The USA is becoming a police state!

BUT considering the populace they are expected to 'protect & defend' .

protect & defende Yes, Ut if you read carefull it doesn't say
"protect & defend " the public and the persons in the street

Ever wondered why that is?

They are not here to protect 'us' at all!
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I just fixed that post. The Idaho story is a real one. I posted the young'ins facebook page on here and judges and cops got carried away. The young'in acted like an idiot but did not break any laws.

Huh. You didn't even attempt to answer my question. Let's try this again:

How is deporting a guest in our country because he posted a threat against a leading presidential candidate on facebook a 'police state'?

And with the OP being nothing but conspiracy theory, void of any 'factual event', this thread should definitely be in the conspiracy forum.
I did answer your question. Again being arrested on bogus charges for something that is perfectly legal is a police state.

He was arrested by immigration authorities and is being deported. What about that is a 'police state'?
I just told you I posted that in error. The case in Idaho was what I had intended to post.

Go read;
purported victims facebook post said:

Tomorrow, I go to pretrial at the Ada County Courthouse to claim that my charge of "resisting or obstructing" a supposed jaywalking investigation after Meridian Police Department - Idaho officer RICHARD BROCKBANK refused to charge me after I demanded that he charge me for the "crime" that he supposedly stopped me for, is terroristic in nature and in other ways unconstitutional and criminal.

The cop refused to charge me for said "crime" that he was accusing me of and so I walked away... and was soon after kidnapped and hauled away by several costumed State goons for my disrespect of officer Brockbank's harassment towards me.

I'm hoping that the REAL reason I was harassed to begin with will be released by the State rather than I... we shall see. wink emoticon

If my case isn't dismissed tomorrow upon my request, I will begin a non-violent and legal shame campaign that will be remembered. HOA "upsets", protests in the aggressors neighborhoods (I know where you all live- this is notification of knowledge and future protests, not a threat), mailers, door hangers, online ads, local and (hopefully) national media- I've done it before and I can do it again as well as other peaceful, but... annoying avenues will commence.
Click to expand...
It does appear that the dumb ass that posted this was harassed and a bit of judicial abuse was also applied but read the crap he piled out and it is no wonder."

Tomorrow, I go to pretrial at the Ada... - Matthew Townsend | Facebook
A....a Facebook post?

That's your basis that we're a 'Police State'?

So far you've abandoned the OP and your first example. And cited as your sole basis of evidence.....a facebook post.

The thing is, the owner of facebook is working with the same forces as the police is.

People don't realize how big it all is!
None of that is a 'factual event'. Its just a conspiracy theory.

It sure is. But you have to do some research yourself.

I know for sure you haven't studied this at all.

You probably don't even know where the phrase "Its just a conspiracy theory" comes from?

I can assure that that use is no coincidence.

Wheter you want to denial it r not, the usa is becoming a police state.

It actually already always was, but now it is going from covert to overt.
Nah. You are not worth the effort.


He is in deep denial

But one day he has to face the facts.

Right now he is standing on his head thinking he is standing up.

He sees fact were there are none, and he sees 'no facts' were there are plenty.
"The USA is becoming a police state!"

Ridiculous, hyperbolic nonsense.

ok tell us then why?

BUT considering the populace they are expected to 'protect & defend' .

protect & defende Yes, Ut if you read carefull it doesn't say
"protect & defende " the public and the persons in the street

Ever wondered why that is?

They are not here to protect 'us' at all!

Read what exactly? The 'protect & defend' is part of the oath they take to become an officer. Oh wait, my mistake. It's to 'Protect and SERVE' the public. Public means the people in their community.

Ever wonder WHY there is higher police interaction? Because everyone wants plenty of police protection for when they piss off their neighbors enough that the neighbor retaliates by breaking some law against them.

As I said, yes there are some 'bad' cops that take matters too far, but given the danger they face every day by the idiot population trying to kill them just because of the uniform they makes a person a bit jumpy.

But in no way does it make for a 'police state'. There is a big difference. You've taken it to a whole new level, dude. Keep your scare tactics to yourself & those like you out of the 'Current Events' and put it into 'Conspiracy Theories' where it belongs.
BUT considering the populace they are expected to 'protect & defend' .

protect & defende Yes, Ut if you read carefull it doesn't say
"protect & defende " the public and the persons in the street

Ever wondered why that is?

They are not here to protect 'us' at all!

Read what exactly? The 'protect & defend' is part of the oath they take to become an officer. Oh wait, my mistake. It's to 'Protect and SERVE' the public. Public means the people in their community.

Ever wonder WHY there is higher police interaction? Because everyone wants plenty of police protection for when they piss off their neighbors enough that the neighbor retaliates by breaking some law against them.

As I said, yes there are some 'bad' cops that take matters too far, but given the danger they face every day by the idiot population trying to kill them just because of the uniform they makes a person a bit jumpy.

But in no way does it make for a 'police state'. There is a big difference. You've taken it to a whole new level, dude. Keep your scare tactics to yourself & those like you out of the 'Current Events' and put it into 'Conspiracy Theories' where it belongs.

Ic you really don't get it do you?

The police is not here to serve he public. far far far from it!
The are here to defend the real terrorist like the psychopath Obama, (Nobel peace prize! man o man!!), the politician ans all that other shite.
That why they don't state to defend 'the public' because they are not here to defend 'the public'

Tell me in all honesty, does it scare you to think you are in a police state, because really you are.

Of course I can here show only tids & bits and you know this.

There is much more to it, But eh,, How about some research you can do?
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None of that is a 'factual event'. Its just a conspiracy theory.

It sure is. But you have to do some research yourself.

Nope. Its not. Its a conspiracy theory backed by exactly jack shit.

I know for sure you haven't studied this at all.

You probably don't even know where the phrase "Its just a conspiracy theory" comes from?

I can assure that that use is no coincidence.

You 'know' no such thing. And you're assurances are worthless. As your only source is you. Worse, I've seen the kind of hapless conspiracy batshit that you've gladly swallowed.

That all planets are hollow because it 'can be no other way'. Which is just a glorious Begging the Question fallacy. That the moon landing was a hoax. Based on similarly circular reasoning. And now that we're a police state.

And you claim to 'know' each of these as well. You don't know any of it. You assume. And your assumptions aren't nearly enough to carry your arguments.
Nah. You are not worth the effort.


He is in deep denial

But one day he has to face the facts.

Right now he is standing on his head thinking he is standing up.

He sees fact were there are none, and he sees 'no facts' were there are plenty.

More accurately, every time I ask for evidence to back the claims in the OP or the thread......the claims don't hold up. The OP is conspiratorial nonsense, backed by nothing. The first example offered by Roshi was nonsense. And the second was a facebook post.

This conspiracy failed in the exact same place your 'moon landing was a hoax' conspiracy failed, the exact place your 'all planets are hollow' conspiracy failed:

The evidence. You simply don't have any.
So are you saying the guy did not threaten Trump, is not an egyptian with a run out visa, etc.... Egyptian Student Who ‘Threatened Trump’ on Facebook to Be Deported

How is deporting a guest in our country because he posted a threat against a leading presidential candidate on facebook a 'police state'?

I don't think 'police state' means what you think it means.
I just fixed that post. The Idaho story is a real one. I posted the young'ins facebook page on here and judges and cops got carried away. The young'in acted like an idiot but did not break any laws.

Huh. You didn't even attempt to answer my question. Let's try this again:

How is deporting a guest in our country because he posted a threat against a leading presidential candidate on facebook a 'police state'?

And with the OP being nothing but conspiracy theory, void of any 'factual event', this thread should definitely be in the conspiracy forum.
I did answer your question. Again being arrested on bogus charges for something that is perfectly legal is a police state.


The thing is that at the moment, the people who want to work at the police are screened for . .....psychopathy!

And excepted on that ground! If they are a psychopath they are in!!

It wasn't always so. But now it is done deliberattely.

So they will do thing normal cops would never do, like arresting inocent children and woman.

Yep, usa is a police state!.
It depends on where you are. The police, prosecutor and judge or judges you have to end up in front of. In Idaho a judge that did not believe in all of the basic rights of a US citizen got booted by the people back in the 90's. That was a first time in the state for a judge to be unseated by the people. The people that particular judge was screwing over unlawfully were not acting like 'dumbass' in your article on facebook. I do believe his free speech even though he acted like an idiot just as important as the parents rights, religious choice rights, etc. the judge was abusing back in the 90's. In many states judges and prosecutors can be voted out of whatever position they are in. If police are out of control look to replacing the policy makers, mayors, council members, etc.. Again use the voting process.
BUT considering the populace they are expected to 'protect & defend' .

protect & defende Yes, Ut if you read carefull it doesn't say
"protect & defende " the public and the persons in the street

Ever wondered why that is?

They are not here to protect 'us' at all!

Read what exactly? The 'protect & defend' is part of the oath they take to become an officer. Oh wait, my mistake. It's to 'Protect and SERVE' the public. Public means the people in their community.

Ever wonder WHY there is higher police interaction? Because everyone wants plenty of police protection for when they piss off their neighbors enough that the neighbor retaliates by breaking some law against them.

As I said, yes there are some 'bad' cops that take matters too far, but given the danger they face every day by the idiot population trying to kill them just because of the uniform they makes a person a bit jumpy.

But in no way does it make for a 'police state'. There is a big difference. You've taken it to a whole new level, dude. Keep your scare tactics to yourself & those like you out of the 'Current Events' and put it into 'Conspiracy Theories' where it belongs.

Ic you really don't get it do you?

The police is not here to serve he public. far far far from it!
The are here to defend the real terrorist like the psychopath Obama, (Nobel peace prize! man o man!!), the politician ans all that other shite.
That why they don't state to defend 'the public' because they are not here to defend 'the public'

Tell me in all honesty, does it scare you to think you are in a police state, because really you are.

Of course I can here show only tids & bits and you know this.

There is much more to it, But eh,, How about some research you can do?

You are the one making all these claims, do your own research & you provide proof to substantiate them. I don't need to because it's not my thread. If you're going to try to convince people of such as thing as America being a police state with no freedoms, then the burden of proof is on your shoulders to provide, that goes beyond what you say.

Why don't you tell me, or even all of us....just where are you from? To me, it's obvious your not American and that you are attempting to spread a bunch of nonsense on a public board to create hate & fear mongering. Too bad toots, because I'm pretty sure most Americans, regardless of how they think or feel about law enforcement or politics have enough sense to see you & your message for what it is.....bogus conspiracy
BUT considering the populace they are expected to 'protect & defend' .

protect & defende Yes, Ut if you read carefull it doesn't say
"protect & defende " the public and the persons in the street

Ever wondered why that is?

They are not here to protect 'us' at all!

Read what exactly? The 'protect & defend' is part of the oath they take to become an officer. Oh wait, my mistake. It's to 'Protect and SERVE' the public. Public means the people in their community.

Ever wonder WHY there is higher police interaction? Because everyone wants plenty of police protection for when they piss off their neighbors enough that the neighbor retaliates by breaking some law against them.

As I said, yes there are some 'bad' cops that take matters too far, but given the danger they face every day by the idiot population trying to kill them just because of the uniform they makes a person a bit jumpy.

But in no way does it make for a 'police state'. There is a big difference. You've taken it to a whole new level, dude. Keep your scare tactics to yourself & those like you out of the 'Current Events' and put it into 'Conspiracy Theories' where it belongs.

Ic you really don't get it do you?

The police is not here to serve he public. far far far from it!
The are here to defend the real terrorist like the psychopath Obama, (Nobel peace prize! man o man!!), the politician ans all that other shite.
That why they don't state to defend 'the public' because they are not here to defend 'the public'

Tell me in all honesty, does it scare you to think you are in a police state, because really you are.

Of course I can here show only tids & bits and you know this.

There is much more to it, But eh,, How about some research you can do?

You are the one making all these claims, do your own research & you provide proof to substantiate them. I don't need to because it's not my thread. If you're going to try to convince people of such as thing as America being a police state with no freedoms, then the burden of proof is on your shoulders to provide, that goes beyond what you say.

You're barking up the wrong tree. OL is the same poster that insisted that all the planets in the solar system must be hollow because 'it can be no other way'.

So you're not exactly dealing with someone who has much use for evidence.
BUT considering the populace they are expected to 'protect & defend' .

protect & defende Yes, Ut if you read carefull it doesn't say
"protect & defende " the public and the persons in the street

Ever wondered why that is?

They are not here to protect 'us' at all!

Read what exactly? The 'protect & defend' is part of the oath they take to become an officer. Oh wait, my mistake. It's to 'Protect and SERVE' the public. Public means the people in their community.

Ever wonder WHY there is higher police interaction? Because everyone wants plenty of police protection for when they piss off their neighbors enough that the neighbor retaliates by breaking some law against them.

As I said, yes there are some 'bad' cops that take matters too far, but given the danger they face every day by the idiot population trying to kill them just because of the uniform they makes a person a bit jumpy.

But in no way does it make for a 'police state'. There is a big difference. You've taken it to a whole new level, dude. Keep your scare tactics to yourself & those like you out of the 'Current Events' and put it into 'Conspiracy Theories' where it belongs.

Ic you really don't get it do you?

The police is not here to serve he public. far far far from it!
The are here to defend the real terrorist like the psychopath Obama, (Nobel peace prize! man o man!!), the politician ans all that other shite.
That why they don't state to defend 'the public' because they are not here to defend 'the public'

Tell me in all honesty, does it scare you to think you are in a police state, because really you are.

Of course I can here show only tids & bits and you know this.

There is much more to it, But eh,, How about some research you can do?

You are the one making all these claims, do your own research & you provide proof to substantiate them. I don't need to because it's not my thread. If you're going to try to convince people of such as thing as America being a police state with no freedoms, then the burden of proof is on your shoulders to provide, that goes beyond what you say.

You're barking up the wrong tree. OL is the same poster that insisted that all the planets in the solar system must be hollow because 'it can be no other way'.

So you're not exactly dealing with someone who has much use for evidence.

oooohhhhh... it's the conspiracy freak. :rofl:
And you have been playing with Marco Rubio a few too many times.

yep... the small gubmint loons hate the gubmint until it legislates Christian dogma.
Small governnment loons love the gubmint....if the intrusive, powerful, invasive, authoritarian government is State government. And under their control.
protect & defende Yes, Ut if you read carefull it doesn't say
"protect & defende " the public and the persons in the street

Ever wondered why that is?

They are not here to protect 'us' at all!

Read what exactly? The 'protect & defend' is part of the oath they take to become an officer. Oh wait, my mistake. It's to 'Protect and SERVE' the public. Public means the people in their community.

Ever wonder WHY there is higher police interaction? Because everyone wants plenty of police protection for when they piss off their neighbors enough that the neighbor retaliates by breaking some law against them.

As I said, yes there are some 'bad' cops that take matters too far, but given the danger they face every day by the idiot population trying to kill them just because of the uniform they makes a person a bit jumpy.

But in no way does it make for a 'police state'. There is a big difference. You've taken it to a whole new level, dude. Keep your scare tactics to yourself & those like you out of the 'Current Events' and put it into 'Conspiracy Theories' where it belongs.

Ic you really don't get it do you?

The police is not here to serve he public. far far far from it!
The are here to defend the real terrorist like the psychopath Obama, (Nobel peace prize! man o man!!), the politician ans all that other shite.
That why they don't state to defend 'the public' because they are not here to defend 'the public'

Tell me in all honesty, does it scare you to think you are in a police state, because really you are.

Of course I can here show only tids & bits and you know this.

There is much more to it, But eh,, How about some research you can do?

You are the one making all these claims, do your own research & you provide proof to substantiate them. I don't need to because it's not my thread. If you're going to try to convince people of such as thing as America being a police state with no freedoms, then the burden of proof is on your shoulders to provide, that goes beyond what you say.

You're barking up the wrong tree. OL is the same poster that insisted that all the planets in the solar system must be hollow because 'it can be no other way'.

So you're not exactly dealing with someone who has much use for evidence.

oooohhhhh... it's the conspiracy freak. :rofl:

With a capital F.
BUT considering the populace they are expected to 'protect & defend' .

protect & defende Yes, Ut if you read carefull it doesn't say
"protect & defende " the public and the persons in the street

Ever wondered why that is?

They are not here to protect 'us' at all!

Read what exactly? The 'protect & defend' is part of the oath they take to become an officer. Oh wait, my mistake. It's to 'Protect and SERVE' the public. Public means the people in their community.

Ever wonder WHY there is higher police interaction? Because everyone wants plenty of police protection for when they piss off their neighbors enough that the neighbor retaliates by breaking some law against them.

As I said, yes there are some 'bad' cops that take matters too far, but given the danger they face every day by the idiot population trying to kill them just because of the uniform they makes a person a bit jumpy.

But in no way does it make for a 'police state'. There is a big difference. You've taken it to a whole new level, dude. Keep your scare tactics to yourself & those like you out of the 'Current Events' and put it into 'Conspiracy Theories' where it belongs.

Ic you really don't get it do you?

The police is not here to serve he public. far far far from it!
The are here to defend the real terrorist like the psychopath Obama, (Nobel peace prize! man o man!!), the politician ans all that other shite.
That why they don't state to defend 'the public' because they are not here to defend 'the public'

Tell me in all honesty, does it scare you to think you are in a police state, because really you are.

Of course I can here show only tids & bits and you know this.

There is much more to it, But eh,, How about some research you can do?

You are the one making all these claims, do your own research & you provide proof to substantiate them. I don't need to because it's not my thread. If you're going to try to convince people of such as thing as America being a police state with no freedoms, then the burden of proof is on your shoulders to provide, that goes beyond what you say.

You're barking up the wrong tree. OL is the same poster that insisted that all the planets in the solar system must be hollow because 'it can be no other way'.

So you're not exactly dealing with someone who has much use for evidence.

All things considered, he's still missing a few planets in his solar system ;)

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