The ultimate guide to the Biden laptop - 630 pages. 2,020 footnotes. 459 fully-documented crimes

Found nothing? They found Hillary's servers. That was the end for her. She was exposed as the crooked liar that she is! You want to know why Trump was elected? A large part of it were those Benghazi investigations!

No different than other public officials that wanted to use private e-mail
You want to know why Trump was elected?

A large part was Trump generating public outrage over Hillary mishandling Classified Documents.
Lock her up!
Lock her up!

Yet, you are unconcerned about the hundred classified documents that Trump hid around Mara Lago

Including Top Secret Documents
I've been rather successful, Joey and best of all it was something that I did by myself. I didn't get a dime because of who my father was or because I was married to someone from a powerful family. I put myself through college. I chose a career that nobody in my family had ever done before and excelled at it.

Check your privilege, Sweetie.
No different than other public officials that wanted to use private e-mail
Seriously? Hillary was running the State Department through two private servers she had secretly installed in her home in order to evade Congressional oversight! It's a blatant example of what public officials are NOT supposed to do!
A large part was Trump generating public outrage over Hillary mishandling Classified Documents.
Lock her up!
Lock her up!

Yet, you are unconcerned about the hundred classified documents that Trump hid around Mara Lago

Including Top Secret Documents
Hillary's material wasn't secured. It's almost a certainty that her servers were hacked by foreign intelligence agencies because they weren't secure! She broke the law and should have been charged DESPITE what the idiot Comey declared! Claiming that Hillary wasn't "sophisticated" enough to know that what she was doing was wrong borders on farce!
Check your privilege, Sweetie.
You're kidding right? My family name didn't get me into Harvard. My college wasn't paid for by a rich Senator Daddy! I wasn't given seats on boards that paid huge amounts of money for a no show job! Check my privilege? That might be the dumbest thing you've posted in months, Joey and that's saying something!
You mean like George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Donald Trump and every one of the Trump children

Children of famous people have always gotten preferential treatment
There is no law against it
There is a HUGE difference between the children of famous or rich people getting preferential treatment (money buys that!) and the child of a public official making millions selling access to his parent! THERE IS A LAW AGAINST THAT!
You're kidding right? My family name didn't get me into Harvard. My college wasn't paid for by a rich Senator Daddy! I wasn't given seats on boards that paid huge amounts of money for a no show job! Check my privilege? That might be the dumbest thing you've posted in months, Joey and that's saying something!

No, but you certainly got advantages for being white, male, and straight, as have I.
You are upset that Hunter got more advantages than you did. So did Trump, but that doesn't bother you as much because he's pandering to your white grievances.
No, but you certainly got advantages for being white, male, and straight, as have I.
You are upset that Hunter got more advantages than you did. So did Trump, but that doesn't bother you as much because he's pandering to your white grievances.
What advantage did I get? My high school classmate that's part American Indian went to an elite college on a full scholarship. Another classmate that was black got into a school I applied to and wasn't accepted at, even though I had both better grades and SAT scores! This notion that whites in America have it easier than minorities has become a stretch at this point. If you're a Middle Class white male you're NOT having things handed to you! That isn't a "white grievance" that's simple reality!

As for the difference between Hunter and Trump? Do you not grasp why it's completely different when someone cashes in on a family member who is in political office compared to someone who's family wealth gives them advantages? That's not Hunter Biden's family money that he's been living on all these years! That's money that he's gleaned from selling political influence for DECADES!
There is a HUGE difference between the children of famous or rich people getting preferential treatment (money buys that!) and the child of a public official making millions selling access to his parent! THERE IS A LAW AGAINST THAT!
There sure is a law about that

But other than Conspiracy Theories in the RW Echo Chamber, you have no proof

Mainly because it didn’t happen
There sure is a law about that

But other than Conspiracy Theories in the RW Echo Chamber, you have no proof

Mainly because it didn’t happen
Then Hunter and Joe have nothing to worry about...right, Winger?
Yet they are...and with good reason! Congressional subpoenas? The threat of prison time? Do you really think that Hunter's Ivy League buddies aren't going to toss him under the bus? Hunter's the crack addict buffoon who kept all that damning evidence on his lap top computer and then was so stoned that he forgot to go get it after it was fixed! Like they OWE him anything?
Then Hunter and Joe have nothing to worry about...right, Winger?
Yet they are...and with good reason! Congressional subpoenas? The threat of prison time? Do you really think that Hunter's Ivy League buddies aren't going to toss him under the bus? Hunter's the crack addict buffoon who kept all that damning evidence on his lap top computer and then was so stoned that he forgot to go get it after it was fixed! Like they OWE him anything?
You have nothing on the President

Nothing on Hunter that would warrant prison

Keep dreaming
You have nothing on the President

Nothing on Hunter that would warrant prison

Keep dreaming
I don't have subpoena power. Neither do Republicans in the House. That's all about to change, Winger and it won't be a "dream" for Joe and Hunter Biden...Jim Jordan with subpoena power is their worst nightmare! They've gotten away with stonewalling any investigations into Hunter for two and a half years now but that is about to change.
What advantage did I get? My high school classmate that's part American Indian went to an elite college on a full scholarship. Another classmate that was black got into a school I applied to and wasn't accepted at, even though I had both better grades and SAT scores! This notion that whites in America have it easier than minorities has become a stretch at this point.

Uh, yeah, guy, funny thing... I promise you every job you got, another white person was making the decisions, and you being white gave you all the gravy.

If you're a Middle Class white male you're NOT having things handed to you! That isn't a "white grievance" that's simple reality!

Bullshit. They did a study back in 2005 that showed resumes with WHITE names got more callbacks than resumes with black names.

As for the difference between Hunter and Trump? Do you not grasp why it's completely different when someone cashes in on a family member who is in political office compared to someone who's family wealth gives them advantages? That's not Hunter Biden's family money that he's been living on all these years! That's money that he's gleaned from selling political influence for DECADES!

Trump has been cheating and defrauding everyone he's done business with since the 1980's.

And unlike the Bidens, we STILL haven't seen his tax records.
Uh, yeah, guy, funny thing... I promise you every job you got, another white person was making the decisions, and you being white gave you all the gravy.

Bullshit. They did a study back in 2005 that showed resumes with WHITE names got more callbacks than resumes with black names.

Trump has been cheating and defrauding everyone he's done business with since the 1980's.

And unlike the Bidens, we STILL haven't seen his tax records. mean the Biden tax forms where they don't list the millions that they got from selling political influence, Joey? THOSE tax forms? Just wait until the forms they DID submit start getting compared to what they actually took in! Hunter is already trying to settle with the IRS because he KNOWS he hasn't declared half of what he actually made! mean the Biden tax forms where they don't list the millions that they got from selling political influence, Joey? THOSE tax forms? Just wait until the forms they DID submit start getting compared to what they actually took in! Hunter is already trying to settle with the IRS because he KNOWS he hasn't declared half of what he actually made!

Again, Hunter's tax corrections are actually- kind of minor, and he can easily claim that his tax preparer made a mistake. That's why tax evasion claims rarely result in jail time. The IRS just wants the money.

More to the point, we have 600 BILLION in uncollected taxes every year, most of them from the rich. And yet your side shit their pants when Biden hired 87,000 more IRS agents to actually collect that money.

So when do we get an IRS audit of Trump? YOu know, the guy who is now on trial in NY for falsifying the values of his properties to avoid taxes and defraud investors?
Not at all….I am honest in my returns and encourage the IRS to charge those who cheat

I believe Hunter should be treated like anyone else
Don’t you?
So you are going to bring him before Congress and grill him and have Soviet Schiff run to the press with lies about Hunter, right?
No different than other public officials that wanted to use private e-mail
Hillary should have spent some time behind bars for her negligent handling of classified information. In my opinion she lucked out.

Hillary should have spent some time behind bars for her negligent handling of classified information. In my opinion she lucked out.

And Crooked Donnie?

What about his classified information?

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