The verdict is in - worst president ever.



left-wing losers are too stupid to be self-aware of the fact that every post that deflects away from the current president and blames his failures on the last guy sends the message that 1. obama is irrelevant AND 2. the left cant make a case defending obama's time in office without filtering everything through a filter of bush-obsessed crybaby rants

All Presidents are judged on what they were given when they entered office and what they left

You can't discuss the Obama Presidency without recognizing the historically horrific conditions that Bush left

Two wars, rampant terrorism, an economy headed for depression

1. your basic premise is a lie, and unprovable, but go ahead and try idiot. you meant YOUR PREMISE is what obama was "given" and what he MIGHT have when he left]

ur a loser; i hand you your ass daily here

try again

The shape of the country when Bush left office was well established. One of the reasons he is considered our worst modern Presidents

Obama will be considered a top ten President based on how he turned around the country and his lasting legacy
One of the worst recoveries in history and you think that reflects positively?

You do understand that the economy was going to recover? Or are you truly so far gone that you think Obama saved us from collapse?

Obama is going to be remembered for an anemic recovery at best and likely a horrific foreign policy.

You are correct. The recovery from the Great Bush Recession of 2008 could have been much better

Obama is the first president saddled with a Congress that thought implementing austerity during the worst recession in 75 made sense

It makes sense to those seeking to make Obama a one term President
left-wing losers are too stupid to be self-aware of the fact that every post that deflects away from the current president and blames his failures on the last guy sends the message that 1. obama is irrelevant AND 2. the left cant make a case defending obama's time in office without filtering everything through a filter of bush-obsessed crybaby rants

All Presidents are judged on what they were given when they entered office and what they left

You can't discuss the Obama Presidency without recognizing the historically horrific conditions that Bush left

Two wars, rampant terrorism, an economy headed for depression

1. your basic premise is a lie, and unprovable, but go ahead and try idiot. you meant YOUR PREMISE is what obama was "given" and what he MIGHT have when he left]

ur a loser; i hand you your ass daily here

try again

The shape of the country when Bush left office was well established. One of the reasons he is considered our worst modern Presidents

Obama will be considered a top ten President based on how he turned around the country and his lasting legacy
One of the worst recoveries in history and you think that reflects positively?

You do understand that the economy was going to recover? Or are you truly so far gone that you think Obama saved us from collapse?

Obama is going to be remembered for an anemic recovery at best and likely a horrific foreign policy.

You are correct. The recovery from the Great Bush Recession of 2008 could have been much better

Obama is the first president saddled with a Congress that thought implementing austerity during the worst recession in 75 made sense

It makes sense to those seeking to make Obama a one term President

Austerity? You can't be serious. When did the congress cut any spending whatsoever??? And more importantly when would a democrat controlled congress ever do such a thing? They gave us obamacare. One of the largest spending monstrosities in the history of our nation.

And that is cutting spending to you? What drugs are you on?
All Presidents are judged on what they were given when they entered office and what they left

You can't discuss the Obama Presidency without recognizing the historically horrific conditions that Bush left

Two wars, rampant terrorism, an economy headed for depression

1. your basic premise is a lie, and unprovable, but go ahead and try idiot. you meant YOUR PREMISE is what obama was "given" and what he MIGHT have when he left]

ur a loser; i hand you your ass daily here

try again

The shape of the country when Bush left office was well established. One of the reasons he is considered our worst modern Presidents

Obama will be considered a top ten President based on how he turned around the country and his lasting legacy
One of the worst recoveries in history and you think that reflects positively?

You do understand that the economy was going to recover? Or are you truly so far gone that you think Obama saved us from collapse?

Obama is going to be remembered for an anemic recovery at best and likely a horrific foreign policy.

You are correct. The recovery from the Great Bush Recession of 2008 could have been much better

Obama is the first president saddled with a Congress that thought implementing austerity during the worst recession in 75 made sense

It makes sense to those seeking to make Obama a one term President
All Presidents are judged on what they were given when they entered office and what they left

You can't discuss the Obama Presidency without recognizing the historically horrific conditions that Bush left

Two wars, rampant terrorism, an economy headed for depression

1. your basic premise is a lie, and unprovable, but go ahead and try idiot. you meant YOUR PREMISE is what obama was "given" and what he MIGHT have when he left]

ur a loser; i hand you your ass daily here

try again

The shape of the country when Bush left office was well established. One of the reasons he is considered our worst modern Presidents

Obama will be considered a top ten President based on how he turned around the country and his lasting legacy
One of the worst recoveries in history and you think that reflects positively?

You do understand that the economy was going to recover? Or are you truly so far gone that you think Obama saved us from collapse?

Obama is going to be remembered for an anemic recovery at best and likely a horrific foreign policy.

You are correct. The recovery from the Great Bush Recession of 2008 could have been much better

Obama is the first president saddled with a Congress that thought implementing austerity during the worst recession in 75 made sense

It makes sense to those seeking to make Obama a one term President

Austerity? You can't be serious. When did the congress cut any spending whatsoever??? And more importantly when would a democrat controlled congress ever do such a thing? They gave us obamacare. One of the largest spending monstrosities in the history of our nation.

And that is cutting spending to you? What drugs are you on?

Stealth U.S. Austerity

The Background

Republicans took control of the House in 2011, elected on a promise to cut the budget. Democrats wanted to keep spending to drive the economic recovery. Republican demands that an increase in the debt ceiling be tied to deep cuts brought the government to the brink of default. After a grand bargain of cuts and tax increases fell through, the parties were forced to resort to a backup plan — 10 years of automatic annual spending cuts, deliberately written to be unpopular with both parties as a way of prodding them on to a better agreement. Two years of brinksmanship followed, capped with a 16-day government shutdown in October 2013 over Republican demands to delay and defund Obamacare. Fed up with the endless showdown cycle, lawmakers just two months later passed a bipartisan agreement struck by the House and Senate Budget chairmen at the time, Paul Ryan and Patty Murray, that kept spending mostly flat for two years. That expires at the end of September. Lost amid Republican cries for more cuts, year-end tallies showed the cutters were winning. Ryan’s budget proposal for fiscal 2012 called for $3.53 trillion in spending, while Obama wanted $3.71 trillion. Actual outlays that year were $3.54 trillion. And in fiscal 2013, outlays dropped to $3.45 trillion.

Stealth U.S. Austerity - Bloomberg QuickTake


What if Obama spent like Reagan?

How does government spending and investment during Obama's first term compare to Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush's first terms? The answer is poorly. Whereas total government spending dropped in 10 out of the 16 quarters that comprised Obama's first term, it rose in 13 out of Reagan's first 16 quarters, and 13 out of Bush's first 16 quarters.


Or, to put it differently, over Obama's first term, falling government spending and investment snipped, on average, .11 percentage points of GDP off of (annualized) quarterly growth. During Reagan's first term, it added .68 percentage points, and during Bush's first term, it added .52 percentage points.


Charts: What if Obama spent like Reagan?

U.S. austerity was even worse than we thought, data suggest

U.S. austerity was even worse than we thought, data suggest


Well, when the American public was asked this same question in 2004, they decided to put Bush back in the White House.

2004 Election results:

George W. Bush - 62,039,572 votes - 50.73% of the vote

John Kerry - 59,027,115 votes - 48.26% of the vote

Not only does Bush win re-election, but he is the first President to win an election with at least 50% of the popular vote since 1988, 16 years earlier. Republican majorities in The House and Senate also increase, which is unusual for an incumbent President in a re-election year.

Well, when the American public was asked this same question in 2004, they decided to put Bush back in the White House.

2004 Election results:

George W. Bush - 62,039,572 votes - 50.73% of the vote

John Kerry - 59,027,115 votes - 48.26% of the vote

Not only does Bush win re-election, but he is the first President to win an election with at least 50% of the popular vote since 1988, 16 years earlier. Republican majorities in The House and Senate also increase, which is unusual for an incumbent President in a re-election year.




Well, when the American public was asked this same question in 2004, they decided to put Bush back in the White House.

2004 Election results:

George W. Bush - 62,039,572 votes - 50.73% of the vote

John Kerry - 59,027,115 votes - 48.26% of the vote

Not only does Bush win re-election, but he is the first President to win an election with at least 50% of the popular vote since 1988, 16 years earlier. Republican majorities in The House and Senate also increase, which is unusual for an incumbent President in a re-election year.




Which is a better measure of what people think, A Presidential election involving over 100 million people, or little polls involving about a thousand. Sorry, but the most convincing thing a President can ever do in terms winning approval is winning re-election. That will always trump any poll to the end of time!

Well, when the American public was asked this same question in 2004, they decided to put Bush back in the White House.

2004 Election results:

George W. Bush - 62,039,572 votes - 50.73% of the vote

John Kerry - 59,027,115 votes - 48.26% of the vote

Not only does Bush win re-election, but he is the first President to win an election with at least 50% of the popular vote since 1988, 16 years earlier. Republican majorities in The House and Senate also increase, which is unusual for an incumbent President in a re-election year.




Which is a better measure of what people think, A Presidential election involving over 100 million people, or little polls involving about a thousand. Sorry, but the most convincing thing a President can ever do in terms winning approval is winning re-election. That will always trump any poll to the end of time!
At best, that can only reflect his first 4 years. History reflects his second term. Record low JAR of 19% and the worst economy since the Great Depression.

Well, when the American public was asked this same question in 2004, they decided to put Bush back in the White House.

2004 Election results:

George W. Bush - 62,039,572 votes - 50.73% of the vote

John Kerry - 59,027,115 votes - 48.26% of the vote

Not only does Bush win re-election, but he is the first President to win an election with at least 50% of the popular vote since 1988, 16 years earlier. Republican majorities in The House and Senate also increase, which is unusual for an incumbent President in a re-election year.




Which is a better measure of what people think, A Presidential election involving over 100 million people, or little polls involving about a thousand. Sorry, but the most convincing thing a President can ever do in terms winning approval is winning re-election. That will always trump any poll to the end of time!

Bush won 286 electorals during 2004 compared to 330 for Obama. Obama must be a better president? Right??

Well, when the American public was asked this same question in 2004, they decided to put Bush back in the White House.

2004 Election results:

George W. Bush - 62,039,572 votes - 50.73% of the vote

John Kerry - 59,027,115 votes - 48.26% of the vote

Not only does Bush win re-election, but he is the first President to win an election with at least 50% of the popular vote since 1988, 16 years earlier. Republican majorities in The House and Senate also increase, which is unusual for an incumbent President in a re-election year.




Which is a better measure of what people think, A Presidential election involving over 100 million people, or little polls involving about a thousand. Sorry, but the most convincing thing a President can ever do in terms winning approval is winning re-election. That will always trump any poll to the end of time!

Bush won 286 electorals during 2004 compared to 330 for Obama. Obama must be a better president? Right??

If you have served four years and win re-election, that is a bigger endorsement than any opinion poll.

Well, when the American public was asked this same question in 2004, they decided to put Bush back in the White House.

2004 Election results:

George W. Bush - 62,039,572 votes - 50.73% of the vote

John Kerry - 59,027,115 votes - 48.26% of the vote

Not only does Bush win re-election, but he is the first President to win an election with at least 50% of the popular vote since 1988, 16 years earlier. Republican majorities in The House and Senate also increase, which is unusual for an incumbent President in a re-election year.




Which is a better measure of what people think, A Presidential election involving over 100 million people, or little polls involving about a thousand. Sorry, but the most convincing thing a President can ever do in terms winning approval is winning re-election. That will always trump any poll to the end of time!
At best, that can only reflect his first 4 years. History reflects his second term. Record low JAR of 19% and the worst economy since the Great Depression.

That it was the worst economy since the Great Depression is an opinion. The re-election of George W. Bush as President is A FACT!

Well, when the American public was asked this same question in 2004, they decided to put Bush back in the White House.

2004 Election results:

George W. Bush - 62,039,572 votes - 50.73% of the vote

John Kerry - 59,027,115 votes - 48.26% of the vote

Not only does Bush win re-election, but he is the first President to win an election with at least 50% of the popular vote since 1988, 16 years earlier. Republican majorities in The House and Senate also increase, which is unusual for an incumbent President in a re-election year.




Which is a better measure of what people think, A Presidential election involving over 100 million people, or little polls involving about a thousand. Sorry, but the most convincing thing a President can ever do in terms winning approval is winning re-election. That will always trump any poll to the end of time!

Bush won 286 electorals during 2004 compared to 330 for Obama. Obama must be a better president? Right??

If you have served four years and win re-election, that is a bigger endorsement than any opinion poll.

That is how much President Bush and Obama won in the electoral college. Obama got about 50 electorals more.

Well, when the American public was asked this same question in 2004, they decided to put Bush back in the White House.

2004 Election results:

George W. Bush - 62,039,572 votes - 50.73% of the vote

John Kerry - 59,027,115 votes - 48.26% of the vote

Not only does Bush win re-election, but he is the first President to win an election with at least 50% of the popular vote since 1988, 16 years earlier. Republican majorities in The House and Senate also increase, which is unusual for an incumbent President in a re-election year.




Which is a better measure of what people think, A Presidential election involving over 100 million people, or little polls involving about a thousand. Sorry, but the most convincing thing a President can ever do in terms winning approval is winning re-election. That will always trump any poll to the end of time!
At best, that can only reflect his first 4 years. History reflects his second term. Record low JAR of 19% and the worst economy since the Great Depression.

That it was the worst economy since the Great Depression is an opinion. The re-election of George W. Bush as President is A FACT!
No, it's actually not an opinion. Recessions are measured by factors such as GDP, unemployment, income and production. These are quantifiable measurements and none were impacted negatively more than the Great Recession since the Great Depression.

You would have known this had you known what you were talking about.

And again, Bush's re-election speaks only to his first 4 years. His record low 19% JAR and cratering the economy during his second term speaks to his legacy.
Well, when the American public was asked this same question in 2004, they decided to put Bush back in the White House.

2004 Election results:

George W. Bush - 62,039,572 votes - 50.73% of the vote

John Kerry - 59,027,115 votes - 48.26% of the vote

Not only does Bush win re-election, but he is the first President to win an election with at least 50% of the popular vote since 1988, 16 years earlier. Republican majorities in The House and Senate also increase, which is unusual for an incumbent President in a re-election year.




Which is a better measure of what people think, A Presidential election involving over 100 million people, or little polls involving about a thousand. Sorry, but the most convincing thing a President can ever do in terms winning approval is winning re-election. That will always trump any poll to the end of time!
At best, that can only reflect his first 4 years. History reflects his second term. Record low JAR of 19% and the worst economy since the Great Depression.

That it was the worst economy since the Great Depression is an opinion. The re-election of George W. Bush as President is A FACT!
No, it's actually not an opinion. Recessions are measured by factors such as GDP, unemployment, income and production. These are quantifiable measurements and none were impacted negatively more than the Great Recession since the Great Depression.

You would have known this had you known what you were talking about.

And again, Bush's re-election speaks only to his first 4 years. His record low 19% JAR and cratering the economy during his second term speaks to his legacy.

There are many quantifiable measurements which show that the recession in the early 1980s was worse than the one at the end of 2008. Not all economist are in agreement on what the worst recession since the Great Depression has been. That's another indication that its a matter of OPINION not FACT.

George Bush's re-election on the other hand IS A FACT.

Which is a better measure of what people think, A Presidential election involving over 100 million people, or little polls involving about a thousand. Sorry, but the most convincing thing a President can ever do in terms winning approval is winning re-election. That will always trump any poll to the end of time!
At best, that can only reflect his first 4 years. History reflects his second term. Record low JAR of 19% and the worst economy since the Great Depression.

That it was the worst economy since the Great Depression is an opinion. The re-election of George W. Bush as President is A FACT!
No, it's actually not an opinion. Recessions are measured by factors such as GDP, unemployment, income and production. These are quantifiable measurements and none were impacted negatively more than the Great Recession since the Great Depression.

You would have known this had you known what you were talking about.

And again, Bush's re-election speaks only to his first 4 years. His record low 19% JAR and cratering the economy during his second term speaks to his legacy.

There are many quantifiable measurements which show that the recession in the early 1980s was worse than the one at the end of 2008. Not all economist are in agreement on what the worst recession since the Great Depression has been. That's another indication that its a matter of OPINION not FACT.

George Bush's re-election on the other hand IS A FACT.
There is one .... inflation. GDP, the leading indicator of the economy, dropped 3 times more during the Great Recession.

And again, Bush's re-election bears zero indication of the quality of his second term -- during which period, he scored an all-time record low 19% JAR and left the worst economy for his predecessor than any other president since Herbert Hoover.
All Presidents are judged on what they were given when they entered office and what they left

You can't discuss the Obama Presidency without recognizing the historically horrific conditions that Bush left

Two wars, rampant terrorism, an economy headed for depression

1. your basic premise is a lie, and unprovable, but go ahead and try idiot. you meant YOUR PREMISE is what obama was "given" and what he MIGHT have when he left]

ur a loser; i hand you your ass daily here

try again

The shape of the country when Bush left office was well established. One of the reasons he is considered our worst modern Presidents

Obama will be considered a top ten President based on how he turned around the country and his lasting legacy
One of the worst recoveries in history and you think that reflects positively?

You do understand that the economy was going to recover? Or are you truly so far gone that you think Obama saved us from collapse?

Obama is going to be remembered for an anemic recovery at best and likely a horrific foreign policy.

You are correct. The recovery from the Great Bush Recession of 2008 could have been much better

Obama is the first president saddled with a Congress that thought implementing austerity during the worst recession in 75 made sense

It makes sense to those seeking to make Obama a one term President
All Presidents are judged on what they were given when they entered office and what they left

You can't discuss the Obama Presidency without recognizing the historically horrific conditions that Bush left

Two wars, rampant terrorism, an economy headed for depression

1. your basic premise is a lie, and unprovable, but go ahead and try idiot. you meant YOUR PREMISE is what obama was "given" and what he MIGHT have when he left]

ur a loser; i hand you your ass daily here

try again

The shape of the country when Bush left office was well established. One of the reasons he is considered our worst modern Presidents

Obama will be considered a top ten President based on how he turned around the country and his lasting legacy
One of the worst recoveries in history and you think that reflects positively?

You do understand that the economy was going to recover? Or are you truly so far gone that you think Obama saved us from collapse?

Obama is going to be remembered for an anemic recovery at best and likely a horrific foreign policy.

You are correct. The recovery from the Great Bush Recession of 2008 could have been much better

Obama is the first president saddled with a Congress that thought implementing austerity during the worst recession in 75 made sense

It makes sense to those seeking to make Obama a one term President

Austerity? You can't be serious. When did the congress cut any spending whatsoever??? And more importantly when would a democrat controlled congress ever do such a thing? They gave us obamacare. One of the largest spending monstrosities in the history of our nation.

And that is cutting spending to you? What drugs are you on?

They slashed government payrolls, stopped hiring, blocked stimulus

Which is a better measure of what people think, A Presidential election involving over 100 million people, or little polls involving about a thousand. Sorry, but the most convincing thing a President can ever do in terms winning approval is winning re-election. That will always trump any poll to the end of time!
At best, that can only reflect his first 4 years. History reflects his second term. Record low JAR of 19% and the worst economy since the Great Depression.

That it was the worst economy since the Great Depression is an opinion. The re-election of George W. Bush as President is A FACT!
No, it's actually not an opinion. Recessions are measured by factors such as GDP, unemployment, income and production. These are quantifiable measurements and none were impacted negatively more than the Great Recession since the Great Depression.

You would have known this had you known what you were talking about.

And again, Bush's re-election speaks only to his first 4 years. His record low 19% JAR and cratering the economy during his second term speaks to his legacy.

There are many quantifiable measurements which show that the recession in the early 1980s was worse than the one at the end of 2008. Not all economist are in agreement on what the worst recession since the Great Depression has been. That's another indication that its a matter of OPINION not FACT.

George Bush's re-election on the other hand IS A FACT.

The Great Recession

Economists generally agree this is the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, but they say despite pain, another depression isn't likely.

Why this recession is so bad

First things first: Even though it may seem obvious to most that this is the worst downturn since the Great Depression, the economy has experienced other serious recessions in the past, particularly in the mid-1970s and early 1980s.

But this recession dwarfs those two for several reasons.

In terms of length, the longest post-Depression economic decline was 16 months, which occurred in both the 1973-75 and 1981-82 recessions. This recession began in December 2007, which means that it will enter its 17th month next Wednesday.

The current recession is also more widespread than any other since the Depression.
The Federal Reserve's readings show that 86% of industries have cut back production since November, the most widespread reduction in the 42 years the Fed has tracked this figure.

What's more, every state reported an increase in unemployment this past December, the first time that has happened in the 32 years that records for unemployment in each state have been kept.

"This is important because there's nowhere you can move to find a job," said Gus Faucher, director of macroeconomics for Moody's

Finally, during the past nine months, the drop in household wealth has been larger since anything on record in the post-World War II period.

Why this is the worst recession, not a depression - Mar. 25, 2009



Well, when the American public was asked this same question in 2004, they decided to put Bush back in the White House.

2004 Election results:

George W. Bush - 62,039,572 votes - 50.73% of the vote

John Kerry - 59,027,115 votes - 48.26% of the vote

Not only does Bush win re-election, but he is the first President to win an election with at least 50% of the popular vote since 1988, 16 years earlier. Republican majorities in The House and Senate also increase, which is unusual for an incumbent President in a re-election year.
Because it was his damn war and his BS economy was still bubbling along...Congrats. People get duped by Pubs. Lying scum and cheaters. And their chumps.
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