The unsustainability of fossile Energy

Fossile fuels are the remains of past history, million of years old.

once used up they are gone.

when all the fossile fuel is gone,

all technology relying on it is done.

no more oil no more cars, no more electricity from gaspowered plants

no more containerships with gigantic diesel engines.

no more airplanes no more cheap 49$ flight from new york to losangeles or vegas

when the oil gas and coal is gone it takes 300 million years to replenish

OK, that's all the good stuff. Now tell us about the downside - if you can think of one.
fuck you i haven t used an airplane scince 2001, i don t use cars. i don t even use buses, cause i can walk that distance i onlyuse subways

the down side of burning fossile fuels ? dummy look at greenland.
fuck you i haven t used an airplane scince 2001, i don t use cars. i don t even use buses, cause i can walk that distance

the down side of burning fossile fuesl ? dummy look at greenland.

Without coal, no Industrial Revolution.

NO, modern medicine. no computers. no tv..
that was 200 years ago

we know a lot more today

no more steam locomotives scince 1950

1970 is 50 years ago
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To those whose reading comprehension has failed them:

Tell us about the downside of all the "bad" shit you're predicting? Personally I see all that destruction as very positive. It could bring on the extinction we urgently need to end the dreams of being of sufficiently important to have the slightest effect on the destiny of the (actual) planet.
thank you for this clarification

i personaly belive we humans can be good

we can use those limited recourcess to get scientific knowledge and an industrie thats capable to be sustainable after fossile fuels are gone

after all the recourcess on earth are gone

which makes it obviouse that we have to leave earth for recources to have a technological society

all those hydrocarbons and easyily accesible ores are just there so we can go to space

and if we miss that chance well (human race) just go to hell, because we won t have a 2nd chance

all easy accecible hydrocarbons are allready gone, none left on earth and were in siberia at -50 degrees and drilling at 2000 meters under the surface of the sea.

all easily accesible iron ore has been used up, we dig 1000 meters to get iron ore none left on the surface, same for copper , need copper for electricity. and every other recource.

if we go back to the technology of rome, rome won t have iron

we got a choice .. go to space or go to the stone age
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Fossile fuels are the remains of past history, million of years old.

once used up they are gone.

when all the fossile fuel is gone,

all technology relying on it is done.

no more oil no more cars, no more electricity from gaspowered plants

no more containerships with gigantic diesel engines.

no more airplanes no more cheap 49$ flight from new york to losangeles or vegas

when the oil gas and coal is gone it takes 300 million years to replenish

You are sort of right. First, we will never use all the fossil fuel. I'll see if you can figure out why. Second, nobody knows the exact extent of fossil fuels available. Alarmist have been calling for peak oil for decades, and so far they have all been WRONG.
This article may help you understand the dynamic supply of fossil fuels.
What Experts Miss When Discussing Peak Oil |
we will never use all fosile fuels because we will destroy the athmosphere of earth so bad will all die first

Wrong, but you can keep trying to guess the answer.
that was 200 years ago

we know a lot more today

no more steam locomotives scince 1950

1970 is 50 years ago

THe only alternative to fossil fuels that can carry the load at this point, in nuclear.

The rest would result in a massive collapse in standard of living for the whole world.
from the planets perspective life is inconsequential, im not a planet im life
any moron who thinks theres only one answer should dig himself a grave, thats the ultimate answer
Fossile fuels are the remains of past history, million of years old.

once used up they are gone.

when all the fossile fuel is gone,

all technology relying on it is done.

no more oil no more cars, no more electricity from gaspowered plants

no more containerships with gigantic diesel engines.

no more airplanes no more cheap 49$ flight from new york to losangeles or vegas

when the oil gas and coal is gone it takes 300 million years to replenish
Taking a Peek at Peak Oil

There's as much oil as there is salt water in the ocean. Enough energy is stored under the ground and ocean floor as would be if everything growing on Earth burned continuously for a thousand years. Peak oil has a long history. Before 1900, the Consensus of Dunces was that it was only where it had already seeped above ground. In 1930, the latest dominant theory was that there was no oil in Saudi Arabia. Later, though the academic gurus admitted there was offlshore oil, those inhibited freaks whimpered that it would cost too much to ever get it extracted.
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Green Is the Black Death

What's even worse about the Greenies is that pollution, up to a certain high level, is antiseptic. It kills harmful microbes long before it affects human health. If we went completely over to solar, there would be plague after plague, as there was before "pollution," which really should be replaced by a neutral term like "byproducts."[/QUOTE]
Why not worry about an actual crisis if you simply must fret about something?
im not fretting you bought whore of big oil

just going down to his level of discussion
Green Is the Color of Their Daddies' Money

On the contrary, the Scarcity Scare was financed by Big Oil so they would have an excuse to charge us more. It's like scalping tickets if fans think there aren't many left.
we could have used the fossile fuels to go civilized#
we used them for war and vacations and comford food

without cheap oil no Mc Donnalds no Kenntucky fried Chicken

in 20 years a hamburger will cost 100$

it wil be gourmet food

be happy to eat a potato
Pedophile Pedagogues Mind-Rape Their Students

What Zero-Growth academic guru is feeding you these childish horror stories? What ventriloquist is using you for a dummy?
Fossile fuels are the remains of past history, million of years old.

once used up they are gone.

when all the fossile fuel is gone,

all technology relying on it is done.

no more oil no more cars, no more electricity from gaspowered plants

no more containerships with gigantic diesel engines.

no more airplanes no more cheap 49$ flight from new york to losangeles or vegas

when the oil gas and coal is gone it takes 300 million years to replenish

How many Peak Oil nonsense claims are you going to bleat about? You all have been telling us that oil is running out for over 100 years. Your powers of prediction really, really, suck.
oilfields don t refill

your well will refill when the oil in the rock gradually gets accesible through small cracks in the rocks. thats why fracking which increases the cracks does the same faster

in a normal oilfield about 20% - 40% of the oil can be recovered, with fracking 20% more can be recovered, still leaves 40% - 60% of the oil which can t be recovered

after a few decades more of this oil can be recovered.#

not refilled just getting the slobs

theres other technology to increase yield
yea, it used to be assumed that oil formed in place, too..
IDK I prefer to listen to scientists and chemists.
"No one has been more astonished by the potential implications of our work than myself," said analytic chemist Jean Whelan, at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, in Massachusetts. "There already appears to be a large body of evidence consistent with ... oil and gas generation and migration on very short time scales in many areas globally," she wrote in the journal Sea Technology.

"Almost equally surprising," she added, is that "there seem to be no compelling arguments refuting the existence of these rapid, dynamic migration processes."
no reply to this OP?
thank you for this clarification

i personaly belive we humans can be good

we can use those limited recourcess to get scientific knowledge and an industrie thats capable to be sustainable after fossile fuels are gone

after all the recourcess on earth are gone

which makes it obviouse that we have to leave earth for recources to have a technological society

all those hydrocarbons and easyily accesible ores are just there so we can go to space

and if we miss that chance well (human race) just go to hell, because we won t have a 2nd chance

all easy accecible hydrocarbons are allready gone, none left on earth and were in siberia at -50 degrees and drilling at 2000 meters under the surface of the sea.

all easily accesible iron ore has been used up, we dig 1000 meters to get iron ore none left on the surface, same for copper , need copper for electricity. and every other recource.

if we go back to the technology of rome, rome won t have iron

we got a choice .. go to space or go to the stone age

The Moon and Sixpence

A paid commercial message from NA$A's childish Trekkie circus.
oilfields don t refill

your well will refill when the oil in the rock gradually gets accesible through small cracks in the rocks. thats why fracking which increases the cracks does the same faster

in a normal oilfield about 20% - 40% of the oil can be recovered, with fracking 20% more can be recovered, still leaves 40% - 60% of the oil which can t be recovered

after a few decades more of this oil can be recovered.#

not refilled just getting the slobs

theres other technology to increase yield
yea, it used to be assumed that oil formed in place, too..
IDK I prefer to listen to scientists and chemists.
"No one has been more astonished by the potential implications of our work than myself," said analytic chemist Jean Whelan, at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, in Massachusetts. "There already appears to be a large body of evidence consistent with ... oil and gas generation and migration on very short time scales in many areas globally," she wrote in the journal Sea Technology.

"Almost equally surprising," she added, is that "there seem to be no compelling arguments refuting the existence of these rapid, dynamic migration processes."
no reply to this OP?
that was my reply
oilfields don t refill

your well will refill when the oil in the rock gradually gets accesible through small cracks in the rocks. thats why fracking which increases the cracks does the same faster

in a normal oilfield about 20% - 40% of the oil can be recovered, with fracking 20% more can be recovered, still leaves 40% - 60% of the oil which can t be recovered

after a few decades more of this oil can be recovered.#

not refilled just getting the slobs

theres other technology to increase yield
yea, it used to be assumed that oil formed in place, too..
IDK I prefer to listen to scientists and chemists.
"No one has been more astonished by the potential implications of our work than myself," said analytic chemist Jean Whelan, at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, in Massachusetts. "There already appears to be a large body of evidence consistent with ... oil and gas generation and migration on very short time scales in many areas globally," she wrote in the journal Sea Technology.

"Almost equally surprising," she added, is that "there seem to be no compelling arguments refuting the existence of these rapid, dynamic migration processes."
no reply to this OP?
that was my reply
So no reply was your reply? lol

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