The Unprecedented Law Giving Gun Makers And Dealers Immunity

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Are people who kill themselves less dead than people who are killed by others. Because, frankly, my neighbor who shot himself, he looked pretty dead to me at his funeral. (Although the undertaker did a nice job patching up the hole...)

The reason it should not be included is that when usually stated, it is made to imply someone being accidentally shot, the classic "I shot my son by the fridge because i thought he was a burglar" story. The people who often use this study use it to make it appear you are going to shoot your cousin ed well before you shoot an intruder. Using suicides to bolster the ratio is intellectually dishonest if you intend to use the numbers this way.

Where is it "implied" that a sucide is anything but a suicide? You might INFER that, but no one IMPLIED that.

The point is, for every home intruder killed, you had 39 suicides, 3 domestic murders and 1 accident in the home, according to Kellerman.

But the Gun Industry markets it product like there is a hoarde of these criminals out there that you need protection from... and your gun is the only thing keeping you safe.

No, according to kellerman you had these happen in THE COUNTY he did the study. It did not eliminate ones that took place outside the home. It did not eliminate criminally owned guns, and it did not eliminate crimes committed by guns owned by someone else.

One other thing is that during the period there were 347 non gun suicides, and 4 non gun self defense homicides. Using that ratio you were 87 times more likely to kill yourself than to defend yourself without a gun during the time period.....

So i guess we need to ban hands/ropes/knives/bats/clubs etc??

He can never admit he's wrong about anything.

Oh, no, I gladly admit all those years I bought into the GOP Bullshit about freedom and family values and all the other shit they said to get working class white folks to vote against their own economic interest, I was totally wrong. I got snookered by a slick sales pitch.

Now I realize that the mess we are in is one they created because greedy corporations have manipulated our system.

Case in point. We lock up 2 million people, we have another 7 million on probation, we have 300 million guns out there...

And we have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world, and the highest gun death total in it as well.
Are people who kill themselves less dead than people who are killed by others. Because, frankly, my neighbor who shot himself, he looked pretty dead to me at his funeral. (Although the undertaker did a nice job patching up the hole...)

You fucking phoney..........for the New Year, this cheesedick changed his avatar to stop the verbal abuse from posing as a GOP guy. A total fraud........hard core left guy posing as a conservative.



Joey is as much an "Eisenhower Republican" as I am a staunch oBUMa supporter.

All the k00k lefties give me nausea, but the phonies are particularly gay. A couple of phoney armed forces guys on here too.........all exposed by me, of course.:D:D

No, according to kellerman you had these happen in THE COUNTY he did the study. It did not eliminate ones that took place outside the home. It did not eliminate criminally owned guns, and it did not eliminate crimes committed by guns owned by someone else.

One other thing is that during the period there were 347 non gun suicides, and 4 non gun self defense homicides. Using that ratio you were 87 times more likely to kill yourself than to defend yourself without a gun during the time period.....

So i guess we need to ban hands/ropes/knives/bats/clubs etc??

No, we just need to ban the guns. The thing about knife and rope suicide attempts is you can often save the person if you find them in time... Guns, not so much.

Guy, seriously, your defenses are becoming more and more shrill as you get more and more off the subject.

Guess who would wish he had a gun as the intruder climbs through his window...Joey. :clap2: He'll never admit it. Maybe he can reason with the intruder and expalin that if the intruder keeps that gun he might someday end up committing suicide. :badgrin:

I've got a Louisville Slugger, will do an equally good number on someone "climbing through my window".

Not that this has ever been an issue. The chances of someone trying to break into your home while you are at home are pretty much nil... Most crooks are smart enough to wait until you go to work.

He can never admit he's wrong about anything.

Oh, no, I gladly admit all those years I bought into the GOP Bullshit about freedom and family values and all the other shit they said to get working class white folks to vote against their own economic interest, I was totally wrong. I got snookered by a slick sales pitch.

Now I realize that the mess we are in is one they created because greedy corporations have manipulated our system.

Case in point. We lock up 2 million people, we have another 7 million on probation, we have 300 million guns out there...

And we have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world, and the highest gun death total in it as well.

lmao asshole................:D:D:D:2up:

Regarding Australia's lack of gun violence, the aforementioned Just Facts graph also shows Australia's homicide rate has dropped. While America's rate has gone down by 3.9 percent, Australia's rate has only dropped by 0.4 percent. This means that while America's gun laws became somewhat looser with the elimination of the "assault" weapons ban, and Australia's became stricter, America's homicide rate has dropped much faster than Australia's.

Read more: NIKRAD: Gun buyback program won
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No, according to kellerman you had these happen in THE COUNTY he did the study. It did not eliminate ones that took place outside the home. It did not eliminate criminally owned guns, and it did not eliminate crimes committed by guns owned by someone else.

One other thing is that during the period there were 347 non gun suicides, and 4 non gun self defense homicides. Using that ratio you were 87 times more likely to kill yourself than to defend yourself without a gun during the time period.....

So i guess we need to ban hands/ropes/knives/bats/clubs etc??

No, we just need to ban the guns. The thing about knife and rope suicide attempts is you can often save the person if you find them in time... Guns, not so much.

Guy, seriously, your defenses are becoming more and more shrill as you get more and more off the subject.

But they were the cause of 5 times the number of suicides....Yet we have to ban the guns.

I notice you can't refute my base points regarding the study, hence you have to deflect.

Keep trying though, its kind of comical.

But they were the cause of 5 times the number of suicides....Yet we have to ban the guns.

I notice you can't refute my base points regarding the study, hence you have to deflect.

Keep trying though, its kind of comical.

You had a "base point' other than 'WAAAAAHHHHHH, Kellerman proved that a gun in my house is more a danger to my family than that evil hoard of criminals that make me piss myself every night." ?

You don't need a gun. You might want a gun, but that doesn't mean the rest of us should let you have one.

And frankly, I'm willing to go halfway. You can have a gun as long as you

1) Undergo a thorough background check to prove you aren't a crazy person or a crook.
2) Get liability insurance for any damage that gun might cause.
3) Prove that you are proficient in handling that gun and store it safely when not in use.

But if that gun is used in a crime or death, you and the people who sold it to you should be subject to civil and criminal penalties...

It'd probably be better to just ban them all, though.

But they were the cause of 5 times the number of suicides....Yet we have to ban the guns.

I notice you can't refute my base points regarding the study, hence you have to deflect.

Keep trying though, its kind of comical.

You had a "base point' other than 'WAAAAAHHHHHH, Kellerman proved that a gun in my house is more a danger to my family than that evil hoard of criminals that make me piss myself every night." ?

You don't need a gun. You might want a gun, but that doesn't mean the rest of us should let you have one.

And frankly, I'm willing to go halfway. You can have a gun as long as you

1) Undergo a thorough background check to prove you aren't a crazy person or a crook.
2) Get liability insurance for any damage that gun might cause.
3) Prove that you are proficient in handling that gun and store it safely when not in use.

But if that gun is used in a crime or death, you and the people who sold it to you should be subject to civil and criminal penalties...

It'd probably be better to just ban them all, though.

I did a thoruough critique of kellerman's study, and the best you can do is say I'm being a crybaby?

You refuted none of my points, and then go on a diatribe about what you "want"

What I want is for people like you to respect my 2nd amendment rights, and if you dont like it, repeal the damn thing. I swear progressives are like the fucking Sith from Star Wars, always feeling the need to control others through intimidation, lies and outright force of government.

And for you points, 1) we already have background checks. 2) if a person uses a gun the wrong way they can already be punished criminally and sued civilly, and 3) for at least concealed carry, you already have to have basic safety training.

Guess who would wish he had a gun as the intruder climbs through his window...Joey. :clap2: He'll never admit it. Maybe he can reason with the intruder and expalin that if the intruder keeps that gun he might someday end up committing suicide. :badgrin:

I've got a Louisville Slugger, will do an equally good number on someone "climbing through my window".

Not that this has ever been an issue. The chances of someone trying to break into your home while you are at home are pretty much nil... Most crooks are smart enough to wait until you go to work.

THIS is exactly the naive dangerous type of thinking you INVARIABLY find with far left k00ks. This is naive to hyper-levels of gay..........and one always see's this sort of bubble thinking when somebody hails from Scratchmyassville USA.

The fact is, most of us live in suburban areas not too far from drug infested, crime ridden area's. That guy "coming through the window"???????? Maybe in Scratchmyassvile USA, it is some dumbass kid burglar but out here, it gonna be a crack monkey armed to the teeth looking for a fix. That gay Louisville slugger is going to get jammed up your ass followed by a dozen 9 mm rounds to the head. LMAO.....hit a jacked up crack monkey with a baseball bat and he'll laugh his ass off, put a slug through each of your feet before sticking the gun barrel on your chest and pulling the trigger 5 times while he continues to laugh his balls off.

Bubble thinkers are gay.........and dangerous as hell to take advice from.

I'll take my chances with my Zombie killing ammo thanks.................

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In England........they banned guns and use of guns in crime INCREASED 40% 2 years later.

But dont take my word for it...........check the facts..............


Firearm murders in the US - 9148

Firearms murders in the UK- 41

Data Comparison from Facts

Gun homicide rate-

US 2.98
UK .1

Total Homicides -

US - 14159
UK - 615

Homicide rate-

US - 4.6
UK 1.1


They are a pain in the ass, aren't they?

I did a thoruough critique of kellerman's study, and the best you can do is say I'm being a crybaby?

You refuted none of my points, and then go on a diatribe about what you "want"

What I want is for people like you to respect my 2nd amendment rights, and if you dont like it, repeal the damn thing. I swear progressives are like the fucking Sith from Star Wars, always feeling the need to control others through intimidation, lies and outright force of government.

And for you points, 1) we already have background checks. 2) if a person uses a gun the wrong way they can already be punished criminally and sued civilly, and 3) for at least concealed carry, you already have to have basic safety training.

No, "repeating Gun Nut Talking points" is not a "thorough critique". it's trying to deflect from the subject that guns in the house are more dangerous to people in the house than people outside it.

You have no "Second Amendment rights'. The second Amendment is about militias.

What we have right now doesn't work, if Lanza and Loughner and Cho and Holmes can get guns so easily. If you all can't police yourselves, we'll be happy to police you.
In England........they banned guns and use of guns in crime INCREASED 40% 2 years later.

But dont take my word for it...........check the facts..............


Firearm murders in the US - 9148

Firearms murders in the UK- 41

Data Comparison from Facts

Gun homicide rate-

US 2.98
UK .1

Total Homicides -

US - 14159
UK - 615

Homicide rate-

US - 4.6
UK 1.1


They are a pain in the ass, aren't they?

Irrelevant........and typically for the k00k left, categorically overgeneralized >>>>>>>

Stuff Black People Don't Like - SBPDL: Guns Don't Kill People; Dangerous Minorities Do -- The Chicago Edition

If you have half a brain, you take a closer look at the statistics..........the non-Zombie neighborhoods want to remain that way.:2up::2up::fu: Take away the guns from the law abiding citizens = more Zombie neighborhoods.
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I did a thoruough critique of kellerman's study, and the best you can do is say I'm being a crybaby?

You refuted none of my points, and then go on a diatribe about what you "want"

What I want is for people like you to respect my 2nd amendment rights, and if you dont like it, repeal the damn thing. I swear progressives are like the fucking Sith from Star Wars, always feeling the need to control others through intimidation, lies and outright force of government.

And for you points, 1) we already have background checks. 2) if a person uses a gun the wrong way they can already be punished criminally and sued civilly, and 3) for at least concealed carry, you already have to have basic safety training.

No, "repeating Gun Nut Talking points" is not a "thorough critique". it's trying to deflect from the subject that guns in the house are more dangerous to people in the house than people outside it.

You have no "Second Amendment rights'. The second Amendment is about militias.

What we have right now doesn't work, if Lanza and Loughner and Cho and Holmes can get guns so easily. If you all can't police yourselves, we'll be happy to police you.

Fucking Facist. Go give hitler a rimjob in hell. You can try to "police me" all you want, just dont expect to have your teeth in your mouth when you are done.

And all you do is go back to the stupid progressive mantra that if we would only ban guns everything would be lollypop sugar plum awesomeness.


If it was about militas it would say "The right of militas to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

The fact is millions of guns are in millions of homes, and 99.99999% of them every day do not harm a single person.
Fucking Facist. Go give hitler a rimjob in hell. You can try to "police me" all you want, just dont expect to have your teeth in your mouth when you are done.

And all you do is go back to the stupid progressive mantra that if we would only ban guns everything would be lollypop sugar plum awesomeness.


If it was about militas it would say "The right of militas to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

The fact is millions of guns are in millions of homes, and 99.99999% of them every day do not harm a single person.

Thank you for proving why private citizens shouldn't have guns... if you are provoked to anger this easily, most sensible people wouldn't want you to be able to kill so easily...

Incidently, I don't think we should keep doing something stupid because 200 years ago, some dead slave-rapists thought it was a good idea. (If that's even what they were thinking.)

Those guys also thought bleeding was a valid medical treatment, and a man should have the right to rape a woman daily because he owned her. No one would think these were good ideas today.

Instead of being angry at me for pointing out the damage the .0001% do, maybe you need to start policing that .0001%.
Fucking Facist. Go give hitler a rimjob in hell. You can try to "police me" all you want, just dont expect to have your teeth in your mouth when you are done.

And all you do is go back to the stupid progressive mantra that if we would only ban guns everything would be lollypop sugar plum awesomeness.


If it was about militas it would say "The right of militas to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

The fact is millions of guns are in millions of homes, and 99.99999% of them every day do not harm a single person.

Thank you for proving why private citizens shouldn't have guns... if you are provoked to anger this easily, most sensible people wouldn't want you to be able to kill so easily...

Incidently, I don't think we should keep doing something stupid because 200 years ago, some dead slave-rapists thought it was a good idea. (If that's even what they were thinking.)

Those guys also thought bleeding was a valid medical treatment, and a man should have the right to rape a woman daily because he owned her. No one would think these were good ideas today.

Instead of being angry at me for pointing out the damage the .0001% do, maybe you need to start policing that .0001%.

The .0001% are usually already criminals, so we do police them already. And if you knew about risk analysis, sometimes there is nothing you can do about that .0001%.

You are trying to take away one of my rights. I should go quietly into the night because you think your ideas are better than mine? If I didn't get pissed off I would think there is more wrong with me at that point than the fact you trying to be all police state on me makes me mad.

You can be a government cared for sheep if you want. I prefer freedom, and with freedom comes risk.

Those "dead slave rapists" also thought protection from illegal search, freedom of press and religion, and trial by jury were good ideas. I guess we should toss them as well based on your "opinions"
marty, you and skook.

How many times have you used your gun to stop a crime about to be committed against you or your property? Just curious.

Or are you one of those people with those little pretend AR15 assault weapons thinking you will repeal the invasion coming from our government.

What is it you DO with all your guns? Beside fantasize.
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