The United States needs to catch up with Canada, make the doobie legal!

In the U.S. at this time, just a handful of states stink with that disgusting putrid smell.
In Canada, the stink will be everywhere now.
yea its Vegas its legal but yet out on the strip the other night i never got a whiff of it,and that could be because its ILLEGAL to smoke in public.....
What is it that liberals want? Do they want to increase tax revenue by making a gateway drug legal to sell to high school kids? Are they going to use the same ridiculous argument as the tobacco people used around the turn of the last century that marijuana is healthy? Hard core cigarette smokers might end up with lung cancer in their 70's but did you ever talk to a hard core marijuana user? He has the same junk in his lungs but he doesn't have enough functioning brain cells to know it.

There is no such thing as a gateway drug, that is a myth the state has told you over the years to control your behavior.
What do prefer to call it? An entry level drug? Every heroin user has been a marijuana user, it comes with the territory. The dirty little secret is that you can get a couple of seeds and grow a marijuana bush and smoke the noxious stuff until your brains come out of your ears but that's not what they want. The hard core marijuana proponents might pretend to be socialists but they are good old capitalists at heart who want to make a buck by selling the shit to your kids without worrying about anything but a misdemeanor ticket for selling it to a minor.
“The United States needs to catch up with Canada, make the doobie legal!”

Most Americans agree.

The problem is a minority authoritarian Republican government hostile to facts and the truth about marijuana.
In the U.S. at this time, just a handful of states stink with that disgusting putrid smell.
In Canada, the stink will be everywhere now.
yea its Vegas its legal but yet out on the strip the other night i never got a whiff of it,and that could be because its ILLEGAL to smoke in public.....

It's illegal to smoke it in public here in Oregon as well, but I still smell the stink all the time anyway.
What is it that liberals want? Do they want to increase tax revenue by making a gateway drug legal to sell to high school kids? Are they going to use the same ridiculous argument as the tobacco people used around the turn of the last century that marijuana is healthy? Hard core cigarette smokers might end up with lung cancer in their 70's but did you ever talk to a hard core marijuana user? He has the same junk in his lungs but he doesn't have enough functioning brain cells to know it.

There is no such thing as a gateway drug, that is a myth the state has told you over the years to control your behavior.

Actually, there IS a "gateway drug", and it's known as alcohol. Why is alcohol a gateway drug? Because people consume it and then their inhibitions drop, which means they are more likely to do something they normally wouldn't. We've all heard (or have) stories about how someone got drunk and stupid behavior followed.

Interestingly enough................your inhibitions DON'T drop when you smoke marijuana. If you wouldn't do something sober, you damn sure won't want to do it while you are stoned. Matter of fact, in some cases, you might be less likely to do things.

As far as the crap in your lungs argument? Well, a few years back, I was smoking both cigarettes and marijuana, and decided to get back on the bicycle to get back in shape. I noticed that my lung capacity was crap, so I quit smoking cigarettes, but continued to smoke cannabis. Guess what? My O2 uptake went back up. Today? I'm over 54 years old, and on my last physical a couple of months ago, my oxygen uptake was measured at 98 percent, which ain't bad for an old man.
It's already legal for recreational purposes in several states (in amounts within reason, I assume). And a bunch more states it's legal with a medical card.
But employers can still refuse to hire, and/or fire for use if they so choose. And for many they have no choice because of the insurance that they have to carry.

I hope the mechanic who fixes the brakes on my SUV gets drug tested.

Depending on where you are, chances are, your local mechanic smokes it for fun on the weekends.
“The United States needs to catch up with Canada, make the doobie legal!”

Most Americans agree.

The problem is a minority authoritarian Republican government hostile to facts and the truth about marijuana.

You're right. Most of those in power are not quite there for approval yet. But, the fun thing is, that if people are willing to take some time to educate themselves, they can.

Matter of fact, if a person has cable that carries VICE channel, they can educate themselves by watching "Weedequette", which is done documentary style, and covers people who smoke marijuana for many different reasons, some for religion, some for medical, some for pain relief, etc. The show films them using marijuana, what they are like while stoned, why they use it, what the current benefits are to them, what their life was's actually a very informative show that can help dispel some of the myths and lies about marijuana use. Matter of fact, one show was about NFL players who would rather be allowed to smoke marijuana than be given opiates for pain. Why? Less side effects smoking marijuana as well as the fact that cannabis is not physically addictive.

Another show that I like is called "Bong Appetit", which shows various chefs (some world renowned) cooking various dishes with marijuana. They tell what kind of cannabis they are using, why different forms (oils, terpines, buds) are better for preparing some dishes over others, and, you get to see them eat it as well, and you can see the effects the meal (and smoking) had on them.

If you are on the fence or are against cannabis, I recommend at least checking out a couple of shows before saying it's an evil thing.

Especially when you see the effects it has had on children with seizures, because it is very beneficial for them.
Marijuana steals the minds and ambition of the youth who smoke it.

I worked with a guy who's son was a straight A student and star football player in high school. One day he came home and told his father that he had quit the team. A few weeks later when report cards came out the kid was flunking every subject.

His father was at a loss as to what was happening with his son. Later on he found out the boy had started smoking weed and had lost all of his ambition to succeed and achieve his goals. Now all the boy wanted to do was smoke weed and get high.

Marijuana has robbed many a bright kid of a good future. ... :cool:
Marijuana steals the minds and ambition of the youth who smoke it.

I worked with a guy who's son was a straight A student and star football player in high school. One day he came home and told his father that he had quit the team. A few weeks later when report cards came out the kid was flunking every subject.

His father was at a loss as to what was happening with his son. Later on he found out the boy had started smoking weed and had lost all of his ambition to succeed and achieve his goals.

Marijuana has robbed many a bright kid of a good future. ... :cool:

Booze sucks the ambition out of someone quicker than marijuana does.
In the U.S. at this time, just a handful of states stink with that disgusting putrid smell.
In Canada, the stink will be everywhere now.
yea its Vegas its legal but yet out on the strip the other night i never got a whiff of it,and that could be because its ILLEGAL to smoke in public.....

It's illegal to smoke it in public here in Oregon as well, but I still smell the stink all the time anyway.
sure you do,no matter were you are....right....
Marijuana steals the minds and ambition of the youth who smoke it.

I worked with a guy who's son was a straight A student and star football player in high school. One day he came home and told his father that he had quit the team. A few weeks later when report cards came out the kid was flunking every subject.

His father was at a loss as to what was happening with his son. Later on he found out the boy had started smoking weed and had lost all of his ambition to succeed and achieve his goals. Now all the boy wanted to do was smoke weed and get high.

Marijuana has robbed many a bright kid of a good future. ... :cool:

Bullshit, it was not marijuana that did that, the kid was a loser and all marijuana did was bring that to light.
For everyone ignorant/panicked over "gateway drugs" I assure you that my first intoxicating "gateway drug" was Vicodin pills, not weed. Which made me so abnormally cheerful I turned into Mr. Rogers ("It's a BEAUTIFUL day in the neighborhood!"). Plus, smoking weed doesn't physically force anyone to do harder drugs; that is the individual's choice 100%.

I get really, really tired of drug-addicts who refuse to take any responsibility for their own weakness and act like someone put a gun to their heads and forced them to do harder drugs than weed. You and YOU alone are responsible for what you willingly choose to put in your body. I'm so sick of that 12-step self-pity, victim mentality. Always someone or something else's external fault. If you CHOOSE to do harder drugs, that's your own fault, not the fault of one of the world's most benign plants.
For everyone ignorant/panicked over "gateway drugs" I assure you that my first intoxicating "gateway drug" was Vicodin pills, not weed. Which made me so abnormally cheerful I turned into Mr. Rogers ("It's a BEAUTIFUL day in the neighborhood!"). Plus, smoking weed doesn't physically force anyone to do harder drugs; that is the individual's choice 100%.

I get really, really tired of drug-addicts who refuse to take any responsibility for their own weakness and act like someone put a gun to their heads and forced them to do harder drugs than weed. You and YOU alone are responsible for what you willingly choose to put in your body. I'm so sick of that 12-step self-pity, victim mentality. Always someone or something else's external fault. If you CHOOSE to do harder drugs, that's your own fault, not the fault of one of the world's most benign plants.

I hear ya Will. But, the reason people think like that is because of that really good piece of propaganda (because it worked, not because it was beneficial), Reefer Madness.

Incidentally, I watched that movie after being trained as a Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor, and the behaviors they blame on marijuana are more like what happens when someone does cocaine, gets drunk, or does speed.

And no...............if you wouldn't do something normally, you won't do it while you're stoned.
For everyone ignorant/panicked over "gateway drugs" I assure you that my first intoxicating "gateway drug" was Vicodin pills, not weed. Which made me so abnormally cheerful I turned into Mr. Rogers ("It's a BEAUTIFUL day in the neighborhood!"). Plus, smoking weed doesn't physically force anyone to do harder drugs; that is the individual's choice 100%.

I get really, really tired of drug-addicts who refuse to take any responsibility for their own weakness and act like someone put a gun to their heads and forced them to do harder drugs than weed. You and YOU alone are responsible for what you willingly choose to put in your body. I'm so sick of that 12-step self-pity, victim mentality. Always someone or something else's external fault. If you CHOOSE to do harder drugs, that's your own fault, not the fault of one of the world's most benign plants.

I hear ya Will. But, the reason people think like that is because of that really good piece of propaganda (because it worked, not because it was beneficial), Reefer Madness.

Incidentally, I watched that movie after being trained as a Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor, and the behaviors they blame on marijuana are more like what happens when someone does cocaine, gets drunk, or does speed.

And no...............if you wouldn't do something normally, you won't do it while you're stoned.

Yes, I'm aware of that old "Reefer Madness" nonsense. But the fact is, a pot high is just a quiet, unremarkable, sleepy kind of buzz. It doesn't cause anti-social behavior. I've smoked pot for nearly 30 years and I have never once been in jail for anything. I do it in the privacy of my own home and I'm still a normal, law-abiding citizen who never bothers anyone. And here in CA it's legal for me to have the small, petty amounts of weed I have for recreational purposes, anyway. My deadliest habit is still cigarettes.
For everyone ignorant/panicked over "gateway drugs" I assure you that my first intoxicating "gateway drug" was Vicodin pills, not weed. Which made me so abnormally cheerful I turned into Mr. Rogers ("It's a BEAUTIFUL day in the neighborhood!"). Plus, smoking weed doesn't physically force anyone to do harder drugs; that is the individual's choice 100%.

I get really, really tired of drug-addicts who refuse to take any responsibility for their own weakness and act like someone put a gun to their heads and forced them to do harder drugs than weed. You and YOU alone are responsible for what you willingly choose to put in your body. I'm so sick of that 12-step self-pity, victim mentality. Always someone or something else's external fault. If you CHOOSE to do harder drugs, that's your own fault, not the fault of one of the world's most benign plants.

I hear ya Will. But, the reason people think like that is because of that really good piece of propaganda (because it worked, not because it was beneficial), Reefer Madness.

Incidentally, I watched that movie after being trained as a Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor, and the behaviors they blame on marijuana are more like what happens when someone does cocaine, gets drunk, or does speed.

And no...............if you wouldn't do something normally, you won't do it while you're stoned.

Yes, I'm aware of that old "Reefer Madness" nonsense. But the fact is, a pot high is just an unremarkable, sleepy kind of buzz. It doesn't cause anti-social behavior. I've smoked pot for nearly 30 years and I have never once been in jail for anything. I do it in the privacy of my own home and I'm still a normal, law-abiding citizen who never bothers anyone. And here in CA it's legal for me to have the small, petty amounts of weed I have for recreational purposes, anyway. My deadliest habit is still cigarettes.

Actually, it depends on what kind of strain you get. If it is Indica heavy or pure Indica, it will put you to sleep (it's why they call it In Da Couch).

If you smoke a Sativa heavy or pure Sativa, it will actually give you a nice body buzz that is energizing. Actually good for mundane tasks like walking the dog or mowing the lawn.

And, you are right about the behavior of people who smoke. I used to work at a biker bar in Amarillo called Boondocks, and they would let you smoke out back.

For the customers who smoked marijuana only? They were happy, fun to be around people who ordered food and tipped pretty well.

People who smoked and drank? Some I would have to watch when they got a few too many in them. But, up until they got drunk, they were pretty sociable.

People who only drank? There were even more that I'd have to keep an eye on during the weekend, because they liked to party hard.

People who used hard drugs? If they were caught, some of the local patrons would help them to the door and tell them not to come back.

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