited to the tune of millions from different corporations buying political influence, Joey! Do you even think this stuff through before you post it?
It's amusing watching you hold up Joe Biden as a "champion" of fighting dark money in politics when his family has benefited to the tune of millions from different corporations buying political influence, Joey! Do you even think this stuff through before you post it?

You said Republicans didn't block this stuff... I gave you THREE examples where they did.

Seriously, man, if you are going to make an argument, actually do some research. My time is valuable.
ya, no reasonable prosecutor, right
Show me a case of someone going to jail for lying about using drugs?

Show me prosecutable evidence that Hunter was using drugs at the time…….an arrest for drug possession, found under the influence

Pictures won’t cut it in a court of law
Show me a case of someone going to jail for lying about using drugs?

Show me prosecutable evidence that Hunter was using drugs at the time…….an arrest for drug possession, found under the influence

Pictures won’t cut it in a court of law
I guess even the most morally bankrupt family in the world deserves a defense.
I guess even the most morally bankrupt family in the world deserves a defense.

Joe Biden has served his country for 50 years and has never been involved in scandal
His son served this country and his state
Dr Biden has done charitable work for veterans and for expanding educational opportunities
You said Republicans didn't block this stuff... I gave you THREE examples where they did.

Seriously, man, if you are going to make an argument, actually do some research. My time is valuable.
And I can give you dozens of examples where Democrats have made themselves filthy rich cashing in on their political power, Joey! So what's your point? You claim that Democrats are all about fixing corruption in government and that's LAUGHABLY false! Pretending that it's the GOP that's corrupt instead of talking about how corrupt people like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are simply illustrates what a partisan you are!
Joe Biden has served his country for 50 years and has never been involved in scandal
His son served this country and his state
Dr Biden has done charitable work for veterans and for expanding educational opportunities
Do you even know Joe Biden, Winger? His family has cashed in on his political influence for decades! DECADES!!!
R Senators are not amused w/ the FBI treating a case against a R differently than a case against a D

Go out and vote, Everyone (except you idiots on the D side attempting to destroy our country with lawlessness. You can go where some of us say all evil doers go in the End)


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