The Vaccine Hoax is over.

Yea, but she's not your kid. Your music sounds like dog-shit.

and what instrument do play again ?

Something a few steps higher than dog anus.

you play with dogs balls ? need to chill dude...
[ame=]ex·chilla·ra·tion ...the eots - YouTube[/ame]
The state of being stimulated, refreshed, or elated while maintaining a low key
Can I assume, based on your need for strong evidence, that you have such evidence regarding the horrendous side effects, weakening of the immune system, etc. of vaccines? You said you KNOW about these things....where do you get that knowledge? Why do you trust the source(s) that tell you that but not ones that tell you vaccines are safe and worthwhile?
Maybe you didn't read my post, or fully grasp the content. I'd rather err on the side of caution. I, me, personally, I HAVEN'T gotten those recommended immunizations. Neither has anyone my age. In fact, I am willing to bet, all of you people here that are over the age of thirty, NONE of you has got any of these shots they are pushing onto kids. So that is my deal. And yet we KNOW, we have seen the documentation about the possible side effects. What I don't know, is the prevalence, what are the chances that kids will suffer these side effects. They don't disclose that information. These are known side effects. They have been released. The pharmaceutical companies even have a fund to pay out claims related to law suits. You need to ask yourselves a question; If there is no harm to vaccines; Why is there a whole sub-section of laws devoted to liability claims Vis-à-vis vaccines?
you'd lose your bet ...when I was in grade school (1965-1971) it was mandatory that every child was vaccinated for all know communicable diseases at that

But what I AM trying to get at, is for all those vehemently supporting vaccines, is have YOU been in to get your updated vaccine scheduled shot? I am willing to bet you haven't, have you? By your own admission, the last time you were poked was back in the 70's. You are way behind mister. I am willing to bet Ollie is too, along with just about everyone else that wants these kids poked full of these vaccines that haven't been tested for cross reactions. But hey, we aren't the ones that will be reproducing, so they don't push them on us, the one's they want to decrease fertility, functionality, and increase mortality is the kids. . .

and what instrument do play again ?

Something a few steps higher than dog anus.

you play with dogs balls ? need to chill dude...
[ame=]ex·chilla·ra·tion ...the eots - YouTube[/ame]
The state of being stimulated, refreshed, or elated while maintaining a low key

This sounds low-fi. A poor mixing job, nothing excellent or worth noting in there except that the visual effects were troubling to the eyes. Not in any way relaxing, more-so, it forced you to blink every few seconds because your eyes became too blurry.

But I wouldn't expect you to see things with a clear head - its too busy fantasizing that it's running away from the big secret society of elites that rules the world.
[ame=]The Greater Good Vaccines Documentary, - YouTube[/ame]
and what instrument do play again ?

Something a few steps higher than dog anus.

you play with dogs balls ? need to chill dude...
[ame=]ex·chilla·ra·tion ...the eots - YouTube[/ame]
The state of being stimulated, refreshed, or elated while maintaining a low key

Not a believer in dogma myself, but there is knowlege to be found there. . .

Wisdom of the ancients;

"Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you."
Something a few steps higher than dog anus.

you play with dogs balls ? need to chill dude...
[ame=]ex·chilla·ra·tion ...the eots - YouTube[/ame]
The state of being stimulated, refreshed, or elated while maintaining a low key

This sounds low-fi. A poor mixing job, nothing excellent or worth noting in there except that the visual effects were troubling to the eyes. Not in any way relaxing, more-so, it forced you to blink every few seconds because your eyes became too blurry.

But I wouldn't expect you to see things with a clear head - its too busy fantasizing that it's running away from the big secret society of elites that rules the world.

thats your fantasy.. I am running from nothing...but I am questioning the status quo as it has historically been less than truthful or accurate
A measles outbreak in Brooklyn, N.Y., this year shows how easily one of the most contagious diseases leaps hemispheres.

In March, New York City health authorities saw a sudden rise in measles cases in several densely populated Orthodox Jewish communities.

Fifteen Years After Autism Panic, a Plague of Measles Erupts

The disease quickly spread. Among the 58 measles cases reported thus far, a child contracted pneumonia and two pregnant women were hospitalized, according to the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. One of the women had a miscarriage.

The department traced the outbreak to a person who it concluded brought the virus from a trip to London, says Jay Varma, the department's deputy commissioner for disease control. Overall, vaccination rates are high in the communities, he says, but the outbreak then started in a small group of families with members who refused vaccines, he says.

Brooklyn Measles Outbreak Shows Risks -

if vaccinations protect you then its nobodies business if one chooses not to vaccinate

How does "let them die" sound to you as a solution?
Maybe you didn't read my post, or fully grasp the content. I'd rather err on the side of caution. I, me, personally, I HAVEN'T gotten those recommended immunizations. Neither has anyone my age. In fact, I am willing to bet, all of you people here that are over the age of thirty, NONE of you has got any of these shots they are pushing onto kids. So that is my deal. And yet we KNOW, we have seen the documentation about the possible side effects. What I don't know, is the prevalence, what are the chances that kids will suffer these side effects. They don't disclose that information. These are known side effects. They have been released. The pharmaceutical companies even have a fund to pay out claims related to law suits. You need to ask yourselves a question; If there is no harm to vaccines; Why is there a whole sub-section of laws devoted to liability claims Vis-à-vis vaccines?
you'd lose your bet ...when I was in grade school (1965-1971) it was mandatory that every child was vaccinated for all know communicable diseases at that

But what I AM trying to get at, is for all those vehemently supporting vaccines, is have YOU been in to get your updated vaccine scheduled shot? I am willing to bet you haven't, have you? By your own admission, the last time you were poked was back in the 70's. You are way behind mister. I am willing to bet Ollie is too, along with just about everyone else that wants these kids poked full of these vaccines that haven't been tested for cross reactions. But hey, we aren't the ones that will be reproducing, so they don't push them on us, the one's they want to decrease fertility, functionality, and increase mortality is the kids. . .

false assumtion
A measles outbreak in Brooklyn, N.Y., this year shows how easily one of the most contagious diseases leaps hemispheres.

In March, New York City health authorities saw a sudden rise in measles cases in several densely populated Orthodox Jewish communities.

Fifteen Years After Autism Panic, a Plague of Measles Erupts

The disease quickly spread. Among the 58 measles cases reported thus far, a child contracted pneumonia and two pregnant women were hospitalized, according to the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. One of the women had a miscarriage.

The department traced the outbreak to a person who it concluded brought the virus from a trip to London, says Jay Varma, the department's deputy commissioner for disease control. Overall, vaccination rates are high in the communities, he says, but the outbreak then started in a small group of families with members who refused vaccines, he says.

Brooklyn Measles Outbreak Shows Risks -

if vaccinations protect you then its nobodies business if one chooses not to vaccinate

How does "let them die" sound to you as a solution?

again with the everyone who does not get the vaccination regime is going to die..dont be silly
false assumtion
Then by all means, please, post an image of your updated vaccination report. We all already know your last name is actually Daws, so go on, put up or shut up.

Frankly, I don't believe you. Why? Because you would have mentioned it in your first post when you told us about how you were vaccinated in the seventies. But you are so ignorant on this topic, you didn't even KNOW about the 20 plus new vaccines that are recommended that you have never gotten. That you never mentioned that you have supposedly received and when. So bugger off if you aren't going to post some proof.
false assumtion
Then by all means, please, post an image of your updated vaccination report. We all already know your last name is actually Daws, so go on, put up or shut up.

Frankly, I don't believe you. Why? Because you would have mentioned it in your first post when you told us about how you were vaccinated in the seventies. But you are so ignorant on this topic, you didn't even KNOW about the 20 plus new vaccines that are recommended that you have never gotten. That you never mentioned that you have supposedly received and when. So bugger off if you aren't going to post some proof.
another false assumption...

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