The very first words of the El Paso shooter's manifesto


The Inconvenient Truth
About Me
In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion. Some people will think this statement is hypocritical because of the nearly complete ethnic and cultural destruction brought to the Native Americans by our European ancestors, but this justreinforces my point. The natives didn’t take the invasion of Europeans seriously, and now what’s left is just a shadow of what was.

These are his first words. Would anyone like to say that his is fake news?

These words could have been written by any number of USMB Trump supporters.
Sure, but only one guy pulled the trigger-probably was fruit loops. I think 22 million illegal aliens will set off MANY unstable men, and I predicted this in the eighties after the amnesty. You can throw Trump out, but it won't stop this. Obama's shootings were in a happy time right? Maybe we need Marion Williamson and her love train to change the dynamic.
I just posted the other day that these incidents
are only going to increase, long after Trump

You know, Trump haters conveniently blame his ‘rhetoric’
but, here’s what many of us see....

Americans sleeping on the streets
Americans without healthcare
Americans struggling to make ends meet

When our elected officials seem to care
more about people from another country
having what many Americans don’t
uh, that makes people angry

When whites are constantly being told
they are guilty of white privilege and
Nazis or racists if we take pride in being white...
uh, that sets people off

When children are separated in America
from their parents or extended family every day
because their parent ends up in jail
and they get caught up in foster care
until the process runs its course
and these children can be placed with family members

Yet, elected officials and bleeding hearts
are consumed with the consequences of foreigners
uh, that makes people angry

When our own elected officials
flaunt, ignore and disregard our laws
and disregard foreigners doing the same,
why wouldn’t anyone expect others to follow suit

When one side keeps harping about
the rhetoric and hatred coming from the other side,
they are conveniently dismissing their own rhetoric

That makes people angry
That makes people angry
You're right. It's not just Trump's rhetoric. It's also the narratives of RW media. You just outlined many of them. These are played over and over with dire warnings for each.
It's not surprising that the reaction of those susceptible folks who are hearing those narratives repeated enlessly in their bubble become angered.
Trump and talk radio are tied at the hip in several ways, from issues to specific rhetoric.

So it's not just him. It's not just them. It's not just those who ignore it and spin and enable.

It's all of the above.

The Inconvenient Truth
About Me
In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion. Some people will think this statement is hypocritical because of the nearly complete ethnic and cultural destruction brought to the Native Americans by our European ancestors, but this justreinforces my point. The natives didn’t take the invasion of Europeans seriously, and now what’s left is just a shadow of what was.

These are his first words. Would anyone like to say that his is fake news?

These words could have been written by any number of USMB Trump supporters.
Sure, but only one guy pulled the trigger-probably was fruit loops. I think 22 million illegal aliens will set off MANY unstable men, and I predicted this in the eighties after the amnesty. You can throw Trump out, but it won't stop this. Obama's shootings were in a happy time right? Maybe we need Marion Williamson and her love train to change the dynamic.
I just posted the other day that these incidents
are only going to increase, long after Trump

You know, Trump haters conveniently blame his ‘rhetoric’
but, here’s what many of us see....

Americans sleeping on the streets
Americans without healthcare
Americans struggling to make ends meet

When our elected officials seem to care
more about people from another country
having what many Americans don’t
uh, that makes people angry

When whites are constantly being told
they are guilty of white privilege and
Nazis or racists if we take pride in being white...
uh, that sets people off

When children are separated in America
from their parents or extended family every day
because their parent ends up in jail
and they get caught up in foster care
until the process runs its course
and these children can be placed with family members

Yet, elected officials and bleeding hearts
are consumed with the consequences of foreigners
uh, that makes people angry

When our own elected officials
flaunt, ignore and disregard our laws
and disregard foreigners doing the same,
why wouldn’t anyone expect others to follow suit

When one side keeps harping about
the rhetoric and hatred coming from the other side,
they are conveniently dismissing their own rhetoric

That makes people angry
That makes people angry
You're right. It's not just Trump's rhetoric. It's also the narratives of RW media. You just outlined many of them. These are played over and over with dire warnings for each.
It's not surprising that the reaction of those susceptible folks who are hearing those narratives repeated enlessly in their bubble become angered.
Both sides try to stir up their bases and create a nutburger pie. We finally saw a left and right shooting at the same time-not surprising.

The Inconvenient Truth
About Me
In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion. Some people will think this statement is hypocritical because of the nearly complete ethnic and cultural destruction brought to the Native Americans by our European ancestors, but this justreinforces my point. The natives didn’t take the invasion of Europeans seriously, and now what’s left is just a shadow of what was.

These are his first words. Would anyone like to say that his is fake news?

These words could have been written by any number of USMB Trump supporters.
Sure, but only one guy pulled the trigger-probably was fruit loops. I think 22 million illegal aliens will set off MANY unstable men, and I predicted this in the eighties after the amnesty. You can throw Trump out, but it won't stop this. Obama's shootings were in a happy time right? Maybe we need Marion Williamson and her love train to change the dynamic.
I just posted the other day that these incidents
are only going to increase, long after Trump

You know, Trump haters conveniently blame his ‘rhetoric’
but, here’s what many of us see....

Americans sleeping on the streets
Americans without healthcare
Americans struggling to make ends meet

When our elected officials seem to care
more about people from another country
having what many Americans don’t
uh, that makes people angry

When whites are constantly being told
they are guilty of white privilege and
Nazis or racists if we take pride in being white...
uh, that sets people off

When children are separated in America
from their parents or extended family every day
because their parent ends up in jail
and they get caught up in foster care
until the process runs its course
and these children can be placed with family members

Yet, elected officials and bleeding hearts
are consumed with the consequences of foreigners
uh, that makes people angry

When our own elected officials
flaunt, ignore and disregard our laws
and disregard foreigners doing the same,
why wouldn’t anyone expect others to follow suit

When one side keeps harping about
the rhetoric and hatred coming from the other side,
they are conveniently dismissing their own rhetoric

That makes people angry
That makes people angry
You're right. It's not just Trump's rhetoric. It's also the narratives of RW media. You just outlined many of them. These are played over and over with dire warnings for each.
It's not surprising that the reaction of those susceptible folks who are hearing those narratives repeated enlessly in their bubble become angered.
Trump and talk radio are tied at the hip in several ways, from issues to specific rhetoric.

So it's not just him. It's not just them. It's not just those who ignore it and spin and enable.

It's all of the above.
Lets not forget the left and Dayton-these parties are different sides of the same coin.

The Inconvenient Truth
About Me
In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion. Some people will think this statement is hypocritical because of the nearly complete ethnic and cultural destruction brought to the Native Americans by our European ancestors, but this justreinforces my point. The natives didn’t take the invasion of Europeans seriously, and now what’s left is just a shadow of what was.

These are his first words. Would anyone like to say that his is fake news?

These words could have been written by any number of USMB Trump supporters.
Sure, but only one guy pulled the trigger-probably was fruit loops. I think 22 million illegal aliens will set off MANY unstable men, and I predicted this in the eighties after the amnesty. You can throw Trump out, but it won't stop this. Obama's shootings were in a happy time right? Maybe we need Marion Williamson and her love train to change the dynamic.
I just posted the other day that these incidents
are only going to increase, long after Trump

You know, Trump haters conveniently blame his ‘rhetoric’
but, here’s what many of us see....

Americans sleeping on the streets
Americans without healthcare
Americans struggling to make ends meet

When our elected officials seem to care
more about people from another country
having what many Americans don’t
uh, that makes people angry

When whites are constantly being told
they are guilty of white privilege and
Nazis or racists if we take pride in being white...
uh, that sets people off

When children are separated in America
from their parents or extended family every day
because their parent ends up in jail
and they get caught up in foster care
until the process runs its course
and these children can be placed with family members

Yet, elected officials and bleeding hearts
are consumed with the consequences of foreigners
uh, that makes people angry

When our own elected officials
flaunt, ignore and disregard our laws
and disregard foreigners doing the same,
why wouldn’t anyone expect others to follow suit

When one side keeps harping about
the rhetoric and hatred coming from the other side,
they are conveniently dismissing their own rhetoric

That makes people angry
That makes people angry
You're right. It's not just Trump's rhetoric. It's also the narratives of RW media. You just outlined many of them. These are played over and over with dire warnings for each.
It's not surprising that the reaction of those susceptible folks who are hearing those narratives repeated enlessly in their bubble become angered.
Trump and talk radio are tied at the hip in several ways, from issues to specific rhetoric.

So it's not just him. It's not just them. It's not just those who ignore it and spin and enable.

It's all of the above.
Lets not forget the left and Dayton-these parties are different sides of the same coin.
Something I point out regularly. Each needs to clean its own house.

The Inconvenient Truth
About Me
In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion. Some people will think this statement is hypocritical because of the nearly complete ethnic and cultural destruction brought to the Native Americans by our European ancestors, but this justreinforces my point. The natives didn’t take the invasion of Europeans seriously, and now what’s left is just a shadow of what was.

These are his first words. Would anyone like to say that his is fake news?

These words could have been written by any number of USMB Trump supporters.

Texas was a Mexican territory that was invaded by whites and taken by force

Yup, after the Mexicans took it from the native Americans who lived there before. That's the problem with your infantile line of thought, there was ALWAYS somebody there first.

Those native Americans became Mexicans

Or like you Conservatives like to call them....Dirty brown people

They did? When? Last time I read my history books the Mexicans were even more prejudicial against the native American populations than the white Americans were. Methinks you need to read some more history not written by zinn and co.

Mexicans are largely native American people themselves. Some were mixed with the Spanish.

The Inconvenient Truth
About Me
In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion. Some people will think this statement is hypocritical because of the nearly complete ethnic and cultural destruction brought to the Native Americans by our European ancestors, but this justreinforces my point. The natives didn’t take the invasion of Europeans seriously, and now what’s left is just a shadow of what was.

These are his first words. Would anyone like to say that his is fake news?

These words could have been written by any number of USMB Trump supporters.
Sure, but only one guy pulled the trigger-probably was fruit loops. I think 22 million illegal aliens will set off MANY unstable men, and I predicted this in the eighties after the amnesty. You can throw Trump out, but it won't stop this. Obama's shootings were in a happy time right? Maybe we need Marion Williamson and her love train to change the dynamic.
I just posted the other day that these incidents
are only going to increase, long after Trump

You know, Trump haters conveniently blame his ‘rhetoric’
but, here’s what many of us see....

Americans sleeping on the streets
Americans without healthcare
Americans struggling to make ends meet

When our elected officials seem to care
more about people from another country
having what many Americans don’t
uh, that makes people angry

When whites are constantly being told
they are guilty of white privilege and
Nazis or racists if we take pride in being white...
uh, that sets people off

When children are separated in America
from their parents or extended family every day
because their parent ends up in jail
and they get caught up in foster care
until the process runs its course
and these children can be placed with family members

Yet, elected officials and bleeding hearts
are consumed with the consequences of foreigners
uh, that makes people angry

When our own elected officials
flaunt, ignore and disregard our laws
and disregard foreigners doing the same,
why wouldn’t anyone expect others to follow suit

When one side keeps harping about
the rhetoric and hatred coming from the other side,
they are conveniently dismissing their own rhetoric

That makes people angry
That makes people angry
You're right. It's not just Trump's rhetoric. It's also the narratives of RW media. You just outlined many of them. These are played over and over with dire warnings for each.
It's not surprising that the reaction of those susceptible folks who are hearing those narratives repeated enlessly in their bubble become angered.
Both sides try to stir up their bases and create a nutburger pie. We finally saw a left and right shooting at the same time-not surprising.
No. There is no equivalent.
You cannot point to a single instance of a Dem or their crowd laughing and cheering over the idea of shooting people.

The Inconvenient Truth
About Me
In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion. Some people will think this statement is hypocritical because of the nearly complete ethnic and cultural destruction brought to the Native Americans by our European ancestors, but this justreinforces my point. The natives didn’t take the invasion of Europeans seriously, and now what’s left is just a shadow of what was.

These are his first words. Would anyone like to say that his is fake news?

These words could have been written by any number of USMB Trump supporters.
Sure, but only one guy pulled the trigger-probably was fruit loops. I think 22 million illegal aliens will set off MANY unstable men, and I predicted this in the eighties after the amnesty. You can throw Trump out, but it won't stop this. Obama's shootings were in a happy time right? Maybe we need Marion Williamson and her love train to change the dynamic.
I just posted the other day that these incidents
are only going to increase, long after Trump

You know, Trump haters conveniently blame his ‘rhetoric’
but, here’s what many of us see....

Americans sleeping on the streets
Americans without healthcare
Americans struggling to make ends meet

When our elected officials seem to care
more about people from another country
having what many Americans don’t
uh, that makes people angry

When whites are constantly being told
they are guilty of white privilege and
Nazis or racists if we take pride in being white...
uh, that sets people off

When children are separated in America
from their parents or extended family every day
because their parent ends up in jail
and they get caught up in foster care
until the process runs its course
and these children can be placed with family members

Yet, elected officials and bleeding hearts
are consumed with the consequences of foreigners
uh, that makes people angry

When our own elected officials
flaunt, ignore and disregard our laws
and disregard foreigners doing the same,
why wouldn’t anyone expect others to follow suit

When one side keeps harping about
the rhetoric and hatred coming from the other side,
they are conveniently dismissing their own rhetoric

That makes people angry
That makes people angry
You're right. It's not just Trump's rhetoric. It's also the narratives of RW media. You just outlined many of them. These are played over and over with dire warnings for each.
It's not surprising that the reaction of those susceptible folks who are hearing those narratives repeated enlessly in their bubble become angered.
Both sides try to stir up their bases and create a nutburger pie. We finally saw a left and right shooting at the same time-not surprising.
No. There is no equivalent.
You cannot point to a single instance of a Dem or their crowd laughing and cheering over the idea of shooting people.
Where did you see that?And how about outside Mitch's house-stab him in the heart-ha, ha, ha.
Sure, but only one guy pulled the trigger-probably was fruit loops. I think 22 million illegal aliens will set off MANY unstable men, and I predicted this in the eighties after the amnesty. You can throw Trump out, but it won't stop this. Obama's shootings were in a happy time right? Maybe we need Marion Williamson and her love train to change the dynamic.
I just posted the other day that these incidents
are only going to increase, long after Trump

You know, Trump haters conveniently blame his ‘rhetoric’
but, here’s what many of us see....

Americans sleeping on the streets
Americans without healthcare
Americans struggling to make ends meet

When our elected officials seem to care
more about people from another country
having what many Americans don’t
uh, that makes people angry

When whites are constantly being told
they are guilty of white privilege and
Nazis or racists if we take pride in being white...
uh, that sets people off

When children are separated in America
from their parents or extended family every day
because their parent ends up in jail
and they get caught up in foster care
until the process runs its course
and these children can be placed with family members

Yet, elected officials and bleeding hearts
are consumed with the consequences of foreigners
uh, that makes people angry

When our own elected officials
flaunt, ignore and disregard our laws
and disregard foreigners doing the same,
why wouldn’t anyone expect others to follow suit

When one side keeps harping about
the rhetoric and hatred coming from the other side,
they are conveniently dismissing their own rhetoric

That makes people angry
That makes people angry
You're right. It's not just Trump's rhetoric. It's also the narratives of RW media. You just outlined many of them. These are played over and over with dire warnings for each.
It's not surprising that the reaction of those susceptible folks who are hearing those narratives repeated enlessly in their bubble become angered.
Both sides try to stir up their bases and create a nutburger pie. We finally saw a left and right shooting at the same time-not surprising.
No. There is no equivalent.
You cannot point to a single instance of a Dem or their crowd laughing and cheering over the idea of shooting people.
Where did you see that?And how about outside Mitch's house-stab him in the heart-ha, ha, ha.

Where did I see that? From our president.
I posted the video.

The Inconvenient Truth
About Me
In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion. Some people will think this statement is hypocritical because of the nearly complete ethnic and cultural destruction brought to the Native Americans by our European ancestors, but this justreinforces my point. The natives didn’t take the invasion of Europeans seriously, and now what’s left is just a shadow of what was.

These are his first words. Would anyone like to say that his is fake news?

These words could have been written by any number of USMB Trump supporters.
Sure, but only one guy pulled the trigger-probably was fruit loops. I think 22 million illegal aliens will set off MANY unstable men, and I predicted this in the eighties after the amnesty. You can throw Trump out, but it won't stop this. Obama's shootings were in a happy time right? Maybe we need Marion Williamson and her love train to change the dynamic.
I just posted the other day that these incidents
are only going to increase, long after Trump

You know, Trump haters conveniently blame his ‘rhetoric’
but, here’s what many of us see....

Americans sleeping on the streets
Americans without healthcare
Americans struggling to make ends meet

When our elected officials seem to care
more about people from another country
having what many Americans don’t
uh, that makes people angry

When whites are constantly being told
they are guilty of white privilege and
Nazis or racists if we take pride in being white...
uh, that sets people off

When children are separated in America
from their parents or extended family every day
because their parent ends up in jail
and they get caught up in foster care
until the process runs its course
and these children can be placed with family members

Yet, elected officials and bleeding hearts
are consumed with the consequences of foreigners
uh, that makes people angry

When our own elected officials
flaunt, ignore and disregard our laws
and disregard foreigners doing the same,
why wouldn’t anyone expect others to follow suit

When one side keeps harping about
the rhetoric and hatred coming from the other side,
they are conveniently dismissing their own rhetoric

That makes people angry
That makes people angry
You're right. It's not just Trump's rhetoric. It's also the narratives of RW media. You just outlined many of them. These are played over and over with dire warnings for each.
It's not surprising that the reaction of those susceptible folks who are hearing those narratives repeated enlessly in their bubble become angered.
Both sides try to stir up their bases and create a nutburger pie. We finally saw a left and right shooting at the same time-not surprising.
No. There is no equivalent.
You cannot point to a single instance of a Dem or their crowd laughing and cheering over the idea of shooting people.

Nobody is “laughing and cheering”
People are simply saying...”We told you so”....”We warned you”
The filthy ass Democrats running for President got up on a stage and all declared that they want to take the money that you earn and use it to give the goddamn Illegals free health care.

Then they wonder why somebody got really pissed.
Sure, but only one guy pulled the trigger-probably was fruit loops. I think 22 million illegal aliens will set off MANY unstable men, and I predicted this in the eighties after the amnesty. You can throw Trump out, but it won't stop this. Obama's shootings were in a happy time right? Maybe we need Marion Williamson and her love train to change the dynamic.
I just posted the other day that these incidents
are only going to increase, long after Trump

You know, Trump haters conveniently blame his ‘rhetoric’
but, here’s what many of us see....

Americans sleeping on the streets
Americans without healthcare
Americans struggling to make ends meet

When our elected officials seem to care
more about people from another country
having what many Americans don’t
uh, that makes people angry

When whites are constantly being told
they are guilty of white privilege and
Nazis or racists if we take pride in being white...
uh, that sets people off

When children are separated in America
from their parents or extended family every day
because their parent ends up in jail
and they get caught up in foster care
until the process runs its course
and these children can be placed with family members

Yet, elected officials and bleeding hearts
are consumed with the consequences of foreigners
uh, that makes people angry

When our own elected officials
flaunt, ignore and disregard our laws
and disregard foreigners doing the same,
why wouldn’t anyone expect others to follow suit

When one side keeps harping about
the rhetoric and hatred coming from the other side,
they are conveniently dismissing their own rhetoric

That makes people angry
That makes people angry
You're right. It's not just Trump's rhetoric. It's also the narratives of RW media. You just outlined many of them. These are played over and over with dire warnings for each.
It's not surprising that the reaction of those susceptible folks who are hearing those narratives repeated enlessly in their bubble become angered.
Both sides try to stir up their bases and create a nutburger pie. We finally saw a left and right shooting at the same time-not surprising.
No. There is no equivalent.
You cannot point to a single instance of a Dem or their crowd laughing and cheering over the idea of shooting people.

Nobody is “laughing and cheering”
People are simply saying...”We told you so”....”We warned you”

No, you didn't warn, you provoked. You fanned the flames of fear and hatred, and sparked this fire.
I just posted the other day that these incidents
are only going to increase, long after Trump

You know, Trump haters conveniently blame his ‘rhetoric’
but, here’s what many of us see....

Americans sleeping on the streets
Americans without healthcare
Americans struggling to make ends meet

When our elected officials seem to care
more about people from another country
having what many Americans don’t
uh, that makes people angry

When whites are constantly being told
they are guilty of white privilege and
Nazis or racists if we take pride in being white...
uh, that sets people off

When children are separated in America
from their parents or extended family every day
because their parent ends up in jail
and they get caught up in foster care
until the process runs its course
and these children can be placed with family members

Yet, elected officials and bleeding hearts
are consumed with the consequences of foreigners
uh, that makes people angry

When our own elected officials
flaunt, ignore and disregard our laws
and disregard foreigners doing the same,
why wouldn’t anyone expect others to follow suit

When one side keeps harping about
the rhetoric and hatred coming from the other side,
they are conveniently dismissing their own rhetoric

That makes people angry
That makes people angry
You're right. It's not just Trump's rhetoric. It's also the narratives of RW media. You just outlined many of them. These are played over and over with dire warnings for each.
It's not surprising that the reaction of those susceptible folks who are hearing those narratives repeated enlessly in their bubble become angered.
Both sides try to stir up their bases and create a nutburger pie. We finally saw a left and right shooting at the same time-not surprising.
No. There is no equivalent.
You cannot point to a single instance of a Dem or their crowd laughing and cheering over the idea of shooting people.

Nobody is “laughing and cheering”
People are simply saying...”We told you so”....”We warned you”

No, you didn't warn, you provoked. You fanned the flames of fear and hatred, and sparked this fire.

Haha...Weird how the causation principle completely escapes you people.
No sanctuary, No incentive, No wetbacks = FEWER DEAD
Pull your heads from your asses, stop begging wetbacks to fuck Americans over and send about 30 million human cockroaches home...problem solved...TA-DA!

  1. the action of causing something.
    "investigating the role of nitrate in the causation of cancer"
    • the relationship between cause and effect; causality.
      plural noun: causations
You're right. It's not just Trump's rhetoric. It's also the narratives of RW media. You just outlined many of them. These are played over and over with dire warnings for each.
It's not surprising that the reaction of those susceptible folks who are hearing those narratives repeated enlessly in their bubble become angered.
Both sides try to stir up their bases and create a nutburger pie. We finally saw a left and right shooting at the same time-not surprising.
No. There is no equivalent.
You cannot point to a single instance of a Dem or their crowd laughing and cheering over the idea of shooting people.

Nobody is “laughing and cheering”
People are simply saying...”We told you so”....”We warned you”

No, you didn't warn, you provoked. You fanned the flames of fear and hatred, and sparked this fire.

Haha...Weird how the causation principle completely escapes you people.
No sanctuary, No incentive, No wetbacks = FEWER DEAD
Pull your heads from your asses, stop begging wetbacks to fuck Americans over and send about 30 million human cockroaches home...problem solved...TA-DA!

  1. the action of causing something.
    "investigating the role of nitrate in the causation of cancer"
    • the relationship between cause and effect; causality.
      plural noun: causations

Fuck you. You are a despicable miscreant.
Sure, but only one guy pulled the trigger-probably was fruit loops. I think 22 million illegal aliens will set off MANY unstable men, and I predicted this in the eighties after the amnesty. You can throw Trump out, but it won't stop this. Obama's shootings were in a happy time right? Maybe we need Marion Williamson and her love train to change the dynamic.
I just posted the other day that these incidents
are only going to increase, long after Trump

You know, Trump haters conveniently blame his ‘rhetoric’
but, here’s what many of us see....

Americans sleeping on the streets
Americans without healthcare
Americans struggling to make ends meet

When our elected officials seem to care
more about people from another country
having what many Americans don’t
uh, that makes people angry

When whites are constantly being told
they are guilty of white privilege and
Nazis or racists if we take pride in being white...
uh, that sets people off

When children are separated in America
from their parents or extended family every day
because their parent ends up in jail
and they get caught up in foster care
until the process runs its course
and these children can be placed with family members

Yet, elected officials and bleeding hearts
are consumed with the consequences of foreigners
uh, that makes people angry

When our own elected officials
flaunt, ignore and disregard our laws
and disregard foreigners doing the same,
why wouldn’t anyone expect others to follow suit

When one side keeps harping about
the rhetoric and hatred coming from the other side,
they are conveniently dismissing their own rhetoric

That makes people angry
That makes people angry
You're right. It's not just Trump's rhetoric. It's also the narratives of RW media. You just outlined many of them. These are played over and over with dire warnings for each.
It's not surprising that the reaction of those susceptible folks who are hearing those narratives repeated enlessly in their bubble become angered.
Both sides try to stir up their bases and create a nutburger pie. We finally saw a left and right shooting at the same time-not surprising.
No. There is no equivalent.
You cannot point to a single instance of a Dem or their crowd laughing and cheering over the idea of shooting people.

Nobody is “laughing and cheering”
People are simply saying...”We told you so”....”We warned you”
Nobody is “laughing and cheering”
People are simply saying...”We told you so”....”We warned you”

From May, dope.

Both sides try to stir up their bases and create a nutburger pie. We finally saw a left and right shooting at the same time-not surprising.
No. There is no equivalent.
You cannot point to a single instance of a Dem or their crowd laughing and cheering over the idea of shooting people.

Nobody is “laughing and cheering”
People are simply saying...”We told you so”....”We warned you”

No, you didn't warn, you provoked. You fanned the flames of fear and hatred, and sparked this fire.

Haha...Weird how the causation principle completely escapes you people.
No sanctuary, No incentive, No wetbacks = FEWER DEAD
Pull your heads from your asses, stop begging wetbacks to fuck Americans over and send about 30 million human cockroaches home...problem solved...TA-DA!

  1. the action of causing something.
    "investigating the role of nitrate in the causation of cancer"
    • the relationship between cause and effect; causality.
      plural noun: causations

Fuck you. You are a despicable miscreant.

Haha...Don’t let the truth hurt your feelings bud.
I don’t make this shit is exactly what it is.
I just posted the other day that these incidents
are only going to increase, long after Trump

You know, Trump haters conveniently blame his ‘rhetoric’
but, here’s what many of us see....

Americans sleeping on the streets
Americans without healthcare
Americans struggling to make ends meet

When our elected officials seem to care
more about people from another country
having what many Americans don’t
uh, that makes people angry

When whites are constantly being told
they are guilty of white privilege and
Nazis or racists if we take pride in being white...
uh, that sets people off

When children are separated in America
from their parents or extended family every day
because their parent ends up in jail
and they get caught up in foster care
until the process runs its course
and these children can be placed with family members

Yet, elected officials and bleeding hearts
are consumed with the consequences of foreigners
uh, that makes people angry

When our own elected officials
flaunt, ignore and disregard our laws
and disregard foreigners doing the same,
why wouldn’t anyone expect others to follow suit

When one side keeps harping about
the rhetoric and hatred coming from the other side,
they are conveniently dismissing their own rhetoric

That makes people angry
That makes people angry
You're right. It's not just Trump's rhetoric. It's also the narratives of RW media. You just outlined many of them. These are played over and over with dire warnings for each.
It's not surprising that the reaction of those susceptible folks who are hearing those narratives repeated enlessly in their bubble become angered.
Both sides try to stir up their bases and create a nutburger pie. We finally saw a left and right shooting at the same time-not surprising.
No. There is no equivalent.
You cannot point to a single instance of a Dem or their crowd laughing and cheering over the idea of shooting people.

Nobody is “laughing and cheering”
People are simply saying...”We told you so”....”We warned you”
Nobody is “laughing and cheering”
People are simply saying...”We told you so”....”We warned you”

From May, dope.

May comes before August...the shootings happened in knew that...right?
In May an audience was laughing at a guy who shouted “shoot them”. See how easy that was?
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You're right. It's not just Trump's rhetoric. It's also the narratives of RW media. You just outlined many of them. These are played over and over with dire warnings for each.
It's not surprising that the reaction of those susceptible folks who are hearing those narratives repeated enlessly in their bubble become angered.
Both sides try to stir up their bases and create a nutburger pie. We finally saw a left and right shooting at the same time-not surprising.
No. There is no equivalent.
You cannot point to a single instance of a Dem or their crowd laughing and cheering over the idea of shooting people.

Nobody is “laughing and cheering”
People are simply saying...”We told you so”....”We warned you”
Nobody is “laughing and cheering”
People are simply saying...”We told you so”....”We warned you”

From May, dope.

May comes before August...the shootings happened in knew that...right?

May comes before August...the shootings happened in knew that...right?
Of course I know that. That was the point.

That's why this is rerarded......

Nobody is “laughing and cheering”
People are simply saying...”We told you so”....”We warned you”

Both sides try to stir up their bases and create a nutburger pie. We finally saw a left and right shooting at the same time-not surprising.
No. There is no equivalent.
You cannot point to a single instance of a Dem or their crowd laughing and cheering over the idea of shooting people.

Nobody is “laughing and cheering”
People are simply saying...”We told you so”....”We warned you”
Nobody is “laughing and cheering”
People are simply saying...”We told you so”....”We warned you”

From May, dope.

May comes before August...the shootings happened in knew that...right?

May comes before August...the shootings happened in knew that...right?
Of course I know that. That was the point.

That's why this is rerarded......

Nobody is “laughing and cheering”
People are simply saying...”We told you so”....”We warned you”

Dope’re still confused bud...Let me spell it out for you.
In May, a crowd laughed at a guy who shouted “shoot them”.
In August nobody is laughing about people being murdered.
Thanks for puting the workings of the twisted LefTarded mind on full display though...Much appreciated!
No. There is no equivalent.
You cannot point to a single instance of a Dem or their crowd laughing and cheering over the idea of shooting people.

Nobody is “laughing and cheering”
People are simply saying...”We told you so”....”We warned you”
Nobody is “laughing and cheering”
People are simply saying...”We told you so”....”We warned you”

From May, dope.

May comes before August...the shootings happened in knew that...right?

May comes before August...the shootings happened in knew that...right?
Of course I know that. That was the point.

That's why this is rerarded......

Nobody is “laughing and cheering”
People are simply saying...”We told you so”....”We warned you”

Dope’re still confused bud...Let me spell it out for you.
In May, a crowd laughed at a guy who shouted “shoot them”.
In August nobody is laughing about people being murdered.
Thanks for puting the workings of the twisted LefTarded mind on full display though...Much appreciated!

You're confused, dope. Per usual.

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