The verdict is in - worst president ever.

yes... because of rightwing poilcies... and tax cuts for the rich and spending cuts that were irrational.

but you're too stupid to get that, aren't you bubbula?
We all got tax cuts and it worked. Show us who says that led to the economic collapse. And spending cuts were the cause? How does that work?

You just make this shit up as you go along, don't you...
Nope, I was there. Serving other businesses. Plus every economist I've heard says the same thing. You can't cherry pick your way out of it.
left-wing losers are too stupid to be self-aware of the fact that every post that deflects away from the current president and blames his failures on the last guy sends the message that 1. obama is irrelevant AND 2. the left cant make a case defending obama's time in office without filtering everything through a filter of bush-obsessed crybaby rants

All Presidents are judged on what they were given when they entered office and what they left

You can't discuss the Obama Presidency without recognizing the historically horrific conditions that Bush left

Two wars, rampant terrorism, an economy headed for depression

1. your basic premise is a lie, and unprovable, but go ahead and try idiot. you meant YOUR PREMISE is what obama was "given" and what he MIGHT have when he left]

ur a loser; i hand you your ass daily here

try again

The shape of the country when Bush left office was well established. One of the reasons he is considered our worst modern Presidents

Obama will be considered a top ten President based on how he turned around the country and his lasting legacy
One of the worst recoveries in history and you think that reflects positively?

You do understand that the economy was going to recover? Or are you truly so far gone that you think Obama saved us from collapse?

Obama is going to be remembered for an anemic recovery at best and likely a horrific foreign policy.
Only because Scrub engineered the worst Recession since The Great Depression...
Now wait a minute slim. He's either a genius or a moron, which is it?

You think engineering a massive recession is a sign of genius?

making a fool of yourself with accusations of engineering a massive recession where the actual record shows your own Party voting for the very same policies you blame the recession for, and continuing nearly every one of them is a sign of what again???????????????????????
Well, that massive clusterfuck didn't take off under any other POTUS......but if you want to claim that Scrub was nothing but an Innocent Bystander, I invite you to roll with that...
Who ever said that Bush was an innocent bystander?

What is laughable is the idea that Bush caused the recession. He didn't. What he did fail to do was prepare for it and that was certainly not all on him as well.

You introduced a chart that shows the economy being sluggish through the Bush years but that information is utterly irrelevant. You have not gone into WHY - a point far more important than the well established fact that the economy was propped up on a false bubble.
the same left-wing idiots still ranting about the bush tax cuts dont want to be reminded obama made NINETY-EIGHT PERCENT OF THEM PERMANENT and extended the other 2% for the top brackets when he still had majorities of his own Party in BOTH chambers of Congress

the same left-wing idiots ranting about the Iraq War dont want to be reminded Dems funded it for a decade
the same idiots ranting bout going to war in Iraq dont want to be reminded Dem's Presidential frontrunner voted to authorize it, and the current Secretary of state, and the Vice President....................

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Yup, a Pub total meltdown is a great time to raise
Also 9/11, Katrina, bank bust, housing crash. All that on Bush's term, might have and an effect on the economy too.
Corrupt Pub crony oversight of real estate market. Duh. Fanny +F's share went from 75% TO 25% FOR 3 YEARS.
You can't even speak English from your puss filled hate bubble. Are you trying to say "the Republicans" ran Freddie May and Fanny Mac? Ever heard of Barney Frank?
left-wing losers are too stupid to be self-aware of the fact that every post that deflects away from the current president and blames his failures on the last guy sends the message that 1. obama is irrelevant AND 2. the left cant make a case defending obama's time in office without filtering everything through a filter of bush-obsessed crybaby rants

All Presidents are judged on what they were given when they entered office and what they left

You can't discuss the Obama Presidency without recognizing the historically horrific conditions that Bush left

Two wars, rampant terrorism, an economy headed for depression

1. your basic premise is a lie, and unprovable, but go ahead and try idiot. you meant YOUR PREMISE is what obama was "given" and what he MIGHT have when he left]

ur a loser; i hand you your ass daily here

try again

The shape of the country when Bush left office was well established. One of the reasons he is considered our worst modern Presidents

Obama will be considered a top ten President based on how he turned around the country and his lasting legacy
One of the worst recoveries in history and you think that reflects positively?

You do understand that the economy was going to recover? Or are you truly so far gone that you think Obama saved us from collapse?

Obama is going to be remembered for an anemic recovery at best and likely a horrific foreign policy.

You are correct. The recovery from the Great Bush Recession of 2008 could have been much better

Obama is the first president saddled with a Congress that thought implementing austerity during the worst recession in 75 made sense

It makes sense to those seeking to make Obama a one term President
Also 9/11, Katrina, bank bust, housing crash. All that on Bush's term, might have and an effect on the economy too.
Corrupt Pub crony oversight of real estate market. Duh. Fanny +F's share went from 75% TO 25% FOR 3 YEARS.
You can't even speak English from your puss filled hate bubble. Are you trying to say "the Republicans" ran Freddie May and Fanny Mac? Ever heard of Barney Frank?
How did a congressman from the minority party run Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae?
Also 9/11, Katrina, bank bust, housing crash. All that on Bush's term, might have and an effect on the economy too.
Corrupt Pub crony oversight of real estate market. Duh. Fanny +F's share went from 75% TO 25% FOR 3 YEARS.
You can't even speak English from your puss filled hate bubble. Are you trying to say "the Republicans" ran Freddie May and Fanny Mac? Ever heard of Barney Frank?
Fanny and Freddie's share of the maket went from 75% to 25% when Booshie regulators came in and allowed private firms to rate toxic assets A+, bundle, insure and sell them around the world. Want a diagram, hater dupe?
left-wing losers are too stupid to be self-aware of the fact that every post that deflects away from the current president and blames his failures on the last guy sends the message that 1. obama is irrelevant AND 2. the left cant make a case defending obama's time in office without filtering everything through a filter of bush-obsessed crybaby rants

All Presidents are judged on what they were given when they entered office and what they left

You can't discuss the Obama Presidency without recognizing the historically horrific conditions that Bush left

Two wars, rampant terrorism, an economy headed for depression

1. your basic premise is a lie, and unprovable, but go ahead and try idiot. you meant YOUR PREMISE is what obama was "given" and what he MIGHT have when he left]

ur a loser; i hand you your ass daily here

try again

The shape of the country when Bush left office was well established. One of the reasons he is considered our worst modern Presidents

Obama will be considered a top ten President based on how he turned around the country and his lasting legacy
One of the worst recoveries in history and you think that reflects positively?

You do understand that the economy was going to recover? Or are you truly so far gone that you think Obama saved us from collapse?

Obama is going to be remembered for an anemic recovery at best and likely a horrific foreign policy.

You are correct. The recovery from the Great Bush Recession of 2008 could have been much better

Obama is the first president saddled with a Congress that thought implementing austerity during the worst recession in 75 made sense

It makes sense to those seeking to make Obama a one term President
Ah yes - the grate Bush recession - a nonsensical and asinine term opens your partisan hack rant.

Nothing is Obama's responsibility, nothing at all unless of course it is positive. He will be known for overseeing a huge recovery and the republicans will be known for creating the slowest and worst recovery in modern history. The best part is that it is the SAME recovery that we are speaking of.
All Presidents are judged on what they were given when they entered office and what they left

You can't discuss the Obama Presidency without recognizing the historically horrific conditions that Bush left

Two wars, rampant terrorism, an economy headed for depression

1. your basic premise is a lie, and unprovable, but go ahead and try idiot. you meant YOUR PREMISE is what obama was "given" and what he MIGHT have when he left]

ur a loser; i hand you your ass daily here

try again

The shape of the country when Bush left office was well established. One of the reasons he is considered our worst modern Presidents

Obama will be considered a top ten President based on how he turned around the country and his lasting legacy
One of the worst recoveries in history and you think that reflects positively?

You do understand that the economy was going to recover? Or are you truly so far gone that you think Obama saved us from collapse?

Obama is going to be remembered for an anemic recovery at best and likely a horrific foreign policy.

You are correct. The recovery from the Great Bush Recession of 2008 could have been much better

Obama is the first president saddled with a Congress that thought implementing austerity during the worst recession in 75 made sense

It makes sense to those seeking to make Obama a one term President
Ah yes - the grate Bush recession - a nonsensical and asinine term opens your partisan hack rant.

Nothing is Obama's responsibility, nothing at all unless of course it is positive. He will be known for overseeing a huge recovery and the republicans will be known for creating the slowest and worst recovery in modern history. The best part is that it is the SAME recovery that we are speaking of.
How can the Great Bush Recession of 2008 be Obamas fault?

Especially after he prevented it from becoming the Great Bush Depression of 2008
1. your basic premise is a lie, and unprovable, but go ahead and try idiot. you meant YOUR PREMISE is what obama was "given" and what he MIGHT have when he left]

ur a loser; i hand you your ass daily here

try again

The shape of the country when Bush left office was well established. One of the reasons he is considered our worst modern Presidents

Obama will be considered a top ten President based on how he turned around the country and his lasting legacy
One of the worst recoveries in history and you think that reflects positively?

You do understand that the economy was going to recover? Or are you truly so far gone that you think Obama saved us from collapse?

Obama is going to be remembered for an anemic recovery at best and likely a horrific foreign policy.

You are correct. The recovery from the Great Bush Recession of 2008 could have been much better

Obama is the first president saddled with a Congress that thought implementing austerity during the worst recession in 75 made sense

It makes sense to those seeking to make Obama a one term President
Ah yes - the grate Bush recession - a nonsensical and asinine term opens your partisan hack rant.

Nothing is Obama's responsibility, nothing at all unless of course it is positive. He will be known for overseeing a huge recovery and the republicans will be known for creating the slowest and worst recovery in modern history. The best part is that it is the SAME recovery that we are speaking of.
How can the Great Bush Recession of 2008 be Obamas fault?

Especially after he prevented it from becoming the Great Bush Depression of 2008
Notice I never said the recession was Obama's fault. You continue with straw men.
Only because Scrub engineered the worst Recession since The Great Depression...
Now wait a minute slim. He's either a genius or a moron, which is it?

You think engineering a massive recession is a sign of genius?

making a fool of yourself with accusations of engineering a massive recession where the actual record shows your own Party voting for the very same policies you blame the recession for, and continuing nearly every one of them is a sign of what again???????????????????????
Well, that massive clusterfuck didn't take off under any other POTUS......but if you want to claim that Scrub was nothing but an Innocent Bystander, I invite you to roll with that...
Who ever said that Bush was an innocent bystander?

What is laughable is the idea that Bush caused the recession. He didn't. What he did fail to do was prepare for it and that was certainly not all on him as well.

You introduced a chart that shows the economy being sluggish through the Bush years but that information is utterly irrelevant. You have not gone into WHY - a point far more important than the well established fact that the economy was propped up on a false bubble.

Right-wingers Want To Erase How George Bush's "Homeowner Society" Helped Cause The Economic Collapse

2004 Republican Convention:

Another priority for a new term is to build an ownership society, because ownership brings security and dignity and independence.

Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all- time high.


Tonight we set a new goal: 7 million more affordable homes in the next 10 years, so more American families will be able to open the door and say, "Welcome to my home."

Bush's documented policies and statements in time-frame leading up to the start of the Bush Mortgage Bubble include (but not limited to)

Wanting 5.5 million more minority homeowners
Tells congress there is nothing wrong with GSEs
Pledging to use federal policy to increase home ownership
Routinely taking credit for the housing market
Forcing GSEs to buy more low income home loans by raising their Housing Goals (2004)
Lowering Investment banks capital requirements, Net Capital rule (2004)
Reversing the Clinton rule that restricted GSEs purchases of subprime loans (2004)
Lowering down payment requirements to 0% (2004)
Forcing GSEs to spend an additional $440 billion in the secondary markets (2004)
Giving away 40,000 free down payments PER YEAR 2004-2007

But the biggest policy was regulators not enforcing lending standards.


FBI saw threat of loan crisis

A top official warned of widening mortgage fraud in 2004, but the agency focused its resources elsewhere

"It has the potential to be an epidemic,"

"We think we can prevent a problem that could have as much impact as the S&L crisis,"

They ended up with fewer resources, rather than more.

FBI saw threat of loan crisis

FACTS on Dubya's great recession | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Thanks again to the Bush administrations allowing the greedy & unethical brokers to operate at their will.

Also 9/11, Katrina, bank bust, housing crash. All that on Bush's term, might have and an effect on the economy too.
Corrupt Pub crony oversight of real estate market. Duh. Fanny +F's share went from 75% TO 25% FOR 3 YEARS.
You can't even speak English from your puss filled hate bubble. Are you trying to say "the Republicans" ran Freddie May and Fanny Mac? Ever heard of Barney Frank?

THE REPUGS DIDN'T RUN FANN/FREDDIE, DUBYA DID. Barney was MINORITY member of the GOP House 1995-Jan 2007 where he could run nekkid through the halls, and not stop ONE bill from becoming law!

June 17, 2004

Builders to fight Bush's low-income plan

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Home builders, realtors and others are preparing to fight a Bush administration plan that would require Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to increase financing of homes for low-income people, a home builder group said Thursday.

Home builders fight Bush's low-income housing - Jun. 17, 2004

Through the Republican Congress in 2003 and the Bush Administration's work through HUD and the FHA, the Bush Administration forced Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to, for the first time, make available riskier loan products to minority and low income buyers.

The Federal Housing Administration Mortgage Program.In 2002, the President issued America’s Homeownership Challenge to increase first-time minority homeowners by 5.5 million through 2010. The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgage program is an important tool for reaching that goal. In 2006, 31 percent of those using FHA mortgages were minorities purchasing their first home. The 2008 Budget continues Administration efforts to modernize FHA by improving its ability to reach traditionally underserved homebuyers (aka those who do not normally qualify for loans), such as low- and moderate-income families, individuals with blemished credit, and families who have little savings for a down payment.

(From Bush Administration’s White House Press Release entitled, "Focusing on the Nation’s Priorities – Meeting America’s Housing Needs").

The Bush Administration through HUD, also required Fannie and Fredde to give a higher percentage of their loans to loan-income and minorities that otherwise would not qualify for the loans.

That's why I've challenged the industry leaders all across the country to get after it for this goal, to stay focused, to make sure that we achieve a more secure America, by achieving the goal of 5.5 million new minority home owners. I call it America's home ownership challenge.

And let me talk about some of the progress which we have made to date, as an example for others to follow. First of all, government sponsored corporations that help create our mortgage system -- I introduced two of the leaders here today -- they call those people Fannie May and Freddie Mac, as well as the federal home loan banks, will increase their commitment to minority markets by more than $440 billion. (Applause.) I want to thank Leland and Franklin for that commitment. It's a commitment that conforms to their charters, as well, and also conforms to their hearts.

(From White House Speech archives – "President calls for Expanding Opportunities to Homeowners" at St. Paul AME Church in Atlanta, Georgia).

Bush also pushed and passed a "Zero-down Payment" initiative.

BUSH ADMINISTRATION ANNOUNCES NEW HUD "ZERO DOWN PAYMENT" MORTGAGE Initiative Aimed at Removing Major Barrier to Homeownership

LAS VEGAS - As part of President Bush's ongoing effort to help American families achieve the dream of homeownership, Federal Housing Commissioner John C. Weicher today announced that HUD is proposing to offer a "zero down payment" mortgage, the most significant initiative by the Federal Housing Administration in over a decade. This action would help remove the greatest barrier facing first-time homebuyers - the lack of funds for a down payment on a mortgage.

Speaking at the National Association of Home Builders' annual convention, Commissioner Weicher indicated that the proposal, part of HUD's Fiscal Year 2005 budget request, would eliminate the statutory requirement of a minimum three percent down payment for FHA-insured single-family mortgages for first-time homebuyers.

"Offering FHA mortgages with no down payment will unlock the door to homeownership for hundreds of thousands of American families, particularly minorities," said HUD's Acting Secretary Alphonso Jackson. "President Bush has pledged to create 5.5 million new minority homeowners this decade, and this historic initiative will help meet this goal."
Preliminary projections indicate that the new FHA mortgage product would generate about 150,000 homebuyers in the first year alone.
"This initiative would not only address a major hurdle to homeownership and allow many renters to afford their own home, it would help these families build wealth and become true stakeholders in their communities," said Commissioner Weicher. "In addition, it would help spur the production of new housing in this country."

The Administration, through HUD, further forced Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to offer riskier 3, 5, and 7 year arm loan products to low income and minorities.


40,000 More Families Expected To Benefit From New Offerings (per year)

WASHINGTON – The Department of Housing and Urban Development is proposing to enhance homebuying opportunities by expanding its offerings of adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) products on FHA-insured mortgages. Potential homebuyers would be able to choose mortgages with periods of three, five, seven or ten years, depending on their needs, during which time the interest rate would be fixed. "By offering additional types of FHA-insured ARMs tailored to the financial conditions and desires of the borrowers, we are creating more homeownership opportunities," said HUD Secretary Mel Martinez today in a speech to America’s Community Bankers. "We estimate that as many as 40,000 families a year will choose these new adjustable-rate mortgages as their way of financing their home purchase."

(HUD Press Release).

Bush and the Republican Congress forced Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to make zero-down loans and adjustable rate 3, 5, and 7 year arms to the riskiest buyers. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were forced to effectively finance 103 percent of the mortgage (including closing costs).
All Presidents are judged on what they were given when they entered office and what they left

You can't discuss the Obama Presidency without recognizing the historically horrific conditions that Bush left

Two wars, rampant terrorism, an economy headed for depression

1. your basic premise is a lie, and unprovable, but go ahead and try idiot. you meant YOUR PREMISE is what obama was "given" and what he MIGHT have when he left]

ur a loser; i hand you your ass daily here

try again

The shape of the country when Bush left office was well established. One of the reasons he is considered our worst modern Presidents

Obama will be considered a top ten President based on how he turned around the country and his lasting legacy
One of the worst recoveries in history and you think that reflects positively?

You do understand that the economy was going to recover? Or are you truly so far gone that you think Obama saved us from collapse?

Obama is going to be remembered for an anemic recovery at best and likely a horrific foreign policy.

You are correct. The recovery from the Great Bush Recession of 2008 could have been much better

Obama is the first president saddled with a Congress that thought implementing austerity during the worst recession in 75 made sense

It makes sense to those seeking to make Obama a one term President
Ah yes - the grate Bush recession - a nonsensical and asinine term opens your partisan hack rant.

Nothing is Obama's responsibility, nothing at all unless of course it is positive. He will be known for overseeing a huge recovery and the republicans will be known for creating the slowest and worst recovery in modern history. The best part is that it is the SAME recovery that we are speaking of.


What happened? LMAOROG

Economic Downturn and Bush Policies Continue to Drive Large Projected Deficits
Economic Recovery Measures, Financial Rescues Have Only Temporary Impact

Economic Downturn and Bush Policies Continue to Drive Large Projected Deficits | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

The Bush Tax Cuts Just Did Not Deliver

yes... because of rightwing poilcies... and tax cuts for the rich and spending cuts that were irrational.

but you're too stupid to get that, aren't you bubbula?
We all got tax cuts and it worked. Show us who says that led to the economic collapse. And spending cuts were the cause? How does that work?

You just make this shit up as you go along, don't you...
Nope, I was there. Serving other businesses. Plus every economist I've heard says the same thing. You can't cherry pick your way out of it.

You mean when Dubya GUTTED revenues from BJ Bill's 20% of GDP, to less than 15% of GDP (Korean war levels)and blew up spending to 25%, even higher than Ronnie's 22.5%??

Didn't hurt AT ALL right? Never mind the ponzi scheme he cheered on as REGULATOR to the Banksters right?

Nah, Dubya's "economy" was NOTHING but people using their houses as ATM's for 7 years!
Also 9/11, Katrina, bank bust, housing crash. All that on Bush's term, might have and an effect on the economy too.
Corrupt Pub crony oversight of real estate market. Duh. Fanny +F's share went from 75% TO 25% FOR 3 YEARS.
You can't even speak English from your puss filled hate bubble. Are you trying to say "the Republicans" ran Freddie May and Fanny Mac? Ever heard of Barney Frank?

Private sector loans, not Fannie or Freddie, triggered crisis

The "turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007," the President's Working Group on Financial Markets

Most subprime lenders weren't subject to federal lending law

Community Reinvestment Act, blamed for home market crash, didn't apply to the banks that did the most lending.

Most subprime lenders weren't subject to federal lending law


Dubya was warned by the FBI of an "epidemic" of mortgage fraud in 2004. He gave them less resources. Later in 2004 Dubya allowed the leverage rules to go from 12-1 to 33-1 which flooded the market with cheap money!

The banks have known for 30 years the risks involved on the loan products they sold. This is why they lobbied so hard to allow them to sell the bad products to investors so they would not be holding the bad paper or the risks. The developed the products like stated income stated assets then bundled them to make it appear they were blended risks and then sold them to multiple investors.

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