The USA is becoming a police state!

wow Lots of Ad Hominems again! what gives?

Something I wrote?

No, demonstrations that your argument is based on fallacies of logic. Specifically, the begging the question fallacy. If your claims had merit you wouldn't need to buttress them with fallacies.

Try again. With evidence. And for the record, this:

"Tell me in all honesty, does it scare you to think you are in a police state, because really you are."

Isn't evidence. Its the begging the question fallacy again.
Oh boy here we go.....

Well if humanity continues on the path to where 50% of us keep acting like violent animals....then yeah....the other 50% of us might employ a police state to protect ourselves.

Pick a side.
It's not that simple. It's not an either/or situation. It is one in which certain conditions must, for the good of society, be diligently observed and enforced.

The police must be made to understand their function is to control, not to punish. The police occupation is not to be used as a convenient outlet for sadistic impulses. When the use of force by police is necessary it should be used by all necessary means. But not beyond necessity.

This need for constraint should not be regarded as an example of "bleeding heart Liberalism." Even if the subject of a brutal beating by police might deserve to be beaten to death, permitting the police to gratuitously exercise such measures will inevitably result in the acquisition of dangerous habits and a policy with potential to eventually oppress the general public.

The examples of unnecessary physical force being used in the videos shown in this thread, i.e. the kicking and blackjacking of already subdued subjects are felonious examples of poorly trained, psychologically unfit police officers.
Oh boy here we go.....

Well if humanity continues on the path to where 50% of us keep acting like violent animals....then yeah....the other 50% of us might employ a police state to protect ourselves.

Pick a side.
You have a typical feral reptilian brain which has never evolved

Attack or hide response

Humans and all other vertebrates have two instinctive ways to defend themselves when threatened or injured. Their reptilian coping brain instincts are either attack to protect one's life, or we can hide. Since we are born with these response options, humans may act like lizards or alligators when threatened or wounded, if they didn’t have the other Coping Brain functions to help control reptilian brain instinctive impulses.


One type of reptilian coping behavior is trying to show you're stronger or more mean by using aggressive behavior, which means showing that you are the boss and laughing when other people get hurt. One type of aggression is students starting fights on the playground or being a bully who threatens and hurts other kids. This makes kids feel bad and also afraid of the bully.

Anger Display

This reptilian-based behavior is another kind of automatic reptilian brain response that is used to frighten a person or group to keep them from trying to hurt or control us. When we display anger we are not only frightening others, but also preparing our self for battle. Anger increases blood pressure, heart rate and releases stress hormones into our brain and body to prepare for either attacking of hiding (running away). Reptiles and mammals besides humans, have reptilian brains that trigger anger as a way to protect themselves and keep others from harming them or their babies. Humans often get angry when their feelings are hurt, but they don't know why. A good way to remember this part of our Coping Brain is to add “D” in front of “anger.” This is how reptilian survival brain causes us to show anger when we fear we're in D-ANGER.


Fear is an instinctive, primitive response to help us to avoid threats, injuries or death. We all fear for our lives when we're hiking and come upon a wild bear or mountain lion. But we also fear things that we have learned through experience are capable of hurting us. One automatic fear we quickly learn is touching a hot stove. Another common fear is being frightened of spiders and other insects that hide and bite, as well as snakes and wild animals. When become constantly fearful of specific things we call it a phobia (pronounced FO-Bea).


Revenge or retaliation is the reptilian coping brain urge to avenge or “get even” with others when we have been injured, threatened or something is taken from us that we value. Quite often revenge leads to even more violence between humans since both sides in a conflict use reptilian responses to increase their harm to each other. The reptilian urge for revenge leads humans to punish people or groups because we are hurt by their actions -- and sometimes even by their words! We know that reptilian revenge can easily turn into violent conflicts or start wars between groups or countries. Since revenge stems from primitive reptilian coping brain instincts. If we don't learn to control those instincts, they can cause us to hate or attack even particular types or whole groups of people.

Reptilian Coping Brain
as was the plan all along

1984 will going to look like a childrens'book.

if we don't stop this we will have a 1984 on steroids very very soon!

The goal is that eventually the whole of the world (global) becomes a police state.

Your post sounds more like the children's book about Chicken Little (the sky is falling) than it does Orwell's novel.

Who was the architect of the "plan" to make our country (and eventually the whole world) a "police state"?

What is the architect's motive?
as was the plan all along

1984 will going to look like a childrens'book.

if we don't stop this we will have a 1984 on steroids very very soon!

The goal is that eventually the whole of the world (global) becomes a police state.

Your post sounds more like the children's book about Chicken Little (the sky is falling) than it does Orwell's novel.

Who was the architect of the "plan" to make our country (and eventually the whole world) a "police state"?

What is the architect's motive?

And perhaps most pressing.....why the fuck would they tell OL?
MFW somebody uses a word that they don't know the definition of.

Hint: move to North Korea, an actual police state, then come back to us and tell us exactly how the US mirrors North Korea by being a police state.

You can't post some videos of police brutality as examples of being a police state, because they are different things (which is why we use different words for them). Now, if you have an issue with police brutality, that certainly can use some discussion, but please don't use vocabulary that you haven't learned in school yet...because, oftentimes like now, you end up using it incorrectly.
Police brutality is the primary component of a police state.

The pure definition of a police state is a government's use of civil police to oppressively control a population which is dissatisfied with that government's imposed policies. The more brutal, militarized and detached the civil police are from the public category, the more readily compliant the intimidated public will be.

Anyone who is older than age fifty is clearly aware of the transition occurring in the nature, character and function of the civil police in recent years. While changes in the nature and character of American society in general have prompted certain changes in the character and performance of the civil police the issues of excessive force and unnecessary enforcement have a critical level and the public is beginning to respond to it.
Elect Trump and the USA will become a police state.

Nope, It DOESN"T MATTER who you 'choose' (btw you don't choose)

In all cases the police state will be coming.(As far as it is not here!)

The psychopaths (presidents) are just puppets on a string.

They have no real power at all!
Last edited:
as was the plan all along

1984 will going to look like a childrens'book.

if we don't stop this we will have a 1984 on steroids very very soon!

The goal is that eventually the whole of the world (global) becomes a police state.

Your post sounds more like the children's book about Chicken Little (the sky is falling) than it does Orwell's novel.

Who was the architect of the "plan" to make our country (and eventually the whole world) a "police state"?

What is the architect's motive?

Read the books of the psychopath Zbigniew Brzeziński
and all you questions above will be answered,

Motive?? simple: sick psychopaths love POWER over other people.
Most of these conspiracies, especially those involving Rorschach tests like the 'Illuminati' or 'Shadow Government' are the assembly of arbitrary patterns that have no particular significance.

They take disparate events and try to assemble them into a pattern, insisting it can be no other way.
But of course it can. You can take those events and combine them with others to create entirely different patterns.

It would be like rifling through a bag of scramble tiles and pulling out the letters that spell 'C-O-N-S-P-I-R-A-C-Y'. And then insisting the bag is trying to tell you something.

I can take the same bag and make the words 'B-L-U-E, H-I-P-P-O, L-U-N-C-H-B-O-X' using the exact same process. And possessing the exact same significance.
as was the plan all along

1984 will going to look like a childrens'book.

if we don't stop this we will have a 1984 on steroids very very soon!

The goal is that eventually the whole of the world (global) becomes a police state.

Your post sounds more like the children's book about Chicken Little (the sky is falling) than it does Orwell's novel.

Who was the architect of the "plan" to make our country (and eventually the whole world) a "police state"?

What is the architect's motive?

Read the books of the psychopath Zbigniew Brzeziński
and all you questions above will be answered,

Motive?? simple: sick psychopaths love POWER over other people.

Prove it.
MFW somebody uses a word that they don't know the definition of.

Hint: move to North Korea, an actual police state, then come back to us and tell us exactly how the US mirrors North Korea by being a police state.

You can't post some videos of police brutality as examples of being a police state, because they are different things (which is why we use different words for them). Now, if you have an issue with police brutality, that certainly can use some discussion, but please don't use vocabulary that you haven't learned in school yet...because, oftentimes like now, you end up using it incorrectly.
Police brutality is the primary component of a police state.

The pure definition of a police state is a government's use of civil police to oppressively control a population which is dissatisfied with that government's imposed policies. The more brutal, militarized and detached the civil police are from the public category, the more readily compliant the intimidated public will be.

Anyone who is older than age fifty is clearly aware of the transition occurring in the nature, character and function of the civil police in recent years. While changes in the nature and character of American society in general have prompted certain changes in the character and performance of the civil police the issues of excessive force and unnecessary enforcement have a critical level and the public is beginning to respond to it.

Thank you. You can put it more eloquent then I can.

What I dont get is that I am not out to get people, but to warn people about what is coming. Then they treat me like some enemy, while I want to help by warning people. But is seems that this kind of information is very hard to 'swallow' for people.

It is a strange thing indeed.
MFW somebody uses a word that they don't know the definition of.

Hint: move to North Korea, an actual police state, then come back to us and tell us exactly how the US mirrors North Korea by being a police state.

You can't post some videos of police brutality as examples of being a police state, because they are different things (which is why we use different words for them). Now, if you have an issue with police brutality, that certainly can use some discussion, but please don't use vocabulary that you haven't learned in school yet...because, oftentimes like now, you end up using it incorrectly.
Police brutality is the primary component of a police state.

The pure definition of a police state is a government's use of civil police to oppressively control a population which is dissatisfied with that government's imposed policies. The more brutal, militarized and detached the civil police are from the public category, the more readily compliant the intimidated public will be.

Anyone who is older than age fifty is clearly aware of the transition occurring in the nature, character and function of the civil police in recent years. While changes in the nature and character of American society in general have prompted certain changes in the character and performance of the civil police the issues of excessive force and unnecessary enforcement have a critical level and the public is beginning to respond to it.

Thank you. You can put it more eloquent then I can.

What I dont get is that I am not out to get people, but to warn people about what is coming. Then they treat me like some enemy, while I want to help by warning people. But is seems that this kind of information is very hard to 'swallow' for people.

It is a strange thing indeed.

You're offering us a conspiracy backed by nothing as a prediction.

Why would that be compelling to any rational person?
Most of these conspiracies, especially those involving Rorschach tests like the 'Illuminati' or 'Shadow Government' are the assembly of arbitrary patterns that have no particular significance.

They take disparate events and try to assemble them into a pattern, insisting it can be no other way.
But of course it can. You can take those events and combine them with others to create entirely different patterns.

It would be like rifling through a bag of scramble tiles and pulling out the letters that spell 'C-O-N-S-P-I-R-A-C-Y'. And then insisting the bag is trying to tell you something.

I can take the same bag and make the words 'B-L-U-E, H-I-P-P-O, L-U-N-C-H-B-O-X' using the exact same process. And possessing the exact same significance.

You are just showing you have not even researched a tiny bit.

Your are ONLY biased. Err.. That is it. That is the extent of your knowledge about this. very very strange indeed.
Most of these conspiracies, especially those involving Rorschach tests like the 'Illuminati' or 'Shadow Government' are the assembly of arbitrary patterns that have no particular significance.

They take disparate events and try to assemble them into a pattern, insisting it can be no other way.
But of course it can. You can take those events and combine them with others to create entirely different patterns.

It would be like rifling through a bag of scramble tiles and pulling out the letters that spell 'C-O-N-S-P-I-R-A-C-Y'. And then insisting the bag is trying to tell you something.

I can take the same bag and make the words 'B-L-U-E, H-I-P-P-O, L-U-N-C-H-B-O-X' using the exact same process. And possessing the exact same significance.

You are just showing you have not even researched a tiny bit.

Or that I have. Birther conspiracies, illuminati conspiracies, truther conspiracies. And so far, they hold up to an even passing test of credibility, reason, or fact checking.

And look at your argument: insinuation. Allusion. Vague reference to 'research'.

But no evidence. Nothing to back your conspiracy. With the simple demand that you 'prove it' sending your entire argument into a tail spin.
Most of these conspiracies, especially those involving Rorschach tests like the 'Illuminati' or 'Shadow Government' are the assembly of arbitrary patterns that have no particular significance.

They take disparate events and try to assemble them into a pattern, insisting it can be no other way.
But of course it can. You can take those events and combine them with others to create entirely different patterns.

It would be like rifling through a bag of scramble tiles and pulling out the letters that spell 'C-O-N-S-P-I-R-A-C-Y'. And then insisting the bag is trying to tell you something.

I can take the same bag and make the words 'B-L-U-E, H-I-P-P-O, L-U-N-C-H-B-O-X' using the exact same process. And possessing the exact same significance.

You are just showing you have not even researched a tiny bit.

Or that I have. Birther conspiracies, illuminati conspiracies, truther conspiracies. And so far, they hold up to an even passing test of credibility, reason, or fact checking.

And look at your argument: insinuation. Allusion. Vague reference to 'research'.

But no evidence. Nothing to back your conspiracy. With the simple demand that you 'prove it' sending your entire argument into a tail spin.

I see verry simply, based on your replies that you have not studied it at al.

Of course you state you have, You have to,

Biut I KNOW, based on your replies that you have not even a clue at all.

So, only stating that you have studiedd it won't do you any good at all,.

Anybody can state whatever he or she will.

No, no, yiou have not studied it AND I know for sure that next you are going to twist my words.
And perhaps most pressing.....why the fuck would they tell OL?

If you would have researched it, you would know.
There IS a reason for this.

You're the evil architect's chosen messenger to warn the world on USMB of the approaching police state? why would he want to warn us about his evil plan? does he want us to foil it? then perhaps he's not evil after all ... and if we research it, you claim, then we'll discover the who and the why?

I'm not biting on that worm. I doubt any search engine would be helpful. But, you're certainly amusing.

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