The United States needs to catch up with Canada, make the doobie legal!

Neither are a large a detriment as having a nanny state taking away all of our liberty and freedoms.
Some things need to be restricted or banned in the interest of public safety and society's welfare. ... :cool:

Alcohol is legal and by every measurable metric in the book, it causes astronomically many times more violence, car crashes, family dysfunction, health problems and general destructive societal misbehavior than any amount of pot-smoking ever could. I've even known police officers who universally told me that - they'd far rather deal with a stoner than an obnoxious drunk many times over.
Neither are a large a detriment as having a nanny state taking away all of our liberty and freedoms.
Some things need to be restricted or banned in the interest of public safety and society's welfare. ... :cool:

Alcohol is legal and by every measurable metric in the book, it causes astronomically many times more violence, car crashes, family dysfunction, health problems and general destructive societal misbehavior than any amount of pot-smoking ever could. I've even known police officers who universally told me that - they'd far rather deal with a stoner than an obnoxious drunk many times over.

He wants to ban alcohol too
For everyone ignorant/panicked over "gateway drugs" I assure you that my first intoxicating "gateway drug" was Vicodin pills, not weed. Which made me so abnormally cheerful I turned into Mr. Rogers ("It's a BEAUTIFUL day in the neighborhood!"). Plus, smoking weed doesn't physically force anyone to do harder drugs; that is the individual's choice 100%.

I get really, really tired of drug-addicts who refuse to take any responsibility for their own weakness and act like someone put a gun to their heads and forced them to do harder drugs than weed. You and YOU alone are responsible for what you willingly choose to put in your body. I'm so sick of that 12-step self-pity, victim mentality. Always someone or something else's external fault. If you CHOOSE to do harder drugs, that's your own fault, not the fault of one of the world's most benign plants.

I hear ya Will. But, the reason people think like that is because of that really good piece of propaganda (because it worked, not because it was beneficial), Reefer Madness.

Incidentally, I watched that movie after being trained as a Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor, and the behaviors they blame on marijuana are more like what happens when someone does cocaine, gets drunk, or does speed.

And no...............if you wouldn't do something normally, you won't do it while you're stoned.

Yes, I'm aware of that old "Reefer Madness" nonsense. But the fact is, a pot high is just an unremarkable, sleepy kind of buzz. It doesn't cause anti-social behavior. I've smoked pot for nearly 30 years and I have never once been in jail for anything. I do it in the privacy of my own home and I'm still a normal, law-abiding citizen who never bothers anyone. And here in CA it's legal for me to have the small, petty amounts of weed I have for recreational purposes, anyway. My deadliest habit is still cigarettes.

Actually, it depends on what kind of strain you get. If it is Indica heavy or pure Indica, it will put you to sleep (it's why they call it In Da Couch).

If you smoke a Sativa heavy or pure Sativa, it will actually give you a nice body buzz that is energizing. Actually good for mundane tasks like walking the dog or mowing the lawn.

And, you are right about the behavior of people who smoke. I used to work at a biker bar in Amarillo called Boondocks, and they would let you smoke out back.

For the customers who smoked marijuana only? They were happy, fun to be around people who ordered food and tipped pretty well.

People who smoked and drank? Some I would have to watch when they got a few too many in them. But, up until they got drunk, they were pretty sociable.

People who only drank? There were even more that I'd have to keep an eye on during the weekend, because they liked to party hard.

People who used hard drugs? If they were caught, some of the local patrons would help them to the door and tell them not to come back.

I have no problem with moderate, functional alcoholics who keep it under control, since I most certainly am one. It's violent, drama-queen massive binge-drinkers with whom I have a problem. The kind who simply can't kick back and enjoy their drinks; always having to stir up turbulence for no reason. But I have yet to see a weed-baked person who has ever behaved as vile and trashy as many deranged binge-drunks I've seen.
Neither are a large a detriment as having a nanny state taking away all of our liberty and freedoms.
Some things need to be restricted or banned in the interest of public safety and society's welfare. ... :cool:

Alcohol is legal and by every measurable metric in the book, it causes astronomically many times more violence, car crashes, family dysfunction, health problems and general destructive societal misbehavior than any amount of pot-smoking ever could. I've even known police officers who universally told me that - they'd far rather deal with a stoner than an obnoxious drunk many times over.

He wants to ban alcohol too

Well I certainly don't. Prohibition doesn't work, that is an historically proven fact.
Neither are a large a detriment as having a nanny state taking away all of our liberty and freedoms.
Some things need to be restricted or banned in the interest of public safety and society's welfare. ... :cool:

Alcohol is legal and by every measurable metric in the book, it causes astronomically many times more violence, car crashes, family dysfunction, health problems and general destructive societal misbehavior than any amount of pot-smoking ever could. I've even known police officers who universally told me that - they'd far rather deal with a stoner than an obnoxious drunk many times over.

He wants to ban alcohol too

Well I certainly don't. Prohibition doesn't work, that is an historically proven fact.

No shit Prohibition didn't work. Not only that, but it gave rise to the Mafia.
Prohibition doesn't work, that is an historically proven fact.
That was almost 100 years ago

With the right laws in place, we could make it work today. .. :thup:

Really? You think that with the right laws we could make prohibition work today? How do you think that the folks at the Jack Daniels factory would feel about it? That distillery supports the whole town.

And that is before we start talking about craft breweries, Anheiser Bush, Coors, and all the other beer companies around.

If you were to ban alcohol tomorrow, you would crash the US economy.
No shit Prohibition didn't work. Not only that, but it gave rise to the Mafia.
The organized crime Mafia was already running numbers, prostitution, construction scams, hijacking, robbery, etc. Decades before they got into smuggling alcohol and later drugs. ... :cool:
Prohibition doesn't work, that is an historically proven fact.
That was almost 100 years ago

With the right laws in place, we could make it work today. .. :thup:

No, we cannot, because it is a violation of basic human nature. The majority of people in the Western world like to drink at least once in awhile. Prohibition of alcohol would destroy many industries and cause even worse criminal problems than 100 years ago. Whether you muslims like it or not, plenty of people are going to drink and you have to learn to live with that. You muslim entitled crybabies need to learn you don't always GET what you WANT in life. Fool. Why doesn't your religion grow up and act like men?
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A combination of tough drug and alcohol laws that involved addiction counseling, flogging, and hard labor jail time. Would stop the majority of people abusing alcohol and drugs. ... :thup:
A combination of tough drug and alcohol laws that involved addiction counseling, flogging, and hard labor jail time. Would stop the majority of people abusing alcohol and drugs. ... :thup:

A better plan would be a combination counseling, flogging, and hard labor jail time for anyone that wants to take away the rights and freedoms of others.
And as soon as we do, let's be sure to make our next priority the elimination of those tobacco cigarettes. Because that's bad for you.

Liberals should just admit that they can't get their acts together.

Legalize hard drugs.
Ban plastic straws.

The leftist agenda. Batshit people...

Personally I don't mind weed being legal though.
What is it that liberals want? Do they want to increase tax revenue by making a gateway drug legal to sell to high school kids? Are they going to use the same ridiculous argument as the tobacco people used around the turn of the last century that marijuana is healthy? Hard core cigarette smokers might end up with lung cancer in their 70's but did you ever talk to a hard core marijuana user? He has the same junk in his lungs but he doesn't have enough functioning brain cells to know it.

Tobacco is much more of a gateway drug that pot will ever be...
In the U.S. at this time, just a handful of states stink with that disgusting putrid smell.
In Canada, the stink will be everywhere now.
yea its Vegas its legal but yet out on the strip the other night i never got a whiff of it,and that could be because its ILLEGAL to smoke in public.....

It's illegal to smoke it in public here in Oregon as well, but I still smell the stink all the time anyway.
sure you do,no matter were you are....right....

A day never goes by that I don't come across the stink.
What is it that liberals want? Do they want to increase tax revenue by making a gateway drug legal to sell to high school kids? Are they going to use the same ridiculous argument as the tobacco people used around the turn of the last century that marijuana is healthy? Hard core cigarette smokers might end up with lung cancer in their 70's but did you ever talk to a hard core marijuana user? He has the same junk in his lungs but he doesn't have enough functioning brain cells to know it.

Tobacco is much more of a gateway drug that pot will ever be...

Get rid of both.
In the U.S. at this time, just a handful of states stink with that disgusting putrid smell.
In Canada, the stink will be everywhere now.
yea its Vegas its legal but yet out on the strip the other night i never got a whiff of it,and that could be because its ILLEGAL to smoke in public.....

It's illegal to smoke it in public here in Oregon as well, but I still smell the stink all the time anyway.
sure you do,no matter were you are....right....

A day never goes by that I don't come across the stink.
of course you do....

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