The undeniable message white people are sending through Trump.....

I'm no fan of Trump, I'm voting for Hillary, but I think a lot of this stuff is a figment of the Left's imagination.

Yes, Trump has attracted far more than his share of old fashioned, mouth-breathing, butt-scratching racists, but that's stuff that's going on in THEIR minds, TOO.

I don't believe he's a racist, not any more than anyone else.
By buying the crap about Trump support being racist, you are supporting political correctness.
David Duke has endorsed him. It would not be difficult to find many people who essentially identify as racist supporting him.

As I said, it's nearly as much as the Left would have people believe, but it does exist.

Acknowledging that racism exists is not PC; what you do with that opinion is.
Al Sharpton is for Hillary. Al Sharpton has called on murdering cops and whites, he spends a good deal of time in the WH. Why do you tolerate racism?
Al Sharpton is an idiot...just like David Duke is an idiot....neither side is immune from them.

And how many times have Sharpton been at the White House?

As opposed to how many time David Duke has been?
Tell me.

And I'm doubting that President Obama has invited David Duke to the WH at all.
I'm no fan of Trump, I'm voting for Hillary, but I think a lot of this stuff is a figment of the Left's imagination.

Yes, Trump has attracted far more than his share of old fashioned, mouth-breathing, butt-scratching racists, but that's stuff that's going on in THEIR minds, TOO.

I don't believe he's a racist, not any more than anyone else.
By buying the crap about Trump support being racist, you are supporting political correctness.
David Duke has endorsed him. It would not be difficult to find many people who essentially identify as racist supporting him.

As I said, it's nearly as much as the Left would have people believe, but it does exist.

Acknowledging that racism exists is not PC; what you do with that opinion is.
Al Sharpton is for Hillary. Al Sharpton has called on murdering cops and whites, he spends a good deal of time in the WH. Why do you tolerate racism?
Al Sharpton is an idiot...just like David Duke is an idiot....neither side is immune from them.
Does David Duke dine at the WH and provide guidance on race relation?
Love it....:clap: Two of you.....:clap:
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allow white rage to control us once again, or we're gonna help move this country forward, never to look back, its up to us!!
Well, you are for increased taxes, taxes on coal, putting coal out of business, lying non stop, illegal immigration, open borders, and vilifying white people. Nothing more needs to be said.

I don't speak for Mac but I think you're confusing him with a "progressive"..there are still old-school democrats around who believe in pretty much everything a GOPer does other than the government's role in our lives. Mac doesn't come across as a bottle-thrower or a Marxist.
If anything is undeniably clear from this day going forward, its that white people are pissed.....

If anything is undeniably clear, it is that YOU are a dimwitted, broken-record, racist POS. Go don your strap on, mount Guno, and STFU for five seconds about your diseased racist nonsense.
I'm no fan of Trump, I'm voting for Hillary, but I think a lot of this stuff is a figment of the Left's imagination.

Yes, Trump has attracted far more than his share of old fashioned, mouth-breathing, butt-scratching racists, but that's stuff that's going on in THEIR minds, TOO.

I don't believe he's a racist, not any more than anyone else.
By buying the crap about Trump support being racist, you are supporting political correctness.
David Duke has endorsed him. Stormfront's leader has. The KKK refers to him: White supremacist groups see Trump bump

Rachel Pendergraft, a spokeswoman for the Arkansas-based Knights Party, which considers itself the national standard-bearer for the KKK, said the group encourages its members to engage with their communities through apolitical volunteer work and, at the right moment, steer conversation toward race and “white genocide.”

Trump, she said, has offered KKK members a prime opportunity to feel out potential recruits on their racial attitudes. “Right now he is a major talking point. He is in the news a lot.”

Duke, a former grand wizard of the KKK and perhaps the most notorious racist intellectual in the United States, said Trump, a successful businessman and the subject of nonstop media coverage, has given Americans license to more openly voice their racial animus.

“He’s made it ok to talk about these incredible concerns of European Americans today, because I think European Americans know they are the only group that can’t defend their own essential interests and their point of view,” Duke said. “He’s meant a lot for the human rights of European Americans.”

As I said, it's nearly as much as the Left would have people believe, but it does exist.

Acknowledging that racism exists is not PC; what you do with that opinion is.

Trump's and his supporters concern's about illegals, and/or Third World Immigration is valid and not racist.

That a few whack jobs claim to support those reasonable and non racist policies for racist reasons in no way reflects on TRump, his policies or his supporters.

Considering the VAST attempt by the regressive left to decide this campaign by LYING about that, your supposedly reasonable and nuanced comment will have no impact accept to lend credibility to the Vile Lies of the PC Masters.

You are like a man who sees another man falsely screaming FIre in a crowded theater and instead of trying to stop the stampede that will kill hundreds, makes a comment about how the air does seem a bit hot.
But I said essentially the same thing you're saying here. I said he's not a racist, and I said that, for whatever reason, some pinheads have chosen to align with him. That has allowed the PC zealots to paint him in the way they are.

Nuance is lost with of the vast majority of people, especially when combined with massive propaganda and confirmation bias.
Makes you a dem. We get it.
Well, whatever. I get called all kinds of things from both ends of the spectrum..
And by the way, here's what a LEFT winger said about me in ANOTHER thread from EARLIER today:
I'm pretty sure that makes you a conservative, not a centrist.
This place really is a hoot.


When you defend conservatives and attack liberals 80% of the time,

you're a conservative.
Makes you a dem. We get it.
Well, whatever. I get called all kinds of things from both ends of the spectrum..
And by the way, here's what a LEFT winger said about me in ANOTHER thread from EARLIER today:
I'm pretty sure that makes you a conservative, not a centrist.
This place really is a hoot.

Well but it was you who said you agreed with democrats. That was not me, it was you.
Makes you a dem. We get it.
Well, whatever. I get called all kinds of things from both ends of the spectrum..
And by the way, here's what a LEFT winger said about me in ANOTHER thread from EARLIER today:
I'm pretty sure that makes you a conservative, not a centrist.
This place really is a hoot.


When you defend conservatives and attack liberals 80% of the time,

you're a conservative.
Nope. It's just that at least 80% of the time conservatives are right.
If anything is undeniably clear from this day going forward, its that white people are pissed. And there is nothing short of a nuclear invasion that's gonna stop this freight train of anger from slowing down. They're putting their hopes and frustrations upon a man, who no doubt will disappoint and one can only imagine where that anger will turn.

I often find myself questioning what decade I am in, as a black person, I'm soo feeling the fire and anger of the 60's, as if this is the last stand the white man is having before it all ends for them....the majority hold that have in this country. I see the faces of white men and women, angry and yet so pleased that Trump has come to their rescue. At work, we're all silent, no more political jokes, no more comonality....because we know that Tom is now a Trump fan.

You can pinch yourself a zillion times and still not believe just how divided this country has become, all because a black man dared win the white house and dared to feel comfortable and safe, dating white women and thinking Tom was okay with that. I am 1000% certain, a lot of the anger white men are filling, stems from that integrated union.

The challenge the rest of us must embrace and enact is starting today, contact your national DNC office, volunteer and get every person young old, green blue, get them registered to Vote this Nov. This may perhaps be the most important vote of all of life times....we're either gonna turn back the clock and allow white rage to control us once again, or we're gonna help move this country forward, never to look back, its up to us!!

geeze, I go and have a nice time at the golf, mind my own business and come home and read $$$$ like this.
Question, did you ever find that golf ball you hit? Maybe if you took that golf ball out your ass, you'd feel better.
I didn't hit as many balls as your chin
I'm no fan of Trump, I'm voting for Hillary, but I think a lot of this stuff is a figment of the Left's imagination.

Yes, Trump has attracted far more than his share of old fashioned, mouth-breathing, butt-scratching racists, but that's stuff that's going on in THEIR minds, TOO.

I don't believe he's a racist, not any more than anyone else.
what a dumbass
Interesting, stimulating input, thanks.
Apparently not enough stimulation.. I think you need some electric shock therapy man.
I don't know you enough to know whether you're a Hillary fan or a Trump fan.

Both engage in personal insults and name-calling, so they're pretty similar in their behaviors.

I guess it doesn't matter.
yea it does surprised you said you support anyone of these 2 half-assed clowns.....
Makes you a dem. We get it.
Well, whatever. I get called all kinds of things from both ends of the spectrum..
And by the way, here's what a LEFT winger said about me in ANOTHER thread from EARLIER today:
I'm pretty sure that makes you a conservative, not a centrist.
This place really is a hoot.


When you defend conservatives and attack liberals 80% of the time,

you're a conservative.
Nope. It's just that at least 80% of the time conservatives are right.

What? Speak American please, alien.
Al Sharpton is for Hillary. Al Sharpton has called on murdering cops and whites, he spends a good deal of time in the WH. Why do you tolerate racism?

My opinion of the Regressive Left is no secret here.

Try that one on someone else.
Yet you will put them back in power. Because you identify with them. Your words.
Yeah. As bad as that is, imagine what I think of the alternative.

What will Trump reasonably do that is worse than that?
I have absolutely no idea what he would do, none, and that's a problem for me.

"The devil you know...." kind of thing.

And again, both candidates are unappealing to me, so all I can do is act on the fact that, in general, I agree with the Dems on more issues than with the GOP.

And you dismiss his publicly stated platform because...?

My opinion of the Regressive Left is no secret here.

Try that one on someone else.
Yet you will put them back in power. Because you identify with them. Your words.
Yeah. As bad as that is, imagine what I think of the alternative.

What will Trump reasonably do that is worse than that?
I have absolutely no idea what he would do, none, and that's a problem for me.

"The devil you know...." kind of thing.

And again, both candidates are unappealing to me, so all I can do is act on the fact that, in general, I agree with the Dems on more issues than with the GOP.

And you dismiss his publicly stated platform because...?
You will not get an answer.
By buying the crap about Trump support being racist, you are supporting political correctness.
David Duke has endorsed him. It would not be difficult to find many people who essentially identify as racist supporting him.

As I said, it's nearly as much as the Left would have people believe, but it does exist.

Acknowledging that racism exists is not PC; what you do with that opinion is.
Al Sharpton is for Hillary. Al Sharpton has called on murdering cops and whites, he spends a good deal of time in the WH. Why do you tolerate racism?
Al Sharpton is an idiot...just like David Duke is an idiot....neither side is immune from them.

And how many times have Sharpton been at the White House?

As opposed to how many time David Duke has been?
Tell me.

And I'm doubting that President Obama has invited David Duke to the WH at all.

Al Sharpton, racist race baiter with blood on his hands,

WaPo Fact Checker: Giuliani Right on Sharpton Visits to WH

He confirms that Sharpton has visited the White House on 72 occasions, including 5 one-on-one meetings, 20 meetings with staff members or senior advisers. The majority of visits, however, were part of group or public events.

That is just the Obama years.

Duke has NEVER been invited to the White HOuse during a Republican Administration, and obviously will not be in a Trump Administration.

Murderous racists have been completely marginalized on the Right,

While being accepted and courted on the Left.

THat was "cute" btw, the way you snidely commented that Obama never invited Duke.

And by "cute" I mean the exact opposite of "Cute".

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