The Vaccine Hoax is over.

In fact, any of you . . . . all of you that want to have credibility on this debate? Let's see your updated vaccination report, I don't care, scan it, whip out your camera phone, I don't care, redact your name, but prove that you have since had updated vaccines since the 60's, 70's and 80's. I've read so many article that show they just don't push them on adults. . . JUST THE KIDS!

Something stinks. I just can't seem to put my finger on it. Herd immunity seems to only work if EVERYONE is involved, not just the kids folks.
false assumtion
Then by all means, please, post an image of your updated vaccination report. We all already know your last name is actually Daws, so go on, put up or shut up.

Frankly, I don't believe you. Why? Because you would have mentioned it in your first post when you told us about how you were vaccinated in the seventies. But you are so ignorant on this topic, you didn't even KNOW about the 20 plus new vaccines that are recommended that you have never gotten. That you never mentioned that you have supposedly received and when. So bugger off if you aren't going to post some proof.
another false assumption...

You're starting to sound like a parrot you know?

False assumption because. . . . .

Because you "SAY SO?" Sorry if I say it'll take a bit more than your say so, mmmkay?
In the fall of 1997, the Centers for Disease Control confirmed that the number of Americans living with diabetes has skyrocketed in the past 40 years with a record sixfold increase in this chronic disease since 1958. It is estimated that nearly 16 million Americans are suffering with diabetes and 5 million more may have it but not know it.

Over the past four decades, intensive national mass vaccination campaigns have dramatically increased vaccination rates among American children who now are getting 34 doses of 10 different viral and bacterial vaccines before they enter kindergarten. Recent published data in the medical literature suggest increasing numbers of childhood vaccines may be playing a role in the big jump in the number of cases of juvenile diabetes.

Diseases and Vaccines - National Vaccine Information Center

Do you think the way the country has gotten fat could have anything to do with it?

Or is the large rate of obesity merely another conspiracy to cover up the vaccine issue? :confused:
if vaccinations protect you then its nobodies business if one chooses not to vaccinate

How does "let them die" sound to you as a solution?

again with the everyone who does not get the vaccination regime is going to die..dont be silly

Of course not. Not every body died before we had vaccinations. People just had much larger families in those days because people knew there was a chance that most of their children would not survive to adulthood.
Then by all means, please, post an image of your updated vaccination report. We all already know your last name is actually Daws, so go on, put up or shut up.

Frankly, I don't believe you. Why? Because you would have mentioned it in your first post when you told us about how you were vaccinated in the seventies. But you are so ignorant on this topic, you didn't even KNOW about the 20 plus new vaccines that are recommended that you have never gotten. That you never mentioned that you have supposedly received and when. So bugger off if you aren't going to post some proof.
another false assumption...

You're starting to sound like a parrot you know?

False assumption because. . . . .

Because you "SAY SO?" Sorry if I say it'll take a bit more than your say so, mmmkay?
lol! it's not because I say so it's because it's fact..
an example of your inaccuracy :you told us about how you were vaccinated in the seventies
you are so ignorant on this topic, you didn't even KNOW about the 20 plus new vaccines that are recommended that you have never gotten."

both are specious ...
How does "let them die" sound to you as a solution?

again with the everyone who does not get the vaccination regime is going to die..dont be silly

Of course not. Not every body died before we had vaccinations. People just had much larger families in those days because people knew there was a chance that most of their children would not survive to adulthood.

And when is the last time you had your vaccines schedule updated?
How does "let them die" sound to you as a solution?

again with the everyone who does not get the vaccination regime is going to die..dont be silly

Of course not. Not every body died before we had vaccinations. People just had much larger families in those days because people knew there was a chance that most of their children would not survive to adulthood.
a very small percentage were immune...
How does "let them die" sound to you as a solution?

again with the everyone who does not get the vaccination regime is going to die..dont be silly

Of course not. Not every body died before we had vaccinations. People just had much larger families in those days because people knew there was a chance that most of their children would not survive to adulthood.

people in the 1963 had large famlies because they thought most of their children would die of measles??...really ?
again with the everyone who does not get the vaccination regime is going to die..dont be silly

Of course not. Not every body died before we had vaccinations. People just had much larger families in those days because people knew there was a chance that most of their children would not survive to adulthood.

And when is the last time you had your vaccines schedule updated?
when was the last time you had a prostate exam?
MMR Vaccine and Autism

On November 12, 2000, the CBS television show 60 Minutes featured a story on the MMR vaccine and its alleged link to autism. In 1998, investigators published a report12(pp637-41) on 12 children referred to a London pediatric gastroenterology unit for the evaluation of gastrointestinal diseases associated with developmental regression. The parents of eight of these children associated the onset of behavioral symptoms with the administration of MMR vaccine. The investigators identified lymphoid nodular hyperplasia in 10 children and postulated that “the consequences of an inflamed or dysfunctional intestine may play a part in behavioural changes in some children.”12(p639) However, behavioural symptoms preceded bowel symptoms in four of the six children for whom the onset of bowel symptoms was known. The investigators stated, “We did not prove an association between measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine and the syndrome described.”12(p641)

In 1999, other investigators published the findings of a much larger population-based study conducted in North London.13(pp2026–9) The study identified 498 children with autism but found no temporal association between onset of the disorder and receipt of MMR vaccine in the previous one to two years. Cases of developmental regression were not clustered in the months after vaccination. The investigators concluded, “Our analyses do not support a causal association between MMR vaccine and autism. If such an association occurs, it is so rare that it could not be identified in this large regional sample.”13(p2026)

Another set of investigators found no vaccine-associated cases of inflammatory bowel disease or autism in 1.8 million Finnish children who received almost 3 million doses of MMR vaccine over 14 years.14 In California, retrospective analyses15 of MMR immunization coverage and children with autism also did not suggest an association between MMR vaccine and an increased incidence of autism.

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recently concluded that “the evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship at the population level between MMR vaccine and ASD (autistic spectrum disorders).”16(p9) However, the IOM could “not exclude the possibility that MMR vaccine could contribute to ASD in a small number of children.”16(p9)

Data on measles, mumps, and rubella disease and MMR vaccine11,14,17–23 are summarized in Table 1.24

Anyone know anything about statistics?

Vaccine Adverse Events: Separating Myth from Reality - American Family Physician

The infant mortality rate (IMR) is one of the most important indicators of the socio-economic well-being and public health conditions of a country. The US childhood immunization schedule specifies 26 vaccine doses for infants aged less than 1 year—the most in the world—yet 33 nations have lower IMRs. Using linear regression, the immunization schedules of these 34 nations were examined and a correlation coefficient of r = 0.70 (p < 0.0001) was found between IMRs and the number of vaccine doses routinely given to infants. Nations were also grouped into five different vaccine dose ranges: 12–14, 15–17, 18–20, 21–23, and 24–26. The mean IMRs of all nations within each group were then calculated. Linear regression analysis of unweighted mean IMRs showed a high statistically significant correlation between increasing number of vaccine doses and increasing infant mortality rates, with r = 0.992 (p = 0.0009). Using the Tukey-Kramer test, statistically significant differences in mean IMRs were found between nations giving 12–14 vaccine doses and those giving 21–23, and 24–26 doses. A closer inspection of correlations between vaccine doses, biochemical or synergistic toxicity, and IMRs is essential.

Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity?

From Most to least Infant deaths the USA is at 174 out of 124. The USA has 5.9 deaths per 1000. All those countries ranked higher (or better) than the USA are within 4 deaths per 1000...
Not much of a difference..... BTW most seem to get better and better each year....I wonder why that is???
again with the everyone who does not get the vaccination regime is going to die..dont be silly

Of course not. Not every body died before we had vaccinations. People just had much larger families in those days because people knew there was a chance that most of their children would not survive to adulthood.
a very small percentage were immune...

and the rest died ???
lol! it's not because I say so it's because it's fact..
an example of your inaccuracy :you told us about how you were vaccinated in the seventies
you are so ignorant on this topic, you didn't even KNOW about the 20 plus new vaccines that are recommended that you have never gotten."

both are specious ...
Saying it's specious, and proving it's specious are two different animals sir.

Fact, you did tell us that you were vaccinated in the 70's.
you'd lose your bet ...when I was in grade school (1965-1971) it was mandatory that every child was vaccinated for all know communicable diseases at that

Why not mention any more recent vaccinations? We have to assume that you haven't had any unless you provide some proof otherwise. To state so now after you have been shown proof that you are not fully vaccinated is to be disingenuous, and frankly, dishonest.

You can call it a specious argument all you like. But lacking proof or even the claim that your vaccinations are indeed current, which you have not even attempted to make, belies the fact that indeed, you are just being argumentative.
Of course not. Not every body died before we had vaccinations. People just had much larger families in those days because people knew there was a chance that most of their children would not survive to adulthood.

And when is the last time you had your vaccines schedule updated?
when was the last time you had a prostate exam?
I thought that the topic was vaccines? I mowed my lawn two days ago if that will help.
Last edited:
again with the everyone who does not get the vaccination regime is going to die..dont be silly

Of course not. Not every body died before we had vaccinations. People just had much larger families in those days because people knew there was a chance that most of their children would not survive to adulthood.

people in the 1963 had large famleys because they thought most of their children would die of measles??...really ?
another outstanding show of ignorance there eots..
people had large families for several reasons.
1. until late in the 19th century we were an agrarian society ,the more hands to help the better the harvest ,also you didn't have to pay a wage to your kids.
2. religious beliefs and lack of reliable contraception.
3. it was an accepted fact that some of your kids would die from disease or accidents.
so yes having lot of kids was a kind of insurance...

The infant mortality rate (IMR) is one of the most important indicators of the socio-economic well-being and public health conditions of a country. The US childhood immunization schedule specifies 26 vaccine doses for infants aged less than 1 year—the most in the world—yet 33 nations have lower IMRs. Using linear regression, the immunization schedules of these 34 nations were examined and a correlation coefficient of r = 0.70 (p < 0.0001) was found between IMRs and the number of vaccine doses routinely given to infants. Nations were also grouped into five different vaccine dose ranges: 12–14, 15–17, 18–20, 21–23, and 24–26. The mean IMRs of all nations within each group were then calculated. Linear regression analysis of unweighted mean IMRs showed a high statistically significant correlation between increasing number of vaccine doses and increasing infant mortality rates, with r = 0.992 (p = 0.0009). Using the Tukey-Kramer test, statistically significant differences in mean IMRs were found between nations giving 12–14 vaccine doses and those giving 21–23, and 24–26 doses. A closer inspection of correlations between vaccine doses, biochemical or synergistic toxicity, and IMRs is essential.

Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity?

From Most to least Infant deaths the USA is at 174 out of 124. The USA has 5.9 deaths per 1000. All those countries ranked higher (or better) than the USA are within 4 deaths per 1000...
Not much of a difference..... BTW most seem to get better and better each year....I wonder why that is???

[ame=]In Memoriam: Infant Death & Vaccination, May 25, 2011 - YouTube[/ame]

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