The Unprecedented Law Giving Gun Makers And Dealers Immunity

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Fucking Facist. Go give hitler a rimjob in hell. You can try to "police me" all you want, just dont expect to have your teeth in your mouth when you are done.

And all you do is go back to the stupid progressive mantra that if we would only ban guns everything would be lollypop sugar plum awesomeness.


If it was about militas it would say "The right of militas to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

The fact is millions of guns are in millions of homes, and 99.99999% of them every day do not harm a single person.

Thank you for proving why private citizens shouldn't have guns... if you are provoked to anger this easily, most sensible people wouldn't want you to be able to kill so easily...

Incidently, I don't think we should keep doing something stupid because 200 years ago, some dead slave-rapists thought it was a good idea. (If that's even what they were thinking.)

Those guys also thought bleeding was a valid medical treatment, and a man should have the right to rape a woman daily because he owned her. No one would think these were good ideas today.

Instead of being angry at me for pointing out the damage the .0001% do, maybe you need to start policing that .0001%.

The .0001% are usually already criminals, so we do police them already. And if you knew about risk analysis, sometimes there is nothing you can do about that .0001%.

You are trying to take away one of my rights. I should go quietly into the night because you think your ideas are better than mine? If I didn't get pissed off I would think there is more wrong with me at that point than the fact you trying to be all police state on me makes me mad.

You can be a government cared for sheep if you want. I prefer freedom, and with freedom comes risk.

Those "dead slave rapists" also thought protection from illegal search, freedom of press and religion, and trial by jury were good ideas. I guess we should toss them as well based on your "opinions"

Marty bro.....youre trading barbs with a PC Zombie mental case leftist. They cant think on the margin. You pwned with your points, as did I. They'll go to their graves amongst the hopelessly duped. Our role here is simply to inform people about how dangerous their thinking is.
Marty are you one of those people, that if someone cuts you off in traffic, are you pulling your pistol to scare them? Teach them a lesson?

That's the primary mentality I find among the true gun nuts; fuk with me and I"ll shoot you.

Guns seem to make people think they are pretty damn bad ass. And mean to.
marty, you and skook.

How many times have you used your gun to stop a crime about to be committed against you or your property? Just curious.

Or are you one of those people with those little pretend AR15 assault weapons thinking you will repeal the invasion coming from our government.

What is it you DO with all your guns? Beside fantasize.

I actually don't own a gun. What I own is the right to one if I so choose. I also do not deny my fellow citizens thier right because I dont choose to currently exercise it.
There were a bunch of crimes committed around the USA, just last night. Anybody got a link to all the crimes that were stopped by homeowners with their guns?

Did you get to shoot someone last night skook?
Marty are you one of those people, that if someone cuts you off in traffic, are you pulling your pistol to scare them? Teach them a lesson?

That's the primary mentality I find among the true gun nuts; fuk with me and I"ll shoot you.

Guns seem to make people think they are pretty damn bad ass. And mean to.

No, I flip them the bird and drive off. I Drive in NYC, getting cut off and cursing someone out right after is common courtesy around here.

And again I dont own a gun.
Good god, you don't even own a gun. And skook likes you. LMAO.

I own and have owned guns for years. And I don't hear of any politician wanting to take my guns away.

I do hear of people (including me) who want reasonable gun laws to stop the spread of weapons only intended to kill as many people as possible in as short amount of time as possible.

I don't know why you would have a problem wiht that.
Marty are you one of those people, that if someone cuts you off in traffic, are you pulling your pistol to scare them? Teach them a lesson?

That's the primary mentality I find among the true gun nuts; fuk with me and I"ll shoot you.

Guns seem to make people think they are pretty damn bad ass. And mean to.

No, I flip them the bird and drive off. I Drive in NYC, getting cut off and cursing someone out right after is common courtesy around here.

And again I dont own a gun.

You are beneffiting from the gun control laws of NYC?

Where I live, you have to choose who you flip off based on the fact they probably have a gun. CCW has exploded in my parts. Hell, where I live (Ohio) you can carry your gun in a bar. Is that a great idea or what? Guns and drunks. Not a problem.
Good god, you don't even own a gun. And skook likes you. LMAO.

I own and have owned guns for years. And I don't hear of any politician wanting to take my guns away.

I do hear of people (including me) who want reasonable gun laws to stop the spread of weapons only intended to kill as many people as possible in as short amount of time as possible.

I don't know why you would have a problem wiht that.

Because of the shady attempt to ban any semi automatic weapon, including handguns using the term "assualt weapon. Read Fienstiens proposed bill, and it reaches far beyond SCARYGUNS!!!! And I am a strict construction consitutionalist, so if you want to infringe on someone else's right you have to amend the consitution. That being said I also think you need to amend to ADD a right, not just rely on a court decsion, but thats another thread.

The reason I dont own a gun is that NYC makes it a pain in the ass. If it were easier I would probably try to get a handgun, as I have a small apartment and longarms are unwieldy. However getting an handgun permit in NYC takes more money and time than i currently have.

This is the perfect example of why gun laws don't prevent most crime. I am a law abiding citizen and I dont have a gun because the laws are stupid. Yet if I wanted to get one illegally I could probably be the proud owner of some piece of shit saturday night special in less than 24 hours.
Marty are you one of those people, that if someone cuts you off in traffic, are you pulling your pistol to scare them? Teach them a lesson?

That's the primary mentality I find among the true gun nuts; fuk with me and I"ll shoot you.

Guns seem to make people think they are pretty damn bad ass. And mean to.

No, I flip them the bird and drive off. I Drive in NYC, getting cut off and cursing someone out right after is common courtesy around here.

And again I dont own a gun.

You are beneffiting from the gun control laws of NYC?

Where I live, you have to choose who you flip off based on the fact they probably have a gun. CCW has exploded in my parts. Hell, where I live (Ohio) you can carry your gun in a bar. Is that a great idea or what? Guns and drunks. Not a problem.

Gun control laws benefit no one in NYC except the criminals.
Good god, you don't even own a gun. And skook likes you. LMAO.

I own and have owned guns for years. And I don't hear of any politician wanting to take my guns away.

I do hear of people (including me) who want reasonable gun laws to stop the spread of weapons only intended to kill as many people as possible in as short amount of time as possible.

I don't know why you would have a problem wiht that.

Obviously you don't understand that if the gun grabbers are allowed to take away AR-15's they will also be allowed to take away a Ruger 10/22, because mechanically they are the same thing. Once you agree to allow a firearm to be banned you open the door for all of the rest of the guns out there to be banned as well. The argument to ban scary looking guns is complete foolishness, and quite ridiculous. Gun bans only work on Law abiding citizens, they do not work on those who obtain their guns illegally. Gun control isn't about controlling guns... It's about controlling people. There is nothing worse than someone who tries to further the gun control agenda by opening their statement with "I own guns, but", or "I like to hunt, but"... It exposes one of two things, either they are being outright dishonest about owning guns or hunting, or they have a complete lack of the basic understanding of why the Second Amendment was written... And I'll give you a hint, it wasn't written about hunting.
SO Marty, I asked this before, How many crimes have you had committed against either you or your friends/family? A lot, a few, none?

And even though I used to live just north of the Bronx, things must have changed in NYC. I say that because when I lived there, most criminals committed their crimes against other criminals.

Is it not that way anymore? And how come the Mayor of NYC is such a big supporter of gun restrictions.
SO Marty, I asked this before, How many crimes have you had committed against either you or your friends/family? A lot, a few, none?

And even though I used to live just north of the Bronx, things must have changed in NYC. I say that because when I lived there, most criminals committed their crimes against other criminals.

Is it not that way anymore? And how come the Mayor of NYC is such a big supporter of gun restrictions.

Bloomberg is a big supporter because he is an elitist douchebag, and he knows he will always be able to afford protection if he needs it. Hes a nanny state asshat.

Yes, most crime is criminal on criminal, but for those times its not, if a person wants to be armed, they should be.

Also I do believe that an armed population would give a government pause if it decided to go authoritarian, be it local government or federal.

Finally, I beleive that if you do manage to amend the consitution and pass gun restrictions/bans, the police need to follow the same rules. My concern is the creation of an over class and and under class, where the people of the government get more rights than others do. So If I can't have a gun in my house, the police need to lock thiers up in the precinct and go home just as unarmed as me, and rely on police response, just like I do.
Good god, you don't even own a gun. And skook likes you. LMAO.

I own and have owned guns for years. And I don't hear of any politician wanting to take my guns away.

I do hear of people (including me) who want reasonable gun laws to stop the spread of weapons only intended to kill as many people as possible in as short amount of time as possible.

I don't know why you would have a problem wiht that.

Obviously you don't understand that if the gun grabbers are allowed to take away AR-15's they will also be allowed to take away a Ruger 10/22, because mechanically they are the same thing. Once you agree to allow a firearm to be banned you open the door for all of the rest of the guns out there to be banned as well. The argument to ban scary looking guns is complete foolishness, and quite ridiculous. Gun bans only work on Law abiding citizens, they do not work on those who obtain their guns illegally. Gun control isn't about controlling guns... It's about controlling people. There is nothing worse than someone who tries to further the gun control agenda by opening their statement with "I own guns, but", or "I like to hunt, but"... It exposes one of two things, either they are being outright dishonest about owning guns or hunting, or they have a complete lack of the basic understanding of why the Second Amendment was written... And I'll give you a hint, it wasn't written about hunting.

Hey cool, another gun nut thinking you will use your pretend assault weapon to stop the Guvmint. Sure you will dude. Sure you will.

And of course gun control is about controlling people. Did you not hear the news; guns don't kill people, people kill people.

It is about controlling fools like the mother in Conn. who thought it cool to bring home a Bushmaster for her son. How'd that work out? You probably thought she was a responsible gun owner, right up to the time her son killed her with the weapon she bought.

Was it a good idea that she could walk in the gun store, not have a single soul ask her why she needed such a weapon and let her supply her crazy kid with this pretend (according to the gun nuts) assault weapon. Complete with high capacity mags.

There is not a single politician in America who wants to take away your hunting weapons or your pistols. UNless those weapons give a crazy person the ability to kill scores of people in a very short time frame. And I do not have a problem with that.

And whether you believe me (about my guns) or not makes no difference to me. But I have my guns, they are in a safe and only I know how to get in that safe. I also have two American Bulldogs and if some one comes fuking around my place, I won't even have to get my gun. I just open the door and the dogs will take care of the rest.
SO Marty, I asked this before, How many crimes have you had committed against either you or your friends/family? A lot, a few, none?And even though I used to live just north of the Bronx, things must have changed in NYC. I say that because when I lived there, most criminals committed their crimes against other criminals.

Is it not that way anymore? And how come the Mayor of NYC is such a big supporter of gun restrictions.

Bloomberg is a big supporter because he is an elitist douchebag, and he knows he will always be able to afford protection if he needs it. Hes a nanny state asshat.

Yes, most crime is criminal on criminal, but for those times its not, if a person wants to be armed, they should be.

Also I do believe that an armed population would give a government pause if it decided to go authoritarian, be it local government or federal.

Finally, I beleive that if you do manage to amend the consitution and pass gun restrictions/bans, the police need to follow the same rules. My concern is the creation of an over class and and under class, where the people of the government get more rights than others do. So If I can't have a gun in my house, the police need to lock thiers up in the precinct and go home just as unarmed as me, and rely on police response, just like I do.

Marty, how come it is that no one will answer the high lighted question I ask? Hell, lie about it. Tell me you stopped three crimes in the last year. I won't know the truth. But when every gun nut I ask that question of refuses to anwer it, that does make be believe that not one gun nut on here has used their weapon to stop a crime. Of any sort.

Entertaining a fantasy based on a fear does not make for reasonable thought on anything.
Guns especially.
SO Marty, I asked this before, How many crimes have you had committed against either you or your friends/family? A lot, a few, none?And even though I used to live just north of the Bronx, things must have changed in NYC. I say that because when I lived there, most criminals committed their crimes against other criminals.

Is it not that way anymore? And how come the Mayor of NYC is such a big supporter of gun restrictions.

Bloomberg is a big supporter because he is an elitist douchebag, and he knows he will always be able to afford protection if he needs it. Hes a nanny state asshat.

Yes, most crime is criminal on criminal, but for those times its not, if a person wants to be armed, they should be.

Also I do believe that an armed population would give a government pause if it decided to go authoritarian, be it local government or federal.

Finally, I beleive that if you do manage to amend the consitution and pass gun restrictions/bans, the police need to follow the same rules. My concern is the creation of an over class and and under class, where the people of the government get more rights than others do. So If I can't have a gun in my house, the police need to lock thiers up in the precinct and go home just as unarmed as me, and rely on police response, just like I do.

Marty, how come it is that no one will answer the high lighted question I ask? Hell, lie about it. Tell me you stopped three crimes in the last year. I won't know the truth. But when every gun nut I ask that question of refuses to anwer it, that does make be believe that not one gun nut on here has used their weapon to stop a crime. Of any sort.

Entertaining a fantasy based on a fear does not make for reasonable thought on anything.
Guns especially.

I havent answered because the point is moot. The right to own the weapons is not dependent on the need or use. In retort, I have a question for you.

I have not been arrested in my life. Should I give up my right to a trial by jury just because I have not needed to use it?

I have never had the police search my home or my car. Should I give up my right to a warrant from a judge prior to a search because I have not needed to use it?

I have never suffered oppression because of my religion, nor been restricted from worshiping as I please. Since, right now, no one is trying to prevent me from worshiping? Should we just do away with the 1st amendment?

The Right is there. Its clear, and its on the document. If you want to change it, change the 2nd amendment.

Until then, gun control freaks can pound sand.
No the point isn't moot marty. You just don't want to address it because you have never been robbed or had your house broken into, Yet, you insist that people be able to have weapons of war with no restrictions. With no need. Weird. Has the US governmnet done something to the people that I missed that would require armed rebellion?

Did you ever think the reason the COTUS addressed the guns issue was because at the time the COTUS was written, we didn't have a standing army, let alone eonugh weapons to arm thousands of militia members who might be called to serve. And they needed to bring their weapons with them. You ever think of the 2nd that way?

I'm sure you haven't.

But you know what, I have been in jail with people who were in jail for months and were never arraigned. I have had my house searched with a warrant. And without. I have had my vehicle searched without a warrant. What was your point? I didn't want those things to happen, but I broke the law and that is what happened.

But I have a ton of stupid gun stories. My BIL flashing his gun in his shoulder holster while in an argumnet with tenants. They saw his pistol, went back in the house and brought out their MAC 10 to show him. He got in his truck, quickly, and left. I got lots more. My dad was a combat vet that was an alcoholic and always had a gun and gun troubles. CCW arrests, gun fights in downtown. Suicide attempts.

It's all good with guns, right marty. Nothing bad ever comes from gun ownership. Right. No need to control guns or the people who get them. BTW, my Dad, RIP should have never been able to get a gun. But he always had one.

Was the kids killed in Conn the blood that all the gun nuts say that the tree of liberty needs to be awash in? Is that what you think? Just the price to be paid for the gun nuts to entertain their fantasy about resisting the hated Federal Government.
No the point isn't moot marty. You just don't want to address it because you have never been robbed or had your house broken into, Yet, you insist that people be able to have weapons of war with no restrictions. With no need. Weird. Has the US governmnet done something to the people that I missed that would require armed rebellion?

Did you ever think the reason the COTUS addressed the guns issue was because at the time the COTUS was written, we didn't have a standing army, let alone eonugh weapons to arm thousands of militia members who might be called to serve. And they needed to bring their weapons with them. You ever think of the 2nd that way?

I'm sure you haven't.

But you know what, I have been in jail with people who were in jail for months and were never arraigned. I have had my house searched with a warrant. And without. I have had my vehicle searched without a warrant. What was your point? I didn't want those things to happen, but I broke the law and that is what happened.

But I have a ton of stupid gun stories. My BIL flashing his gun in his shoulder holster while in an argumnet with tenants. They saw his pistol, went back in the house and brought out their MAC 10 to show him. He got in his truck, quickly, and left. I got lots more. My dad was a combat vet that was an alcoholic and always had a gun and gun troubles. CCW arrests, gun fights in downtown. Suicide attempts.

It's all good with guns, right marty. Nothing bad ever comes from gun ownership. Right. No need to control guns or the people who get them. BTW, my Dad, RIP should have never been able to get a gun. But he always had one.

Was the kids killed in Conn the blood that all the gun nuts say that the tree of liberty needs to be awash in? Is that what you think? Just the price to be paid for the gun nuts to entertain their fantasy about resisting the hated Federal Government.

You didnt address MY question. In the pursuit of safety, It would be FAR easier to remove the right to protection from searches, and the right to a jury trial and thus strengthen law enforcement. After all, if you are innocent, why should you worry? (/sarcasm).

And a semi automatic rifle is not a weapon of war. A howtizer and a SAW are weapons of war.

Again, if you want to change the 2nd amendment, if it is SOOOO out of date according to you, stop being lazy and try to change it. If you can convice that many people it is a good idea, then nothing can really stop it. However, dont just igonore it because you find it convinent.

Finally, even if that asshole in Conn. didnt have an semi automatic rifle, just as many kids would be dead, because it took 10 MINUTES for the police to finally get there. He could have used a 1790's kenctucky rifle to club the people in there to death and nobody would probably been able to stop him. Plus, he had a handgun anyway, and even with a revolver would have been able to deal just as much damage because people with guns were 10 MINUTES AWAY.
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