The United States needs to catch up with Canada, make the doobie legal!

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau says his new domestic policy will be to get baked and wait for the neighbours to their south to chill out a bit.
Fuck that bitch. He can suck our collective dick.

That's pretty much all those motherfuckers do. They sit around, get baked, and wait for us to do something, from which they benefit...SOLELY because they live next to us.

I think Canada should pay us tribute for the military protection we provide.

Otherwise, fuck them. They are a security risk. We go in, kick the shit out of them, and add 10 new states.

Canadians were there, dying on the Beaches in Normandy.

They were the first to offer aid on 9-11 an unilaterally allowed our airliners to land.

They also provide lots of jobs for American companies in the Oil Patch.
I’m curious to see how this plays out when a person goes for a workman’s comp claim, or other insurance claim.
I worked in factories and heavy industry as a mechanical engineer for most of my adult live.

Anytime someone got seriously hurt they were required to give blood for a drug test. If the test came back positive for drug use. The person was automatically fired. Plus, if they tried to sue the company for their injury, the judge would rule against them because they were impaired when the accident happened. .... :cool:

As it should be.

If you are impaired with alcohol or drugs then you should be held responsible for you actions whether at work or not.
The test doesn’t determine if the person is impaired. It can only tell you that they have consumed it within the past 30 days or so... Which brings the parties to a rather interesting argument. Does the injured party have to prove sobriety at the time of the incident? Or does the insurance company have to prove actual impairment at the time of the incident? Hmmm...

Well for alcohol either a blood test or a breathalyzer test is used.

Its a blood test for drugs. They can tell how impaired you are with the blood test.
For alcohol yes. Not the same with pot...
Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau says his new domestic policy will be to get baked and wait for the neighbours to their south to chill out a bit.
Fuck that bitch. He can suck our collective dick.

That's pretty much all those motherfuckers do. They sit around, get baked, and wait for us to do something, from which they benefit...SOLELY because they live next to us.

I think Canada should pay us tribute for the military protection we provide.

Otherwise, fuck them. They are a security risk. We go in, kick the shit out of them, and add 10 new states.

Canadians were there, dying on the Beaches in Normandy.

They were the first to offer aid on 9-11 an unilaterally allowed our airliners to land.

They also provide lots of jobs for American companies in the Oil Patch.
The least they can do.

We need to chill out because we want mutually equal and fair trade without protectionism?

A tip: Don't tell someone to "chill out" when you're ripping them off.

I’m curious to see how this plays out when a person goes for a workman’s comp claim, or other insurance claim.
I worked in factories and heavy industry as a mechanical engineer for most of my adult live.

Anytime someone got seriously hurt they were required to give blood for a drug test. If the test came back positive for drug use. The person was automatically fired. Plus, if they tried to sue the company for their injury, the judge would rule against them because they were impaired when the accident happened. .... :cool:

Times change

Good thing huh? Progression is ALWAYS a good thing...right?
Plus, we all know people stay focused and are much better workers when they’re stoned...right?
Good thing huh? Progression is ALWAYS a good thing...right?
Plus, we all know people stay focused and are much better workers when they’re stoned...right?

Less government is pretty much always good. Something a statist like you could never understand though.

If someone was inclined to come to work stoned, they would do so now and pot being legal would not make a bit of difference.

If I can sit in my living room and drink a beer or two, people should be able to sit in their living room and have a toke or two...only a damn socialist/communist would think otherwise.
I’m curious to see how this plays out when a person goes for a workman’s comp claim, or other insurance claim.
I worked in factories and heavy industry as a mechanical engineer for most of my adult live.

Anytime someone got seriously hurt they were required to give blood for a drug test. If the test came back positive for drug use. The person was automatically fired. Plus, if they tried to sue the company for their injury, the judge would rule against them because they were impaired when the accident happened. .... :cool:

As it should be.

If you are impaired with alcohol or drugs then you should be held responsible for you actions whether at work or not.
The test doesn’t determine if the person is impaired. It can only tell you that they have consumed it within the past 30 days or so... Which brings the parties to a rather interesting argument. Does the injured party have to prove sobriety at the time of the incident? Or does the insurance company have to prove actual impairment at the time of the incident? Hmmm...

Well for alcohol either a blood test or a breathalyzer test is used.

Its a blood test for drugs. They can tell how impaired you are with the blood test.
For alcohol yes. Not the same with pot...

They can still tell if its in your system. Not sure how they rate it though.
And as soon as we do, let's be sure to make our next priority the elimination of those tobacco cigarettes. Because that's bad for you.

Liberals should just admit that they can't get their acts together.

Good Luck with that. The number one LOBBYIST in Washiington D.C. against legalization is LAW ENFORCEMENT in this country, the number one LOBBYIST against Medical marijuana is BIG PHARMA.

Even in legal states, like Colorado, we still have rogue Republican Sheriff's still tying to make an issue out of voter approved legalization. They hate it, because they lost an easy, typically non violent bust, that they can caulk up.

You want it legal get to the polls and vote BLUE this midterm. Republican politicians hate the thought of legal marijuana, no matter how much they tell you they're O.K. with it--believe me they're NOT. I live in Colorado.


I worked in factories and heavy industry as a mechanical engineer for most of my adult live.

Anytime someone got seriously hurt they were required to give blood for a drug test. If the test came back positive for drug use. The person was automatically fired. Plus, if they tried to sue the company for their injury, the judge would rule against them because they were impaired when the accident happened. .... :cool:

As it should be.

If you are impaired with alcohol or drugs then you should be held responsible for you actions whether at work or not.
The test doesn’t determine if the person is impaired. It can only tell you that they have consumed it within the past 30 days or so... Which brings the parties to a rather interesting argument. Does the injured party have to prove sobriety at the time of the incident? Or does the insurance company have to prove actual impairment at the time of the incident? Hmmm...

Well for alcohol either a blood test or a breathalyzer test is used.

Its a blood test for drugs. They can tell how impaired you are with the blood test.
For alcohol yes. Not the same with pot...

They can still tell if its in your system. Not sure how they rate it though.
Right. It’ll be in your system for around 30 days. Long, long after any intoxicating effect has run its course. So the booger will be proving whether or not the person actually was impaired at the moment in question.
Times change
Places where I worked an injury wasn't just a cut finger. People lost limbs and broke bones. Thankfully, never had anyone lose their life on my watch.

Personally I didn't want to work around a co-worker who was drunk, hungover, or high. It was just too dangerous to trust my life around someone who wasn't 100% mentally in the game.

In fact if I thought they were impaired, I'd report their behavior myself. ...:cool:
As an employer; it would put at great risk my entire life’s work to have an employee fail a drug test after killing, or injuring someone on the job. Without a way to determine whether or not the person is actually high. I’d just as soon it stay illegal. Not that I care what they do at home, but... What they do at home as of right now could cost an employer everything in court, or a lawsuit.
Times change
Places where I worked an injury wasn't just a cut finger. People lost limbs and broke bones. Thankfully, never had anyone lose their life on my watch.

Personally I didn't want to work around a co-worker who was drunk, hungover, or high. It was just too dangerous to trust my life around someone who wasn't 100% mentally in the game.

In fact if I thought they were impaired, I'd report their behavior myself. ...:cool:

You should report it if you think they are impaired.

Are you also pushing to ban booze again so you do not take the chance of working around a drunk or hungover person?

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The United States needs to catch up with Canada
We don't need to do ANYTHING just because Canada is doing it. Fuck Canada.

But, I agree that pot is no different than alcohol and should be taxed if sold, but growing it on your own, for your own consumption, should be legal and free.

I have never used pot. If it becomes legal I will not smoke it.

I will likely have some "special" brownies.

You potheads tell me if that's a good idea.

You can infuse it into everything. It not just for brownies anymore.

I love that show. Especially when they tell you the reasons they use terpines over bud, or oils or whatever they are using. Very informative show.

Incidentally, for all of you who have cable providers with VICE channel, I highly recommend (yeah, I see the punny) checking out Bong Appetit.

Another good one for you people who are on the fence about marijuana use, I recommend watching VICE channel's "Weedequette" sometime. It shows actual users smoking and using cannabis, as well as they tell you why they do it and what their life was like before. They have also done documentaries about NFL players who want to be free to use cannabis over opiates, how it has helped those with certain conditions, etc. A very informative show that will definitely help you dispel some of they myths and misinformation that you may have heard over the years.
I’m curious to see how this plays out when a person goes for a workman’s comp claim, or other insurance claim.
I worked in factories and heavy industry as a mechanical engineer for most of my adult live.

Anytime someone got seriously hurt they were required to give blood for a drug test. If the test came back positive for drug use. The person was automatically fired. Plus, if they tried to sue the company for their injury, the judge would rule against them because they were impaired when the accident happened. .... :cool:

Times change

Good thing huh? Progression is ALWAYS a good thing...right?
Plus, we all know people stay focused and are much better workers when they’re stoned...right?

Actually, there ARE Sativa heavy hybrids that do that very thing. It increases your focus, as well as makes you calm.
I agree. They can tax it and regulate it just like cigarettes. They will make a lot of money.

A "lot" of money? Maybe some, but not a "lot".

If they raise the Weed Tax to high levels that will be significant as far the budget, most of the money made will be expended to stop the flow of untaxed grass with counterfeit tax stamps.

A lot of people get their asses capped smuggling ciggies across jurisdictional lines, hijacking trucks, etc. Policing this kind of trade is expensive.

It may sound counterintuitive, but a modest reefer levy could probably net the government a lot more.
Times change
Places where I worked an injury wasn't just a cut finger. People lost limbs and broke bones. Thankfully, never had anyone lose their life on my watch.

Personally I didn't want to work around a co-worker who was drunk, hungover, or high. It was just too dangerous to trust my life around someone who wasn't 100% mentally in the game.

In fact if I thought they were impaired, I'd report their behavior myself. ...:cool:

You should report it if you think they are impaired.

Are you also pushing to ban booze again so you do not take the chance of working around a drunk or hungover person?

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You know, on my first ship, there were 2 guys in my shop that didn't drink, but they were definitely stoners, because I'd caught them once, and they admitted that yeah, they preferred to smoke. Interestingly enough, when we first pulled into a port, everyone would go out that night and get drunk. The next morning? Most people were useless until around 11:00 am, after several coffees and Gatorades. Larry and Steve? They were bright eyed and ready to work at 7:30 am, because they didn't get drunk the night before and weren't hung over.

Depending on how you ingest it will depend on how long the effects stay with you. If you smoke? Anywhere from 1 to 6 hours, depending on strain and how much was smoked. If you eat it? The effects can last for up to 36 hours, depending on amount and strain eaten. Eating cannabis will stick with you for a lot longer than just smoking. And, if you eat it, eat a LITTLE BIT ONLY if you are a first time user, and then wait a full 45 min, because that is how long it takes for the effects to hit when going through the digestive system.

As far as how long can it be detected? THC has an affinity for fat cells, and when it is ingested, after it leaves the blood stream, it is soaked up by the fat cells, and then slowly cleaned by the kidneys and the liver, which is why it can stay in your system for anywhere from 10 days (for skinny people with high metabolisms), to up to 45 days (for overweight people with low metabolisms), but they cannot tell if you are at an impaired level or not with current tests, just if it has been in your system recently.
I agree. They can tax it and regulate it just like cigarettes. They will make a lot of money.

A "lot" of money? Maybe some, but not a "lot".

If they raise the Weed Tax to high levels that will be significant as far the budget, most of the money made will be expended to stop the flow of untaxed grass with counterfeit tax stamps.

A lot of people get their asses capped smuggling ciggies across jurisdictional lines, hijacking trucks, etc. Policing this kind of trade is expensive.

It may sound counterintuitive, but a modest reefer levy could probably net the government a lot more.

Actually, Colorado has been making a killing since they legalized it for recreational purposes.

Marijuana Tax Data | Department of Revenue

Marijuana Taxes, Licenses, and Fee Revenue

Calendar Year
Total Revenue




2018 (Jan - Sept) $200,710,655
Updated October 2018

And, have you noticed that they continue to increase the revenue they make in marijuana taxes? sorry, but it's kind of a significant amount of money.
It's already legal for recreational purposes in several states (in amounts within reason, I assume). And a bunch more states it's legal with a medical card.
It's already legal for recreational purposes in several states (in amounts within reason, I assume). And a bunch more states it's legal with a medical card.
But employers can still refuse to hire, and/or fire for use if they so choose. And for many they have no choice because of the insurance that they have to carry.

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