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The United States IS a Christian Nation

Hmmm. Lemme think a minute.
Lesseee. slaughtered untold numbers of Natives upon arrival declaring them to be " savages".
Burned people alive in Massachusetts for being " evil".
Unleashed the only nukes in history.
Spread depleted uranium throughout the planet.
Poisoned there own brainwashed, semi literate, soldiers with unknown amounts and types of chemicals.

Yep. It's a Christian nation all right.:cuckoo:
Also known as an Idiocracy.
... and I repeat my answer ... think really hard, ignore all fact, ignore all science, just think about it.
You're saying 'if A, then B' when A and B are unrelated.

Really? You really don't get it?

You are still looking at it with nothing but logic and fact,
An if-then statement if a logical assertion. Your logic is flawed here s B does not follow from A. I know logic and intellect are foreign concepts to you, but you really should consider trying them out sometime.
You're saying 'if A, then B' when A and B are unrelated.

Really? You really don't get it?

You are still looking at it with nothing but logic and fact,
An if-then statement if a logical assertion. Your logic is flawed here s B does not follow from A. I know logic and intellect are foreign concepts to you, but you really should consider trying them out sometime.

If-then is only a logical statement in computers, life doesn't follow logic 90% of the time. Ignore logic, ignore facts, ignore science, read it with your mind, not your computer.
As The World Turns,.... As Thought Evolves.... Why do we so often repeat failures? I still maintain that Our Nation was established on Christian Principles, Established between God and Man, for the benefit of the Individual and the Society, under God, by whatever name you call Him, whether the Individual recognizes Him or Not.
As The World Turns,.... As Thought Evolves.... Why do we so often repeat failures? I still maintain that Our Nation was established on Christian Principles, Established between God and Man, for the benefit of the Individual and the Society, under God, by whatever name you call Him, whether the Individual recognizes Him or Not.

You are reciting slogans that were added in after the fact.
Israel is a Jewish nation, The Vatican is a Christian nation, and Saudi Arabia is a Moslem nation.

The U.S. is a secular nation in which the Christian denominations are the predominant religions.

Nothing more, nothing less.
Israel is a Jewish nation, The Vatican is a Christian nation, and Saudi Arabia is a Moslem nation.

The U.S. is a secular nation in which the Christian denominations are the predominant religions.

Nothing more, nothing less.

So why does the dollar say "in god we trust"? And aren't we "one nation under god"? (or is that another country? lol)
Israel is a Jewish nation, The Vatican is a Christian nation, and Saudi Arabia is a Moslem nation.

The U.S. is a secular nation in which the Christian denominations are the predominant religions.

Nothing more, nothing less.

So why does the dollar say "in god we trust"? And aren't we "one nation under god"? (or is that another country? lol)

God is not necessarily a Christian.
Israel is a Jewish nation, The Vatican is a Christian nation, and Saudi Arabia is a Moslem nation.

The U.S. is a secular nation in which the Christian denominations are the predominant religions.

Nothing more, nothing less.

So why does the dollar say "in god we trust"? And aren't we "one nation under god"? (or is that another country? lol)

Might wanna look into the belief system of people like Benjamin Franklin before you assert that foolish claim.

And oh yeah......."In God we trust" didn't show up on the dollar bill until much later, like almost 100 years later........

In God We Trust is the official motto of the United States and the U.S. state of Florida. The motto first appeared on a United States coin in 1864 during strong Christian sentiment emerging during the Civil War, but In God We Trust did not become the official U.S. national motto until after the passage of an Act of Congress in 1956.[1][2] It is codified as federal law in the United States Code at 36 U.S.C. § 302, which provides: "In God we trust" is the national motto".

In God We Trust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Israel is a Jewish nation, The Vatican is a Christian nation, and Saudi Arabia is a Moslem nation.

The U.S. is a secular nation in which the Christian denominations are the predominant religions.

Nothing more, nothing less.

So why does the dollar say "in god we trust"? And aren't we "one nation under god"? (or is that another country? lol)

Actually, no, that was added by the banks that originally printed them. The federal reserve wasn't established right away and money (aka "bank notes") was printed by the banks they came from, not the government, nor did they depend on the value of our country, their strength was determined by the individual banks. The current form of the dollar (which is changing) was just voted on by those in power when the federal reserve was established. You need to learn your history a bit more.
From the same Source.

Inalienable Right in the Original concept of "Life, Liberty, Property"

Separation Of Church and State.

The toleration of those that differ from others in matters of religion is so agreeable to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to the genuine reason of mankind, that it seems monstrous for men to be so blind as not to perceive the necessity and advantage of it in so clear a light. I will not here tax the pride and ambition of some, the passion and uncharitable zeal of others. These are faults from which human affairs can perhaps scarce ever be perfectly freed; but yet such as nobody will bear the plain imputation of, without covering them with some specious colour; and so pretend to commendation, whilst they are carried away by their own irregular passions. But, however, that some may not colour their spirit of persecution and unchristian cruelty with a pretence of care of the public weal and observation of the laws; and that others, under pretence of religion, may not seek impunity for their libertinism and licentiousness; in a word, that none may impose either upon himself or others, by the pretences of loyalty and obedience to the prince, or of tenderness and sincerity in the worship of God; I esteem it above all things necessary to distinguish exactly the business of civil government from that of religion and to settle the just bounds that lie between the one and the other. If this be not done, there can be no end put to the controversies that will be always arising between those that have, or at least pretend to have, on the one side, a concernment for the interest of men's souls, and, on the other side, a care of the commonwealth.

The commonwealth seems to me to be a society of men constituted only for the procuring, preserving, and advancing their own civil interests.

Civil interests I call life, liberty, health, and indolency of body; and the possession of outward things, such as money, lands, houses, furniture, and the like.

It is the duty of the civil magistrate, by the impartial execution of equal laws, to secure unto all the people in general and to every one of his subjects in particular the just possession of these things belonging to this life. If anyone presume to violate the laws of public justice and equity, established for the preservation of those things, his presumption is to be checked by the fear of punishment, consisting of the deprivation or diminution of those civil interests, or goods, which otherwise he might and ought to enjoy. But seeing no man does willingly suffer himself to be punished by the deprivation of any part of his goods, and much less of his liberty or life, therefore, is the magistrate armed with the force and strength of all his subjects, in order to the punishment of those that violate any other man's rights.

Now that the whole jurisdiction of the magistrate reaches only to these civil concernments, and that all civil power, right and dominion, is bounded and confined to the only care of promoting these things; and that it neither can nor ought in any manner to be extended to the salvation of souls, these following considerations seem unto me abundantly to demonstrate.

First, because the care of souls is not committed to the civil magistrate, any more than to other men. It is not committed unto him, I say, by God; because it appears not that God has ever given any such authority to one man over another as to compel anyone to his religion. Nor can any such power be vested in the magistrate by the consent of the people, because no man can so far abandon the care of his own salvation as blindly to leave to the choice of any other, whether prince or subject, to prescribe to him what faith or worship he shall embrace. For no man can, if he would, conform his faith to the dictates of another. All the life and power of true religion consist in the inward and full persuasion of the mind; and faith is not faith without believing. Whatever profession we make, to whatever outward worship we conform, if we are not fully satisfied in our own mind that the one is true and the other well pleasing unto God, such profession and such practice, far from being any furtherance, are indeed great obstacles to our salvation. For in this manner, instead of expiating other sins by the exercise of religion, I say, in offering thus unto God Almighty such a worship as we esteem to be displeasing unto Him, we add unto the number of our other sins those also of hypocrisy and contempt of His Divine Majesty.

John Locke: A Letter Concerning Toleration
Tell me more about "peer review" and your theories on the science of evolution. I'm bored and I'm looking for a good laugh. Your theories may be unintentionally humorous, but humorous they are. What do you do for a living again? You correct scientific papers for scientists so they can be submitted to science journals? Isn’t that what you said?

You should write a science paper on how Noah fit all those animals into one wooden boat. Now, where did he put the termites?

When you get around to even vaguely refuting anything I've already said about evolution beyond the inevitable "Oh, you're SO stupid, I'm so much smarter and more sophisticated than you are, you just make me laugh" that leftists always fall back on when they have nothing real to say, perhaps I'll feel the need to advance something else. Since what I've already said is still carrying the field in this battle, I see no reason to put out more troops.

Why don't YOU tell ME more about how peer review is utterly and completely objective, conducted by people who transform themselves into automatons devoid of all bias and agenda and personal opinion? I always find such naivete to be quaint and refreshingly amusing.

No, dumbfuck, I never said I "correct" scientific papers. I said that I have assisted in the preparation of papers for publication. It's not surprising that you have so much trouble conducting an Internet debate when simple English sentences like that kick your ass.

I'm sorry Miss Pottymouth. You don't "correct" them, you assist in "publication"? Do you blow the ink dry? Is that your "special" function? How can you work in such an environment and not know how peer review works? The next time you are wheeling by the donut cart, ask a few questions. Someone might even answer one.


Okay, NOW you sound like a two-year-old, yelling, "Mommy! Cecilie said a bad word!" Grow up and pull the stick out.

How can I work in such an environment and not know? I believe that's the point, twerp. I DO know. I know that human beings are biased, opinionated SOBs under the best of circumstances, and academia is not the best of circumstances. I know that if you are challenging a sacred cow, your chances of getting even as far as the peer review are slim to none, and publication is pretty much out of the question. I know that your blind idealism of objective scholars diligently searching for the truth is only possible among people who've never had to actually try to get an article accepted by a scientific journal. And continuing to try to belittle me and assert that I "just don't know" doesn't make you sound any less childish and ignorant.

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