The undeniable message white people are sending through Trump.....

I'm no fan of Trump, I'm voting for Hillary, but I think a lot of this stuff is a figment of the Left's imagination.

Yes, Trump has attracted far more than his share of old fashioned, mouth-breathing, butt-scratching racists, but that's stuff that's going on in THEIR minds, TOO.

I don't believe he's a racist, not any more than anyone else.
Why would you vote for such an incompetent corrupt person?
I don't care for either of them, nor do I care for either party.

Both candidates are amazingly unappealing to me, but I agree with the Democrats on more issues than the Republicans.

So, there it is...
If anything is undeniably clear from this day going forward, its that white people are pissed. And there is nothing short of a nuclear invasion that's gonna stop this freight train of anger from slowing down. They're putting their hopes and frustrations upon a man, who no doubt will disappoint and one can only imagine where that anger will turn.

I often find myself questioning what decade I am in, as a black person, I'm soo feeling the fire and anger of the 60's, as if this is the last stand the white man is having before it all ends for them....the majority hold that have in this country. I see the faces of white men and women, angry and yet so pleased that Trump has come to their rescue. At work, we're all silent, no more political jokes, no more comonality....because we know that Tom is now a Trump fan.

You can pinch yourself a zillion times and still not believe just how divided this country has become, all because a black man dared win the white house and dared to feel comfortable and safe, dating white women and thinking Tom was okay with that. I am 1000% certain, a lot of the anger white men are filling, stems from that integrated union.

The challenge the rest of us must embrace and enact is starting today, contact your national DNC office, volunteer and get every person young old, green blue, get them registered to Vote this Nov. This may perhaps be the most important vote of all of life times....we're either gonna turn back the clock and allow white rage to control us once again, or we're gonna help move this country forward, never to look back, its up to us!!

1. We don't dislike him because of his color but because of his policy. 2. I had no idea he dated white women, how did you find out? 3 I agree with you the nation has never been more divided and Obama caused it with his perpetual racist politics. Good job democrats you got exactly what you were hoping for so stop whining about it.
I'm no fan of Trump, I'm voting for Hillary, but I think a lot of this stuff is a figment of the Left's imagination.

Yes, Trump has attracted far more than his share of old fashioned, mouth-breathing, butt-scratching racists, but that's stuff that's going on in THEIR minds, TOO.

I don't believe he's a racist, not any more than anyone else.
Why would you vote for such an incompetent corrupt person?
I don't care for either of them, nor do I care for either party.

Both candidates are amazingly unappealing to me, but I agree with the Democrats on more issues than the Republicans.

So, there it is...
Which democrat platforms do you agree with. Just curious.
I'm no fan of Trump, I'm voting for Hillary, but I think a lot of this stuff is a figment of the Left's imagination.

Yes, Trump has attracted far more than his share of old fashioned, mouth-breathing, butt-scratching racists, but that's stuff that's going on in THEIR minds, TOO.

I don't believe he's a racist, not any more than anyone else.
Why would you vote for such an incompetent corrupt person?
I don't care for either of them, nor do I care for either party.

Both candidates are amazingly unappealing to me, but I agree with the Democrats on more issues than the Republicans.

So, there it is...
Which democrat platforms do you agree with. Just curious.
Oh, several. Pro-choice, pro gay rights, anti-America-as-the-world's-policeman, personal income tax rates, pro-return of Glass Steagall, moderate role of government, basics on civil rights (although the PC zealots have wrecked that) - off the top of my pointy head.
I'm no fan of Trump, I'm voting for Hillary, but I think a lot of this stuff is a figment of the Left's imagination.

Yes, Trump has attracted far more than his share of old fashioned, mouth-breathing, butt-scratching racists, but that's stuff that's going on in THEIR minds, TOO.

I don't believe he's a racist, not any more than anyone else.
You're voting for Hillary?

I'm no fan of Trump, I'm voting for Hillary, but I think a lot of this stuff is a figment of the Left's imagination.

Yes, Trump has attracted far more than his share of old fashioned, mouth-breathing, butt-scratching racists, but that's stuff that's going on in THEIR minds, TOO.

I don't believe he's a racist, not any more than anyone else.
You're voting for Hillary?

I'll be holding my nose with both hands, but yeah.

I'll need to figure out how to work the voting booth controls with my feet by then.
I'm no fan of Trump, I'm voting for Hillary, but I think a lot of this stuff is a figment of the Left's imagination.

Yes, Trump has attracted far more than his share of old fashioned, mouth-breathing, butt-scratching racists, but that's stuff that's going on in THEIR minds, TOO.

I don't believe he's a racist, not any more than anyone else.
You're voting for Hillary?

I'll be holding my nose with both hands, but yeah.

I'll need to figure out how to work the voting booth controls with my feet by then.
I guess if she wins I can blame you for them coming for my guns.

I will keep this in mind and tailor my posts accordingly.

Temporary insanity is one thing. What's the word for premeditated insanity?
I guess if she wins I can blame you for them coming for my guns. I will keep this in mind and tailor my posts accordingly. Temporary insanity is one thing. What's the word for premeditated insanity?

If anything is undeniably clear from this day going forward, its that white people are pissed. And there is nothing short of a nuclear invasion that's gonna stop this freight train of anger from slowing down. They're putting their hopes and frustrations upon a man, who no doubt will disappoint and one can only imagine where that anger will turn.

I often find myself questioning what decade I am in, as a black person, I'm soo feeling the fire and anger of the 60's, as if this is the last stand the white man is having before it all ends for them....the majority hold that have in this country. I see the faces of white men and women, angry and yet so pleased that Trump has come to their rescue. At work, we're all silent, no more political jokes, no more comonality....because we know that Tom is now a Trump fan.

You can pinch yourself a zillion times and still not believe just how divided this country has become, all because a black man dared win the white house and dared to feel comfortable and safe, dating white women and thinking Tom was okay with that. I am 1000% certain, a lot of the anger white men are filling, stems from that integrated union.

The challenge the rest of us must embrace and enact is starting today, contact your national DNC office, volunteer and get every person young old, green blue, get them registered to Vote this Nov. This may perhaps be the most important vote of all of life times....we're either gonna turn back the clock and allow white rage to control us once again, or we're gonna help move this country forward, never to look back, its up to us!!

OP assumes to know the mind of Trump voters. He's right Whites are pissed and they should be. For far too long we've put up with PC and blatantly stupidity coming out of Washington. This however is not the "last stand of the White man". This is a last ditch effort to resolve issues peacefully. What makes you think it's only the "white man" I have no clue.

On the subject of race whites are tired of being laid on a guilt trip over something we never participated in by blacks. We are tired of rioting and a general sense or entitlement blacks seem to think they have now after a white kills a black especially if that person is a white cop. I'm not saying the police don't have issues but that those issues are common in all segments of society. Yes we have to do better to weed out the bad apples.

The OP also assumes that the country is divided because a black man dared win the white house and dared to feel comfortable and safe, dating white women and thinking Tom was okay with that. I am 1000% certain, a lot of the anger white men are filling, stems from that integrated union." That's a load of crap. Contrary to what the OP thinks it's not all about blacks.

Trump supporters support Trump because this is largely a two party system and the other candidate is Hillary Clinton. why would anyone with half a brain put a person who has already proven her incompetence doing the lesser job of Secretary of State? She killed 4 people and has repeatedly put off the families for answers. She can't even set up a government server? You can't say she didn't know.

She went to Wellesley College and Yale Law School
Was on the House Judiciary Committee of the Watergate Scandal
First Lady or Arkansas
First Lady of the USA for 8 years
Senator of NY

All this before she was Secretary of State so there is no possible way she could not know she needed a secure government server. Anyone who would vote for Hilary Clinton has to be a complete idiot. She's not stupid so the only other reason to be so careless is she simply doesn't care.

Then you get to the last 8 years. Trump supporters are tired of our laws not being enforced by the current and past administrations. We have rampant illegals pouring across the border some of them unescorted children who could easily be picked up and put into the sex trade by unscrupulous adults. Illegals also cost the US more than they help. Trump wants to build a wall and police our borders between us and Mexico just like every other country in the world already does. You have to ask who side the left is on here because if you don't think ISIS isn't pouring Jihadists/weapons across the an unsecured border between the US and Mexico you're dreaming. Of course they are.

The Affordable Health Care act is anything but affordable so hopefully he will overhaul that mess.

Then there's the refugee problem that the left habitually quotes out of context. Yes he want's to keep Muslims out of the country but only until the vetting system is made safe. We don't want to let refugee's in that ISIS will embed terrorists in. ISIS is crazy but not stupid. They take every opoportunity they can come across to infiltrate enemy lines so will they send terrorists with the refugee's? Of course they will. What's worse is Hillary wants to increase the number? Is she insane?

We are all tired of watching our jobs go over seas. Trump is a business man so hopefully he will stop that.

We are tired of endless red tape.

We are tired of having out second amendment rights infringed by the Democrats because they think an inanimate object can sprout legs and and kill people.

We are tired of lawlessness and cops getting shot. This mess is occurring on Obama's watch so the fault falls on his shoulders. Electing Hillary is like electing 8 more years of Obama. Now why would anyone who wants peace and law and order vote for that?

I'm voting for Trump not because I'm a big Trump fan but because there is no other viable option. Hillary Clinton is part of the problem not part of the answer.
If anything is undeniably clear from this day going forward, its that white people are pissed... the fact that black people burn cities, kill policemen, and believe they should be allowed to do so.
Why should we not be pissed?
I'm no fan of Trump, I'm voting for Hillary, but I think a lot of this stuff is a figment of the Left's imagination.

Yes, Trump has attracted far more than his share of old fashioned, mouth-breathing, butt-scratching racists, but that's stuff that's going on in THEIR minds, TOO.

I don't believe he's a racist, not any more than anyone else.

I used to have a certain amount of respect for you, but no more.

I am willing to forgive you if you admit that by saying "old fashioned, mouth-breathing, butt-scratching racists" you referred to the 90+% of inner city welfare bum, police hating, drug dealing, cracker-hating, illiterate, born-out-of-wedlock bastards.

Go for it, vote for the quisling Hillary.
If anything is undeniably clear from this day going forward, its that white people are pissed. And there is nothing short of a nuclear invasion that's gonna stop this freight train of anger from slowing down. They're putting their hopes and frustrations upon a man, who no doubt will disappoint and one can only imagine where that anger will turn.

I often find myself questioning what decade I am in, as a black person, I'm soo feeling the fire and anger of the 60's, as if this is the last stand the white man is having before it all ends for them....the majority hold that have in this country. I see the faces of white men and women, angry and yet so pleased that Trump has come to their rescue. At work, we're all silent, no more political jokes, no more comonality....because we know that Tom is now a Trump fan.

You can pinch yourself a zillion times and still not believe just how divided this country has become, all because a black man dared win the white house and dared to feel comfortable and safe, dating white women and thinking Tom was okay with that. I am 1000% certain, a lot of the anger white men are filling, stems from that integrated union.

The challenge the rest of us must embrace and enact is starting today, contact your national DNC office, volunteer and get every person young old, green blue, get them registered to Vote this Nov. This may perhaps be the most important vote of all of life times....we're either gonna turn back the clock and allow white rage to control us once again, or we're gonna help move this country forward, never to look back, its up to us!!

You progressives only have yourselves to blame. Trump is the only sane option in an insane world run amok by liberalism. From your post 9/11 embracement of Muslims, to disgusting homosexuality and transgender issues no one cares about, to reckless globalism trade agreements, to cheerleading cop killers, you've brought Trump onto yourself.

Have fun convincing a bunch of blacks to vote for two old white people.
If anything is undeniably clear from this day going forward, its that white people are pissed. And there is nothing short of a nuclear invasion that's gonna stop this freight train of anger from slowing down. They're putting their hopes and frustrations upon a man, who no doubt will disappoint and one can only imagine where that anger will turn.

I often find myself questioning what decade I am in, as a black person, I'm soo feeling the fire and anger of the 60's, as if this is the last stand the white man is having before it all ends for them....the majority hold that have in this country. I see the faces of white men and women, angry and yet so pleased that Trump has come to their rescue. At work, we're all silent, no more political jokes, no more comonality....because we know that Tom is now a Trump fan.

You can pinch yourself a zillion times and still not believe just how divided this country has become, all because a black man dared win the white house and dared to feel comfortable and safe, dating white women and thinking Tom was okay with that. I am 1000% certain, a lot of the anger white men are filling, stems from that integrated union.

The challenge the rest of us must embrace and enact is starting today, contact your national DNC office, volunteer and get every person young old, green blue, get them registered to Vote this Nov. This may perhaps be the most important vote of all of life times....we're either gonna turn back the clock and allow white rage to control us once again, or we're gonna help move this country forward, never to look back, its up to us!!

It wasn't Obama being elected that torn this nation apart.

It was you lefties smearing any and all normal partisan opposition to him as racism that torn this nation apart.

Also, your assumption that whites are going to "go away" is racism on your part and the prefect way to stoke that rage you are rightly afraid of.

And nothing you are doing is "forward".
I'm no fan of Trump, I'm voting for Hillary, but I think a lot of this stuff is a figment of the Left's imagination.

Yes, Trump has attracted far more than his share of old fashioned, mouth-breathing, butt-scratching racists, but that's stuff that's going on in THEIR minds, TOO.

I don't believe he's a racist, not any more than anyone else.

By buying the crap about Trump support being racist, you are supporting political correctness.
I'm no fan of Trump, I'm voting for Hillary,

You're voting for Hillary? why?
I'm no fan of Trump, I'm voting for Hillary, but I think a lot of this stuff is a figment of the Left's imagination.

Yes, Trump has attracted far more than his share of old fashioned, mouth-breathing, butt-scratching racists, but that's stuff that's going on in THEIR minds, TOO.

I don't believe he's a racist, not any more than anyone else.
By buying the crap about Trump support being racist, you are supporting political correctness.
David Duke has endorsed him. Stormfront's leader has. The KKK refers to him: White supremacist groups see Trump bump

Rachel Pendergraft, a spokeswoman for the Arkansas-based Knights Party, which considers itself the national standard-bearer for the KKK, said the group encourages its members to engage with their communities through apolitical volunteer work and, at the right moment, steer conversation toward race and “white genocide.”

Trump, she said, has offered KKK members a prime opportunity to feel out potential recruits on their racial attitudes. “Right now he is a major talking point. He is in the news a lot.”

Duke, a former grand wizard of the KKK and perhaps the most notorious racist intellectual in the United States, said Trump, a successful businessman and the subject of nonstop media coverage, has given Americans license to more openly voice their racial animus.

“He’s made it ok to talk about these incredible concerns of European Americans today, because I think European Americans know they are the only group that can’t defend their own essential interests and their point of view,” Duke said. “He’s meant a lot for the human rights of European Americans.”

As I said, it's nearly as much as the Left would have people believe, but it does exist.

Acknowledging that racism exists is not PC; what you do with that opinion is.
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I'm no fan of Trump, I'm voting for Hillary, but I think a lot of this stuff is a figment of the Left's imagination.

Yes, Trump has attracted far more than his share of old fashioned, mouth-breathing, butt-scratching racists, but that's stuff that's going on in THEIR minds, TOO.

I don't believe he's a racist, not any more than anyone else.
By buying the crap about Trump support being racist, you are supporting political correctness.
David Duke has endorsed him. It would not be difficult to find many people who essentially identify as racist supporting him.

As I said, it's nearly as much as the Left would have people believe, but it does exist.

Acknowledging that racism exists is not PC; what you do with that opinion is.
Al Sharpton is for Hillary. Al Sharpton has called on murdering cops and whites, he spends a good deal of time in the WH. Why do you tolerate racism?
I'm no fan of Trump, I'm voting for Hillary, but I think a lot of this stuff is a figment of the Left's imagination.

Yes, Trump has attracted far more than his share of old fashioned, mouth-breathing, butt-scratching racists, but that's stuff that's going on in THEIR minds, TOO.

I don't believe he's a racist, not any more than anyone else.
By buying the crap about Trump support being racist, you are supporting political correctness.
David Duke has endorsed him. It would not be difficult to find many people who essentially identify as racist supporting him.

As I said, it's nearly as much as the Left would have people believe, but it does exist.

Acknowledging that racism exists is not PC; what you do with that opinion is.
Al Sharpton is for Hillary. Al Sharpton has called on murdering cops and whites, he spends a good deal of time in the WH. Why do you tolerate racism?

My opinion of the Regressive Left is no secret here.

Try that one on someone else.
I'm no fan of Trump, I'm voting for Hillary, but I think a lot of this stuff is a figment of the Left's imagination.

Yes, Trump has attracted far more than his share of old fashioned, mouth-breathing, butt-scratching racists, but that's stuff that's going on in THEIR minds, TOO.

I don't believe he's a racist, not any more than anyone else.
By buying the crap about Trump support being racist, you are supporting political correctness.
David Duke has endorsed him. It would not be difficult to find many people who essentially identify as racist supporting him.

As I said, it's nearly as much as the Left would have people believe, but it does exist.

Acknowledging that racism exists is not PC; what you do with that opinion is.
Al Sharpton is for Hillary. Al Sharpton has called on murdering cops and whites, he spends a good deal of time in the WH. Why do you tolerate racism?

My opinion of the Regressive Left is no secret here.

Try that one on someone else.
Yet you will put them back in power. Because you identify with them. Your words.

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